Chapter 53: The Heartbroken Li Gonggong

Silver is a good thing. With it, one can alleviate 99% of the troubles in the world.

With the help of Li Gonggong's connections and the generous sponsorship of the Wang Mansion, Yu Xian obtained the Tiger Leopard Pill, and his Qi and blood channels became smooth sailing.

With daily cultivation, his Dantian's magical power gradually solidified, and something faintly pregnant within him became clearer.

That something was a level higher than his own magical power.

And his brow gradually began to swell over time, as if a seed was taking root and sprouting within, about to break through the soil.

Yu Xian silently waited.

In the blink of an eye.

Winter turned to spring, and summer turned to autumn.

Yu Xian's time in the capital was leisurely and comfortable.

Every day, he practiced the Qi-concealing technique, played with Yulan, taught the young prince Jiang Heng martial arts, supervised his studies, and took the time to comfort the lonely Wang Consort.

Occasionally, he would frequent various entertainment venues in the capital, experiencing the local customs and learning local techniques, drawing analogies and making connections.

To be honest, the capital truly deserved to be the cultural center of the country. Every time he went, he would witness new things, giving him a feeling of learning until old age.

In addition, not long after the young prince arrived in the capital, he started studying at the Imperial Academy and unexpectedly developed a liking for learning.

Because without his master's discipline at school, the young prince reverted to his true nature as a little tyrant.

At first, there were people who bullied this chubby newcomer.

But after using someone's method of reporting grievances, it was as if the young prince had opened the door to a new world.

As long as he cried and reported a complaint, the people who bullied him would have to visit the Ministry of Justice, where they would either be beaten or have their skin peeled off, even if they didn't die.

He was a legitimate prince, and anyone who dared to lay a hand on him was challenging authority.

After a few unlucky individuals who tested the law with their bodies, the young prince ran rampant in the Imperial Academy, causing chaos.

The teachers at the Imperial Academy couldn't stand it and could only resort to visiting the prince's residence to report grievances.

Then the cries of the young prince would echo through the Wang Mansion.

But usually, within half a month, his scars would heal and he would forget the pain.

He would fish and play hooky at the Imperial Academy, occasionally using the martial arts his master taught him to challenge older classmates, and he truly earned the title of invincible.

After all, no one dared to fight back.

Then the teachers couldn't stand it again and continued to visit the prince's residence to report grievances.

The young prince would be beaten again, and once again, his scars would heal and he would forget the pain.

This cycle repeated over and over again.

One prominent feature was that he would admit his mistakes but never change.

On this day.

Under the crabapple tree, petals fell like rain.

Yu Xian held the Wang Consort, dressed in a pink and white palace gown, in his arms, and a cup of fruit wine spun between their lips.

The atmosphere gradually heated up.

Suddenly, Yu Xian's expression changed, he put down the Wang Consort, stood up, and took a few steps to hide behind a rockery, naturally concealing his aura with the Qi-concealing technique.

In an instant, he had merged with the rockery.

With his daily practice and some strange talent, in less than a year of practicing the Qi-concealing technique, he had already reached a state of minor accomplishment. With a single thought, he could activate the Qi-concealing technique at any time.

Seeing Yu Xian's movement, the Wang Consort quickly reacted, dispersing the romantic thoughts in her mind, and hurriedly tidied her hair and dress.

Then she sat up straight, picked up the Surangama Sutra on the table beside her, which was transcribed by someone. Although the handwriting had improved compared to before, it was still not commendable.

But the Wang Consort liked it very much.

After all, it was transcribed stroke by stroke by someone, much better than casually buying a book to deceive her.

"Old servant pays respects to the Consort."

The sound of footsteps approached, and the person who came turned out to be Li Gonggong.

Li Gonggong saw that the Consort's complexion was rosy today, like a delicate flower, and there was a scent of fruit wine in the air, along with a faint indescribable fragrance.

He felt that something was amiss and remembered the increasingly widespread rumors in the mansion. He couldn't help but sigh silently in his heart.

