Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

313. Chapter 310 Entering The Myriad Treasures Chamber Of Commerce For The First Time

Upon receiving the brief financial income report sent by Gui Shou, Yu Xian did not take it lightly.

Because, in a sense, he was still in debt.

The consumption he had overdrafted in order to break through the Soul Formation Realm would eventually have to be repaid.

Firstly, there was the Datong debt from that year.

However, Datong, without a reserve of spirit stones, would also repay the debt with Spirit Rice Pills.

Fortunately, Yu Xian still had a bit of conscience and repaid the original amount with Spirit Rice Pills at twice the market price.

In other words, he borrowed over 1.2 billion spirit stones from Datong back then, and now Datong would repay with Spirit Rice Pills worth 2.4 billion.

Secondly, there were the spirit stones misappropriated for the Great Love Project and the Hope Project that year, which also needed to be made up for.

Yu Xian, as a Soul Formation Venerable, considered himself to have a great and upright image and would not stoop so low as to embezzle those spirit stones.

After all, it was only a few billion.

The same calculation applied, repaying with twice the amount of Spirit Rice Pills.

In addition, the Great Love Project and the Hope Project had already stopped accepting new clients.

Gui Shou was busy working overtime with a group of accountants to deal with the bad debts in these two projects.

As for the source of fake pill cultivators, it had changed from paid participation to free extraction. As long as they met the conditions, Foundation Building cultivators could participate in the selection of the Datong Association for free. Once chosen, they would receive support and become an honored Perfected Being.

Of course, a hundred-year employment contract was indispensable.

In addition, with the implementation of the Datong Code and the lingering issues of land reform, there were a bunch of miscellaneous matters piled up together.

Gui Shou and Zhao Shiwen, the two vice presidents, were so busy that they didn't even have time to rest.

Fortunately, both of them were fake pill cultivators and carried life-saving pills with them, otherwise they might have died suddenly.

Fortunately, the world was never short of people.

After the initial chaos in management, the Datong Association quickly found its own rhythm of operation.

Only Yu Xian, after the initial guilt, lay down with peace of mind.

As the leader, providing strategic direction was enough for him.

As for how to implement this strategy, that was the job of his subordinates.

In addition, he had already provided absolute military support and became the light of the Datong Association, giving everyone a common goal to pursue.

So this monster that had been nurtured by him with dreams and hopes from the beginning would burst forth with infinite vitality on its own.

And that was exactly what happened.

The achievements that the Datong Association had achieved in a short period of time were enough to astonish everyone who knew about it.

Especially those spirit farmers, when they personally received the fruits of their labor from the Spirit Fields they had worked hard on for a year, many of them were moved to tears, and some even kowtowed in the direction where the legendary Great Love True Monarch resided.

The Great Love True Monarch gave hope to all the low-level cultivators.

A hope that as long as they worked hard, they would receive rewards.

The thing people fear the most is not being able to see hope.

Amidst Gui Shou's busy schedule, he still found time to provide a report, pointing out that the estimated harvest for the next year would increase by at least thirty percent.

But Yu Xian didn't pay much attention to it.

After the initial shock, all that was left was plainness.

And for now, Spirit Rice Pills were still just Spirit Rice Pills.

Although they could be used internally as salary payments and forcibly used as currency with the prestige of the Datong Association.

But they still had to be exchanged for real spirit stones and then for high-grade Beast Cores in order to have an effect on his cultivation.

Although the Great Love True Monarch's beast breeding farm had already been established, it was limited by production capacity, and the Datong Association still had to import high-grade Beast Cores from outside, which required a large amount of spirit stones.

Speaking of which, Yu Xian hadn't felt the pleasure of absorbing Heavenly Dao spiritual energy for a long time.


The first Demon King breeding demonstration base of the Datong Association.


After the sparse Thunder Tribulation passed.

Yu Xian absorbed about ten strands of Heavenly Dao spiritual energy one after another, sensing that Heavenly Dao Teacher quickly left him and couldn't be stopped.

And his comprehension of the laws of space had improved a little bit.

But Yu Xian still felt a sense of disappointment.

"The Heavenly Dao spiritual energy at the Gold Core realm is still too weak. Even though I absorbed dozens of strands at once, the insight brought to me by each strand of Heavenly Dao spiritual energy only lasts for a moment, and even if I add them all up, they disappear in just a dozen breaths."

"The only thing that makes me gratified is that the cultivation at the Soul Formation Realm mainly relies on the application and comprehension of the laws, and simply cultivating hard doesn't bring much improvement. These Heavenly Dao spiritual energies provide me with short-lived insights, but also provide far more cultivation points than before.

