Chapter 48: The End

A man in his forties, dressed in a dark rich merchant's robe, rushed forward, almost crawling.

Ding Gongfeng glanced at Yu Xian and saw that he was unmoved, and he had a rough idea in his heart.


A drop of blood flew in the air.

Wu Ziyi covered his throat, widened his eyes, and had an incredulous expression on his face, as if he couldn't believe that he would die like this.

"My son! My son!"

The rich merchant fell to the ground, holding Wu Ziyi's lifeless body and wailing uncontrollably.

The servants of the Wu family, who had some resentment before, suddenly felt a sense of balance when they saw their young master in such a state.

They only lost a hand tendon, but the young master had lost his life.

The cries of the merchant finally alarmed the others inside the cabin.

A middle-aged noblewoman, who was chatting and laughing with the princess inside the cabin, walked out and was first stunned, then her face turned pale.

"Husband! Who is it?! Who killed my son?!"

"Manager Ding, what happened?"

The princess asked seriously. In front of outsiders, she still had to avoid suspicion.

Yu Xian casually replied, "Manager Ding saw someone forcibly taking a woman and felt indignant, so he killed him. It's a small matter."

The princess looked at the family of three on the ground, embracing each other and wailing, with a look of pity in her eyes.

But the good thing about this woman was that no matter what her husband wanted to do, even if she had any objections in her heart, she would not say it in public to hurt her husband's face.

Since Yu Xian said it was a small matter, then it was a small matter.

So she took a step back, stood behind Yu Xian, and no longer asked.

Ding Gongfeng looked at Yu Xian in confusion.

"Didn't you tell me to kill him?"

Yu Xian gave him a look.

"Did I say that?"

Ding Gongfeng nodded.

"The manager said so."

"Whatever the manager says is what it is."

Wu Ziyi, after crying and grieving for a while, wiped his eyes and gritted his teeth.

"Manager Yu, I just asked for mercy, why did you still kill him?"

Yu Xian sighed lightly and replied, "I didn't hear it clearly. Did Mr. Wu call for mercy just now?"

He looked at Ding Gongfeng and asked again, "Did he call for mercy?"

Ding Gongfeng shook his head. "I didn't hear it."


Wu Ziyi immediately became furious.

But before he could get angry, Yu Xian said, "Mr. Wu, the manager has just considered it. It's not very convenient for you to stay on this ship since the princess is also on board.

How about this, I'll buy this grain ship and you can find another one."

As he spoke, Yu Xian took out a copper coin from his belt.

With a clang, it fell to the ground and rolled in front of Wu Ziyi.

"This one coin will be considered as the manager's payment for the ship. I don't know if you agree?"

Teach a child, not the father's fault.

Raising a son to become like this, if he didn't kill him on the spot, it was all because Wu Ziyi had offered this grain ship.

Wu Ziyi's face turned pale all of a sudden, temporarily putting aside the death of his son.

"Manager Yu, don't forget, this is my Wu family's ship!"

"This is the Bai Bao Tower's ship, and it's also the Fuwang Mansion's ship. It's just not the Wu family's ship!"

Yu Xian's eyes lowered, and the pressure was overwhelming.

"Wu Yuanwai, will you accept the money or not?"

Wu Yuanwai, holding his son's body, had no time to be angry. He just stared blankly at the one penny on the ground for a long time before saying,

"Manager Yu, I beg you to give my Wu family a way out. This wretched child has angered you, and it's not worth mourning his death. I only ask that you don't vent your anger on my Wu family."

A son can be born again, but without a boat, the Wu family won't be able to find a second one in a short time. When the rebels attack the city, the whole family's lives may be in danger.

"You can ask your deceased son if he has ever given someone a way out by switching places. Oh, I forgot, he can't answer you anymore," Yu Xian sneered. "So, do you want to maintain your dignity on your own, or should I give it to you?"

Wu Yuanwai was caught in a difficult decision, thinking about any way to save the Wu family, when he heard his wife's hoarse voice beside him.

"Master, let's fight them! Fight them! What kind of nonsense royal family? They're not even as good as a chicken, let alone a phoenix. Now they're begging us to get on the boat. They killed Ziyi, and I want them to pay with their lives! Pay with their lives!"


Wu Yuanwai slapped his wife's face hard and angrily said,

"If it weren't for your indulgence of our son, how could we have ended up in this disaster today! Shut up! Otherwise, I will divorce you from the Wu family today!"

The noblewoman immediately froze, touching her own face, and dared not speak anymore.

Wu Yuanwai picked up the one penny from the ground, struggling to hold his son, and said in a daze,

"Manager Yu, this boat is yours."

He had just been fantasizing about boarding the royal family's boat and making a comeback, but now he woke up from the dream.

At this moment, Wu Liu, the steward of the Wu family, happened to be happily bringing the girl's family onto the boat. Before he could claim credit, he was ordered by Wu Yuanwai to be captured and prepared to be buried with his son.

If even his son couldn't be saved, what use was there in staying alive?

The Wu family, along with several concubines, children, maidservants, and some relatives, totaling fifty to sixty people, were all driven off the boat in a sorry state.

Ding, the attendant, looked at the Wu family's miserable group and touched his own neck, gesturing whether to eliminate them completely.

Yu Xian shook his head. "Wu Yuanwai is a smart person. Since he has taken the money, he won't think about revenge anymore. It's not worth sacrificing the entire Wu family for one son. Besides, does the royal family fear the revenge of the Wu family?"

"Go and see if everything has been brought up and prepare to set sail."


Ding, the attendant, withdrew upon hearing the order.

Yu Xian looked at the tragic scene of farewell still unfolding on the riverbank and suddenly laughed at himself.

"The supervisor has a kind heart and can't bear to see all this, but I really can't save you."

He had compassion and pity, but he wouldn't willingly put himself in danger for a group of unrelated people.

Otherwise, with his current cultivation level, the ability to use magical artifacts, and the advantage of the terrain, he could easily defend a city alone.

But so what? It would only attract the attention of the Lin family.

By then, they would not only send a team of Foundation Building cultivators, but even a team of Qi Refining cultivators led by a late Qi Refining stage cultivator would be enough to kill him.

In the end, he was just a selfish ordinary person.

Even saving the girl just now was driven by a ridiculous sense of compensation, as if doing so would make him feel better.

Clearly, none of this was caused by him.

Yu Xian turned around somewhat disinterestedly and faced the girl's family still kneeling on the ground. Besides the girl, there was also a young boy and a middle-aged couple, presumably the girl's parents and younger brother.

"The boat will head north all the way. If you decide to join relatives, if you want to get off the boat, just let me know."

"Great benefactor, great benefactor..."

Before the girl's family could finish speaking, Yu Xian waved his hand to interrupt.

"No need to thank me. I saved you, but it has nothing to do with you."

Not far away, the sailors' loud shouts rang out. The boat raised its iron anchor and slowly began to move, leaving the port.

Yu Xian looked back at the magnificent Changning City, as if he could see the continuous flames of war in the near future.

If he were to return to this place, would old acquaintances still be here?

He sighed and returned to the cabin.

(End of this chapter)

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