Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

296. Chapter 293 Chongming True Monarch And Death Of Monster Emperor

Chapter 293: True Monarch Chongming and Monster Emperor's Declaration of Death

Chongming Heaven City, one of the eight major heavenly cities in the Xuan Yang Realm, is vast in territory and rich in resources. It is the largest heavenly city in the western part of the Xuan Yang Realm.

However, there is one difference between Chongming Heaven City and its neighboring Mingyue Heaven City and Donghua Heaven City. Chongming Heaven City belongs to a semi-sect, semi-family industry.

Before Chongming Heaven City was built.

The first generation True Monarch Chongming came from an ordinary sect. With his talent, efforts, and a bit of luck, he cultivated all the way to the Nascent Soul Late Stage, displaying formidable strength.

At that time, the system established by the Profound Yang Sect to guard the heavenly cities was not yet perfect.

The management of the Xuan Yang Realm by the Profound Yang Sect was not as orderly and imposing as it is now, with rebellious forces everywhere.

The current system of heavenly cities is managed by disciples dispatched by the Profound Yang Sect, responsible not only for governance but also for protecting the cultivators under their jurisdiction.

However, back then, the Profound Yang Sect would simply collect money for the land they occupied, naturally causing dissatisfaction.

Having to hand over protection fees after working hard to earn two spirit stones, and the key point being that there was no actual protection.

So, as long as one had strength, they would definitely rise up.

The first generation True Monarch Chongming was one of them.

In the past, when his strength was weak, he would obediently comply, but now that he was powerful, he would strike with all his might!

After the Profound Yang Sect realized that this guy was not easy to provoke, and with the internal plan to implement the heavenly city system, they conveniently sent a female disciple to recruit the first generation True Monarch Chongming after several clashes between their cultivators and him.

The first generation True Monarch Chongming was actually a bit panicked.

Originally, he just wanted to cause some trouble and reduce the protection fees. However, after a few clashes, he realized that the profound foundation of the Profound Yang Sect was not something he could contend with, and he became somewhat timid.

But his family, friends, and the foundation he had worked hard for his whole life were all here. He could only fight against the Profound Yang Sect with all his might.

Once he confirmed that the person sent by the Profound Yang Sect was not setting a trap, he directly became Dao companions with the female disciple who came to recruit him, making her his legal wife, acknowledging the legitimate rule of the Profound Yang Sect, and naturally assuming the position of the first generation True Monarch of Chongming Heaven City.

This has been passed down to the present, spanning four generations.

Moreover, each generation of True Monarch Chongming is a descendant of the first generation True Monarch Chongming.

These descendants have more or less inherited the physical talents of the first generation True Monarch Chongming. Plus, once the successor is confirmed, the previous True Monarch Chongming would spare no effort in nurturing them.

With talent, inheritance, renowned teachers, and most importantly, resources, it is not so difficult to break through the Nascent Soul realm.

Just like the current True Monarch Chongming, inheriting the first generation True Monarch Chongming's Illusory Pupil Profound Body, born with Dual Pupils, possessing transcendent talent in illusion arts, and the ability to create all things with a single thought, he is a natural illusionist.

A hundred years ago, Chongming Heaven City was still flourishing. The then Lord of the heavenly city, True Monarch Chongming, was young and strong, full of confidence in the future, believing that he had the potential to surpass his ancestors.

But unfortunately, he encountered the declaration of death from the Monster Emperor.

Originally, the human and demon races had an unspoken agreement to control the influence of the beast tide within a range that both sides could tolerate. However, a bloodline descendant of the Monster Emperor, in order to break through the Monster Emperor realm, used human cultivators as sacrifices, causing massive slaughter and leaving no blade of grass alive, disrupting this agreement.

True Monarch Chongming was furious on the spot.

These cultivators under his rule were his precious wealth, the foundation for him to surpass his ancestors.

If it was a reasonable loss, he could endure it, but now someone had slapped him in the face, how could he bear it?

Back then, his ancestors had clashed head-on with the men of the Profound Yang Sect. How could he weaken his momentum?

So, True Monarch Chongming didn't give the Monster Emperor any face. Despite the Monster Emperor's plea, he directly trapped this bloodline descendant in an illusion, instantly annihilating his entire spirit, killing him on the spot.

The Monster Emperor was also furious.

His bloodline was special, and his race was extremely rare. He had focused on nurturing this bloodline descendant, who was about to break through the Monster Emperor realm, only to see him die before his eyes.

Both the human and the demon lost their reason and fought each other, both suffering defeat.

