Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

295. Chapter 292 Beauty Is Like Medicine, Neighbors Ask For Help

Chapter 292: Beauty as Medicine, Neighbors Seeking Help

In the silent room, not a sound could be heard, like a ghostly place devoid of life.

After a long while.

Yu Xian leaned against a table, his hollow eyes slowly focusing. The air began to flow, and the frozen space started to thaw, as if everything came back to life.

"What am I afraid of, after all?"

Yu Xian took a deep breath, as if trying to expel all the uneasiness.

He suddenly laughed at himself.

"It's just that the more I possess, the more I fear losing it, which in turn makes me lose my peace of mind."

"Just because of an unknown speculation, I am filled with fear and anxiety, doubting everything all day long."

"Let's assume the worst outcome. If I am truly destined to become a sacrifice to the Heavenly Dao in the end, as a puppet, can I bear this consequence?"

The answer is, I can.

I was born in a humble background, a mediocre person who indulged in worldly pleasures. Until today, I have seen many unseen sceneries and slept with many beautiful women, possessing unimaginable power. My life has already surpassed the brilliance of my two lifetimes.

Even if I have nothing in an instant, what regrets and resentments do I have?

Since I can already bear the worst outcome, then no matter what the final truth is, it will be the best outcome for me.

Perhaps I only borrowed the power of the Heavenly Dao through Goldfinger's ability, or perhaps I am truly the lucky one, the protagonist who survives until the end.

The immediate future can still be speculated, but the distant future is unpredictable. I live in the present, and I only need to do what I should do now.

As for my ultimate fate, let it be.

In short, enjoy the present and screw everything else!

Yu Xian's lips curled up, his eyes filled with mockery towards fate.

In front of him appeared the silhouette of a young man who refused to be confined to a small world, a young man who was driven and enslaved by others. He took a gamble, shouldered his baggage, and resolutely stepped into the sea of death.

He never lacked the determination to die. What made him hesitate was the beauty he currently possessed. But if even he himself is threatened, then nothing else matters.

Once a decision is made, all fears in the heart are swept away and turned into smoke.

Yu Xian felt his mind suddenly empty, then rising higher and higher, as if he was wandering in the starry sea, seeing another world.

A mayfly in the vast world, a grain of sand in the boundless sea.

His Nascent Soul suddenly emerged from his body, a layer of clear radiance appearing on his small baby-like body. A golden halo shimmered on his crystal-clear skin, making him look like a little golden man.

However, it seemed that the power was insufficient. The golden halo flickered for a while and then disappeared, and the Nascent Soul fell silent, returning to the sea of consciousness.

Yu Xian had a thought.

Suddenly, another self appeared in front of him, like condensed clouds and mist, with a vague and illusory feeling, as if a gust of wind could blow him away.

"My divine sense is half-formed. Just a little more, and my Nascent Soul can completely transform, from yin to yang, becoming a pure yang Primordial Spirit, able to exist in the world for a long time, instantly traveling thousands of miles, with no decrease in strength."

"Back then, the True Monarch of pure yang was only at this level, but his accumulation was deeper than mine."

"With my current level of divine sense, the power of my Astonishing Divine Gaze is probably close to that of a Soul Formation Venerable. Whoever I glare at will die. With this killer move, from today onwards, among Nascent Soul cultivators, I can be considered the best."

Coupled with the existence of the Deceiving Heaven Technique, the first move will always be in my hands.

I am the most outstanding assassin among Nascent Soul cultivators.

"Tsk, today is just an ordinary day with some enlightenment."

Yu Xian closed his eyes, lay down on the spot, and fell asleep.

Questioning the Dao heart is quite exhausting. He needed to rest for a while.


One year after the arrival of the beast tide.

Yu Xian stayed obediently in the old nest, reaping the benefits of the Heavenly Dao Lord's resources, gradually advancing his cultivation towards the Soul Formation Realm, without causing any trouble.

He did not give up his biggest advantage, thinking that there might be hidden dangers in absorbing Heavenly Dao spiritual energy.

He has now established a mature Body Refining system, with Heavenly Dao spiritual energy as the core and Dao companions as support.

Finding another cultivation system would take a lot of time.

Whether it is the Heavenly Dao or his own Goldfinger, they are both existences and powers that he currently cannot comprehend.

On this day, Yu Xian woke up from his bed in a daze...

His mind suddenly cleared, remembering the enchanting scene from last night.

"Ah Miao!"

"Master, Ah Miao is here."

"Ah, one moment of carelessness becomes a lifelong regret. Just because I had a few drinks, you took advantage of me and ruined my hundred years of reputation."

"Ah? But didn't you enjoy it yesterday, Master?"

Ah Miao looked up in surprise, pitifully saying, "Does Master not want Ah Miao anymore?"


Yu Xian took a deep breath.

