Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

Chapter 34 The Embryo Is Formed! (Please Follow Up!)

Chapter 34: The Initial Formation of the Artifact Embryo! (Seeking More Chapters!)

Another two days passed.

In the Gu Family Village, inside a tidy earthen house.

Yu Xian sat cross-legged on a straw cushion, with a slightly formed jade sword floating in front of him. It was about three inches long, uniformly colored, and flawless in its emerald green.

This sword was the artifact embryo that Yu Xian had spent three months nurturing and refining with his blood, mana, and spiritual consciousness.

The dream of a man is to wield a sword and travel the world!

Yu Xian was no exception, so naturally, he chose to refine his first artifact into a sword.


Yu Xian bit his tongue, and blood from his tongue sprayed out. The fresh blood covered the jade sword, and bloodlines spread out, enveloping the sword in a mix of red and green light.

At this moment, mysterious patterns appeared on the sword's blade. Inexplicably, a profound connection emerged between him and the jade sword.

Yu Xian suddenly realized.

The patterns have appeared, and the artifact embryo has formed!

The so-called patterns are the performance of the material's own characteristics that cultivators stimulate through various means. Once successful, natural patterns will form on the artifact.

Some say that these patterns are like the spirit patterns on talismans, both manifestations of the rules of heaven and earth. Whoever can thoroughly comprehend them can become a master of artifact refining and possess the ability to turn stones into gold.

"Next, I just need to nourish it day and night in my dantian. In two or three years at most, this artifact embryo will transform into an artifact. Although it can only be considered a low-grade inferior artifact, its power is boundless. With just this artifact embryo, I can directly kill those two cultivators from the Lin family."

Yu Xian played with the delicate and exquisite jade sword in his hand, thinking about the blood, sweat, and tears he had poured into it over the past three months. He couldn't help but feel a tearful sensation.

"It's a pity that it's just an ordinary jade stone refined into a sword. Its abilities are relatively single, only having the effect of calming the mind and cultivating qi. In fact, it would be more suitable to refine it into a seal-style artifact. But money can't buy happiness."

Yu Xian opened his palm, and the jade sword turned into a ball of green light, diving into his palm and flowing into his dantian through his meridians.

"Let's go out and test the power of the artifact."

Yu Xian pushed open the door and saw a thin and weak young man in the courtyard. He was wearing a large old cotton coat, with his hands wrapped in the sleeves, sitting upright on a long stool, guarding the entrance of the yard.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, the young man quickly stood up, a smile appearing on his face as he greeted Yu Xian.


Yu Xian returned the smile. "Qingshan, it's so cold outside, you don't have to guard the outside all the time."

"It's okay, I'm wearing a cotton coat, so I'm not cold."

The smile on the young man's face was somewhat restrained but also very sincere.

This young man was Yu Lan's younger brother. Yu Lan's original name was Gu Xiaolan, and the Gu Family Village was also Yu Lan's hometown.

That year, there was a drought, and the crops in the fields failed.

Yu Lan's family couldn't afford to feed the whole family, and when they were on the verge of starving to death, Yu Lan, as the older sister, was naturally sold to the city.

Fortunately, Yu Lan was lucky. She was noticed by the royal palace and directly became a maid by the side of the princess.

When it came to her family, Yu Lan didn't resent them.

If there had been another way, her parents wouldn't have sold their own daughter. Selling her was to give her a way to survive.

In these years, Yu Lan sent most of the money she earned in the royal palace back to her family. With her support, the Gu Family lived a relatively good life.

Everyone in the village knew that the Gu Family had a daughter working in the royal palace, and they heard that she even had the opportunity to become the prince's concubine.

Everyone said that the Gu Family was going to rise and become a phoenix on a branch. Even the village chief valued the Gu Family.

Yu Xian didn't comment on this and had no interest in shouting slogans about gender equality or the inherent freedom of birth.

This is how the era is.

Either he helps these poor people eat their fill and then tells them what to do, or he shuts up and doesn't meddle in other people's fate.

He wanted to find a temporary place to stay and, upon hearing that Yulan's family was still there, he decided to drop by.

Fortunately, Yulan's family was not bad.

For example, this Gu family's younger brother who was very cautious in front of him. One of the reasons why the Gu family couldn't hold on was because the younger brother happened to have a serious illness that year, which depleted the Gu family's meager savings and left them with a large debt.

The younger brother, Gu Xiaodi, had always felt guilty about this.

After hearing that his sister and brother-in-law had arrived, Gu Xiaodi busied himself, running errands without missing a beat.

Every time he practiced refining tools, Gu Xiaodi would move a stool and sit outside the courtyard, not allowing anyone to disturb him.

Even though he had no idea what his brother-in-law did locked up in the house every day.

"You go about your own business, I'll wander around the village."

Yu Xian called out and had already left the courtyard gate. His steps seemed slow, but the young man behind him couldn't catch up no matter what, and could only watch as his figure disappeared.


The small forest behind Gu's village.

The snow on the trees had not completely melted. When the wind blew, the fine snowflakes fell down like sand.

Then there was a "puff" sound.

A green light flashed rapidly, and a tree as thick as a water bucket toppled forward, causing the snowflakes on the tree to fall to the ground and the lush branches to scatter everywhere.

Then came the second tree, the third tree, the fourth tree!

The green light seemed like an unstoppable divine weapon, nothing could stop it.

In the end, with undiminished momentum, it crashed heavily onto the ground.

With a loud bang!

The frozen ground cracked open, leaving a large hole about a foot wide and a few inches deep. In the middle of the hole, there was a seemingly warm and light jade sword inserted.

Yu Xian walked out from behind the tree.

As if being summoned, the jade sword was pulled out with a "whoosh" sound, turning into a green light that wandered around Yu Xian like a fish.

Until Yu Xian opened his mouth, the jade sword completely turned into a cluster of light and was swallowed by him.

"What a good sword!"

Even though it was only in the early stage of being a tool embryo, its power still far exceeded Yu Xian's imagination.

With the power it just displayed, even an iron man would probably be easily cut in half.

And most importantly, the speed of the magical tool was extremely fast, almost moving with his spiritual consciousness. When he fully activated it just now, it was close to the speed of sound, and ordinary people couldn't react to it at all.

Even an innate martial artist would not be able to capture the trajectory of the jade sword with their naked eyes.

"I have only just entered the late stage of Qi Refining, and my spiritual consciousness manipulation range is only a little over ten meters. If I break through to the Foundation Building stage and even become a Gold Core cultivator, a flying sword might be able to travel dozens of miles, with power comparable to a missile. No wonder Gold Core cultivators can suppress an area."

Yu Xian's first experiment yielded a result that made him both excited and fearful.

He was excited because his strength had greatly increased, but fearful because if a tool embryo had such power, how formidable would those cultivators be who were at higher realms and had better equipment than him?

Thinking about it, Yu Xian's current cultivation status appeared in his field of vision.

[Name: Yu Xian]

[Cultivation: 7th level of Qi Refining (122/210)]

[Soulmate: Yulan (1/1)]

"To break through to the Foundation Building stage is still a long and arduous journey. Now that the tool embryo has formed, it's time for Yulan to try to break through Qi Refining. I hope that when Yulan achieves cultivation, the benefits I receive will also increase."

PS: Not enough readers, can't get recommended, seeking more readers, hoping to be recommended this week. The author thanks you in advance!

(End of this chapter)

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