Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

Chapter 37 Clothes Tomb (Please Follow Up!)

Chapter 37: The Tomb of Clothing and Crown (Seeking to Continue Reading!)

Winter has passed and spring has come, and the old locust tree at the village entrance has sprouted new leaves.

Yu Xian gazes into the distance, beginning to reminisce about his life in the Wang Mansion.

The scenery of the mountain village is beautiful, but it becomes boring after staying for a while.

"Damn it, the Lin family. I've cleared the land for you, so why don't you start working?" Yu Xian sighs, thinking that the Fu Wang is worthy of the name "Fu" as he has faced numerous challenges and still managed to survive.

He contemplates whether he should change his employer.

The Fu Wang Mansion is not bad. As the "soil emperor" of the entire Changning County, even if he is just a ceremonial figure, he can still enjoy many conveniences.

He thought that after staying outside for two or three months, the Lin family cultivators would take action quickly, and by then, everything would be calm. He could return and continue his position as a Tian-level ceremonial figure.

When the crown prince ascends the throne, he would become a veteran of two generations, immediately elevating his status and giving him the capital to rely on his seniority and live a comfortable life until death. He might even have the opportunity to get involved in the power of the Wang Mansion.

However, he waited and waited, but there was no news.

No good news, no bad news.

"Wait for another month. If there is still no news from the Fu Wang Mansion, I'll go back and take the gold, then go to another place, and it must be a big city."

Yu Xian silently made up his mind.

As for why he chose a big city, it was because big cities have more talented people and more entertainment activities. In a place like Gu's Village, even if he had money, he couldn't spend it. Besides buying land, there was nothing else to do. He could only be a local rich man, and even a lively and beautiful girl was a treasure.

Although Yu Xian was a scoundrel who enjoyed the company of women, he would never harm a young lady's innocence.

"Ah, will he die or not?"


Perhaps Yu Xian's muttering had an effect.

In less than half a month, he finally received the belated news from the Wang Mansion - the Fu Wang was assassinated and the entire city mourned for seven days, prohibiting all entertainment activities.

Gu's Village is only fifty or sixty miles away from Changning City, a day's journey, so news of such a major event spread relatively quickly.

Even the eighty-year-old Gu family ancestor, who loves to tell stories at the village entrance, sighed, saying that he had indeed lived a long life and could witness everything. In this day and age, even a prince can be assassinated.


Yu Xian clapped his hands, but when he saw the surprised look in Yulan's eyes, his expression immediately fell, almost shedding a few crocodile tears.


"I never thought that our parting before the new year would be our last meeting. This assassin is truly despicable. If I meet him, I must capture him and avenge the prince."

Yulan didn't feel much grief for the prince's assassination. She wasn't close to the Fu Wang. What she was worried about was the princess.

"The prince is gone, how sad the princess must be. The crown prince is still so young."

Yulan has always been grateful to the princess.

Although she was just an inconspicuous maid among the many maids in the princess's palace, she wouldn't have been casually bestowed to Yu Xian if it weren't for the princess's favor.

Even though the princess only used her as a pawn to win over and monitor Yu Xian, this favor was genuine.

"Master, let's go back." Yulan pleaded, "I want to see the princess."


Yulan's request was exactly what Yu Xian wanted. There was no reason for him to refuse.

With the death of the Fu Wang, Changning County temporarily lost its master.

The Lin family's opponent is the Jiang family, not just in the entire Yue Kingdom. For a fallen royal mansion with only a widow and an orphan, it won't attract much attention anymore.

The biggest threat to him has been eliminated on this trip.

Moreover, with his current strength, even if a Qi Refining cultivator from the Lin family comes, he might not be without the power to fight.

The breakthrough in his cultivation, the refinement of good-quality spiritual tools, all gave Yu Xian a bit more confidence.

His gaze falls below his field of vision.

[Name: Yu Xian]

[Cultivation: Qi Refining Eighth Layer (4/340)]

[Dao Companion: Yulan (1/1)]

Fu Wang Mansion.

A large white lantern hangs in front of the mansion gate, and the guests coming and going all have solemn expressions, unable to hide their grief. The entire mansion is draped in mourning, with a scent of sadness permeating the air.

Yu Xian returns in a dusty state and heads straight to the mourning hall.

At this moment, the mourning hall is filled with guests, and the chief steward of the Wang Mansion, Li Gonggong, acts as the master of ceremonies.

"Lord Wang!"

