Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

301. Chapter 298 It’S Time To Clear Things Up

Chapter 298: Resolving the Matter

Half a month later.

The spiritual liquid in the Illusionary Pool has dried up.

Moon Jiuyue's cultivation has successfully solidified at the peak of the Nascent Soul realm. Yu Xian's true body has been guarding her throughout, not idle at all. He has been controlling the purified blood puppet to act as an envoy for the Great Unity Society, exploring the rebuilt Chongming Heaven City, witnessing it with his own eyes.

When Yu Xian and Moon Jiuyue walked out together, they saw that True Monarch Chongming was already waiting respectfully outside.

"Lord Gu is too polite, it really embarrasses us. If you wanted to see us, you could have just called us," Yu Xian said politely, without any intention of seeking favors.

True Monarch Chongming chuckled awkwardly, "It's no trouble. President Bai and Lord Yue are both my saviors, so it's only right to show some courtesy."

While Moon Jiuyue was cultivating, True Monarch Chongming was not idle either. He took over the body of an unlucky person, a middle-aged Gold Core cultivator. With the fastest speed, he restored his cultivation to the peak of the Gold Core realm. Coupled with his original mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivation, he could be considered a pseudo Nascent Soul.

But with his remaining lifespan and condition, it would be impossible for him to break through to the Nascent Soul realm again. It would be a death without hope of rebirth.

Overall, his strength has greatly diminished.

Now that True Monarch Chongming is in charge of the Gu family, it is mostly based on his past prestige.

The Nascent Soul True Monarch who took over someone's body and the Nascent Soul True Monarch who closed themselves off for cultivation are different. He has lost the power to suppress everything and control the overall situation.

So True Monarch Chongming really needs the support of the Great Unity Society's strength.

True Monarch Chongming stayed in the Great Unity Society's camp for two days, so he knows very well that True Monarch Jiuyue is actually unreliable.

As a true disciple of the Profound Yang Sect, she has always been outstanding. Now she is a Nascent Soul cultivator with extraordinary strength, yet she was defeated and even obediently surrendered to an Independent Cultivator True Monarch.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have played the trick of sending a woman right from the start.

Because he knows very well who he needs to please.

A tiger fallen in Pingyang is bullied by dogs, and a dragon swimming in shallow water is played with by shrimps.

True Monarch Chongming sighed inwardly. Although he looks down on the love-struck True Monarch who relies on women, it doesn't prevent him from showing great enthusiasm towards Yu Xian.

"President Bai, Lord Yue, I have a favor to ask of you."

"All the fellow cultivators in the city want to meet their saviors, but I didn't dare to disturb you before."

"Now that I've heard that you two have come out of seclusion, I have prepared a feast. Everyone is eagerly waiting for your arrival."

Yu Xian shook his head and said, "Lord Gu, Lord Yue and I came here to help out, just to fulfill the friendship between fellow disciples. There's no need for any gratitude."

"A little courtesy is unnecessary."

"Lord Gu, I'll trouble you to convey my message to them."

Just by listening, he knew that this group of people were the beneficiaries of Chongming Heaven City. He had nothing to talk about with them.

Because what he was going to do next was to take advantage of them. If they could have a good conversation, that would be strange.

He was most afraid of their cunning tricks, especially using seduction to tempt him.

Who doesn't know that True Monarch Yu is the least guarded and the most emotional? It's easy for him to fall into a trap.

When he sleeps with someone and develops a relationship, would he still have the face to take action?

It's better to take advantage of them first, and there will be plenty of opportunities to sleep later. This way, it would be much more comfortable.

Upon hearing this, True Monarch Chongming's eyes brightened, and his attitude towards Yu Xian became even more sincere.

"President Bai, Lord Yue, you both have great integrity and are not interested in fame and fortune. I truly admire you."

"But please rest assured, the people of Chongming Heaven City will never forget the great kindness and virtue of the two True Monarchs. We will establish monuments and pass down your achievements."

Yu Xian smiled faintly and bid farewell.

"My husband and I have disturbed you for some time. Now that the crisis of the beast tide in Chongming Heaven City has been resolved, it's time for us to leave."

"You're leaving already?"

True Monarch Chongming felt that he had come at the right time, otherwise how could he be so happy?