You can't underestimate the gossiping hearts of a group of palace maids.

They were locked in the palace and rarely had the chance to go out, so any movement or commotion in the palace would be discussed by them.

Sometimes, by chance, they could hit upon the truth.

"It's Manager Li, is there something you need?"

The princess's breathing had already calmed down, and she wasn't worried that Manager Li would notice anything.

"Didn't the princess say she wanted to stay at the Luli Temple for a few days? I have already made arrangements, and we can set off tomorrow."

"Good, after I leave, I will leave all the affairs of the palace to you."

The princess couldn't help but smile at the thought of being able to be with Yu Xian without so many eyes watching them once they were at the temple.

After spending more than half a year in the capital, she felt that she couldn't live without Yu Xian.

From the initial anxiety and guilt, to later welcoming him, and now the passionate love, she wished she could be with him every day.

The princess felt that her current life was true love.

The prince was already dead, and she couldn't possibly remain a widow.

Seeing the princess's eager look to meet her lover, Manager Li's mouth twitched, wanting to say something but hesitating.

Finally, he cautiously asked, "Will Manager Yu also be going?"

The princess naturally replied, "Manager Yu is highly skilled in martial arts. With him accompanying us, I don't have to worry about the safety of myself and Heng'er."

Manager Li's expression changed slightly as he said, "Princess, there is something I'm not sure if I should say."

The princess smiled faintly, "Manager Li, you are an old servant of the palace, you have been with the prince for decades longer than me, there is nothing you can't say."

Manager Li looked troubled, "Recently, I heard the servants gossiping in private, saying that Manager Yu, as a grown man, often goes in and out of the backyard. Could it be that he is meeting a lover... um... I naturally know that Manager Yu came here to teach the young prince. But over time, the princess's reputation may be affected. I dare to suggest that Manager Yu be taught in a different place. The backyard is where the women of the palace reside, and it would be more convenient for Manager Yu to come and go elsewhere. It would be better for the princess to avoid suspicion."

The princess's smile faded, and then grew colder. She slammed the book on the table.

"Manager Li, what do you want to say? Are you suggesting that there is something unclear between me and Manager Yu? Or that there are rumors going around? I keep them here to serve me, not to gossip! If I hear anyone spreading rumors again, I will break their legs the first time, smash their mouths the second time, and then kick them out of the palace!"

She was not so much angry as she was afraid.

She knew that her relationship with Yu Xian would not last, but the thought of their affair being exposed filled her with fear, as if she would be stripped naked and thrown on the street for people to gossip about.

By then, even her parents would not recognize her as their daughter.

Seeing the princess's anger, Manager Li immediately apologized.

"It's all this old servant's fault for speaking out of turn. Princess, rest assured, if anyone dares to speak out of turn in the future, I will be the first to punish them!"

"Alright, you may leave now."

The princess waved her hand, suddenly losing interest in going out to play.

"You may leave."

Manager Li bowed and left, a hint of joy on his lips.

With the words he had just spoken, the princess would surely restrain herself. He had done right by the prince.

Not long after Manager Li left, Yu Xian emerged from behind the rockery.

Seeing the princess sitting still, torn between heaven and earth, he knew she must be in great hesitation.

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault."

Yu Xian looked guilty and spoke affectionately.

"If it weren't for my selfishness, you wouldn't be in this situation now. These 346 days we've been together have been a beautiful dream for me, but starting today, the dream is over. Xin'er, I won't make things difficult for you. Let's follow what Manager Li said and reduce our contact. Let's forget everything that happened before."

After speaking, Yu Xian turned around and left decisively.

And he walked faster and faster.

The princess stood up to chase after him, but she didn't know what she was thinking. Suddenly, she couldn't move her feet and could only watch Yu Xian leave.

"So we've been together for 346 days, and he still remembers it so clearly..."

The princess stood still, murmuring to herself, lost in thought.

(End of this chapter)

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