The subsequent results have long been circulated. True Monarch Chongming's lifespan was greatly damaged, and he closed himself off in seclusion for years, barely surviving. The Monster Emperor's sanity was greatly damaged, and he saw himself as a flamingo, searching for true love in the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range.

Chongming Heaven City directly declined after this battle.

Originally, True Monarch Chongming was desperately trying to prolong his lifespan in order to quickly cultivate the next generation True Monarch Chongming.

Without the strength of a Nascent Soul True Monarch, he wouldn't even have the qualifications to inherit the position of the heavenly city lord.

Once he lost the position of the heavenly city lord, let alone surpassing his ancestors, the inheritance of his ancestors would be cut off in his hands.

As a result, the next generation True Monarch Chongming was not cultivated for a long time, while the Monster Emperor narrowly escaped death and even further enhanced his strength in the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range. This time, he returned with the intention of annihilating Chongming Heaven City.

"Could it be that heaven wants to destroy me?"

The weary True Monarch Zhongming stood on a secluded pavilion, looking through the array in the air at the vast army of Demonic Beasts covering the mountains. The sky was filled with swirling black crows like dark clouds. He had no doubt that if they were not wary of the power of the array, they would swoop down and kill without hesitation.

True Monarch Zhongming's Tiancheng City was also built on a mountain, with a Rank Four spiritual vein below the city providing a continuous supply of energy to the city's defensive array. However, under the continuous attacks of the Demonic Beast army, even the Rank Four spiritual vein would weaken at times.

Not long ago, a group of Demonic Beasts broke through the weak point in the array's defense. If it hadn't been discovered in time, the entire array would have been compromised, and then Monster Emperor and the three Great Monster Emperors he invited would personally attack, putting the array at risk of being breached.

"If the reinforcements don't arrive soon, we can only abandon the outer city." True Monarch Zhongming silently made the decision.

But even he wasn't sure if he could wait for the reinforcements.

Everything he was doing now was just doing his best and leaving it to fate.

All means of communication, such as flying sword messages and long-distance sound transmission talismans, were intercepted by Monster Emperor himself.

That day, he had to personally lead his subordinates to fight and protect several Gold Core cultivators who were skilled in escape techniques and Aura Concealing Technique, sending letters for help to various places.

However, after the letters for help were sent out, the Profound Yang Sect, which should have taken action, remained silent, and the other neighboring sects were also unresponsive.

He didn't know if the letters hadn't been delivered or if they simply didn't want to bother with him.

"It's a pity that the two True Monarchs scattered like birds at the sight of a powerful enemy, otherwise Monster Emperor wouldn't dare to be so arrogant."

True Monarch Zhongming remembered the two True Monarch cultivators who only fought once and then fled, protecting themselves. He felt some complaints in his heart, but there was no resentment.

The two True Monarch cultivators were both renting Cave Mansions in Tiancheng City, and they had no obligation to help him defend the city. Even though they were on good terms on weekdays, this friendship could only benefit them, but it was not enough for them to risk their lives.

"Monster Emperor!"

True Monarch Zhongming seemed to see that pale-faced, cold-smiling young Monster Emperor through the layers of shadows.

If it hadn't been for his battle with Monster Emperor that caused the downfall of Tiancheng City, triggering a chain reaction that led to a sharp decline in the population, disorder, and a subsequent decrease in Tiancheng's income.

In order to pay the full amount of taxes to the Profound Yang Sect, he had to subsidize the income of the City Lord's Mansion. Although he had some connections in the Profound Yang Sect, these connections were not enough for the sect to give up the annual tax revenue of several billion spirit stones.

As long as the spirit stones paid were not enough, the Profound Yang Sect had a legitimate reason to dismiss him from the position of City Lord.

Once he lost the position of City Lord, it would be almost impossible for him to regain it.

Because the inheritance of True Monarch Zhongming was weakening, while the Profound Yang Sect was becoming stronger.

Even if the first generation True Monarch Zhongming were to be resurrected, it would be difficult to easily take the position of City Lord from the Profound Yang Sect.

So in order to keep the position of City Lord, the City Lord's Mansion not only had no income every year, but also had to subsidize it with tens of millions of spirit stones. Coupled with the cultivation expenses of his entire family, the financial pressure on him was enormous after more than a hundred years of accumulation.

Otherwise, under great rewards, there would be brave men. With enough tempting benefits, his two True Monarch friends would not easily leave him unless it was absolutely necessary.

But now that the city was about to be breached, all the previous expenses were in vain.

"If the day of the city's breach really comes, I will risk my life to send Qing and the others away, preserving the fire for the family. It can be considered the last thing I can do for the Gu family."

True Monarch Zhongming's eyes revealed a sense of determination.


At the same time, in the sky hundreds of miles away.

