Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

289. Chapter 286 Sober Yu Xian

Huo Fengfang City.

A quaint courtyard.

After a day of visiting and making friends, Yu Xian sat under a pine tree, soaking in a pot of hot tea, looking relaxed and content.

The Perfected Being, Wan Shou, sat beside him, his eyes flickering with complexity, hesitating to speak.

Finally, he couldn't help but ask, "What kind of cultivation technique have you practiced that is so terrifying? In such a short time, you have distorted a person's thoughts and effortlessly made them serve you. If you continue to use this ability among the people of the world, sooner or later, all living beings will be puppets in your hands."

Trapped by emotions, Wan Shou had been depressed for a while, but gradually regained his vitality.

Witnessing Yu Xian's actions in the alchemy sect, he couldn't help but feel shocked, as if witnessing the birth of a Great Demon.

Thinking of his previous declaration, he hesitated, unsure whether he should intervene.

Hearing this, Yu Xian rolled his eyes and asked impatiently, "If I'm so formidable and terrifying, then aren't you underestimating the people of the world too much?"

"Let me ask you, in the past six months, how many alchemists have I visited and how many friends have I made? Just over a hundred. And do you really think that just because they are close to me, they would be willing to listen to everything I say and die for me?"

Wan Shou was taken aback, "Isn't that the case?"

Yu Xian shook his head and sneered, "You should know that a person's thoughts are the most chaotic and unpredictable thing in the world. Even I dare not claim to completely control someone's thoughts. I only make them see me as their closest friend and create a virtual yet real emotional outlet for them. If I were to face someone who is heartless and unfeeling, or a truly enlightened person with an unblemished Dao heart, my techniques would have no effect on them. In simple terms, I am only bullying those whose Dao hearts are weak. You see me as invincible because ninety-nine percent of people in this world have flawed Dao hearts and are still attached to worldly desires. Even if these people consider me their closest person, most of them would be unwilling to die for me."

You should know that the members of the Datong Society are the ones most influenced by my jurisdiction, and I also have to pay them salaries.

Once I mercilessly exploit them and use them as free tools, they will also develop resentment, and their resentment will gradually dilute the influence of the Great Love Jurisdiction on them.

Of course, I can completely turn a person into my puppet, but such a puppet is just a living body with a bunch of copied memories.

The uniqueness of human thought and creativity will be erased, and it can be said that they become walking corpses.

And to achieve this level, I can only deal with cultivators who are much weaker than me.

To deal with Nascent Soul cultivators, even those in the early stage of Nascent Soul, it takes years of long-term influence.

I'm just bored and doing this kind of thing.

Even if I really want to do this, even if I use all my time to control others, how many people can I control in a thousand years, a million, tens of millions?

For the whole world, it's just a drop in the ocean.

Every time a beast tide strikes, the Xuan Yang Realm suffers more than just millions of deaths and injuries.

And the Xuan Yang Realm is only a small part of the Jiuyang Domain, which is an even smaller part of the whole world."

The worries in the heart of the Perfected Being of Ten Thousand Beasts gradually dissipated as Yu Xian explained, and he didn't doubt that Yu Xian would deceive him.

They were originally one entity.

Even if Yu Xian really became an unforgivable demon, the only thing he could do was to destroy his own vitality and not assist in tyranny.

And he had been with Yu Xian for so many years, knowing that Yu Xian generally didn't bother to lie.

Except when facing those women.

Because Yu Xian had said that some women can only be satisfied with lies, telling the truth would hurt them, so it's better to let them live in a beautiful fantasy, which is a good deed.

"I see, it doesn't seem as powerful as I imagined."

The Perfected Being of Ten Thousand Beasts breathed a sigh of relief.

Yu Xian sighed and said, "After all, this is a power that belongs to oneself, an individual strength that surpasses all living beings.

These little tricks of mine are actually not that impressive.

I have never regarded them as my reliance or trump card.

Everything I am doing now is just to climb higher mountains and see higher scenery.

If I am deceived by the scenery in front of me, indulging in some personal tricks, thinking that controlling a few weaker cultivators than me makes me invincible, and enjoying it endlessly.

Then even if I have a great opportunity, I will eventually be eliminated by this era."

Yu Xian's eyes were serious and his expression was earnest, recalling the earth-shattering battle between True Monarch Chunyang and Lei Long.

"Not to mention others, even if I use all my scheming and spend several years or even more than a decade to control every aspect of the Pill Dao Sect, can I withstand True Monarch Chunyang's sword that points to the sky?