On average, one Heavenly Dao Spiritual Qi can provide about 150,000 cultivation points."

Thinking about it, Yu Xian glanced at the panel in front of his field of vision.

[Name: Yu Xian]

[Cultivation: Early Soul Formation (1.1e/60e)]

[Dao Companions: Yu Lan, Luo Han, Yue Jiu (3/5)]

"In the past three years, on average, I have absorbed the Heavenly Dao Spiritual Qi of over a hundred False Pill cultivators each year, plus the Heavenly Dao Spiritual Qi of this fast-growing Demon King, which has provided me with a total of over one billion cultivation points.

And this is still the spirit stones I saved from my teeth.

At this rate, it will take me another one hundred and eighty years to break through to the mid-stage of Soul Formation.

Damn, why does it feel like I'm going backwards the more I mix in."

Yu Xian muttered to himself.

But since he had decided to steadily develop the Great Unity Society, it was destined that his progress in the early stage would not be fast.

You can't have your cake and eat it too.

As a young organization that had only been developing for less than a hundred years, the growth rate of the Great Unity Society had exceeded imagination. Even though he had displayed the might of Soul Formation and gained more territory, it did not mean that the Great Unity Society had enough manpower to manage it.

Moreover, acting without a name and bullying others was not the style of the Great Unity Society.

When the Xuan Yang Realm was ravaged by the Monster Race in a few years, people began to hope for the arrival of a savior.

At that time, when the Great Unity Society descended from the sky to save the world, not only would they be able to openly obtain a large piece of territory, but they would also be able to cultivate more seeds for the Great Unity Society's development.

After patiently nurturing for a few hundred years, the Xuan Yang Realm would be almost completely in his shape.

It should be noted that the current territory of the Great Unity Society only accounted for one or two percent of the entire Xuan Yang Realm.

If they took over the Xuan Yang Realm, not to mention that his income would increase by a hundredfold in the future, it would definitely be possible to increase it by twenty or thirty times.

In other words, just the annual income from farming alone would reach two to three hundred billion spirit stones. If converted into the market price of Spirit Rice Pills, it would be nearly a trillion spirit stones.

Even if calculated at the highest cost, this trillion spirit stones could be exchanged for five thousand False Pill cultivators, which is equivalent to seven to eight hundred million cultivation points per year.

He wanted to break through to the mid-stage of Soul Formation in less than ten years, or even faster than the Nascent Soul stage.

If other resource outputs were added, this number might double.

When all the resources flowed to one person, he would be the whole world!

Of course, this was neglecting the most ideal situation presented by all the intermediate costs. In reality, the number that would flow into Yu Xian's hands might only be half, or even less than one-tenth.

With a beautiful vision of the future life in mind, Yu Xian suppressed his restless heart and waited for the right moment to come.

And then, Yu Xian waited for the auction of the Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce.

The ninety-fourth year of the Great Unity Era.

In the fourth year of Yu Xian's breakthrough to Soul Formation, the auction of the Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce was held as scheduled.


The branch headquarters of the Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce in the Xuan Yang Realm was located in an area where the Xuan Yang Realm, Xuan Yin Realm, and Tian Jian Realm intersected, called Qian Shan Forest.

Qian Shan Forest was not a forest, but referred to the unique terrain here.

The mountain peaks here were steep and covered with vegetation. From a distance, they looked like straight giant trees.

Two trees formed a forest, but there were more than a thousand green peaks here.

And the core of Qian Shan Forest was the branch headquarters of the Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce.

Yu Xian piloted a medium-sized flying boat, about twenty to thirty zhang long, and slowly headed towards the Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce under the guidance of Yue Jiu.

Rarely going on a trip, Yu Xian brought all his family members with him, just to see something rare.

For him to participate in this Nascent Soul-level auction was like a high school student entering a kindergarten—there was no one who could match him.

So there was no need to worry about the safety of the women.

"Husband, look, such a big ship! The head in front looks fierce."

Yu Lan stood on the deck, leaning against Yu Xian's arms, enjoying the cool breeze, and looking at the rare sight in the distance, she was amazed.

"That's the Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce. The ship is called Wan Bao Hao, and the fierce head in front is a kind of mythical beast called Pixiu. But this is just a replica. The real Wan Bao Hao is the personal vehicle of the Venerable, the wealthy Venerable of the Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce."

"It is said that the Wan Bao Hao was personally commissioned by the wealthy Venerable, with the help of a Rank Five Refining Grandmaster, a Rank Five Rune Grandmaster, dozens of Rank Four Puppet Masters, Rank Four Forging Masters, and a Rank Five Array Grandmaster to design.