"Does Lord Gu want us to stay?"

Yu Xian seemed to smile but not smile, and asked in return.

True Monarch Zhongming didn't dare to answer directly, but laughed awkwardly and said, "Because the matter of Zhongming Tiancheng has already delayed the two of you for such a long time, I feel guilty in my heart. Now that the two of you are leaving, I have nothing I can do to help, and I feel truly sorry. I can only offer a small gift to express my gratitude, and I hope President Bai won't refuse."

As he spoke, he took out a large storage bag from his pocket.

"These are just some ordinary items, I'm ashamed."

Yu Xian skillfully accepted it and scanned it with his divine sense.

A pile of sparkling spirit stones, all of them Middle Grade and above, and a crystal box containing more than ten Supreme Grade spirit stones. In total, there were at least thirty to forty million spirit stones.

There was also a pile of precious spirit medicine, cultivation pills, high-grade materials, and various other items, which could be worth around twenty to thirty million spirit stones in the market.

However, most of them were only at the level of Rank Two or Rank Three, and there were very few spiritual items that could reach Rank Four.

Obviously, at the Rank Four Nascent Soul stage, the value of spiritual items suddenly skyrocketed, becoming rare treasures.

However, considering the accumulation of the Gu family for over two thousand years, this gift was indeed not too much.

If they were asked to produce pure spirit stones, they might not be able to produce a large amount in a short time, but they must have accumulated a lot of various cultivation resources.

This time, the Great Unity Society helped them protect the entire Zhongming Tiancheng, and it was too kind of Yu Xian to not ask for half of their family's wealth.

"In that case, I won't be polite."

Yu Xian accepted the gift under the expectant gaze of True Monarch Zhongming.

Although it didn't matter to him whether True Monarch Zhongming gave it or not.

He accepted this gift mainly to ease True Monarch Zhongming's mind and prevent him from overthinking.

In his eyes, Zhongming Tiancheng was already in his pocket.

If he had to blame someone, it would be True Monarch Zhongming for personally sending the four outstanding heirs of the Gu family into his hands.

Now he was the caring big brother, the savior, the idol, and the life mentor of the four heirs.

All four of them secretly joined the Great Unity Society.

And as soon as they joined, they became Profound Level members of the Great Unity Society, vowing to contribute to the cause of the Great Unity Society.

Originally, he wanted to directly influence True Monarch Zhongming and baptize him in the name of healing.

But True Monarch Zhongming was still a Nascent Soul True Monarch after all. Even if he only had one Nascent Soul left, his cultivation level was there, and for a while, Yu Xian really had no way to deal with him.

Unless he was willing to accompany True Monarch Zhongming for more than ten years.

But he would be crazy to spend so much time with a man.

"By the way, regarding the establishment of a branch of the Great Unity Society in Zhongming Tiancheng, I will trouble Lord Gu to take care of it."

Yu Xian casually reminded.

True Monarch Zhongming was in a great mood at the moment and guaranteed, patting his chest, "President Bai, rest assured, the Great Unity Society is such a benevolent organization that helps others and oneself. I will definitely support it in the future. Whoever dares to trouble the Great Unity Society will be going against me and the entire Zhongming Tiancheng. At that time, President Bai won't need to say anything, I will make sure they can't survive and can't die."

Yu Xian nodded slightly, "The Great Unity Society has always upheld the idea of helping others and promoting goodness. If they don't want to live, there's no need to keep them alive. Just give them a quick and painless death."

True Monarch Zhongming: "..."

What a promoter of goodness, he had redefined it today.

After a few more meaningless words, True Monarch Zhongming escorted Yu Xian out of Zhongming Tiancheng, waving goodbye.

"What a good person!"

At this moment, True Monarch Zhongming truly believed in the noble character of True Monarch Dali.

For a while, he felt somewhat ashamed.

True Monarch Dali came here to spread love, even though he had gained some fame, it was nothing compared to what they had done.

He used to look down on True Monarch Dali, thinking that he was living off women.

He had thought too much with a small-minded mentality.

But when it came to the thousand-year foundation of the Gu family, he couldn't afford not to think more.

"Qing'er, in the future, you will inherit the position of the True Monarch of Chongming. You must remember today's lesson well. Profound Yang Sect cannot be trusted, and neither can outsiders."

