Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

Chapter 33 Farewell (Read More!)

Chapter 33 Farewell (Seeking to continue reading!)

Two months later.

Outside Changning City, a small village called Gujia Village welcomed its first snowfall of the year.

The sky and earth were pure white, as if sprinkled with sparkling salt grains. When people opened their mouths, they could see their breath turning into white vapor.

Under the old locust tree at the entrance of the village, a farewell scene was taking place.

"Take care on your journey."

Yu Xian hugged Chen Yi and whispered softly in her ear.

Today was the day Chen Yi and Chen Xiao set off for the cultivation world. They were supposed to leave a few days ago, but it kept getting delayed.

Until the first snowfall, if they didn't leave now, they wouldn't be able to catch the safest time to pass through the Sea of Death.

The Sea of Death was the geographical barrier separating the Yue Kingdom and the cultivation world.

But the Sea of Death was not a sea, it was a vast desert hiding many deadly dangers for ordinary people.

Quicksand, sandstorms, sand beasts, poisonous insects, heat, lack of water...

In order to cross the Sea of Death, Yu Xian had exhausted all the spirit stones he had saved in the cultivation world, otherwise he wouldn't have arrived in the Yue Kingdom empty-handed.

Even Chen Xiao, a mid-level innate warrior, was like an ant in the face of the natural world, completely powerless.

Take the most important water source in the desert for example.

No matter how strong Chen Xiao's martial arts were, he couldn't create water, but cultivators could.

Even Chen Yi, who was only at the first level of Qi Refining, as long as she learned the Cloud and Rain Technique, she could create clouds and rain.

Even if it was just a cloud less than thirty centimeters thick, it could still save lives.

During these two months, Yu Xian had taught Chen Yi various spiritual techniques, including the Cloud and Rain Technique, under the pretext of being a secret technique of his sect.

Chen Yi lived up to her talent.

Although the practice of spiritual techniques consumed a lot of spiritual energy in the mundane environment and the effect was far inferior to that in the cultivation world, she was still able to perform them decently.

Only offensive spiritual techniques like Fireball required too much spiritual energy, depleting all her energy in one go, so the practice effect had always been poor.

"Take good care of these things, they may save your life when necessary."

In addition to spiritual techniques, he gave Chen Yi three spirit talismans he obtained from the Lin family cultivators - the Lightness Talisman, the Concealment Talisman, and an Explosive Flame Talisman.

The first two could be used multiple times, while the latter could only be used once, but its power was comparable to a full-force attack at the peak of Qi Refining. It was the Lin family cultivator's life-saving trump card, but he never had the chance to use it.

Finally, there were two spirit stones.

The fate between him and the Chen siblings was established because of these things, and now they were returning to their rightful owner.


Chen Yi tightly hugged Yu Xian and whispered softly, unwilling to let go for a long time.

But in the end, she released Yu Xian, took a few steps back, looked at Yu Xian who was smiling gently at her, and recalled the time they had spent together in the past six months, which seemed longer than the first half of her life.

She bit her lip lightly, took one last deep look at him, said nothing, and turned to get on the carriage.

"Big brother, have a safe journey. The poison on your body has no solution in the mundane world, but it's nothing in the cultivation world. I hope we can still have a chance to meet."

Yu Xian waved to Chen Xiao and sent his blessings.

Chen Xiao spat and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely live well!"

"We're leaving, no need to see us off."


Chen Xiao cracked the whip and the wheels of the carriage started rolling, leaving two thin tracks on the ground, extending into the distant and invisible horizon.

"Master, Sister Yi wanted to stay. As long as you say the word, she won't leave."

Yulan huddled her whole body under a fox fur cloak with a hood, covering herself tightly, only revealing a small red face the size of a palm.

As a woman, although she was sometimes silly, she was sensitive when it came to matters between men and women.

Chen Yi has fallen in love with her grandfather. And a woman, for the man she loves, can do anything.

Yu Xian flicked the white hair on the jade orchid hat and smiled, saying, "You're still speaking up for your competitor. Your sister Xiao Yi is much smarter than you. When the time comes, I will only like her, and I will leave you far behind."

"Hey, the way you put it makes me regret it a bit. Should I go and chase her back?"


Yulan hurriedly stopped him, but when she saw the teasing look in Yu Xian's eyes, her face turned annoyed and she bumped her head into Yu Xian's arms with a bang.

"Grandfather, you always like to tease me—"

Yu Xian laughed heartily and pinched Yulan's cold face, saying, "Alright, it's cold outside. Let's go inside and stay. Don't catch a cold, who will take care of me then?"

Yu Xian held Yulan's hand and slowly walked towards the village.

The reason he didn't keep Chen Yi was simple - he couldn't afford it.

With the limited cultivation resources he had now, it was nothing in the cultivation world, let alone in the mortal world.

If he kept Chen Yi, he naturally couldn't treat her as an ordinary woman. He could have as many women like her as he wanted, so why spend so much effort on her?

So Chen Yi had to leave.

Either break out of the cocoon and become a butterfly in the cultivation world, or perish.

It was very realistic, and also very cruel.


In the carriage on the journey.

Chen Xiao felt increasingly restless for some reason. He suddenly pulled the reins, slowing down the carriage.

"Xiao Yi, if you really like that guy, we'll go back. Your happiness is more important than the illusory cultivation world."

Inside the carriage.

Chen Yi gently rubbed a yellow-skinned amber wine gourd in her hand, which was the large replenishing wine gourd that Yu Xian always carried with him.

This was also the last gift Yu Xian gave her, saying that her cultivation level was not high, the journey was long, and her body couldn't handle it. She should drink a sip to warm herself and keep healthy.

"Brother, it's not necessary."

Chen Yi said softly, "This is my own choice, even if it means risking my life. I don't want to be a follower of any man for the rest of my life. I want to live for myself."

If he had been willing to say "stay" just now, she would definitely have stayed. But she also knew that she would regret it.

This was his gift to her, and also his love.

"He always said I'm a genius."

Chen Yi's voice suddenly became a bit cheerful.

"If I really am a genius, when I arrive in the cultivation world, I will work hard to cultivate. When I become a great cultivator in his eyes, I will come back to find him. By then, he will belong to me alone, and no one can take him away!"

Chen Xiao heard his sister's voice brighten up and his mood improved inexplicably, but he didn't let up.

"There are still men in the world. Why are you fixated on an old man? After we arrive in the cultivation world, there will be plenty of young talents. I will pick a better one for you and help you make him regret!"

At this moment, he completely forgot about the promise he made to Yu Xian to take care of his sister.

Chen Yi chuckled, thinking of that scene.

"That's right, maybe by then, he will have lost all his teeth. I will bring a young and handsome guy in front of him and ask if he regrets not keeping me that day."

Chen Xiao also became interested, "Haha, I really want to see what he looks like then, and what kind of words will come out of his merciless mouth."

"But even if he loses all his teeth, I still want to marry him!" Chen Yi said seriously, "I will become his wife, a true wife!"

Chen Xiao: "..."

Damn it, what kind of drug did that old guy give my sister?

(End of this chapter)

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