With one sword, all my years of hard work will be in vain.

To establish oneself as the pinnacle of the world with one's own strength is the ultimate pursuit of cultivators like us."

The Perfected Being of Ten Thousand Beasts looked at Yu Xian with clear eyes and felt a sense of self-reproach, as if he was inferior and willingly surrendered.

He thought he was single-minded in his cultivation, undisturbed by the mundane world, able to see ninety-nine percent of things in the world clearly.

However, in the end, he failed to see through a woman and was hurt by it.

On the other hand, Yu Xian, who had always been rolling in the world of mortals, actually knew better than anyone else what he needed.

He seemed carefree and playful, but he never compromised on important matters.

He suddenly had a premonition.

Yu Xian will definitely succeed and become one of the most peak individuals in this world. He will definitely see the scenery he wants to see.

And he himself will become the most faithful chronicler of this journey to climb the peak.

"In this way, I have become a dog that has achieved enlightenment and ascended to heaven."

The Perfected Being of Ten Thousand Beasts suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

Yu Xian held a cup of hot tea, the steam rising in front of him, and seemed to think of something, suddenly laughing.

"Yang Fellow Daoist, I suddenly thought of some demonic women who practice unparalleled charm techniques, seducing the world and making countless men and women fall under their skirts, causing people to die for them.

What I have done is somewhat similar to what they have done.

But some people think they are demonic women, so everything they do is taken for granted.

But because I am a man and have done the same things as those women, they think I am a calamity to the world, a Great Demon.

Do you think they discriminate against men or women?"

The Perfected Being of Ten Thousand Beasts was speechless.

Because he belonged to those people.

"Let's not talk about it, I have to visit some friends tomorrow."

Yu Xian put down the teacup, stood up and stretched lazily.

"These alchemists have irregular schedules. If they could line up to have a heart-to-heart talk with me, I wouldn't have to spend so much time and effort."

"Fortunately, I have already dealt with the most difficult Qin alchemist. The rest should be much simpler. I believe that within a year or two, I will be able to eliminate all the Rank Three alchemists of the Pill Dao Sect and most of the Rank Two alchemists."

"It's just that True Monarch Huo Dan is still helpless."

Thinking of this difficult bone, Yu Xian also had no good solution for a while.

He couldn't invite him to his Great Love Domain for more than ten years.

Back then, Yue Jiu was also forced by Gui Ji to the point where he had no choice, and coupled with Gui Ji's secret sabotage, Yue Jiu's Dao heart was clouded, which allowed him to take advantage of the situation.

But even Yue Jiu, at the beginning, only practiced on the edge of the domain and still kept most of his attention. Once he sensed something was wrong, he could withdraw in time.

Over the years, the fame of the Great Love City has spread far and wide, and there have been several Nascent Soul cultivators who secretly visited.

But unless necessary, Nascent Soul cultivators are unwilling and will not practice in someone else's domain.

After all, cultivation is a very personal matter.

Once one's mind sinks too deeply and loses vigilance, and is in someone else's domain, they can be attacked by others, and they may even lose their lives during the cultivation process.

Unless they have a deep friendship, they won't entrust their backs to others.

On the contrary, cultivators below Nascent Soul don't care much about these things.

After all, what level they are at, is it worth it for a Nascent Soul True Monarch to ambush them? It's better to take advantage of the situation and enjoy some benefits.

The Perfected Being of Ten Thousand Beasts looked at the tea left by Yu Xian, his eyes fixed.

For a long time.

He picked up the teapot and poured himself a cup of cold tea, taking a sip.

"Unknowingly, I have been left far behind by him, and there is nothing more I can teach him."


Qin Dan's Cave Mansion.

Qin Miao opened up to Yu Xian, speaking sincerely and sharing the hardships of many years. The emotions became intense, and even a few tears fell, which made Yu Xian stunned.

This Qin Dan's flaws are quite numerous.

He hasn't even made a move yet, but this person has already been completely defeated.

It's understandable, considering he has already heard Qin Dan's journey of the heart, he can fully understand the bitterness of an undercover agent.

Working and working, and eventually becoming the boss.

Who can understand?

If he were just a small fry, it would be fine. If he ran away at any time, not many people would care. But if he accidentally became the boss, no one can run away except him.

Exposure of identity is a dead end.

But he still has to continue on with a stiff upper lip.

Qin Dan let out a sigh and said with emotion:

"I only blame my youthful ignorance. For the sake of a small gain, I fell into a deep pit. Now it's a road of no return.

