Chapter 6: Corrupt Life

In the blink of an eye, it had been a month since Yu Xian bravely captured the assassin.

On this day, in the hall on the second floor of Building No. 2.

Yu Xian lay on the grand chair, holding a yellow gourd in his hand and occasionally taking a sip.

Inside the gourd was a tonic wine prepared by Doctor Huang specifically for him. It was called "Ten Complete Tonic Wine," a name that was common but effective, with certain effects even for cultivators like him.

Perhaps it was because honey was added to the medicinal herbs, it tasted slightly sweet when savored.

There were many miscellaneous matters in the Wang Mansion, but there were hardly any tasks that required the attention of a Heavenly-ranked worshipper like Yu Xian.

So, Yu Xian's days were particularly leisurely.

He greatly enjoyed this leisurely life.

Free food and accommodation, receiving a salary without working, and even having a room and a wife assigned to him. It was simply the dream of modern workers.

The sound of a melodious qin drifted into his ears, and a beautiful woman danced and sang in front of him.

The dancing Yulan was a typical Eastern classical beauty, petite and delicate, with very refined and three-dimensional features.

Especially now, at the peak of her youth and beauty, her charm was fully displayed.

Yu Xian couldn't help but exclaim in amazement.

Although he saw Yulan every day, at this moment, he still had the impulse to see what kind of beautiful figure was hidden beneath her dancing clothes.

He quickly took two more sips of the tonic wine.

It seemed that he would have to work hard in his cultivation today!

As Yu Xian's thoughts flickered, his vision was filled with the results of his month-long cultivation.

[Name: Yu Xian]

[Cultivation: 6th level of Qi Refining (11/130)]

[Soulmate: Yulan (1/1)]

In just a month, he had actually broken through to the 6th level of Qi Refining, only one step away from the late stage of Qi Refining.

In the world of cultivation, reaching the late stage of Qi Refining was definitely considered a small expert among the lower-level cultivators. It was enough to hold important positions and manage important affairs in some medium-sized cultivation families.

When he used to work as a farmer, the person in charge was a cultivator in the late stage of Qi Refining.

Every day, he did nothing but wait for the rent collection from them, the spiritual farmers, when the spiritual fields yielded their harvests each year. They would fawn over him, afraid that if they didn't, he would miscalculate their harvests.

At that time, he didn't envy them to death.

Perhaps it was this envy that made him underestimate his determination to cultivate diligently.

Not only did he not maintain his bottom line of once a day, but he even voluntarily increased it to twice or even three times a day.

Every time after cultivation, Yu Xian deeply regretted his lack of self-control.

But cultivation was such a thing.

Sometimes, once you tried it, it was hard to stop.

And seeing his cultivation progress bit by bit, Yu Xian felt a great sense of satisfaction, feeling that his efforts were not in vain.

So he had to ask Doctor Huang to increase the dosage.

The thousand taels of silver notes he received from the prince quickly turned into gourds of Ten Complete Tonic Wine.

It was only because he had the support of the Wang Mansion, this top-level influential power, that he could collect those medicinal herbs.

After a dance.

"Master, how did I do?" Yulan leaped into Yu Xian's arms, no longer reserved like before, just like a well-tamed house cat, allowing him to stroke her at will.

Ever since her master took back her contract from the Wang Mansion a few days ago, granting her freedom, she seemed to have lost her freedom instead.

But this time, she willingly did so.

Even though she knew her master was more infatuated with her body, she was willing to give herself to him and show him the beauty of a young girl to the best of her ability.

For someone like her, who was as transient as a floating duckweed, even a tiny bit of love was worth a hundred or a thousand times her return.

Not to mention that her master was so handsome and gentle.

He never treated her as a lowly servant, and sometimes even tolerated her little whims and recklessness. So she became more and more like a child, yearning for more love.

As for the task given to her by the queen to monitor Yu Xian, sorry, she only had one master now.

"It's alright, I didn't pay much attention."

Yu Lan pouted discontentedly, and Yu Xian smirked, brushing her sparkling nose and leaning close to her ear, his voice carrying a hint of temptation.

"Because just now, I was only thinking about how to devour you in one bite."