"But I must admit, the teachings of the True Monarch of Chongming to the next generation are contradictory."

Gu Qingqing withdrew her gaze from the figure that couldn't be seen in the sky and nodded gently.

"Qing'er will definitely remember!"

The True Monarch of Chongming took a deep breath and said in a low voice,

"At the last auction of the Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce, I had intended to prepare a Nascent Infant Pill for the next generation, but it was unexpectedly taken by the hermit from the Mo Cliff at a high price."

This time, I am powerless to protect you all, even though my strength is almost gone.

Thanks to the help of the Great Love True Monarch, we have managed to calm the beast tide within the Chongming Heavenly City, so you still have nearly ten years.

During these ten years, I will open the family treasure trove and spare no expense to accompany and protect your cultivation, allowing you to break through to the peak of the Gold Core stage as soon as possible.

When the beast tide is over and the auction resumes, even if I have to empty the family's coffers, I will obtain a Nascent Infant Pill for you.

At that time, the fortune and life of the Gu family for a thousand years will depend solely on you."

"So, this time when you break through to the Nascent Soul stage, you must succeed and not fail!"

Gu Qingqing's eyes trembled, feeling a suffocating sensation. The immense pressure suddenly weighed on her fragile shoulders.

"Ancestor, Qing'er may not be able to do it. It would be better to let the previous generation of uncles and aunts have the opportunity. They have deeper cultivation and more experience, so they will surely succeed."

She couldn't imagine how heavy the future of the clan would be.

At this moment, she missed the guidance of Big Brother Bai immensely.

Although they had only been together for a few days, he was like a mentor in her confusion, effortlessly unraveling her doubts and allowing her to proceed with confidence.

"You must do it!"

The True Monarch of Chongming looked at Gu Qingqing's pale face and his heart softened.

He knew that this child had been heavily cultivated by the Gu family, with most of her time spent on cultivation and lacking in other areas.

In theory, she was not qualified and capable of inheriting the position of the True Monarch of Chongming.

But because he had lost three hundred years of lifespan due to being declared dead by the Monster Emperor and his strength had greatly diminished after this great battle, he simply didn't have the time to wait for the birth of the next Qilin child of the Gu family.

He had no choice but to make the best of a bad situation and take a gamble.

This time, the Monster Emperor's declaration of death broke the ban of the Azure Phoenix Demon Venerable and posed a threat to the future of the True Monarch of Chongming. The sudden loss of contact with the Profound Yang Sect and various other changes made him deeply feel the impending danger.

In the future, without a Nascent Soul True Monarch sitting in the Gu family, their survival would be precarious.

But unfortunately, they couldn't retreat.

The Gu family had ruled over the Chongming Heavenly City for over two thousand years and possessed a tremendous wealth.

If they lost the protection of the Nascent Soul True Monarch, this immense wealth would become a huge disaster.

"Your elders have long lost their drive for progress. Before you were born, the Gu family also had an heir, but he failed to break through and lost his life.

So the ones left behind are all a bunch of failures.

Instead of placing hope in them, it's better to let you give it a try."

The True Monarch of Chongming said softly, "I know this is unfair to you, but isn't this also your opportunity?

I, the True Monarch of Chongming, am willing to bet the fortune of the Gu family for a thousand years on you. Can't you believe in yourself?"

Gu Qingqing fell silent for a moment and weakly said, "Ancestor, Qing'er thinks that the Great Love True Monarch is good. We can join him in the future. He will definitely not covet the wealth of our Gu family."

The True Monarch of Chongming snorted coldly, "Have you forgotten what I just taught you so quickly? Except for yourself, no one can be trusted, not even me!

Even I cannot be trusted when necessary!

But before you break through to the Nascent Soul stage, you can fully trust me.

Because I even hope more than you do that you can succeed.

I admit that the Great Love True Monarch has his merits and his character is convincing.

But people change, so how can you be sure that he will still be a trustworthy person in the future?

It is the most foolish choice to entrust your fate to others."

"I understand."

Gu Qingqing nodded again, not refuting, but in her heart, she believed that someone like Big Brother Bai would never become bad, as the ancestor had said.

A leisurely cloud swayed in the sky, slowly returning home.

