Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

Chapter 7 Desires Can't Be Filled

Chapter 7: Insatiable Desire

As the saying goes, even the most delicious food will become tiresome if eaten every day.

Yu Xian used to think that this was a baseless claim, like a high-class Versailles.

Madam, a person who is full does not understand the hunger of someone who is starving. If a goddess is in one's embrace, they will never tire of it in their lifetime.

But now, he could only say - he was tired.

Just like a beloved toy, when it is first bought, one cannot put it down. But soon after, it is left in a corner to gather dust, and one will not pay attention to it for a long time.

Without the pure desire fueled by love, it comes and goes without a trace.

In addition, Yulan had entered a period of intense cultivation in order to obtain her rightful status as soon as possible.

Although she still catered to his every need, and even compensated him,

Her energy was ultimately limited, and after a large portion was taken up by her cultivation, it became difficult for her to think of new ways to tempt and excite him every day, as she had done before.

This was not a good sign.

Yulan was his only designated partner at this stage.

His sensory perception of Yulan determined the quality of their dual cultivation.

He began to look for solutions to the problem and, using the excuse of focusing on his own cultivation, actively reduced his daily contact with Yulan, preserving some freshness between them.

But desires are like boulders rolling down a mountain, once they start, they cannot be stopped.

Yu Xian had obtained physical satisfaction, but the threshold for his spiritual desires had been raised. If he couldn't satisfy them, he would seek fulfillment elsewhere instead of restraining himself.

Because his relationship with Yulan was not equal, when the cost of someone's mistakes is zero, their betrayal seems justified.

Just as Yu Xian was about to reach out to Chen Yi, who was beside him, he suddenly woke up when he saw the glimmer of tears in her eyes.

He had almost become a puppet of desire!

But he was unwilling to be driven by desire.

So, after becoming a deity worshipped by the royal family,

Yu Xian left the palace and looked at the bustling world outside, trying to find something that would bring him joy and touch his heart.


Changning County had a superior geographical environment, with numerous water systems converging, the most famous of which was the Cang River.

And within Changning City, there was a tributary of the Cang River called the Changning River.

In a section of the Changning River,

A black-covered boat sailed by.

At the stern, a boatman wearing a bamboo hat was rowing with a pole, while under the canopy, there was a young scholar in a green robe and a beautiful maid with a cold and charming demeanor.

It was Yu Xian and Chen Yi.

Yu Xian leaned against the window of the boat, looking at the vast river surface, the rippling water, and the natural beauty of the world. He couldn't help but sigh, "Being trapped in a cage for a long time and finally returning to nature, going out for a stroll is indeed beneficial for the body and mind. The original troubles also fade away with the wind."

"Boatman, please slow down, I want to go fishing."

"Alright, sir."

The boatman replied loudly, slowing down his movements and allowing the boat to move forward slowly with the river.

On the bow of the boat,

Yu Xian took out a chair, sat down, and cast his fishing rod. He watched as the fishing line descended into the water, the float swaying with the current, and his heart gradually calmed down.

"Do you want to join me?"

Yu Xian handed a fishing rod to Chen Yi.

Chen Yi silently accepted it, her eyes fixed on the water's surface, not daring to look at Yu Xian.

"I'm sorry, I thought I would consume you at an ambiguous moment, rather than forcefully possess you."

Yu Xian's gaze fell on the distant mist on the water's surface, his voice ethereal, like the distant mist that could dissipate at any moment.

"If you have any requests, you can speak up. Consider it a small compensation for my reckless actions."

Chen Yi's heart tightened, and she shook her head expressionlessly, saying, "Since I have entered your courtyard, I am already yours. You are just taking what belongs to you. You don't owe me anything."

She had long been mentally prepared for being sent by the prince to get close to Yu Xian.

And Yu Xian is handsome, powerful, and has a sense of humor. It is fortunate for her to serve him instead of serving those officials who are either fat-headed or older than her grandfather, like the other sisters.

The only thing she cannot accept is that since the first time, Yu Xian has never approached her again.

Clearly, his needs are so great.

Chen Yi clenched her teeth in frustration. Is she really inferior to Yu Lan?

"Always asking me to do something, just to satisfy my hypocritical conscience."

Yu Xian smiled lightly, with a hint of self-mockery.

"And I advise you to seize the opportunity, because my conscience is often lost, and I don't know when it will appear again."

Upon hearing this, Chen Yi's eyes showed signs of struggle.

For her, this may be an opportunity, but it could also be a test.

After a while.

She looked determined, and very seriously said to Yu Xian,

"I want to cultivate, just like Yu Lan!"

Only by becoming a legendary cultivator can she possibly obtain the freedom she desires.

Yu Xian was taken aback, somewhat surprised, "I thought you would ask me to save your brother."


Yu Xian's words flashed through Chen Yi's mind like lightning, her face instantly turned pale, and despair filled her eyes.

He found out!

Just as she was about to explain something, Yu Xian casually waved his hand to interrupt her.

"But this is also good. Otherwise, I would really hesitate whether to go back on my word. After all, I am quite comfortable in the Wang Mansion now. After returning, you can cultivate with Yu Lan, but I won't give you much help. You can only rely on yourself."

Chen Yi lightly bit her lip and nodded silently.

"I understand."

"Now that you have accepted my compensation, you can't be cold to me anymore. Come on, smile."

Yu Xian embraced Chen Yi's fragrant shoulder and sat her on his lap, his mouth and hands wandering, not staying still.

Although it has been proven that cultivating with a non-dao companion does not contribute to his cultivation, it can bring him happiness.

Now that his interest in Yu Lan has diminished, coupled with his increased cultivation and the help of Huang the doctor's secret formula, he is no longer the empty playboy of the past.

And Chen Yi is not a problem either.

Even through their clothes, Chen Yi could feel the warmth of his big hands. Her face turned red, and she softly resisted.

"Don't... not here."

"Be good, come a little closer. I want to feel your heartbeat."

While Yu Xian was flirting with one hand, the other hand was not idle. With a flick of his fishing rod, a large red carp leaped onto the surface of the river.

"Come up!"

"Boatman, do you have a stove? I want to eat grilled fish."

Yu Xian shouted to the back.

"Yes, sir!"

The boatman, with keen eyes, saw that the customer was flirting and not empty-handed, so he immediately came over to serve, unhooked the big carp and threw it into the fish basket tied to the side of the boat, and asked casually,

"Sir, I'm pretty good at grilling fish. Would you like me to grill a fresh one for you?"

"It seems that I'm in for a treat today. I was just about to taste the boatman's skill."

Yu Xian stroked the girl sitting in his arms, as if she were a cat, and smiled in response.

But it seems that his luck was all used up the first time.

In the next half hour, they only caught a few unfamiliar small river fish, which made him lose interest.

Coincidentally, the boatman had grilled the fish.

He and Chen Yi shared half of it, and it tasted good, mainly because it was fresh, with a hint of sweetness in the fish meat.

So they returned with full satisfaction.

(End of this chapter)

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