Chapter 5: Secrets

After a quarter of an hour.

Yu Xian dug up a small wooden box under a big tree in the backyard of the inn.

The most dangerous place is also the safest place. No one expected Chen Xiao to put all his wealth in an inn.

Yu Xian opened the wooden box, inside were five gold bars and two hand-copied ancient books.

One book was about cultivating immortality, called "Changchun Gong". It could prolong one's life if practiced for a long time. However, just like his innate Qi Refining technique, it was a low-level cultivation method that was common in the cultivation world.

The other book was called "Toxicology", the lifelong research of a cultivator on poisons.

"I was too greedy."

Yu Xian looked at the things in the box, not feeling too disappointed.

As he expected, Chen Xiao had obtained the relics of a deceased cultivator, which led to his achievements today.

However, cultivators who could come to the mortal world to pass away were mostly mediocre in the cultivation world. It was already good enough if they could leave something behind.

If he hadn't awakened his golden finger, he would be worse off than others. It would be good enough to have a diary passed down after a hundred years. Wanting spiritual stones? Dream on.

He casually flipped through the book on toxicology and found various introductions to poisonous substances and methods of poisoning.

Some of the poisons even had an effect on cultivators.

Chen Xiao's Five Poison Palm was derived from this book on toxicology. He took a different approach, extracting the toxicity of the five poisons into his true qi, turning himself into a poisonous person.

Although it caused his lifespan to be shortened, it also made his combat ability astonishing. Ordinary innate martial artists who fought against him for a moment would unknowingly be invaded by the poison gas.

As for the grudge between Chen Xiao and the Fu Wang Mansion, Chen Xiao did not hide it.

Thirteen years ago, the Chen family angered the Fu Wang and was annihilated under the charge of treason.

Chen Xiao luckily escaped, fell off a cliff, and unintentionally entered the cave of a deceased cultivator, where he obtained two secret manuals, eight pieces of low-grade spiritual stones, and learned about the existence of the cultivation world through the last words left by the cultivator.

Chen Xiao thought he could become a legendary cultivator.

But even with the help of spiritual stones, his cultivation of Changchun Gong for two and a half years had little effect. If he continued to cultivate, he might not be able to break through the Qi Refining realm even if he used up all the spiritual stones.

He still had a great revenge to take, so he didn't dare to gamble on this possibility.

Therefore, Chen Xiao resolutely switched to practicing his family's martial arts.

Perhaps it was the foundation laid by Changchun Gong and the spiritual stones before, his progress in martial arts was rapid. In just five years, he used the spiritual stones to draw in the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, becoming an innate grandmaster.

After breaking through to the innate realm, he traveled the rivers and lakes for several years and based on the book on toxicology, he comprehended his own innate martial technique - the Five Poison Palm, and then he wanted to come back for revenge.

And then the subsequent story happened.

The girl is Chen Xiao's younger sister.

Chen Xiao failed in his assassination attempt and before escaping, he went to the site of the Chen family to pay his respects, coincidentally meeting his sister who had come here to pay homage to their ancestors upon hearing the news of Fu Wang being assassinated and seriously injured.

Originally, the younger sister was exchanged by the Chen family's old servant with their own child back then.

After being separated for a long time, the siblings naturally didn't want to be apart. Coupled with Chen Xiao's overconfidence in his martial prowess and underestimation of the Fu Wang Mansion's strength, today's situation unfolded.

Upon hearing this, Yu Xian remained calm and composed.

If Chen Xiao manages to escape today, he might become the protagonist's rise. Unfortunately, there are no "ifs," so he can only become a supporting character.


Fu Wang Mansion.

Chen Xiao and his sister kneel in humiliation before Fu Wang, their appearance disheveled. At this moment, there is no trace of the grand street battle or the invincible demon king's aura.

Yu Xian sits on the side, observing coldly.

Appearing leisurely while drinking tea, he is secretly vigilant and takes this as a lesson.

Although a fireball spell cast by himself could instantly melt even an innate warrior caught off guard, his magical power is limited, and he can only throw a few fireballs.

If he were to encounter a situation like Chen Xiao's today, with his meager reserves of spiritual power, after exhausting his magical power, he would most likely end up kneeling as well.

If there were two more innate warriors assisting the opponent from the side...

Thinking of that scene, Yu Xian suddenly feels a chill down his spine and decides to continue to keep a low profile.

Perhaps one reason why those low-level cultivators are unwilling to come to the mortal realm is that, in the event they are killed by a group of ordinary people, they would absolutely not rest in peace.

Fortunately, at the later stage of Qi Refining, the spiritual consciousness can leave the body and manipulate objects, allowing for the refinement of magical tools. With the power of magical tools protecting oneself, one can initially withstand group attacks.

He has his Dao companion, Yu Lan, to assist him. Even if he takes care of his body and gains an average of one cultivation point per day, it will take at most another half a year to break through to the later stage of Qi Refining.

But where can he obtain magical tools?

Yu Xian is caught in the dilemma of happiness.

On the other side.

Fu Wang's face turns ashen, mixed with a hint of relief as he says, "Chen Xiao, when you attempted to assassinate me, did you ever think of today?"

Chen Xiao lowers his head and says nothing.

At this moment, saying anything would just be the howling of a defeated dog. The previous Yu Gongfeng has already demonstrated that to him.

Even if he speaks a few words of defiance, what difference would it make? He is not afraid of death, but if he angers them, it will only be his sister who gets hurt in the end.

