Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

302. Chapter 299 Clinical Trial On Demon King Breeding

Chapter 299: Clinical Trials of the Demon King's Breeding

After returning to Da'ai City, Yu Xian took some time to replenish his lifespan with the help of his fellow disciples. It took him two months to recover the lifespan that was taken by Yue Jiuhua.

Then, Yu Xian passed his modified version of the "Yin Yang Harmony and Unity" to Yulan and urged her to cultivate diligently.

Fortunately, Yulan's main cultivation method was dual cultivation, so this secret technique was a perfect fit for her.

Yue Jiuhua was a Nascent Soul cultivator, so it took him two months to recover after being drained by Yulan. But Yulan, with her small Gold Core, was like a mosquito bite to him, causing no harm at all.

If he hadn't voluntarily let go of his defenses and transferred his spiritual energy, he would have been lying there, unable to resist Yulan's draining.

It has been twenty or thirty years since Yulan broke through to the Gold Core stage, and her cultivation has not been completely stagnant, but it hasn't improved much either. The slight increase in her mana was mainly due to her habit of treating high-level spirit pills as candy.

Yu Xian was concerned about this. Yulan had taken the Transcendent Origin Pill, so theoretically, her previous mortal body had already transformed into an excellent physique comparable to a Spirit Body. Most Gold Core Perfected Beings were at this level, and there was even a slight hope of breaking through to the Nascent Soul stage.

But Yulan's physique was artificially enhanced, and her comprehension did not correspondingly improve. Coupled with her easy satisfaction, her motivation for cultivation in the Gold Core stage was severely lacking.

Take those spirit pills, for example. They were hard to come by outside, but after taking them, she didn't like to stay in the quiet room to cultivate all day. Instead, she would take care of her beloved flowers and chat with Ah Miao, letting the medicinal power dissipate throughout her body.

With such a method of taking pills, she could only absorb less than twenty percent of their power.

Considering multiple factors, Yulan had become a very mediocre Gold Core cultivator.

But Yu Xian had promised not to force her to do anything she didn't want to do or make her unhappy.

So all the social beatings and the journey of spiritual transformation were completely nonexistent.

He could only dote on his own little waste.

Speaking of which, the "Yin Yang Harmony and Unity" was originally researched by him for Yulan. It just so happened that Yue Jiuhua fought him and lost a hundred years of lifespan, so he naturally had to compensate her first.

It was only after Yue Jiuhua's personal experience that Yu Xian had the confidence that this domineering replenishment technique could assist Yulan in her cultivation at the Gold Core stage.

And that was indeed the case.

Since switching to this replenishment technique, Yulan's cultivation had begun to speed up.

Of course, only Yulan could enjoy the treatment of being Yu Xian's cauldron, which was his favoritism towards her.

Yue Jiuhua didn't want to delay his own path, so after practicing once, he put this secret technique aside, and Yu Xian didn't insist on it.

After all, Yue Jiuhua's cultivation was too strong, and replenishing him would require a two-month recovery period.

It was as if he had returned to the days of his youth and recklessness in the Yue Kingdom, feeling clean and pure without a single drop.

When he broke through to the Soul Formation stage, dealing with Yue Jiuhua should be much easier.

As for Luo Han, who had been an invisible person for a long time, she had already found her own way of cultivation.

Alchemy was her cultivation path since alchemy was her cultivation.

As everyone knew, Da'ai True Monarch was rich and didn't lack spiritual stones at all.

So the Great Unity Society could provide various spirit medicines for Luo Han to study. If they didn't have them, they would send the Misty Shadow Dao soldiers to collect them, and if they couldn't find them, they would buy them at a high price from the Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce. If that didn't work, they would use Qi Shaowei's internal channels.

Anything that could be solved with spiritual stones was not a problem at all.

Although Luo Han was usually silent and seemed like an invisible person, Yu Xian ranked her in the top three among the many women he cared about.

Now, Luo Han was only one step away from the mid-Gold Core stage, and her mana accumulation was very solid, with a particularly solid foundation.

Yu Xian estimated that it should be no problem for her to reach the late Gold Core stage.

As for the Nascent Soul stage, that was not something personal willpower could influence.

Luo Han's potential was only this high, and if she wanted to break through, she would have to seek external help.