Yu Xian rested one hand on a pillow, comfortably crossing his legs.

Beside him, Yue Jiu supported her head with her hand, looking at him from the side with affection in her eyes.

"I thought you would stay for a while and take down the Gu family when you left so easily. It seems like you've captured the hearts of many girls. If you can marry her, True Monarch Chongming might even offer the entire Gu family as a dowry."

Yu Xian helplessly said, "There are so many people who like me, I can't satisfy everyone."

After speaking, he looked at Yue Jiu affectionately.

"Besides, compared to you, she is still too young."

"As for the Gu family and the Chongming Heavenly City, they will eventually be mine, but at the moment, we shouldn't be too ostentatious."

"The Nirvana of the Phoenix Demon Lord is imminent, and there are major changes within the Profound Yang Sect. It is a time of one wave after another. If we are too high-profile, we will attract unnecessary trouble. This time, we have achieved our goal and left enough seeds behind."

"The Monster Emperor's massacre caused great suffering, and most of the houses in the Chongming Heavenly City are empty, but it also left behind large areas of unclaimed fertile land."

"These lands will soon be planted with Spirit Rice, and Qi Shaowei's Weilong fleet will reopen safe waterways in the Chongming Heavenly City. These Spirit Rice will become the raw materials for the Great Unity Society's Spirit Rice Pills at a very low price, continuously supplying them."

"And those cultivators who harbor hatred because of the beast tide will spare no effort in their cultivation. The Great Unity Society is the existence that can give them power."

At that time, these cultivators will be the best leek seedlings.

The Great Unity Society has established a branch in the Chongming Heavenly City, which is actually an intermediary that provides free and fast access to the Great Love City for cultivators who are at the critical point of the Gold Core stage, allowing them to be harvested first.

Otherwise, relying solely on the territory of the Chongming Heavenly City, it would be difficult to continuously provide enough qualified cultivators to consume the external Gold Core breakthrough pills.

Unless the demonic secret technique "Sacrifice of the Burning Spirit" can be widely spread.

But there are limits to harvesting leeks.

This kind of technique is like the Evil Expelling Sword Technique. Once it spreads, everyone will be in danger. At that time, they will have to harvest even if they don't want to, or they won't be able to compete with others.

And what he fears most is that this thing will become popular among Qi Refining stage cultivators.

If they exhaust their potential in order to break through to the Foundation Building stage, then all the leek roots will be pulled out.

The entire Chongming Heavenly City will become the Demon Realm.

"Your words are always so beautiful."

But Yue Jiu was more concerned about the first two sentences, and her heart melted.

Now her heart is full of Yu Xian, so being easily moved by him, even if it's just an ordinary love phrase, sounds more beautiful and touching to her ears than any music in the world.

"Speaking of which, I originally wanted to make a name for you this time, but in the end, I hid your name. You won't blame me, will you?"

Suddenly, Yu Xian remembered something else.

The deeds of True Monarch Dali saving the Chongming Heavenly City are also beneficial to the spread of the Great Unity Society in various places.

At that time, those Gold Core cultivators who have no place to go will naturally become the heads of various branches of the Great Unity Society under the Chongming Heavenly City, safeguarding the interests of the Great Unity Society in the local area.

Their long-standing debts will also have hope of being repaid.

That's why he said it would infringe on the interests of those vested interests.

In a situation where productivity cannot be expanded temporarily, if someone eats more, someone else will eat less.

But now with True Monarch Dali leading the way, the Great Unity Society will be much more comfortable in its actions.

As for whether True Monarch Dali is willing to lead, that is not for him to decide.

When it comes to saving lives, what's wrong with carrying a burden?

Yue Jiu shook her head and said, "As long as it's something you did, there must be a reason. How could I blame you?"

Yu Xian smiled and said, "With just this sentence, I will definitely send you to the position of Sect Master of the Profound Yang Sect."

Yue Jiu said, "But I don't want to be the Sect Master at all."

Yu Xian, however, said seriously, "But I want to... become the Sect Master."

Yue Jiu was stunned for a moment, and then her face blushed suddenly.

"You're not serious!"

PS: I'm not feeling well, so this chapter feels a bit messy. I can only ask everyone to bear with it. Sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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