Chapter 32: Away from Controversy

After seven days.

Chen Xiao cleared the remaining toxins from Prince Fu's body and immediately ended up on Prince Fu's blacklist.

If it weren't for Prince Fu not having a suitable opportunity, he would have almost wanted to break the agreement and kill Chen Xiao on the spot. After all, compared to their gentleman's agreement, Prince Fu believed more in dead people.

Just the thought of having such a skilled expert secretly watching him made Prince Fu unable to sleep.

But just as Prince Fu was preparing to take action.

Yuan Gongfeng, who had a naturally kind heart, considered it for the prince and volunteered to monitor Chen Xiao's departure, ensuring that he stayed away from Changning County and never appeared in front of the prince again.

Then Prince Fu looked at Yuan Xian, who called him "Big Brother" affectionately, and gave up the idea of sending someone to intercept Chen Xiao halfway.

Otherwise, he might end up with two enemies at the early innate stage if they didn't kill him.

Damn it, when did they start colluding with each other!

So he had no choice but to reluctantly agree, setting a one-month deadline and saying that the prince's mansion couldn't do without Yuan Gongfeng now.

However, deep down, Prince Fu didn't really trust Yuan Xian.

Yuan Xian was, after all, a wanderer of the martial world, carefree by nature. Without constraints, he could change his mind at any time.

Today, he could be brothers with Chen Xiao, but tomorrow he might seek revenge for the Chen family.

Especially Yuan Xian's behavior of asking for Xu Meng'er proved that he already knew Chen Yi's identity, which meant he knew he was being watched and likely harbored resentment.

And the princess had been mentioning Yuan Xian in front of him these days, saying that such a talented person shouldn't be idle and should be given more opportunities.

Out of male instinct, Prince Fu felt a bit repulsed by Yuan Xian and at the same time elevated the importance of Ding Gongfeng.

Perhaps he could completely win over the Changle Sword Sect through Ding Gongfeng.

Compared to the unrestrained Yuan Xian, the Changle Sword Sect had been established for many years, with many entanglements and difficult to move family business, making them more worthy of his trust.

Faced with the current unpredictable situation, Prince Fu began to actively consolidate his power below, even if it meant sacrificing some benefits.

And with Prince Fu's promise, Yuan Xian happily packed his luggage with three sisters and got on the carriage.

Chen Xiao, the big brother, acted as the coachman outside, heading west and swiftly leaving Changning City.

If it weren't for Yuan Xian's prior notice and verification that there were indeed 150,000 taels of gold stored in Building No. 2, people would believe that Yuan Xian was running away based on his appearance.


Outside Changning City.

More than fifty miles from the west gate.

There was a nunnery nestled by the mountains and water, with three large characters written on it: Mingyue Nunnery.

"Sister, have you really made up your mind?"

Chen Yi held Xu Meng'er's hand and looked through the nunnery gate at the desolate and lonely Mingyue Nunnery, reluctant to let go.

"I have made up my mind. I only wish to spend the rest of my life accompanying the ancient Buddha under the green lamp. Little... Little Yi, take care of yourself."

Xu Meng'er turned around and entered the nunnery, bowing to an emaciated old nun wearing a monk's hat, performing a Buddhist ritual.

"Sister Xu Meng'er wishes to become a nun here. I hope the abbess will accept her."

The old nun returned the gesture and chanted "Amitabha Buddha," indicating that the door to the monastery was wide open and would not refuse any devout believer. She also took the opportunity to thank Yuan Xian for donating one hundred taels of gold for the Buddha statue.

"Wait a moment, Abbess."

Yuan Xian stopped the old nun who was about to close the door.

"What else does the benefactor have to say?"

The abbess was very polite, considering that Yuan Xian had just donated one hundred taels of gold.

"The situation is like this. My sister-in-law is hurt by love and now wants to become a nun to escape. But she is still young and may regret it in the future.

So I would like to ask the abbess to allow her to become a nun with temporary vows, so that if she wants to return to secular life in the future, it will be more convenient."

The abbess looked hesitant. "Benefactor, Mingyue Nunnery does not have such a rule. Once you enter the monastery, you should sever worldly ties. There is no precedent for temporary vows."

"There's always a first time for everything, and this can be it."

"But this one really can't be."

"Now, can it be?"

Yu Xian took out a piece of gold, the kind that weighs one hundred taels.

Now that he had a storage bag contributed by a kind-hearted fellow cultivator, it was no problem for him to carry several thousand taels of gold at any time.

Compared to the light and fluttering silver bills, gold was obviously more convincing.

But the Abbess struggled to look away from the gold.

"Donor, Mingyue Nunnery is a place of tranquility. If worldly troubles are not eliminated, there will inevitably be constant disturbances in the future. If the donor insists on this, please take her away."

How could she not see that with Xu Meng'er's beauty, if she were to cultivate with her hair down, it would definitely attract covetous glances, which would disturb the tranquility of Mingyue Nunnery.

To this, Yu Xian's solution was to knead the gold in his hand like dough, forming an irregular gold ball with the character "Yu" carved on it with his finger.

"With it, your place will be calm and peaceful."

"Now, can it be?"

The Abbess's eyes showed a look of shock as she tremblingly accepted the gold ball and replied, "Yes."

"I see that the Abbess also has some skills, enough to handle ordinary matters. If there are any problems that cannot be solved, you can send someone to Fuping Mansion in Changning City to find Yu Gongfeng."

Yu Xian knew that in such a remote place, with Xu Meng'er's beauty, there would probably be some trouble, so he specifically mentioned it before turning to get on the carriage.

"Alright, now you can rest assured."

Inside the carriage, Yu Xian pinched Chen Yi's cheek and smiled.

"This nunnery is small and dilapidated. We have to grow our own vegetables and do everything ourselves. When your sister becomes a nun for a few years, she will know how uncomfortable it is. Farming, fetching water, chopping firewood, mowing grass, feeding sheep... sigh, just thinking about it is troublesome. When your sister cries and begs to return to secular life, we won't have to work for others anymore. As for me, I don't refuse married women."

He had memories from his past life, so he didn't attach too much importance to a woman's first time. It was like she had dated someone before.

In this regard, Prime Minister Cao had a say.

And that person had also said that married women were treasures, as they knew how to change positions after a pat on the butt.

Chen Yi wanted to refute him and say that her sister wasn't that kind of person, but seeing Yu Xian's teasing expression, she rolled her eyes and turned away, ignoring him.

"You'll die in a woman's embrace sooner or later!"


Yu Xian hugged Yulan and burst into laughter.

Seeing Yu Xian laughing, Yulan also laughed in his arms, not minding if Yu Xian had just taken another woman.

But Chen Xiao outside the carriage couldn't stand it anymore and lifted the curtain, saying, "Yu, you've gone too far. Miss Xu is still Chen Yi's sister, and my sister hasn't left yet!"

Chen Yi introduced Xu Meng'er as a widowed widow, and she had taken care of her as a neighbor's older sister when she was young.

Chen Xiao felt quite sorry for this beautiful young widow with a troubled fate.

"It's not your business. You insisted on following us and ruining my threesome. I haven't bothered with you yet."

"Fine! I'm a coachman!"

Chen Xiao angrily dropped the curtain and cracked the whip, making a series of loud cracks in the air.

The carriage suddenly sped up.


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