Obviously, Yu Xian was her external help and opportunity.

He wasn't worried about this woman who had been silently working hard.

The other two were Liu Yueru and Zhao Shiwen.

Liu Yueru practiced the Ghost Clan's cultivation method. Before the beast tide arrived, Yu Xian followed Qi Shaowei's path and purchased many resources for the Ghost Clan's cultivation from the internal channels of the Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce.

Half a year after he returned to Da'ai City, Liu Sect Master had already broken through to the Ghost King stage and was now no different from an ordinary person. This also unlocked several new positions for him.

As his companion ghost spirit, Liu Sect Master's cultivation was greatly influenced by him.

With the huge gap in their cultivation levels, Liu Sect Master would have a smooth journey before reaching the Ghost Emperor stage.

After all, a normal Nascent Soul cultivator would never contract a small ghost general as their companion ghost spirit, which would only delay their own cultivation.

Speaking of which, this is also a way of supplementing, just more silent and less impactful.

There's no need to mention Zhao Shiwen.

This unlucky guy, after failing to break through, took the path of False Dan Perfected Being, losing the possibility of progress. Now he works as one of the main leaders of the Datong Society, working like a horse every day.

She also tried the method of spiritual cultivation and sought the method of False Dan cultivation through the channels of the Datong Society.

But she gained nothing.

Yu Xian did not discourage her, but planned to break through Soul Formation himself and then find time to teach her the method of advancing from External Dao Gold Core to External Dao Nascent Soul.

After so many years, he was quite skilled at it.

And according to the law of a hundred times the cultivation points for each major realm, after reaching Soul Formation, there would be billions of cultivation points.

The cultivation points provided by the Heavenly Dao Spiritual Qi of a False Dan Perfected Being were only tens of thousands, which was negligible compared to billions or trillions.


Time passed quickly, cherries turned red, and bananas turned green.

Two years flew by.

Since Yu Xian returned from Zhongming City, he had been staying in the city of Da'ai, practicing with a few fellow cultivators, occasionally studying personal interests. The outside world's disturbances seemed to have nothing to do with him, and he was unusually low-key.

On the other hand, the name of the Datong Society had become well-known in the western part of Xunyang Realm.

Who didn't know the philosophy of "everyone for me, me for everyone" of the Datong Society? Countless Foundation Building cultivators who were stuck at the Gold Core bottleneck heard that they could borrow money from the Datong Society to break through, and they all embarked on the path of the Datong Society.

On this day.

Outside the city of Da'ai, about fifty miles to the west.

At some point, two black mountains appeared here.

When someone flew over from high above and looked into the distance, the two mountains resembled a lying black bear.

Therefore, they were called the Great Black Bear Mountain and the Little Black Bear Mountain.

And the area within ten miles of the two bear mountains had been sealed off and inhabited by demon bears.

There was also a team of Dao soldiers, plus the core members of the Datong Society, guarding it, making it impossible for outsiders to approach.

It was said that this was a task personally arranged by True Monarch of Da'ai.

But True Monarch of Nascent Soul had a wide range of interests, so it was not surprising that he built a bear breeding ground.

So after being discussed for a while, people accepted this fact calmly.

The cultivators and caravans that were originally supposed to pass by the bear breeding ground would consciously avoid it from a distance to avoid unnecessary trouble.

Yu Xian stood not far from the front of the Great Black Bear Mountain, looking at the bear emperor whose limbs were locked by Law Treasure chains and suppressed by rocks, showing no signs of life.

Two years ago, he let Yue Jiu spare the lives of two bear emperors, naturally not because he was softhearted.

After all, they didn't have the spiritual imprint left by the Mountain Moving Demon Venerable.

Yu Xian had no mercy for the two demon bears who enjoyed eating people.

But the living bear emperors were more valuable than the dead ones.

In the distance, a Perfected Being dressed in a white coat, with a modern yet ancient appearance, walked briskly, leading two demon bears several dozen feet tall, one gray-haired and one black-haired, which looked larger in size but had no special aura and were no different from ordinary gray bears.

"The time is pressing. I have fed thousands of ordinary wild bears with the flesh and blood of the bear emperors, and I have carefully selected these two among the bear demons that have become demons.