These years of hard work, many times waking up from dreams, feeling the flames burning, thinking that True Monarch is coming to kill, it's frightening and infuriating.

Now, after confiding in Brother Zhou, my mood has improved a lot."

Yu Xian nodded and said, "All gifts have already been priced by fate. Qin Xiong, you have worked hard all these years.

But if Qin Xiong trusts me so much, aren't you afraid that I will leak the news?"

Qin Miao said, "It's strange to say, this matter has always been buried in my heart. Even the few old people who learned alchemy with me in the Alchemist Society, apart from them, no one knows my identity.

But as soon as I saw Brother Zhou, I felt that Brother Zhou is a trustworthy person and would never betray me.

If Brother Zhou really betrays me, then it's my misjudgment. After death, I will become a vengeful ghost and come to seek revenge from Brother Zhou."

Yu Xian laughed out loud and said, "Since Qin Xiong trusts me so much, I naturally won't let Qin Xiong down. Today, after hearing Qin Xiong's secret, I will also give Qin Xiong a secret."

"Oh, I'd like to hear the details."

Qin Miao made a listening gesture.

Yu Xian said, "I just heard Qin Xiong's words. All your worries stem from insufficient strength.

If Qin Xiong can break through the Nascent Soul realm, even if Fire Pill True Monarch's strength surpasses yours, he won't pose much of a threat to you anymore."

Originally, he came here today just to have a friendly conversation with Qin Miao, a Rank Four alchemist, to quickly and easily establish a relationship with other alchemists in the Alchemist Society, and to inquire about information about the True Monarch of Pill Dao.

As a result, after drinking two cups of strong tea, Qin Miao revealed everything to him.

Since their first meeting, his Great Love Law Domain has already influenced Qin Miao, treating him as a close friend. So when he had worries in his heart, he naturally wanted to confide in him and seek advice.

There is also the reason that Qin Miao has too much pressure in his heart.

This secret has been suppressed in his heart for nearly two hundred years. The longer he suppresses it, the more uncomfortable he feels.

After today's conversation, Qin Miao clearly felt a sense of relief.

And he only grasped one key point.

Qin Miao's identity as the leader of the remnants of the Alchemist Society.

This thing doesn't sound very impressive.

But his backup plan for coming to the Alchemist Society was to drive away Fire Pill True Monarch in the case where he couldn't deal with him, using the name of the Alchemist Society.

If he used the name of the Great Unity Society and the September True Monarch to bully others, then Fire Pill True Monarch could fully utilize his years of connections and local advantages to withstand his attacks.

Unless he was willing to end up with a mutually destructive outcome.

But this doesn't align with his interests and demands.

After all, what he wants is a mature alchemy system in the Alchemist Society, as well as thousands of entry-level alchemists under the Alchemist Society.

If they were to fight fiercely, these mid-to-low-level cultivators would inevitably suffer. Even if he won in the end, what use would it be to reclaim a bunch of junk?

But with the name of the Alchemist Society, it would be different. They could completely act as external support for the Alchemist Society, turning an invasion into an internal dispute.

Although Fire Pill True Monarch has many years of personal connections, when it comes to internal disputes, even if he invites help, they would be hesitant and wouldn't dare to easily offend September True Monarch.

As for the Great Unity Society, their reputation is not loud enough, Yu Xian is aware of this.

Now that Qin Miao has revealed his identity, it can be said that he has gained more confidence in subduing the Alchemist Society.

Qin Miao's eyes brightened when he heard this, and he understood the implied meaning in Yu Xian's words.

"Brother Zhou, are you saying that you can help me break through the Nascent Soul realm?"

Yu Xian smiled faintly, "The Nascent Soul realm is extremely difficult. It's not something that can be decided just by saying it. The most I can do is to give Qin Xiong a push.

For example, I can invite a True Monarch to buy a Infant Transformation Pill for Qin Xiong. As for whether you can break through, it still depends on your own destiny."

Qin Miao was still overjoyed.

"That's enough. If I can get the Infant Transformation Pill and still can't break through, then it's my fate and my own fault. I can't blame others."

"I won't hide it from Brother Zhou, I have accumulated quite a few spirit stones over the years, and I'm only a little short of the Infant Transformation Pill. But if I save up for another hundred years, it should be enough."

"The most important thing is that I'm afraid of entrusting it to the wrong person. After working hard to accumulate enough spirit stones, it would be a waste if someone else got them."

"Now that Brother Zhou is helping, it relieves me of my biggest worry."

With his strength, even if he accumulates enough spirit stones, how could he possibly obtain the Infant Transformation Pill at the auction where True Monarchs gather?