"Stop being so impulsive, focus on your work first, then talk to me. What I mean is, next time you have to discuss it with me. You can't just pounce on me like that. Doing this is like playing an art piece, the prelude, the calm, the climax, the lingering, they are all indispensable. You really wasted all those books...books."


Ah Miao nodded happily.

"Master, I know, it's written in the books. It's called 'don't say it with your mouth, but your body is honest.' Master is also like that, right? If you say 'don't want it,' it means you want it."

"Ah Miao, are you very clever?"

"A little bit."

Yu Xian got dressed, walked out of the room, and faced the sunlight.

"But it's not enough. You should learn more from your mistress. Well, from now on, you should call her Sister Yulan."

Indeed, women are his best medicine.

From today on, that sunny young man has returned.

Upon hearing this, Ah Miao's face instantly turned red. She wriggled on the bed and covered her head with the blanket, then giggled secretly.

Her little plan had finally succeeded.

No, she shouldn't call him "Master" anymore. She should call him...husband?

Just thinking about this title made Ah Miao's face inexplicably hot, and she even felt like she couldn't breathe.

In the darkness of the blanket, her eyes were misty as she remembered last night's cultivation.

"Master, he's really gentle and powerful."

She sniffed the scent in the blanket and fell into a beautiful dream.


Da Ai Peak.

"Feeling comfortable?"

The strange look in Yue Jiuyi's eyes made Yu Xian feel a bit embarrassed, but then he remembered that he was innocent and had nothing to fear. He straightened his chest and confidently said, "If you like it, I'll invite you next time."

Yue Jiuyi scoffed and said unkindly, "I'm not like them. It's not enough to have a few people together. They even brought along their cats and dogs. They have no shame."

Yu Xian immediately seized the opportunity and played the victim. "Oh, so you've been secretly watching us all along!"

He covered his chest with both hands, looking like a virtuous woman being bullied, with a face full of grievances. "You owe me my innocence!"

Yue Jiuyi blushed, her fair and slender fingers nervously tidying up a strand of hair that fell on her forehead. Then she abruptly changed the subject and said stiffly, "I came here today to discuss something important with you."

Seeing that Yue Jiuyi didn't pursue the matter any further, Yu Xian pretended that nothing had happened and regained his serious expression. "What is it?"

"Next door, True Monarch Zhongming asked me for help. Monster Emperor Jinpeng is now staying with Monster Emperor Gaosi. Before Gaosi was killed, he was affected by True Monarch Zhongming's Double Pupil Illusion, and almost got lost in the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range. But fortunately, he came back even stronger this time."

"However, True Monarch Zhongming's lifespan is running out, and this time he is facing the pressure from both Monster Emperor Gaosi and Monster Emperor Jinpeng. He can't hold on any longer."

"If it weren't for Monster Emperor Jinpeng slacking off on the battlefield, True Monarch Zhongming would have been killed on the spot by Monster Emperor Gaosi."

"So he wants me to help him in the battle."

Yue Jiuyi shook her head and said, "I don't have much connection with True Monarch Zhongming, but we are still fellow disciples. Moreover, if True Monarch Zhongming is killed by Monster Emperor Gaosi, the entire Zhongming Heavenly City will be slaughtered by the Monster Race, causing countless innocent souls to perish."

"After all, we are the ones who have to go over there to deal with Monster Emperor Jinpeng."

"So I want to ask for your opinion."

Yu Xian thought for a moment and asked in return, "With the huge backing of the Profound Yang Sect, why didn't he go to them? It can't be because they are closer, right? Everyone knows that True Monarch Jiuyue is cold and distant, not close to people. He's just getting old, not stupid."

Yue Jiuyi said, "He did go to them, but the Profound Yang Sect didn't respond. They even closed their mountain gate. You know that Brother Yang's last words were for me not to get involved in the affairs of the sect, so I didn't pay much attention before."

"If it weren't for True Monarch Zhongming sending someone to find me this time, I wouldn't have known about the situation in the Profound Yang Sect."

Yu Xian's eyes lit up with malicious intent. "Could it be that there's turmoil within the sect? The newly appointed Sect Master True Monarch can't control the elders, and they have risen up and established their own factions. Maybe there's a fierce battle going on inside the sect."

Yue Jiuyi gave Yu Xian a white look. After all, the Profound Yang Sect was her birth sect. "If there's turmoil in the Profound Yang Sect, you would probably be the first to know."

She knew that Yu Xian had planted many spies within the Profound Yang Sect and was even more aware of the current situation in the sect than she was.

Yu Xian shook his head and said, "It's just some outer disciples. Even if there's really a turmoil, they wouldn't know. After all, no matter who becomes the leader in the end, these outer disciples are their future assets. They wouldn't easily involve them."

"And because of the Beast Tide, communication has been disrupted. I haven't received much information from there for quite some time."

"But during the Beast Tide, the Profound Yang Sect closed its mountain gate and ignored the pleas for help from the city lord under their command. They must have encountered some urgent situation. But what kind of situation would make the entire sect unable to mobilize any forces? Could it be that my guess was right?"

