Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

Chapter 36 A Simple Wedding (Read More!)

Chapter 36: A Simple Wedding (Seeking to Continue Reading!)

Crack! Crack! Crack!!

The old locust tree at the entrance of Gu's Village suffered greatly. Red firecrackers were hung on its branches, crackling incessantly and causing its bark to fall off.

A son-in-law who had brought his wife back to her parents' home caught a child picking up firecrackers nearby and gave him a candy, curiously asking what the happy occasion was.

The child had two bunches of firecrackers tied to his head, his pockets were filled with unexploded firecrackers, and he held a large handful in his hand. With nowhere else to put them, he opened his mouth wide.

The son-in-law, helpless, peeled the candy and fed it to him.


The child swallowed the candy in one bite and said with a sweet smile,

"Mr. Gu Er is hosting a feast at his house, inviting everyone in the village to eat and drink for free. There's roast chicken, pig's trotters, braised pork, big goose legs, sweet rice cakes..."

As he spoke, the child swallowed his saliva and suddenly understood why none of his friends had come to snatch the firecrackers from him today.

He gestured as if he was going to throw the firecrackers, but he couldn't bear to part with the fruits of his labor after so much effort. So he clenched his fist and, with a proud shout, ran towards the village without looking back.

"Meat! I want to eat meat!"

At this moment, villagers passing by hurriedly came from outside the village.

Seeing the son-in-law who had returned home, they greeted him, "It's Er Niu, Xiao Wang, you're back today. This eldest son-in-law is filial, and the Gu family is so lucky."

The son-in-law smiled awkwardly and changed the topic to the feast hosted by Second Uncle Gu.

When did Gu's Village produce such a lavish person? Just from listening to the child's description, one could tell that this feast must have cost a lot of money.

Ordinary people couldn't afford it, let alone invite others.

"Oh, you're talking about Gu Daqing, Second Uncle Gu. They've had a hard life. Do you remember the eldest daughter who used to work in the Wang family? She's now well-off and married into a good family. When her husband came to our village, he bought several acres of land for Second Uncle Gu and built a big house for them. A few days ago, they even invited a theater troupe to perform for free for the young and old in the village. And today, they're hosting a feast to celebrate their daughter's happy occasion."

Every family in Gu's Village had some connections.

"By the way, they've hired a top chef from the city, who is really skilled. They also have expensive wine, several taels of silver per bottle. That's why I rushed over to taste it."

"Why don't you come over with us after you've greeted your parents-in-law? We're all family, so it's a waste not to eat."

"Okay, you go ahead."

Conversations like this were happening all over the village.

On this day, the threshold of Gu Daqing's house was trampled on, and almost every table was filled with people from Gu's Village.

Dishes were served one after another, and barrels of wine were brought in. People ate and drank to their heart's content.

Even after nightfall, fireworks were set off at Gu's house.

The fireworks sparkled in the night sky like shooting stars. Each round of fireworks would make the children in the village scream in excitement, occasionally accompanied by the cries of children being scolded, which made everyone watch with great interest.

After the fireworks, the villagers left with satisfaction, rubbing their bellies.

By this time, they still didn't know what the happy occasion at Gu's house was.

But it didn't matter anymore.


Inside the room.

Red candles, the word "happiness," and a big red wedding robe.

Yulan listened to the noise outside, looking through the red veil, the candlelight blurred into a red blur in front of her eyes. Her mood had never been so nervous and excited.

This was a wedding without even a formal ceremony, and very few people knew about it.

But Yulan was already content.

She knew her lowly status and that her looks and talents were far inferior to those of the young ladies from prominent families.

So she was insecure and fearful, afraid that Yu Xian's affection for her was just a passing fancy, afraid that one day he would suddenly not want her anymore.

Facing Yu Xian, she never dared to make any demands and always put his emotions first.

She was different from Chen Yi.

Chen Yi desired self-fulfillment, while she just wanted to be a vine entwined around a big tree, protected and sharing the tree's sunlight and rain.

Today, Yu Xian gave her a trivial status, but it truly captured her heart and took her life.


The door opened.

Yu Xian, dressed in groom's attire, walked in. He used a golden rod to lift the veil, revealing his beautiful face that was as enchanting as peach blossoms, but now it was red from holding his breath.

"We are an old married couple, why are you still getting nervous?"

Yulan's eyes were filled with tenderness, almost overflowing.

"Sir, I am truly happy today, so happy that I am willing to die."

"I married you not to take your life, you are now my greatest treasure, you must live well."

Yuxian lifted Yulan's chin and looked at her for a while, then exclaimed in surprise:

"After you put on this wedding dress, I feel that you are even more beautiful."

When Yulan came back to her senses, she quickly crossed her arms to stop Yuxian's next move.


"You should call me husband now."

Yulan's face immediately turned red, and she timidly said, "Hus...husband..."

As soon as she called him husband, before Yuxian could react, Yulan's body suddenly went weak, as if all her strength had been drained and she couldn't exert any force.

"What's wrong?"

"We haven't...drunk the ceremonial wine yet."

"It's not necessary."

"We...we should drink..."


Seeing Yulan's nervousness, Yuxian knew that today was indeed a very important day for her.

With a thought, two wine cups on the table trembled and were brought over.

Each of them held a cup and exchanged drinks.

Their gazes met in the process...

The wine cup fell onto the brocade, the candles in the room suddenly extinguished, and a pair of mandarin ducks lightly played in the water, creating a beautiful scene.


The next morning.

Behind Gu's Village.

Yuxian stepped on a green long grass and descended slowly from mid-air, revealing his ability to control flying tools!

After gradually mastering and controlling the prototype of the tool he named "Jade Blood Sword," Yuxian was able to achieve flying with the tool.

Flying with a tool meant that cultivators merged with the tool, using its flying power to propel themselves.

Hmm, it felt like he was controlling himself.

But as long as he could fly, it was enough.

However, flying with a tool consumed a terrifying amount of spiritual power. It would consume two dantians for every hundred kilometers, which meant that he would exhaust all his spiritual power by flying only a hundred miles.

So Yuxian only occasionally tried it.

To truly achieve freedom in flying, he still had a long way to go.

But today's focus was not on this. His speculation was correct. After Yulan's cultivation, her assistance to him had doubled.

In theory, her breakthrough to Foundation Building would directly be half the time it would normally take.

[Name: Yuxian]

[Cultivation: Qi Refining Seventh Layer (134/210)]

[Soulmate: Yulan (1/1)]

"A soulmate at the Qi Refining stage is already so terrifying. If Yulan breaks through to Foundation Building in the future, does that mean I have a chance to become a Gold Core True Immortal, or even a Nascent Soul True Lord?"

However, Yuxian quickly suppressed this temporarily unrealistic idea.

Just helping Yulan cultivate her Qi and refine her spiritual power had already cost him most of his resources. He didn't have the resources to continue cultivating Yulan further.

Moreover, Yulan's aptitude was average, so achieving Foundation Building would be extremely difficult.

"When it comes down to it, it's still a matter of resources."

Yuxian sighed and fell into contemplation.

After a while, he temporarily put aside this problem and continued to practice with the flying tool.

Now, practicing with the tool had become his daily task. With Yulan by his side, he didn't worry about consuming too much spiritual power and having difficulty replenishing it, which would cause his cultivation level to regress.

That's why he said Yulan was his greatest treasure, not only as a term of endearment but also as a fact.

(End of this chapter)

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