When the Wan Bao Hao is fully operational, it can rival a Soul Formation Venerable.

It can be said to be the highest crystallization of the entire human cultivation profession.

But this thing sounds very expensive, only wealthy Venerables like the wealthy Venerable can afford it.

If there is a chance, I will take you to see the original."

"But don't underestimate this replica. It is said that this replica is already quite powerful.

Did you see the pitch-black hull of the ship? It is tens of thousands of feet long, made entirely of forged black iron and Yinshan copper, and has been forged by deep-sea cold fire for seventy-seven years before it can fully integrate.

Even without using any other means on the ship, just activating the Myriad Treasures Ship and pressing down with its size is enough to destroy an ordinary Rank Four formation.

Yu Xian spoke confidently and appeared very knowledgeable.

In reality, he had deliberately studied this information before setting off, just to show off in front of Yulan and the other women.

Although this behavior may sound childish, Yu Xian enjoyed it.

If it were someone else, he wouldn't bother wasting his breath.

As expected, Yulan looked impressed and her eyes were full of admiration like a little girl.

"Husband, you know so much."

She didn't care about the Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce, she was just happy to be able to go out and have fun with her husband.

Before Yu Xian made a breakthrough, to avoid any potential danger, he had brought Yulan and the others to Mingyue City. Combined with Yu Xian's overuse of his lifespan, making himself prematurely aged, the atmosphere in the entire residence became a bit tense.

Especially after following Yu Xian on several escapes, Yulan, who had rich experience, had a bad premonition.

So, in order to not cause trouble for Yu Xian, she had been staying at home and rarely went out, which made her feel suffocated.

This trip was the happiest for her.

Because she understood very well that with her husband's cautious nature, if he dared to bring so many women on the trip, it meant that in his eyes, all the dangers and troubles had been resolved.

So Yulan's mood also became beautiful.

"Yulan understands me the best."

Yu Xian spoke too quickly and forgot that there were other women on the ship, immediately feeling several resentful gazes.

The meaning was obvious - Yulan understands you the best, then where do I rank?

But who was Yu Xian, the great Venerable of the Yu family?

A man who kept his word!

He could say he loved every woman, but that would only be when they were alone together, in the heat of passion.

When they were truly together, he only loved one person, and he never hesitated to express his opinion publicly.

Yulan was too gentle and didn't know how to fight for herself.

So his unrestrained love was the greatest protection for her, because no one dared to risk angering him to harm Yulan.

Sure enough, seeing that Yu Xian didn't respond at all, the several women's eyes dimmed slightly.

Although they knew they couldn't compare, they couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

Yu Xian couldn't help but shake his head. It seemed that the decision to form this group was made too hastily.

Forget about a harmonious harem, just think about it.

Unless a woman doesn't love you, how could she allow the woman you love the most in your heart not to be herself?

"But precisely because of this, Yulan is even more precious."

Yu Xian looked at Yulan, who was nestled in his arms, still chattering about what she had seen and heard ahead, his eyes gentle, his chin resting on her head, secretly thinking.

"Speaking of which, Yulan is only a little over ten years younger than me. Now she's almost two hundred years old and only at the mid-stage of Gold Core cultivation. I wonder how long she can accompany me?"

"But with me, a Soul Formation Venerable, as her cauldron, it shouldn't be difficult for her to cultivate to the peak of Gold Core."

"But whether this cultivated power can break through to the Nascent Soul realm is still unknown."

Especially the Heart Demon Tribulation, it doesn't sound like something Yulan can handle.

Even if I can find treasures to weaken the Heart Demon Tribulation for Yulan, I'm afraid she won't be able to withstand even one-tenth of its strength."

"It seems that after occupying the Xuan Yang Realm, I will have to start preparing for the False Infant Plan."

If Yulan cannot break through to the Nascent Soul realm, then she will directly cultivate a False Infant.

But this is the last resort.

Yu Xian is more inclined to find some longevity methods for Yulan, so that she can extend her lifespan by one or two hundred years.

By that time, he should have already broken through to the realm above Soul Formation.

With a difference of two major realms, he doesn't believe that he won't be able to find a way for Yulan to break through smoothly.

Just as Yu Xian was lost in thought, a streak of light blocked the flying ship ahead.

"Sorry, senior, this is a private area ahead, please detour."

The streak of light disappeared, revealing a young cultivator in Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce uniform. He had a clean temperament and was at the mid-stage of Foundation Building cultivation. But in the face of a senior cultivator he couldn't see through, his attitude was neither arrogant nor submissive.