Now they have reached the peak of the demon general's demon power level. Although their consciousness is not as good as that of a Demonic Beast that has just become a demon general due to excessive catalysis, I estimate that there is a seventy to eighty percent chance of success if they can break through by taking the blood of the same kind of Monster Emperor."

As a descendant of the Beast Taming lineage of the Profound Yang Sect, the Perfected Being of Ten Thousand Beasts was happy to be a Spirit Beast researcher.

"If they can successfully break through, it will prove that our previous speculation was correct. Demonic Beast cultivation values bloodline above all else. If low-level bloodlines are stimulated by high-level bloodlines of the same kind, extraordinary growth speed can be achieved."

Yu Xian nodded slightly at the Perfected Being of Ten Thousand Beasts. "I hope this time won't disappoint me."

Leaving behind the two living bear emperors was for his Monster King breeding industry.

This method of cultivating Spirit Beasts, with the guidance of the Heavenly Dao Grandmaster and the practical experience of the mature researcher of the Ten Thousand Beasts Perfected Being, had a very high success rate. Now it was just the final step.

If the clinical trial could be successful, then the future bear king breeding base could begin construction.

And in the future, pig kings, cow kings, snake kings, and other breeding bases could be researched in this direction.

By then, Monster King Inner Cores would no longer need to be purchased at high prices, greatly reducing costs.

Hearing this, the Perfected Being of Ten Thousand Beasts' eyes lit up. This was much more interesting than fighting and killing.

He walked to the front of the Great Black Bear Mountain, and his palm penetrated the mountain like a spearhead.

As the spirit of the Blood Sea Banner, the skill of extracting condensed blood was as natural and simple as eating and drinking.


The Great Bear Emperor let out a painful roar, causing the mountain of the Great Black Bear Mountain to shake as if it were about to stand up.

However, the Law Treasure chains bound to the limbs of the Great Bear Emperor shimmered brightly, continuously growing new chains like vines, firmly holding the Great Bear Emperor in place.

At the same time, the bronze collar worn around the neck of the Great Bear Emperor kept tightening, with thunderous steel needles constantly piercing his body, disrupting the condensation of his demonic power. The rocks on his body emitted a yellow brilliance, and the pressure suddenly increased.

The Great Bear Emperor let out a mournful cry, and his heavy body, which had just left the ground, fell with a loud crash.

"If you want to kill, then kill. True Monarch, by tormenting us like this, one day, the Lord of Demons will avenge us!"

"Then you better live well, live longer. Otherwise, I'm afraid you won't live to see that day."

Yu Xian smiled faintly.

The Perfected Being of Ten Thousand Beasts took out his palm, and in the palm of his hand was a blood diamond the size of an egg, still full of vitality, beating like a heart.

This was the essence blood of the Great Bear Emperor, extremely precious.

It was not like ordinary blood. Even if the Great Bear Emperor shed it into a pond, he could replenish it by eating a little more.

But this essence blood was like his cultivation. If a portion was drawn out, his cultivation would be reduced by a fraction.

If too much was drawn out without enough spiritual energy for cultivation replenishment, and enough time for recovery, there was a risk of cultivation regression and bloodline degeneration.

The Perfected Being of Ten Thousand Beasts held the blood diamond in his hand and walked in front of the Great Gray Bear, beckoning.

The tamed Great Gray Bear demon, like a large dog, lowered its body, lowered its head, and extended its broad tongue, swallowing the blood diamond into its abdomen.

In the next moment.

The Great Gray Bear demon stood upright, roaring continuously. Boundless blood qi permeated its body, overflowing from every pore. Even the roots of its fur could be seen stained with blood.


The sky was covered with dark clouds, as if sensing the birth of the Demon King.

Soon, calamitous thunder struck.

The Great Gray Bear demon lowered its intelligence, almost without the concept of evasion, allowing the calamitous thunder to strike. It relied solely on instinct to stimulate the power in its bloodline, purely resisting it.

After a burst of smoke, the Great Gray Bear demon walked out from the thunder.

Although its skin was torn and flesh was split, there was a powerful vitality continuously nourishing its body, visibly healing its injuries at a rapid speed.

That was the power of the essence blood of the Great Bear Emperor.