Once he obtains the Infant Transformation Pill, it would not only be a blessing, but also a great disaster.

So his initial plan was to rely on the favors he had accumulated over the years by refining pills for those Nascent Soul True Monarchs, and find the most reliable True Monarch to help him bid for an Infant Transformation Pill.

However, the Infant Transformation Pill is extremely precious, and those True Monarchs only have a relationship with him in terms of pill refining. If he misjudges someone...

If someone becomes greedy and takes the Infant Transformation Pill for themselves, he would be left with no recourse.

He would be like a dumb person eating bitter herbs, unable to voice his grievances.

However, he had complete trust in Yu Xian.

Yu Xian shook his head and said, "But this matter is still somewhat uncertain. Even if Brother Qin obtains the Infant Transformation Pill, the True Monarch of the Fire Pill will not sit idly by and let Brother Qin threaten his position. He will definitely obstruct and prevent Brother Qin from succeeding."

Qin Miao deeply felt this and said, "Brother Zhou is right. I am worried about this. I haven't dared to communicate too much with the alchemists in the sect over the years, for fear that the Sect Master would become suspicious of me."

"But the Sect Master is ultimately a Nascent Soul True Monarch. Even if I know, what can I do?"

A cold light flashed in Yu Xian's eyes as he raised his hand and chopped down.

"How about we take the initiative and clear the obstacles for Brother Qin?"

Qin Miao widened his eyes in disbelief and said, "Brother Zhou, what nonsense are you talking about? The Sect Master's cultivation level, how can we deal with him?"

As he spoke, his voice unconsciously lowered, and he thought, "Could it be that Brother Zhou has a way?"

Obviously, he had long harbored rebellious thoughts.

If he truly feared the True Monarch of the Fire Pill like a tiger and dared not resist, even if Yu Xian advised him, he would hesitate, even resist, and ultimately give up.

Yu Xian's Great Love Domain could influence the inner thoughts and perceptions of cultivators, but it couldn't turn a coward into a hero or a demon into a saint.

Otherwise, he wouldn't need to talk so much and use words to guide Qin Miao.

Just like what he said to the Perfected Being of the Ten Thousand Beasts, the reason why he was always successful was because what he did and said aligned with the interests of the majority.

For example, those subordinates of the Great Unity Society who were entrusted with important positions enjoyed high salaries, benefits, and social status far beyond their cultivation level.

Why wouldn't they be loyal to him?

Even without the existence of the Great Love Domain, there were very few betrayals.

It's just that with the Great Love Domain, their hearts were bound by emotions and moral principles, making it difficult for them to make mistakes and preventing certain power and wealth transactions or attempts to undermine him.

And those Dao soldiers who worked as laborers were all burdened with huge debts and forced to sign life and death contracts, with their lives controlled by others. They had long resigned themselves to their fate.

Coupled with the influence of the Great Love Domain, giving them a glimmer of hope for freedom, they all worked for the Great Unity Society as if they were injected with chicken blood.

Those cultivators who participated in the Hope Project, benefiting from the Great Love Domain, had their lifespan extended and their aptitude improved. How could they not be willing to provide convenience and information to the Great Unity Society?

Naturally, they hoped for the long-term stability and prosperity of the Great Unity Society, which also brought them various benefits.

It's just that the existence of the Great Love Domain made these relationships of interest more emotionally binding and more sincere.

If they were truly forced to give up their family wealth and become slaves, it would arouse their resistance and even break free from the influence of the Great Love Domain.

The degree of this had to be personally grasped.

Seeing that Qin Miao indeed had rebellious thoughts, Yu Xian wasn't surprised.

If he didn't resist, he would die. Qin Miao actually had no other choice.

He lowered his voice along with Qin Miao.

"I wonder if Brother Qin has heard of the Great Unity Society?"

"The Great Unity Society..." Qin Miao slowly chewed on these three words, and his eyes gradually lit up.

Ps: This chapter doesn't have much content. It mainly explains that the protagonist's skill isn't as outrageous as you think. It's just a super-sized charm aura, similar to the enchantment technique of a demonic cultivator.

At the beginning, when the protagonist was testing his skill, he mentioned that if he wanted to completely control someone's thoughts, it would destroy their mind and turn them into a puppet controlled by his own will. This should be considered a normal level of skill in demonic cultivation.

Ps2: If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Web novels like this are a collaborative creation between the author and the readers, and I'm taking the opportunity to communicate through the protagonist's words. (End of this chapter)

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