He displayed confidence and composure, leaving a good impression.

Yu Xian casually threw away the invitation card given to him by President Qi.

"As the True Monarch, I have received an invitation from President Qi to attend the auction of the Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce with my family."

He felt a bit disappointed, feeling that the script was not right.

At this time, an ignorant small character should not have appeared, relying on their background to provoke him.

His desire to show off was almost uncontrollable.

"So, the senior is the True Monarch. Vice President Qi has already informed me and has prepared accommodation for the senior. Please follow me, senior."

The young man verified the authenticity of the invitation card using the methods of the chamber of commerce and showed a respectful expression on his face.


Yu Xian nodded lightly and piloted the flying boat to the designated docking area before entering the Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce.

Embarrassingly, as a Venerable, he didn't even have a storage Law Weapon that could hold a flying boat.

Mainly because he didn't have a high demand for it in his daily life, so he didn't specifically look for a large storage equipment.

This kind of thing has always been rare on the market and very expensive.

But when his understanding of spatial laws further improved, he should be able to start refining his own exclusive spatial equipment.

The Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce was very large, but it only had seven floors.

However, each floor was twenty to thirty zhang high, and even the cabin doors were seven to eight zhang high. When a person stood at the door, they appeared extremely small.

Upon entering the door, one could see that there was no difference between here and the outside world. The lighting was soft, like daylight, and the ceiling was specially designed to simulate the appearance of the sky using illusions, so people wouldn't feel the oppression of space.

"Senior, this first floor is the exhibition hall for shops. Many forces value our chamber of commerce's reputation and like to rent a booth from our Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce to sell their specialties. If senior is interested, you can take your family to have a look."

"We have cultivators from our Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce patrolling day and night here. If anything happens, please give our chamber of commerce face and let the patrolling cultivators handle it."

"Senior's guest room is arranged on the third floor. Please follow me."

The welcoming young cultivator had already left, and in his place was a graceful and beautiful female cultivator with Gold Core cultivation. She introduced while leading the way.

Yu Xian neither agreed nor disagreed and led the group of women to follow.

"This is the floating loop formation. It can continuously circulate up and down. As long as the light goes out, you can enter."

The female cultivator continued to introduce while pointing towards the pure white light columns in front.

The light columns were several zhang thick, like a large flashlight shining from above. Just as one of the light columns went out, the female cultivator led the group of people inside. After a while, the light came back on.

Yu Xian felt a repulsive force coming from under his feet. Their figures gradually floated and rose. When the light went out, they had already arrived on the third floor.

"Not bad, interesting."

Yu Xian didn't expect that there would be elevators in the Immortal Cultivation World. He felt a strange sense of familiarity.

"It's just a little gadget, not comparable to a grand hall. It's our chamber of commerce's honor if senior likes it."

The female cultivator replied politely.

After leaving the light column, there was a winding corridor with pavilions and towers on both sides, as well as flowing pools. It looked no different from a landscape manor.

"This is the guest room area. Senior's room is in Building Four of the first-class area."

The female cultivator continued to lead the way, and in a short while, they arrived in front of an exquisite attic and opened the restriction with a hand gesture.

"This is the restriction token. Please keep it well. The restriction in this place is connected to the entire Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce's grand formation. Without the token, unless you forcibly break the formation, you won't be able to enter. If such a situation were to occur, the Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce will definitely give senior a satisfactory explanation."

"Thank you for your hard work."

Yu Xian accepted the token with a strange expression, feeling that on his journey here, he had a sense of unfamiliar familiarity.

"The restriction token contains a sound transmission restriction. If senior has any requests, please give your orders. Someone will come to serve you immediately."

The female cultivator smiled politely and took her leave.

"I won't disturb senior any longer."

After the female cultivator left, the group of people entered the attic. Except for Yue Jiu, who had remained silent, all the women let out a sigh of relief.

"I suddenly feel like a country bumpkin entering the city for the first time, not having seen anything."

"I feel the same way."

"Is the outside world always like this? It feels so strange."


Yu Xian smiled faintly, "Don't think too much about it. It's just something interesting to see. You can choose your own rooms first."

"Later, we can go shopping together, and I'll pay."

"But, I suddenly look forward to this auction."

His gaze seemed to penetrate the layers of restrictions and see something interesting.

Yue Jiu, who had been silent all along, had a flicker in her eyes but didn't say anything.

PS: Last month, there were 2,300 votes, four more chapters totaling 8,000 words. Well, let's count it for now. I'll clear the debt this month. (End of this chapter)

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