Yu Xian passes through the crowd and cries out in grief towards the coffin placed in the hall, "I came back too late!"

His voice is filled with sorrow, attracting attention and making people wonder which young master of a family is acting so excessively?

Yu Xian ignores the guards of the Wang Mansion and throws himself onto the coffin, pounding on it.

"Lord Wang! Lord Wang!"


Yu Xian immediately realizes that something is wrong.

The coffin is actually empty, with only some clothes and personal belongings inside.

His spiritual awareness can penetrate even jade stones, and now that his cultivation has advanced, the power of his spiritual awareness has greatly increased. Naturally, a mere coffin cannot stop him.

He has always been a person who pays attention to details. If Lord Wang has died, then he must see his body to confirm it.

As a result of this investigation, he actually discovers that something is amiss. This is a sham burial mound!

"Yu Gongfeng, please accept my condolences. Lord Wang's spirit is underground, and if he knew that you were grieving so deeply for him, he would surely be very pleased."

Li Gonggong's voice is filled with deep sorrow and a hint of hoarseness.

However, Yu Xian's expression suddenly changes, and he pulls Li Gonggong into the back hall.

"Who did this?!"

"Li Gonggong, when I left, Lord Wang was still in good health. He did not die of natural causes. Someone must have plotted against him. Who is the murderer? I will personally avenge Lord Wang!"

Yu Xian's eyes turn red, and his voice is filled with killing intent.

Li Gonggong looks puzzled.

When did Yu Gongfeng have such a good relationship with our Lord?

But he doesn't dare to provoke Yu Gongfeng, who is clearly in a rage. After all, he is a true martial arts master.

The Wang Consort has told him more than once that if Yu Gongfeng is present, nothing will happen to Lord Wang.

"No one knows who the murderer is."

Li Gonggong sighs and says, "On the Lantern Festival night, Lord Wang suddenly became interested and said he wanted to celebrate with the people. So he took the Wang Consort and the Crown Prince to the river to enjoy the lanterns.

We also accompanied them. But when the boat reached the middle of the river, there were sudden explosions on the water, and a mist covered the area.

The boat was blown apart, and then the cabin caught fire. We all fell into the water.

We saw Lord Wang being taken onto a small boat by a high-ranking servant, but not long after, the small boat also exploded.

Later, we only found some of Lord Wang's broken clothes and a few arms and thighs in the nearby waters. The high-ranking servant also disappeared.

Everyone says that Lord Wang was blown to pieces, and the Consort couldn't accept it. She ordered people to search the river for several days, but found nothing. She has fainted several times from crying.


Li Gonggong sighs deeply.

"Lord Wang has always treated us servants kindly. If I could exchange my old life for a chance for Lord Wang to survive, I would gladly do it."

However, Yu Xian realizes that something is amiss.

His experience from watching numerous movies and TV shows in his past life tells him that if there is no body, then the person is not dead.

And since no body has been found, it can be treated as a disappearance. Is it necessary to handle the funeral affairs so urgently?

However, Li Gonggong's grief cannot be faked. Yu Xian, as a cultivator in the Qi Refining stage, has heightened senses. He can't hide his emotions.

Yu Xian pretends to be indignant and says, "Li Gonggong, since Lord Wang's body has not been found, why announce his death so widely?

If Lord Wang is lucky enough to be alive and returns in the future, how should we handle it? Whose decision was this? It seems too hasty!"

Li Gonggong says, "It was the Consort's decision. Now the rebels in Guangnan are rampant, and the insurgents have already reached Cangnan County, which is only a stone's throw away from our Changning County.

But a home cannot be without a master for even a day. As long as Lord Wang cannot be found, Changning County will be without a ruler. So we had to take swift action, let the Crown Prince ascend the throne, and stabilize the situation first.


Li Gonggong shakes his head and says, "The imperial envoy from the court has not arrived yet, so the Crown Prince's title cannot be officially conferred. The county government has also been making excuses since Lord Wang disappeared.

Fortunately, you, Yu Gongfeng, have returned."

Li Gonggong looks relieved and says, "They say that distance tests a horse's strength and time reveals a person's heart. Now that the Wang Mansion is in turmoil, your return to help the Wang Mansion is enough to prove that Lord Wang did not misjudge you."

Yu Xian says lightly, "It's just sharing the burden for the Wang Mansion."

"You take care of things here. I will go and see the Wang Consort to let her know that I have returned."

(End of this chapter)

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