Then came the second wave, the third wave...

The Great Grey Bear Demon continued to resist stubbornly, without any skill, relying solely on its thick blood to withstand the attacks.

And the Great Bear Emperor, true to its title as a Middle Grade Monster Emperor, actually managed to help the Great Grey Bear Demon withstand twenty-seven tribulation thunderbolts with its own essence blood.

As the final tribulation thunderbolt came to an end,

Yu Xian looked up at the sky with anticipation.

Sure enough, a stream of heavenly spiritual energy slowly descended, about to nourish the nearly lifeless Great Grey Bear Demon below.

But Yu Xian was quick to react and skillfully scooped up and absorbed the heavenly spiritual energy.

In just a moment, this heavenly spiritual energy had transformed into approximately eighty thousand cultivation points.

"The heavenly dao treats all beings as mere livestock, without discriminating against the Monster Race. It seems that even the Monster Race can receive heavenly spiritual energy."

"Compared to the Perfected Beings' False Dan, it's lacking about half the cultivation points. But since it's a fast-growing species, we can't ask for too much. The most important thing is that I can absorb the heavenly spiritual energy of the Monster Race, which means I have another source of heavenly spiritual energy in the future."

"By the way, I can also kill two birds with one stone!"

With a light swipe of his palm, Yu Xian split open the head of the Great Grey Bear Demon, which had just successfully transcended its tribulation, before it had a chance to fully experience the power of the Demon King. A red date-sized Beast Core, pockmarked and bumpy, rolled out.

"It truly is a fast-growing product. The Beast Core is much smaller than that of a normal Demon King, and it's rough and not at all smooth."

"I just don't know if this thing can be refined into an unorthodox Gold Core. I have a feeling that the success rate of forming a pill with this kind of Beast Core will be relatively low, and the quality of the unorthodox Gold Core will be poor."

Although the inner core of a Demon King can be refined into an unorthodox Gold Core, it's clear that the inner cores of peak Demon Kings and Low Grade Demon Kings are somewhat different.

And the inner core of a Low Grade Demon King is different from that of this fast-growing Demon King.

The Perfected Being with ten thousand beasts had a helpless expression as he said, "At least wait for it to recover before killing it, so that the Beast Core can be more essence-rich. And it won't end up as a pile of rotten flesh, greatly reducing its value."

Yu Xian smiled and said, "If we want to establish a control group, this small Beast Core is indispensable. There's still one more, bring it on."

"Oh, and give it this to wear. From now on, this thing will be the Transcending Tribulation set."

As he spoke, Yu Xian touched his storage ring and threw out a set of sturdy plate armor Spiritual Weapon.

This plate armor Spiritual Weapon was forged from ten thousand refined mysterious iron and deep-sea cold iron, without any fancy effects, just pure durability.

The Perfected Being with ten thousand beasts did not object.

Everyone was doing this for the first time, so naturally, they were taking step-by-step improvements and searching for the best cultivation methods.

This time, the Perfected Being with ten thousand beasts extracted essence blood from the Little Bear Emperor, mainly focusing on sustainable development and giving the Great Bear Emperor some rest and recovery time.

Wearing plate armor and having consumed refined blood, the Great Black Bear Demon also attracted Thunder Tribulation.

Similar to before, there were no techniques involved, just relying on pure resilience.

However, this time the Great Black Bear Demon had a set of Spiritual Weapon plate armor, coupled with the nourishment from the refined blood, so its injuries were not as severe as the previous Great Gray Bear Demon.

"I'll let it recover a bit more before killing it. Then we'll see if the Beast Core is any different."

As usual, Yu Xian absorbed the spiritual energy of the Heavenly Dao, gaining another seventy to eighty thousand cultivation points.

"No problem, I also want to see what differences there will be in the future."

While the Perfected Being of Ten Thousand Beasts had reservations about killing innocent creatures, they were enthusiastic about killing demons.

If it were up to Yu Xian, he would be an extreme racist for his entire life.

Yu Xian occasionally acted as a peace ambassador between the human and demon races.

"Now it seems that our speculation was successful. With these two bear emperors, as long as we pay attention to the frequency of extracting refined blood, theoretically we can continuously produce demon kings of the bear species."

