Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

312. Chapter 309 Datonghui’S First Demon King Breeding Demonstration Base

Chapter 309: Demon King Breeding Demonstration Base of the Great Unity Society

In the ninety-first year of the Great Unity Era, on June 16th.

This was one year after Yu Xian's breakthrough to the Soul Formation stage.

With the absence of the threat from the Monster Emperor level, the Demonic Beasts within the Mingyue Tiancheng and Chongming Tiancheng territories were completely eradicated. The Daoist Army, along with the cultivator army, guarded the borders, preventing any large-scale beast herds from entering the two territories. This marked the beginning of a new era for both places.

The original Chongming Tiancheng...

What used to be a prosperous city was now empty. The houses within the city had been flattened, and ancient trees transplanted from the deep mountains were planted. The main city and four satellite cities had become one large city and four small ones, enclosed by city walls. This formed the Monster Emperor prison, covering an area of nearly one hundred square kilometers.

Each prison held a Monster Emperor.

These Monster Emperors were all creatures that enjoyed eating humans. In Yu Xian's eyes, these Monster Emperors didn't even have the qualifications to be his dogs.

These Monster Emperors were nourished by the spiritual energy of Rank Four Spirit Veins, ensuring that they wouldn't die due to a lack of spiritual energy and the inability to nourish their flesh and blood.

Based on the core species of the Monster Emperors, different species were formed within the breeding circle.

And this was the Demon King breeding base that Yu Xian had been longing for.

To be precise, it was the first Demon King breeding demonstration base of the Great Unity Society.

As for the name of Chongming Tiancheng, it was changed to Chongming Province, which Yu Xian was more familiar with. It became the second provincial capital under the jurisdiction of the Great Unity Society, directly adopting the system of the secular dynasty that he was familiar with.

Although feudal dynasties were backward and decadent, when it came to the concentration of power, they were unparalleled.

In Yu Xian's opinion, the Tiancheng system was actually equivalent to the Integrated Union system of provincial capitals and feudal fiefs. It was a very good attempt and indeed consolidated the control of the Profound Yang Sect over the local area.

However, in an era where individual strength determined everything, everyone focused on their own cultivation and enjoyment, relying on local powerhouses and large clans for governance. As long as they paid taxes, they didn't care about anything else. This resulted in the waste of the Tiancheng system.

But he was the man who wanted to lead everyone to a unified world, so he naturally did things in the most convenient way possible.

It was easier to handle things when power was centralized.

After all, he could probably live for a very, very long time, and with the existence of the Heavenly Demon Laws, he wasn't worried about this system deteriorating too much in the end.

Profound Yang Sect had not yet expressed any opinions on the renaming of Chongming Tiancheng.

It wasn't that they were afraid of Yu Xian, the newly promoted Venerable. In fact, they didn't even know about the appearance of a Soul Formation Venerable in the Great Unity Society.

It was purely because there wasn't enough time for them to react.

Another reason was that the ten-year agreement was approaching, and war was imminent. In the eyes of the Profound Yang Sect, no matter how these cultivators outside were making a fuss, they would eventually be submerged in the tide of history, so they couldn't be bothered.

"According to Researcher Yang's estimation, this breeding base can maintain a continuous output of eighty to one hundred Demon Kings per year. In the coming period of time, Researcher Yang will stay behind to guide you on how to carry out standardized Demon King breeding. You must learn it in the shortest possible time.

By then, the Gu family will be the first supervisor of this breeding base."

Yu Xian turned to Gu Qingqing, who was full of admiration beside him, and said,

"This demonstration base is extremely important for the future strategy of the Great Unity Society, Qingqing, don't disappoint me."

"But your cultivation level is still a bit low. In a few years, I will prepare a Infant Transformation Pill for you at the Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce auction."

After True Monarch Chongming led the migration of the clan, Gu Qingqing, who was heavily cultivated by True Monarch Chongming, became the rightful spokesperson for the Gu family.