"Take him to the dungeon and keep him under strict guard. Without my orders, no one is allowed to approach him."

Fu Wang waves his hand and gives the order.

Although he really wants to kill Chen Xiao right now, he still needs Chen Xiao to cure the poison in his body.

Dr. Huang's detox pill can only suppress, not eradicate. Ultimately, the person who tied the bell must untie it. Don't be fooled by his calm demeanor in front of the princess. If he can avoid death, who would want to die?

Before Chen Xiao was suppressed, he suddenly struggled and shouted towards Yu Xian:

"Yu Xian, don't forget the promise you made to me! Otherwise, even if I become a ghost, I won't let you off!"

"Oh, I wonder what promise Yu Xian made to this assassin?"

The Duke of Fu looked at Yu Xian with a hint of meaning in his eyes.

Now that Chen Xiao has been brought to justice, his biggest threat is gone, and Yu Xian, this innate master, is not as important to him as before.

Yu Xian also knows that he cannot avoid the Duke of Fu's surveillance in the matter of interrogating Chen Xiao, so he is quite frank at the moment.

"I received something from him and promised to spare his little sister's life. So I would like to ask the Lord for some face."

The Duke of Fu fell into silence.

After a moment, he looked at the girl kneeling on the ground and said lightly:

"If Yu Xian can persuade Chen Xiao to remove the poison from my body, I can give you this face."

Yu Xian pondered for a moment and didn't say that he could try, but instead showed a difficult expression. "Chen Xiao is relying on this trump card to save his life. He probably won't cooperate even if he would rather die. I can only do my best."

A smile appeared on the Duke of Fu's face as he nodded. "Doing your best is enough. I am not an unreasonable person."

"Thank you for your understanding, my Lord. I will take my leave."

Yu Xian took his leave.

He didn't ask about the reward for capturing Chen Xiao, and the Duke of Fu didn't mention it either.

This was their tacit understanding, which meant that both the unauthorized interrogation of Chen Xiao and the things obtained from him had been revealed.

After a while, the Duke of Fu suddenly asked in a low voice, "What did Yu Xian get from Chen Xiao?"

The girl kneeling on the ground raised her head, her expression cold and stern, without any trace of a weak girl.

"Reporting to the Lord, it's two spirit stones, two secret manuals of cultivators, and five gold bars."

"It seems that Chen Xiao really treated you as his sister."

The Duke of Fu smiled and looked into the distance, his face showing a hint of reminiscence.

"Leaving a step idle back then, I didn't expect it to actually work. Since Yu Xian wants to protect you, you shall follow him from now on, Chen Yi."


She used to have another name, but now she is called Chen Yi and respectfully withdrew.

There are not so many coincidences in this world.

The biggest mistake Chen Xiao made was revealing his identity when he attempted to assassinate the Duke of Fu.

He didn't expect that the Duke of Fu would keep the old servant of the Chen family and use a calculated move to let Chen Yi pretend to be the younger sister of the Chen family and guard the Chen family's ancestral site.

This allowed the Duke of Fu to calmly arrange and deploy his forces.

Yu Xian's involvement was just a coincidence.

Even without Yu Xian, Chen Xiao would not have escaped the chess game set by the Duke of Fu today.

"But it's another inheritance left by a cultivator..."

The Duke of Fu coughed lightly, his eyes filled with longing, and muttered in a low voice:

"What kind of world is that?"

For the royal family, cultivators are not a big secret, and there is not an absolute barrier between the cultivation world and the mortal world.

In the Kingdom of Yue, the bloodline of the royal family's direct line is tested by experts when they are young. Those with outstanding bloodlines are sent to the cultivation world to cultivate.

Once they achieve success in their cultivation, they can support the royal family.

Other dynasties in the mortal world are the same. They rely on the cultivation families in the cultivation world to maintain the continuous fortune of their dynasties.

Otherwise, ordinary mortal emperors would not be able to withstand the various means of cultivators and would have been overthrown and killed.

After all, even if it's just a small piece of meat, it's still meat, and the resources in the mortal world are the same.

Perhaps the Gold Core cultivators look down on them, but the Qi Refining and Foundation Building cultivators are not willing to let go.

When he was young, the Duke of Fu was also tested for his aptitude, but he was not suitable for cultivation, so he stayed in the mortal world and became a leisurely prince.

Now, his elder brother, who ascended to the throne, should be similar to him. The princes who want to cultivate cannot become emperors, otherwise they would mobilize the entire country to pave the way for their cultivation, which would not be in the interest of the cultivation families behind the royal family.

But his elder brother somehow persuaded the imperial supervisor to openly start cultivating.

In the eyes of the Duke of Fu, this is a path of chaos, and the current chaos in the Kingdom of Yue is proof.


Yu Xian, who had left, naturally didn't know about these secrets.

After crossing over, he was just a farmer.

The circle around him is only so big, how could he know about the involvement between the mortal dynasty and the cultivation families behind them.

When he heard that cultivators could become masters in the mortal world, he immediately came running.

Fortunately, he is a sensible person and didn't act arrogantly just because he was a cultivator, treating mortals like pigs and dogs.

Otherwise, he would probably be buried by now.

Back at Building No. 2 of Tianzi, Yu Xian didn't idle around and once again embarked on his corrupt life as a noble.

"Yulan, show me your talent!"

(End of this chapter)

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