Yao power gathered to form a black cloud square, and the sound of a qin floated in the air.

A group of female cultivators dressed in gorgeous silk dresses danced to the music, their ribbons fluttering, transforming into various forms of celestial maidens in the air, sacred and inviolable.

However, if one looked closely, they would notice that these female cultivators hid deep fear in their eyes, and their hands and feet trembled involuntarily.

At this moment, there were four people enjoying the dance, sitting on both sides.

One was a pale-faced, delicate-looking young man. He had a weak figure and was dressed in exquisite robes, like a sickly noble young master.

He casually held a white jade cup in his hand and glanced at the dancers in front of him with a casual gaze, harmless.

The other was a middle-aged man with a dignified face, wearing a golden robe. At the moment, the color of the robe appeared dim.

(Note: The translation provided is a direct translation and may not capture the full meaning or nuances of the original text.)

He seemed somewhat restless, not even interested in tasting the fine wine and delicacies on the table.

"Yue Shan, is it that the wine of this emperor does not meet your taste?"

The young man pursed his thin lips, with a hint of sarcasm, but his words were quite domineering.

"What do you want to drink? This emperor will snatch it for you!"

The middle-aged man in the golden robe was none other than Monster Emperor Jin Peng, whose name was Yue Shan. He chuckled and raised his glass, drinking it all in one gulp.

"Brother Ya's wine is naturally excellent, but I'm just not in the mood right now."

Monster Emperor Jin Peng glanced at the two big men who were feasting at the side, each of them transformed into a monster emperor. On their table were large plates, each containing a baby that looked like a delicately carved jade, curled up and in deep sleep, as if dreaming.

One of the big men picked up a baby, his mouth was extremely large, stretching to his ears, and he took a bite.

The baby cried out in pain, "Waaah!"

But soon, the baby made no sound, as his head was eaten by the big man, just like eating candied haws, and blood splattered all over the floor.

But the big man didn't care, he let out a chilling laugh of self-satisfaction.

"Beautiful, it's truly beautiful! The flesh of these human infants is tender and delicious. Even we don't often get to enjoy it. I didn't expect Brother Ya to have such a benefit here, being able to enjoy this delicacy every day. It's not in vain, not in vain! Hahaha!"

Monster Emperor Jin Peng frowned secretly as he listened.

Under the command of the Phoenix Demon Lord, the monster emperors, whether willing or not, had to actively or passively learn about human culture and even took human names. Therefore, they had an instinctive aversion to cannibalism.

If eating humans benefited their cultivation, it would be another matter.

But for these newborn babies, they were not even enough to get stuck in their teeth for the monster emperors. Apart from satisfying their own twisted psychology, there was no other effect.

Monster Emperor Jin Peng considered himself a civilized monster, and he was quite uncomfortable with such behavior.

Even among humans, those who ate raw animals were considered primitive and belonged to a small minority.

But now that he was living under someone else's roof, it was not appropriate to say anything that would ruin the mood.

The young man raised his glass to the big man, "If Great Bear Emperor is satisfied, then it's good."

The young man was none other than Monster Emperor Gao Si, who had forced True Monarch Shan Qiong to the brink of death.

The true form of Monster Emperor Gao Si was a Yama Crow, and his bloodline Divine Ability was the Deathly Light that shortened people's lifespan. He had used this Divine Ability to shorten True Monarch Shan Qiong's lifespan by three hundred years, causing him to go from his prime to old age in an instant.

Of course, this bloodline Divine Ability had astonishing effects, but the price paid was not easy.

One use of the Divine Ability could only shorten a person's lifespan by a hundred years, and it had to be offset by one's own lifespan year by year.

If one wanted to use it a second time in a short period of time, the offset lifespan would double.

And for the third time, it would continue to double on the basis of the previous doubling.

So it should not be used lightly.

Back then, he was furious and used the Deathly Light on True Monarch Shan Qiong three times in a row, cutting off seven hundred years of his own lifespan.

If he hadn't been a Demonic Beast with a lifespan far exceeding that of humans, he wouldn't dare to squander it like this.

But even so, he didn't dare to use it for the fourth time.

"Yue Shan, humans eat monsters, monsters eat humans, it's all the natural way of heaven. If it weren't for that old man Shan Qiong hurting my mind and going to that Beast Realm, I wouldn't have known that monsters could still be like this."

"The Phoenix Demon Lord was wrong, very wrong. Humans and monsters cannot coexist, peace is never possible!"

"Only by killing all humans and making our Monster Race the protagonists of the world can we eliminate the curse of bloodlines once and for all."

Monster Emperor Gao Si said coldly.