Upon hearing that the Great Unity Society needed a Rank Four spiritual vein, Gu Qingqing displayed her excellent qualities of integrity and voluntarily donated the Chongming Heavenly City as the first Demon King breeding demonstration base for the Great Unity Society.

In response, Yu Xian also provided the appropriate rewards.

As the first supervisor of the breeding base, as long as one does a good job, this will be the iron rice bowl for the future generations of the Gu family.

"Thank you, Chairman. Qingqing will definitely not disappoint the Chairman!"

Gu Qingqing's expression became serious as she made a promise.

"No need to be so serious, just call me Big Brother Bai like before. I have always treated you as a younger sister."

Yu Xian pinched Gu Qingqing's cheek and showed a warm smile like an older brother.

Gu Qingqing's eyes were blurred, feeling that the Chairman was the gentlest and best person in the world. She couldn't help but speak in a sweet voice:

"Big...Big Brother Bai."

"Well, very good. Work hard in your cultivation and strive for a breakthrough all at once."

Yu Xian patted Gu Qingqing's shoulder and encouraged her, then disappeared into the sky.

On the side, Wan Shou, who had been promoted to the first researcher of the Great Unity Society Research Institute, stayed behind as the technical guide for the Demon King breeding base.

He glanced at Gu Qingqing, who was still infatuated with the Chairman's elegant figure, with a look of pity.

Another girl harmed by Yu Xian.

However, Yu Xian's current halo was too dazzling. Expelling Demonic Beasts, restoring peace as the loving True Monarch, deeply ingraining the ideals of the Great Unity Society in people's hearts, he was seen as a transcendent being in the eyes of the world.

He was good-looking, had a pleasant voice, and combined with the influence from the previous domain, it was not surprising that Gu Qingqing behaved this way.


Thinking of his own miserable love story, Wan Shou snorted.

"Supervisor Gu, we will need your cooperation in the days to come."

Wan Shou spoke without concealing his intentions.

Women only hindered his research.

How to develop more cost-effective Demon King breeding techniques would be his greatest pursuit in the future!

With the protection of Venerable Yu, even as a demonic Spiritual Treasure, he could come out openly and enjoy himself.

Of course, the main reason is that he has been cleansed by the power of Venerable Yu, so even a Nascent Soul True Monarch would find it difficult to see through his true and false.

"No problem, we are always prepared," she said.

Without Venerable Yu, Gu Qingqing immediately regained her strong-willed appearance.

Being able to control the former Nascent Soul family and donate the entire Heavy Ming Heaven City against popular opinion, how could her character be simple?

But in front of the president, she only showed her innocent side to gain attention.

Perfected Being: "..."

Woman, your name is "changing face".

"Brother Bai..." Her voice was sweet and drawn out, but Moon Jiuyu stood with her arms crossed, expressionless and cold.

"Are you the little fan girl who called me here?"

Venerable Yu pressed his warm face against her cold one, embracing Moon Jiuyu's soft waist, and teasingly said, "What's wrong? Are you jealous even of a little sister?"

Moon Jiuyu snorted coldly, "You know I'm not angry about that."

Venerable Yu pretended not to see and instead wore a playful expression, jokingly saying, "I'm just afraid you'll worry. If I fail to break through, you, this foolish woman, might sacrifice yourself out of despair. I would rather die without closing my eyes."

"But isn't it great now?"

"You just need to close your eyes and open them, and your husband has become the one in a million. You've hit the jackpot."

"I'll protect you in the future."

Sometimes, Venerable Yu felt that having a wife with such great strength was a happy trouble.

Yulan was so silly and cute.

It was like Moon Jiuyu had always wanted to protect him during his Transcending Tribulation, but where could he find a Thunder Tribulation for her?

He was really lucky.

But Goldfinger was his biggest secret.

No matter who it was, they couldn't know this secret.

So before his breakthrough, he tricked Moon Jiuyu into practicing a secret technique in seclusion, saying that it would help him when he broke through.

Moon Jiuyu knew that he had many miscellaneous dual cultivation techniques, and she actually believed him.