Yu Lan's ears turned red in an instant, and she immediately transformed her annoyance into joy, snuggling into Yu Xian's arms with a charming and innocent look.

"Master, you always tease me."

"Xiao Yi, do you want to join in?"

Yu Xian, feeling provoked, suddenly turned his head towards Chen Yi, who had just played the accompaniment on the piano.

Ever since he persuaded Chen Xiao to detoxify the Duke Fu, and Chen Xiao agreed to suppress the toxicity for the Duke Fu.

Chen Xiao's younger sister came to his courtyard, saying that there was no place for her in the mansion, so since he agreed to Chen Xiao, he entrusted her to take care of her.

Yu Xian didn't mind, having more beautiful women in front of him was not a bad thing.

And sometimes, he could also have a change of taste.

Thanks to the fortune of the chattering maid at the door, everyone in the Wang Mansion now knew that Yu Gongfeng was a notorious lecher, and once they entered his attic, even the innocent ones would no longer be innocent.

How could he, Yu, bear this injustice? So he must ruin his innocence!

"No, don't!"

Chen Yi stood up in panic and hurriedly walked towards the door. She was not ready yet.

But just before she left, she suddenly turned her head and glanced at the scene of affection on the Grandmaster's chair, feeling a bit envious.

With her identity, she didn't know when she would be able to lie in another person's arms so comfortably and coquettishly.

Or perhaps she would never be able to.

"When you go out, remember to stroll around for a while. Don't come back until the time is up, otherwise, I'll take it as you agreeing to join me."

Yu Gongfeng's playful laughter came from behind, causing Chen Yi to stumble and walk even faster.


The laughter echoed from afar, making Chen Yi unable to help but blush.


He gently caressed Yu Lan's milky-smooth skin, and suddenly thought of an important question.

If Yu Lan also embarked on cultivation, would the cultivation points she provided for him increase?

Although his cultivation progress was considered rapid now, as his realm advanced, the speed of improvement began to slow down.

The sixth level of Qi Refining required over a hundred cultivation points, and what about the ninth level of Qi Refining? What if he luckily stepped into the Foundation Building realm?

With only Yu Lan as a partner, and temporarily no way to increase the number of partners, improving Yu Lan's cultivation might have unexpected effects.

So Yu Xian picked up the coat scattered on the ground, wrapped it around his waist, and walked confidently into the adjacent bedroom to retrieve the Longevity Technique that he considered to be of little use.

He had left this thing in the room for almost a month.

But whether it was Yu Lan or Chen Yi, they seemed to have no interest in it.

Yu Lan was carefree, while Chen Yi hadn't received any tasks, so he naturally wasted his efforts.

"Master, what is this? Longevity Technique? Is it a Taoist method of self-cultivation?"

Yu Lan, who had been carefully cultivated by the princess, was not only proficient in singing and dancing, but also well-read.

Yu Xian didn't reveal anything, and just went along with her words, saying, "More or less. Just practice this technique according to the instructions. If you achieve results, I will reward you generously."

Yu Lan casually threw the manual aside, ignoring the fact that she was currently exposed, and gently placed her soft wrist on Yu Xian's neck, with a lazy expression on her face.

"I am satisfied now, I don't want any rewards. But I will definitely listen to you and practice diligently."

"Really?" Yu Xian smiled and dropped a bait, "If I say that if you succeed in your cultivation, I will marry you, what would you say?"

Yu Lan's body suddenly stiffened, her voice trembling involuntarily.

"Master, what did you just say?"

Yu Xian stroked her soft long hair behind her, his tone calm but like a demon opening a soul contract for a drowning person.

"If you achieve it, I will marry you as my concubine."

He didn't say "main wife", because Yu Lan wouldn't believe it if he did.

Yu Lan's eyes suddenly turned red, grabbing the manual of the Longevity Technique as if she had grasped her own life, and then made a solemn vow.

"Master, I will definitely achieve something!"

"You're already so grown up, yet you're still crying."

Yu Xian wiped away the tears at the corner of her eyes and made a beautiful promise.

"Just give it a try. Even if you fail, it doesn't matter. Since you have followed me, I won't abandon you."

(End of this chapter)

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