Monster Emperor Jin Peng's face turned cold, "Ya! Don't forget who your master is. No matter how bad the Demon Lord is, he is still our superior! Besides, without the protection of the Demon Lord, where would we be now, enjoying our carefree days?"

Although he was living under someone else's roof, his strength was his own.

Monster Emperor Gao Si's bloodline Divine Ability was an unparalleled Divine Ability that people with short lifespans could not avoid, but for him, who was also a member of the Monster Race, it was nothing special.

It was just exchanging life for power.

Furthermore, even if the three Great Monster Emperors present were to chase after him, none of them could catch up to him.

He had long stood in an invincible position.

Seeing this, Monster Emperor Gao Si didn't press the issue, but instead patted his own mouth.

"I drank too much and spoke nonsense, Yue Shan, please don't take it to heart. I will punish myself with a drink."

He lifted the wine cup, his gaze lowered, concealing all his murderous intent.

He came this time only for revenge.

Once he killed Chong Ming, the True Monarch, he would go to the Beast Realm in the distant mountains and enjoy himself there.

His bloodline Divine Ability was incredibly powerful, especially against human cultivators, and even the Beast Sovereign of the Beast Realm personally recruited him, promising not only a high position but also sending the Bear Emperors to assist him.

Moreover, his bloodline required a great deal of death energy to evolve.

Only the Beast Realm, which had been constantly at war with the human race, could satisfy him. Having experienced the intense human-demon war over there, the beast tide here seemed petty in his eyes.

This made him believe that the strategy of the Phoenix Beast Sovereign was completely wrong.

With the bloodline curse, no matter how they compromised, the human race would not believe them.

And the Phoenix Beast Sovereign only suppressed the bloodline curse, making them fear it like a tiger, without knowing that it was both a curse and a blessing.

The Monster Race outside the Phoenix Beast Realm had long recognized the true nature of the bloodline curse.

The Golden Peng Monster Emperor snorted coldly, not continuing to make things difficult, but instead lifted his wine cup and lightly touched it.

"Since that's the case, let me give you some advice. The neighboring Mingyue Heavenly City is powerful. If you can't break through the formation of Chong Ming Heavenly City, you may encounter setbacks. And what is the strength of the Profound Yang Sect, I believe you are also aware."

They may not have realized it yet, but when they make a move, we are all in danger."

The Monster Emperor's killing spree during this period of time was too excessive. Even though there were four Great Monster Emperors here, the bloodline curse had already taken a toll in just one year.

It should be noted that the previous beast tides lasted for ten or even twenty years to satisfy the requirements of the bloodline curse.

So even if he left like this, the remaining bloodline curse could still be forcibly suppressed.

The Monster Emperor sneered disdainfully.

"The human race is all about self-interest and forgets loyalty. The two True Monarchs of the human race before, weren't they like that? I secretly gave them a way out, and they fled without looking back. As long as we don't provoke them actively, how could the cultivators of Mingyue Heavenly City risk their lives for Chong Ming True Monarch? Maybe they are all waiting for me to kill Chong Ming True Monarch, so they can take over the territory of Chong Ming Heavenly City. In their eyes, we Monster Race are always just causing trouble and eventually have to retreat to the demon veins. As for the Profound Yang Sect, you don't have to worry."

The Monster Emperor smiled playfully but didn't explain why.

Upon hearing this, the courage that had just risen in the Golden Peng Monster Emperor's heart diminished again.

The fact that the Monster Emperor was confident in dealing with the Profound Yang Sect contained great danger.

He didn't dare to think further and sat alone, drinking in silence.

But he didn't notice that among the many Monster Kings responsible for guarding outside the clouds, a hidden gaze slowly retracted.


It was night.

Accompanied by the Monster Emperor, the Bear Emperors attacked Chong Ming Heavenly City for a while, causing the city's defensive formation to dim a bit. The lazy Golden Peng Monster Emperor returned to his temporary palace to rest.


The Golden Peng Monster Emperor's eyes widened, a powerful pressure suddenly suppressed, its momentum shaking for hundreds of miles.

"Who are you?!"

He saw that in his palace, there was a stranger who appeared out of nowhere, standing with his back to him.

Just a back view made him feel a great threat.

"If it weren't for setting up the formation in advance, you would have really revealed your whereabouts with that shout."

Yu Xian turned around and looked at the Golden Peng Monster Emperor, smiling and showing a mouthful of white teeth.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Bai Gu, the leader of the Great Unity Society, also known as the Great Love True Monarch, the companion of the September True Monarch, the man who let you go a year ago."

"Nice to meet you."

PS: I was banned from driving again yesterday, twice. But I won't give up.

(End of this chapter)

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