So Moon Jiuyu worked hard in seclusion for over a year. When she came out, she found that her husband had already become a Soul Formation Venerable.

That feeling was absolutely terrible.

To make Moon Jiuyu happy, Venerable Yu specially took her out to relax, wanting her to visit the newly built demon king breeding base together.

But Moon Jiuyu didn't even show her face.


Moon Jiuyu's eyes turned slightly red, as if she was about to burst into tears at any moment.

Since she had reformed her emotions and consolidated her Dao heart, Venerable Yu had become the most important person in her heart, even surpassing herself.

So in order for him to break through, even if it meant using herself as a cauldron and being drained dry, she was willing.

This was the Dao she now firmly adhered to, unregretful even in the face of death.

According to reason, Moon Jiuyu should be overjoyed when Venerable Yu broke through, but she had a lingering feeling of resentment that she couldn't express.

Suddenly, her eyes turned fierce, she grabbed Venerable Yu's arm, rolled up his sleeve, and bit down hard.

Venerable Yu's gaze softened, and he relaxed his defenses, allowing Moon Jiuyu's teeth to sink into his flesh, drawing blood. He silently circulated his cultivation technique, squeezing out a little more blood.

Feeling the sweet and bloody taste in her mouth, Moon Jiuyu hurriedly let go of Venerable Yu's arm.

"Why are you so foolish?"

Venerable Yu smiled indulgently at Moon Jiuyu and said, "Congratulations, Fairy Moon Jiuyu. You will be the first person in the history of the Immortal Cultivation World to successfully surpass a Soul Formation Venerable with your Nascent Soul cultivation, and even make a Soul Formation Venerable bleed."

From now on, you can be called the number one Nascent Soul cultivator."

Moon Jiuyu was stunned for a moment, wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, and calmly responded, "Then you are the first Soul Formation Venerable to be beaten and made to bleed by a Nascent Soul cultivator in history. From now on, we can call you the shame of the Venerables."

Venerable Yu looked dumbfounded, "Huh?"

"The shame of the Venerables, haha..."

Seeing Venerable Yu's dumbfounded expression, Moon Jiuyu felt all the resentment in her heart dissipate, and even the sky became clear and clean.

She knew that Venerable Yu did all this to prevent her from worrying and doing something foolish.

But this kind of good is not the kind of good she wants.

She would rather die together than live alone.

But the situation has already happened, and the result is also good, which makes her seem unreasonable no matter what she does.

But now that Yu Xian is willing to accompany her in her antics, she suddenly doesn't feel angry anymore.

Yue Ji wiped the blood stains on Yu Xian's arm. The wound was still fierce and looked quite terrifying. She patted the wound dissatisfiedly and said unhappily,

"You still look like this now. You really think of me as a little girl to deceive."

"In my eyes, you will always be a little girl worthy of love."

Yu Xian smiled slightly, and the wound instantly recovered, smooth as jade. The faint blood stains also seeped into the skin and were absorbed by the body.

This is the blood of Soul Formation. Even if it is just ordinary blood, it is comparable to a powerful medicine. It is more than enough to refine a Rank Four spiritual pill.

"Don't say it so nicely. If you dare to deceive me again, I will bite you to death."

Yue Ji wrinkled her nose, with a somewhat charming demeanor.

"Also, I want you to be my sparring partner. I have never seen a living Soul Formation Venerable before."

"No problem, this time I will definitely show you all my skills and practice with you."

Yu Xian embraced Yue Ji's waist, and his palm lightly moved forward, triggering the ubiquitous spatial laws.

In the next instant.

The two of them had already appeared in the hot spring pool of Mingyue Peak.

Yue Ji blushed and protested,

"I didn't mean this kind of practice!"

"This is just a warm-up..."


After a warm-up exercise.

Yu Xian successfully convinced Yue Ji, resolving the biggest internal conflict and opening the peaceful life in the gentle town.

His character has always been low-key and humble. Breaking through Soul Formation is more of a confidence and guarantee for himself.