Yue Jiuyi said, "You're overthinking. The Profound Yang Sect has set up a Rank Five Soul Formation, and the Formation Spirit is only in a dormant state, not dead. Sect Master True Monarch has the authority to awaken it forcibly. As long as the Formation Spirit appears, any internal turmoil can be quelled without the need for a true Soul Formation Venerable to appear."

"So throughout the history of the Profound Yang Sect, the Sect Masters have always been weak, but they never lacked control."

And if necessary, they will also summon us, the lords of Tiancheng, to protect the sect. But I haven't received any orders."

Yu Xian said, "I think you are trapped by conventional thinking. Do you remember how Great Sun True Monarch infiltrated your Mingyue Peak and planted the Hundred Demon Fruits? According to Pure Yang True Monarch, the formations of the major floating peaks are controlled by the Rank Five Soul Formation Array. Even he can only forcefully enter by borrowing the authority of the sect leader."

Great Sun True Monarch must have found a way to bypass the sect leader's authority. So can we assume that this turmoil in the Profound Yang Sect was caused by him, and he used the same method to freeze or neutralize the new sect leader's authority?

Of course, I think they are all smart people. They shouldn't act during the chaos of the beast tide. Otherwise, if things get out of hand and the population of Xuan Yang Realm declines, it will take at least a hundred or eighty years to recover.

In the end, they will be the ones who suffer.


"Unless what?"

Moon Ji felt that Yu Xian's analysis made some sense.

Yu Xian calmly said, "Unless they are confident that the beast tide will not devastate the environment of Xuan Yang Realm, but instead use it as an opportunity to incite internal strife.

You just mentioned that the lords of Tiancheng have the duty to return to the sect and support the rightful leader.

When the beast tide comes, as city lords, your primary responsibility is to protect Tiancheng. Coupled with the rampage of Demonic Beasts and the disruption of communication, it will be much more difficult for you to understand the situation of the sect than before."

Moon Ji followed Yu Xian's analysis and thought incredulously, "Are you saying that someone colluded with the Monster Race and planned this internal strife together?"

Yu Xian neither confirmed nor denied, saying indifferently, "In any case, it's all speculation. The true situation will be clear when the sect's mountain gate opens. As for Reimei True Monarch, how was your relationship with him before?"

Moon Ji said, "He is an old True Monarch of the sect. We have some acquaintance, neither good nor bad. We were neighbors for hundreds of years, but we didn't say much to each other."

Yu Xian nodded, "Since there is no grudge, it means the relationship is good. I think we can save him."

"There are three reasons. First, you are still a True Monarch of the Profound Yang Sect. It is not good for your reputation to be seen as someone who doesn't save lives. I don't want to damage your reputation for this."

"Second, the Demonic Beasts on the side of Mingyue Tiancheng have been almost eradicated. The Daoist soldiers of the Great Unity Society can advance towards Chongming Tiancheng. I was worried before about deploying troops without authorization, which would worsen the relationship between the two sides. Now, it can be done legitimately."

"Third, I want to personally confront the Golden Peng Monster Emperor."

Moon Ji's reputation is related to the major strategic goal of supporting her as the sect leader True Monarch in the future. If it can be avoided, it should be avoided. Her reputation is already not good, but that is more related to her personality and character, which everyone still recognizes.

Who doesn't know that during missions, September True Monarch always charges ahead?

If she really becomes the sect leader, her unsociable personality would be a plus, which means she won't easily get close to any faction or power.

But not saving lives would be considered morally wrong.

And low-level Demonic Beasts can be used as food for the Blood Sea Banner and Blood Puppets, while high-level Demon Kings can be used to refine unorthodox Gold Cores. They are all treasures. Now that he has the Daoist soldiers as a trump card, there is no better time than now to make a move.

Lastly, he wants to try to recruit the Golden Peng Monster Emperor. If there is a chance to involve the Monster Emperor in the plan, it would be even better.

The effect of the Great Love Domain is not to be wasted.

At this moment, he is quite glad that he spared the descendants of the Golden Peng Monster Emperor's bloodline. Otherwise, it would have been quite troublesome to make them submit.

Moon Ji didn't know about Yu Xian's many thoughts, but hearing that he mainly wanted to protect his reputation, she felt very good.

"I will listen to you."

"There is no time to waste. I will immediately deploy the Daoist soldiers and support Chongming Tiancheng."

Yu Xian looked into the distance, seeing the wind and clouds surging, and felt his heart beating heavily.

This was not fear, but excitement.

When the storm comes and the world falls into chaos, it is the perfect opportunity for ambitious people like him to make achievements.

In this era where Soul Formation is hidden, he has already reached the peak and has the qualifications to be a player in the game of Xuan Yang Realm.

A beauty can solve a thousand worries. For Yu True Monarch, there is nothing that cannot be solved with a single strike. If there is, then strike again.

(End of this chapter)

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