The next step is to try the effect of the bear emperors' refined blood on other Demonic Beasts.

Also, quickly give me a breeding plan for the bear king. The cost is not important, but what's most important is knowing how many demon king cores the bear king breeding farm can provide me with each year."

Yu Xian suspected that the Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce also had similar breeding techniques, or perhaps the Monster Race had a more mature plan for cultivating fast-growing demon kings.

Otherwise, with the amount of Beast Cores the Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce sells every year, it would not be enough just to rely on acquisitions.

The Perfected Being of Ten Thousand Beasts nodded and said, "No problem, this is my expertise. I will definitely study it thoroughly."

However, our venue is still too small. With the current amount of land, we can't raise many Demonic Beasts at all.

Moreover, just the self-recovery of the two bear emperors has already made the spiritual energy here almost barren.

If we want to establish a large-scale demon king breeding farm in the future, it would be best to obtain a Rank Four spiritual vein."

Yu Xian said, "This is just the experimental phase. We will have spiritual veins and venues in the future, just not now."

Breeding demon kings is a chilling topic.

With his current strength, he indeed couldn't handle it.

Otherwise, if the Monster Race were to find out that a human True Monarch was so audacious as to imprison a Monster Emperor to breed demon kings, even if it was just for reputation, they would fight him to the death.

The Perfected Being of Ten Thousand Beasts thought for a moment and agreed, "It's not suitable to be too public right now. I'll study it further and see if I can optimize it."

Yu Xian looked at the enthusiastic Perfected Being of Ten Thousand Beasts and felt extremely pleased.

"Don't worry, that day won't be too far away."

His gaze looked down and a green panel appeared.

[Name: Yu Xian]

[Cultivation: Nascent Soul Late Stage (1.3e/11.1e)]

[Soulmates: Yu Lan, Luo Han, Yue Jiu (3/4)]

Thanks to the battle in Chongmingtian City, the annual income of the Datong Society continues to steadily increase, and Spirit Rice continues to sell well.

In addition to the popularity of the Da'ai Project within the boundaries of Chongmingtian City, the Datong Society has accumulated billions of funds, with thousands of materials for refining the Five Elements Pill piled up in the warehouse, and continuous acquisitions are still ongoing.

After all, the Golden Peng Monster Emperor has become a puppet, and the Monster Emperor who guarded the Monster Vein has lost its position. It is a time of chaos with no leader.

The Datong Society's medicinal collection team can easily collect various types of Spirit Medicine in the Monster Vein, and the Daoist Army Corps takes advantage of the chaos caused by the beast tide to delve deep into the Monster Vein and continuously harvest the Monster King's inner core.

In addition to the secrets obtained from the Golden Peng Monster Emperor before, Yu Xian deeply felt the threat and crazily increased the number of Perfected Beings to four hundred each year.

According to market prices, he now has to spend a total of eight hundred million spirit stones each year.

The Profound Yang Sect's annual tax revenue in the three major heavenly cities in the western part of the Xuan Yang Realm is not even close to this number.

However, his costs have been greatly reduced, and this eight hundred million spirit stones is enough to spend three to five hundred million, directly reducing costs by half.

Mainly because the number of Monster Kings in the two Great Monster Veins is limited, and most of the Beast Cores still rely on the Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce.

This is also why Yu Xian has reason to suspect that the Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce has mature technology for breeding Monster Kings.

Otherwise, it would not be so easy to obtain such a large amount of Beast Cores.

It should be noted that just the order from the Datong Society requires hundreds of Beast Cores each year.

But the Golden Peng Monster Emperor's five thousand li Monster Vein has less than two hundred Monster Kings, and the Monster Vein of the Golden Peng Monster Emperor is even larger, with about five to six hundred Monster Kings.

Yu Xian couldn't imagine what kind of intense battle between humans and monsters would contribute so many Beast Cores each year.

If that's true, after the Qinghuang Monster Venerable's Nirvana, the Xuan Yang Realm would probably be completely destroyed.

"Just this time, I don't want to run anymore."

Yu Xian silently estimated that based on the current aggressive harvesting mode of over forty million cultivation points per year, he would break through to the Soul Formation stage in about fifty years!

That is, just before the next beast tide arrives.

(End of this chapter)

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