Now that his cultivation has broken through, there is no need to show off or prove anything to anyone.

Doing so, besides satisfying his vanity, has no benefits at all.

Now his cultivation is his biggest trump card.

Of course, since he has broken through, there is no need to hide it.

As long as others know that Datong Club has a deep heritage and is personally presided over by a Soul Formation Venerable, it is enough.

Whether others believe it or not, who this Soul Formation Venerable is, is not important.

Anyway, the news has spread and been widely announced. If you dare to provoke us, it's your fault, and it's only natural for me to beat you.

This logic is very clear.


92 years of Datong calendar.

With the prestige of the Great Love True Monarch, who is almost like a living immortal, and absolute strength, as well as the threat of the beast tide, Datong Club successfully forcibly acquired all the land under its jurisdiction at a very low price and began to implement the Datong Code.

Yu Xian didn't bother to come up with his own ideas and directly copied the system from the modern society of his previous life.

Of course, adjustments were made according to the era.

This is an era where the gap between individuals is greater than that between humans and dogs. If he really pursues equality for all, he would be crazy.

Even he can only guarantee the basic human rights that every ordinary person should have.

If someone accidentally dies, at least there will be someone to take responsibility, whether it's compensation or punishment, there are rules to follow, instead of casually throwing them into a mass grave or not even finding their remains.

After all, these people are tools for him to create wealth, and he has the responsibility to protect his tools.

As for whether this system is good or not, he doesn't know.

Anyway, he will try it first.

The strength of the Soul Formation Venerable is the guarantee for all systems to be rebuilt.

If it doesn't work, then change to another set.

The sacrifices and chaos that may be caused are just minor details.

Building a Datong world requires paying a price.

The Datong world is a beautiful dream he gives to everyone, and it is also a lingering trace of beauty in his heart.

As long as he is making money, he doesn't mind maintaining this beauty.

If one day he needs to sacrifice himself to maintain this beauty, he will not hesitate to leave.

Of course, at this stage, he is making a lot of money.

For example, the most basic income from Spirit Fields, which are now directly leased to the original spiritual farmers.

As before, the tax rate is still fifty percent.

But in the past, the "five-five" referred to the Profound Yang Sect collecting five, and the landlords collecting five.

The landlords would then take one to two percent from the fifty percent and give it to the spirit farmers.

Those unregistered private fields are not much better, with landlords taking eighty percent, ninety percent, or even all of it.

Once faced with natural disasters or man-made calamities, not even this one or two percent profit sharing remains.

Anyway, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is everywhere. As long as one cultivates and absorbs this energy, they can become a cultivator. Moreover, the price of ordinary rice and grains is very low, so there is no need to worry about starving.

However, these spirit farmers can forget about advancing their cultivation. Without one or two generations of accumulation, it is impossible to support a true cultivator.

Now, the "five-five" means that the Great Unity Association takes five, and the spirit farmers take five, with no middlemen profiting from the price difference.

However, the Spirit Rice grown by the spirit farmers must be sold entirely to the Great Unity Association. The price is adjusted according to the market price each year, determined personally by the highest elder council of the Great Unity Association.

With this reform, the local powerful families and clans in the two major provinces no longer have any room for survival.

Their existence as exploiters relied on two things. One is strong cultivation, which can make all dissenting voices disappear. The other is control over the means of production, so that others can only rely on them to obtain cultivation resources.

But now, the supervising cultivators of the Great Unity Association are patrolling all corners, each with eyes green with envy, wanting to catch a few troublemakers and contribute their loyalty to the True Monarch of Great Love.

Anyone who dares to make a move will give the Great Unity Association an excuse to raid their homes and exterminate their families.

After all, the Great Unity Association is currently very poor and owes a lot of debt.

So, the only two outcomes left for these people are either to leave the rule of the Great Unity Association and find their own way, or actively integrate into the rule of the Great Unity Association and become solid supporters.

Most people choose the latter.

