Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

Chapter 49 Red Dust Refining Hearts (Please Follow Up!)

Chapter 49: Tempering the Heart in the Mortal World (Seeking to Continue Reading!)

The northern shipping route had not yet been occupied by the rebel forces. Apart from the checkpoints set up by local officials, the grain ships flying the Fu Wang Mansion flag were hardly hindered.

The officials claimed to be conducting investigations to prevent rebels from infiltrating, but in reality, they were just seizing the opportunity to extort.

Yu Xian realized that he had overestimated the Yue Kingdom's court.

After years of peace in the Yue Kingdom, the bureaucratic system had become thoroughly corrupt. Even after the rebel forces captured three counties, these individuals driven by greed remained oblivious.

But then again, when the rebel forces occupied Guangnan County, Changning City was still lively and bustling. Who would have expected the rebels to strike so quickly?

Yu Xian had no patience for such people. He was currently annoyed.

So he had Ding Gongfeng, accompanied by the Wang Mansion guards, eliminate a few fools who were trying to extort money. Once news of this spread, their journey became much smoother.

Even if the Fu Wang Mansion was in decline and people spoke ill of them behind their backs, it was not something that local officials could handle.

Otherwise, if a royal prince were to be captured by a county magistrate or a prefect, it would be an invitation for rebellion.

For over four hundred years, the Yue Kingdom had never had a rule that treated the emperor's crimes the same as those of commoners. Even a royal dog had to be dealt with by the royal family, let alone a prince.

However, in recent years, the emperor had become obsessed with cultivating immortality, resulting in weaker control over the local regions. Major events such as the assassination attempt on the Fu Wang had even occurred.

After a month of sailing.

The nearest port to the capital, Jinmen Port, was already visible in the distance.

On this day.

In the captain's cabin.

Yu Xian climbed out from the pile of cosmetics and looked at the sleeping princess and Yulan still in bed, smiling like a fox that had stolen a chicken.

After a month of effort, the three of them finally met honestly.

Of course, this was also thanks to his increasingly profound cultivation and his strengthened physical body. His waist had also grown stronger.

Otherwise, how could he have fought against two opponents and defeated them both?

Women truly were the best medicine for men.

At this moment, Yu Xian felt as clear as a mirror, as if he had brushed away a layer of dust, and even his thoughts became radiant.

"Being poor, one should focus on self-improvement; being successful, one should help others."

"I am just a greedy and lustful person. I cannot become a saint in the mortal world, so there is no need to demand such standards from myself. I want to cultivate the immortal path of longevity. The road ahead is long, and everything that happens today is just fleeting clouds."

All his unease and guilt stemmed from the education he received in his previous life. In general, it could be attributed to one saying: the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.

He clearly had the ability to save some people, but he chose to stand by and do nothing.

So there was a kind of inexplicable guilt that always lingered around him, clouding his Dao heart and causing him to feel sorrowful.

This was the questioning of the values shaped in his previous life. He was not guilty for not saving those people, but guilty for the education he received in his previous life.

But he was ultimately an ordinary person among the masses, without the grand ambition of saving people and the world. He couldn't sacrifice himself for strangers.

When he reconciled with himself and stopped dwelling on questions that had no answers, his inner conviction became even stronger.

He wanted to cultivate immortality!

He wanted to achieve longevity!

Everything else was just passing clouds!

Now, the path to the Heavenly Dao was right in front of him. He had to consider whether this was his only chance in this lifetime.

He didn't want to end up like those people kneeling on the dock, desperately begging for the kindness of powerful figures when a crisis came.

A person must rely on themselves!

Yu Xian cleared his mind of distractions and felt a sense of clarity, as if he had been reborn.

His spiritual awareness became more agile, extending freely from his mind, ten meters, twenty meters...

Thirty meters!

It should be noted that when he broke through to the late stage of Qi Refining, his spiritual awareness could only extend ten meters, and even after breaking through to the ninth level of Qi Refining, it only increased to twenty meters.

Now, after this journey of refining the heart, it naturally increased to thirty meters.

If he were in the cultivation world, his cultivation would likely have improved significantly as a result. Unfortunately, due to the mundane environment, only the enhancement of his spirit cannot be restrained.

Every inch makes one stronger.

With the growth of his spiritual awareness and the strengthening of his spirit, it means that the range of his control over magical tools is larger, their power is stronger, the strategic safety distance is extended, and he is more composed in facing enemies.

"The refining of the heart in the mortal world can break through the fog and enhance the spirit. Perhaps this is a kind of cultivation method..."

Yu Xian's mind was filled with various thoughts for a moment.

He never considered himself a genius, so whatever he could achieve, there must be many others who could achieve the same.

Naturally, there would be people who would continue to research in this area, using worldly distractions as nourishment for cultivation, focusing on the transcendence of the spirit.

The reason why the mundane world can exist peacefully, apart from its lack of value, may be due to this aspect.

But these are all issues that the big shots should consider.

After a brief moment of contemplation, Yu Xian decided not to delve deeper into it. After all, he couldn't understand it anyway.

He didn't disturb the two women pretending to sleep on the bed. Instead, he pushed open the door and walked to the deck to enjoy the breeze, instructing the maid to bring them breakfast.

Now, with the clear autumn weather, he enjoyed the scenery along the coast as he sailed, which had become his recent pastime.

At this moment, his worries were gone, and he couldn't help but feel refreshed. Looking at the scenery along the way, he felt a strange liveliness and a different kind of color.


Not long after Yu Xian left.

The princess quietly opened one eye and unexpectedly bumped into Yulan, who had also secretly opened her eyes.


It seemed like steam was coming out of their heads. The princess's cheeks turned as red as a tomato, and Yulan was equally surprised, with an expression of disbelief in her eyes.

"Your Highness..."

The princess felt that she must have been bewitched yesterday to have agreed to such an absurd request.

"Don't call me Your Highness." The princess tried to remain calm, her face red. "I'm only a few years older than you. Call me sister in private from now on."

Yulan wasn't too embarrassed. She had often served the Lord with Xiaoyi before, but this time, the person she was cooperating with had an astonishing identity.

"Sis... Sister."

Yulan softly called out, suddenly finding it interesting, nervous, exciting, and a little bit thrilling. She couldn't help but giggle.

Even the princess had become her sister. The Lord was truly amazing!

The princess felt flustered by Yulan's laughter and pinched her.

"You little girl, how dare you laugh at me."

Yulan held back her laughter, but a smile still lingered in her eyes. "Sister, can you tell me how you ended up with the Lord?"

The princess sighed, feeling somewhat desolate.

"It's all my fault for being impulsive. Now I'm sinking deeper and deeper, unable to extricate myself."

Seeing this, Yulan quickly held the princess's hand and spoke up for Yu Xian.

"Sister, don't worry. The Lord is a good person. He will never let you down."

The princess shook her head. "My identity is destined to be incompatible with him. The way things are now is fine. At least I am happy."

A hint of anticipation appeared in her eyes, as if she was already looking forward to her life in the capital.

(End of this chapter)

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