Because those cultivators who truly have confidence have already been eliminated by the Profound Yang Sect and the envoys of the Immortal Sect's Immortal Ship Plan. Those who remain are people who are not confident in surviving the beast tide.

Under the rule of the Great Unity Association, life may be a bit stifling, but at least safety can be guaranteed.

Moreover, they are not just landlords. They have professional skills, secret techniques, Law Weapons, and cultivation strength. As long as they are willing to work, they can still live a comfortable life.

It's just that before, they exploited to create value, and now they labor to create value.

So when there is only one exploitative existence left, what they receive will be an immeasurable amount.

93 years of the Great Unity Era, end of the year.

Guishou, the vice chairman of the Great Unity Association, the head of the finance department, and a member of the highest elder council, made a financial income report for the previous year to Yu Xian.

"The Great Unity Association mined approximately 230 million spirit stones throughout the year.

Under the jurisdiction of the Datong Society, there are two major provinces, totaling seventy-six prefectures and six hundred and eight county towns. The Spirit Field covers a total area of approximately four hundred million mu, and it has yielded about eight hundred and ten million stones of Low Grade Spirit Rice. Two hundred and forty-five billion Spirit Rice pills have already been refined.

The market price of Low Grade Spirit Rice is thirty-three jin per spirit stone, with a total value of about two billion four hundred and fifty million spirit stones. The Spirit Farmers need to pay more than one billion two hundred and fifty thousand spirit stones to cover the cost of forty-nine billion Spirit Rice pills used as currency.

There is a surplus of one hundred and ninety-six billion Spirit Rice pills, with a market value of forty-nine billion spirit stones.

In addition, there are countless mineral resources that have not been counted yet.

There are also the monthly salaries of many cultivators in the Datong Society, which are still in arrears. Should we pay them immediately?

Gui Shou remained calm and composed, although he had already been surprised in private.

"But everyone has expressed that they can endure a little longer."

After listening to the first half of the report, Yu Xian couldn't help but feel that his strategic plan of raising a demon king with one hand and cultivating Spirit Fields with the other was truly brilliant.

However, he wasn't too surprised.

Although these spirit stones sound like a lot, they are still Spirit Rice pills that need to be sold.

Another reason is that he eliminated all the landlords and became the biggest landlord himself, so naturally he earned more.

Lastly, those bastards from before really hid a lot of wealth.

It should be noted that the annual tax revenue from the Spirit Fields in Chongming City and Mingyue City, which used to be handed over to the Profound Yang Sect, was only about five to six hundred million spirit stones combined.

But the Spirit Rice he collected, even if calculated in spirit stones, was worth twenty-four billion, and collecting half of the agricultural tax would yield twelve billion spirit stones.

As a result, the Profound Yang Sect only received less than half of it in the end.

"Withholding wages is the greatest sin in the world."

"If there is not enough spirit stones, use Spirit Rice pills to make up for it. In the future, if anyone is willing to use Spirit Rice pills instead of spirit stones as wages, then calculate it at the internal price of five Spirit Rice pills per spirit stone."

Yu Xian calculated the amount of spirit stones that would ultimately end up in his hands and couldn't help but laugh secretly.

"By the way, there is no need to rush to sell the Spirit Rice pills. When the auction of the Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce comes, I will personally find customers."

"Alright, Chairman."

Gui Shou took notes seriously, his eyes hiding a hint of fanaticism.

He was a spiritual cultivator, specializing in the power of the mind.

After fully recognizing the concept of Datong, as he continued to personally build the world of Datong, his mental power seemed to merge with all the believers of Datong, driven by the beliefs in countless people's hearts, constantly moving forward.

Although he was only in the False Pill stage now, his mental cultivation was close to the peak of the Gold Core stage, and he was not far from the Nascent Soul stage.

PS: Thank you all for your votes. We have already reached two thousand monthly votes, which means there are still three chapters owed. I will slowly make up for them later. Also, although this chapter doesn't have much content, it was difficult to write.

(End of this chapter)

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