Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

Chapter 54 The Day Of The Foundation Building Is Tonight!

Chapter 54: The day of Foundation Building is tonight!

The next day.

Two carriages, one large and one small, departed from the gate of the Fu Wang Mansion.

The large carriage carried the princess and the young prince, while the small carriage carried two accompanying maids, one of whom was Yu Lan.

Yu Xian rode ahead on horseback, followed by four guards from the Wang Mansion.

Remembering how the princess deliberately kept her distance when they left, pretending to be cold, Li Gonggong felt relieved, as if he had finally done right by the prince.

Yu Xian almost couldn't help but laugh.

This eunuch, who had never experienced romantic feelings in his life, had no idea that sometimes, for a woman, not wanting something meant wanting it.

His strategy of retreat as advancement had already placed him in an unbeatable position.

On the contrary, he had to thank Li Gonggong for exposing their affair. Otherwise, the princess would still be dreaming of flying with him.

To him, the princess was like a delicious White Rabbit milk candy. Occasionally eating it would be sweet, but eating it all the time would be too sweet and sticky.

Now that she deliberately kept her distance, it actually suited his intentions.

Yu Xian leisurely flicked the horse whip and led the caravan away from the capital city, arriving at the outskirts of the Liuli Temple.

The Liuli Temple had existed since the founding of the Yue Kingdom.

The first abbot of the Liuli Temple was a fierce general who had followed the founder of the Yue Kingdom and made great contributions to its establishment.

Later, it was said that he had a great awakening and became a monk, and the founder of the Yue Kingdom rewarded him multiple times.

Coupled with the favor of several emperors, the small temple that used to occupy only a few acres of land had become a vast temple on a hill, with eight hundred monks and millions of believers.

With Li Gonggong's prior notice and the prince's reputation, as soon as the carriages arrived at the foot of the mountain, the welcoming monks immediately came forward.

The group walked up the mountain.

Along the way, the welcoming monks introduced the scenic spots of the Liuli Temple and talked about its history and culture, which was not boring at all.

When they reached the temple gate, Yu Xian donated three thousand taels of incense money in the merit box in front of the welcoming monk. The welcoming monk's smile became even more sincere and enthusiastic.

The abbot also came out to greet them.

Although the title of the prince of Fu was now just a mascot, he was still a real royal relative. The current emperor had to call him "nephew."

His status was still high.

The abbot was an old monk with longer eyebrows than beard. He was a bit chubby and looked very wealthy. When he smiled, he looked like Maitreya Buddha.

However, Yu Xian could see that his qi and blood were condensed and not dispersed. It seemed superficial but was actually hidden deep inside. He must have practiced the technique of cultivating qi and storing essence, able to burst out his qi and blood in an instant.

The abbot smiled and sent the group to their guest rooms, preached to them, and instructed a young novice to be at their service at all times before bidding farewell and leaving.

After walking a long way up the mountain, the group rested in their guest rooms.

At noon, the monks from the temple brought vegetarian meals, which were well-cooked but a bit small in portion. I wonder how the old abbot managed to get so fat.

In the afternoon.

Yu Xian accompanied the princess and the others to the back mountain to enjoy the flowers.

Chrysanthemums were everywhere, golden and radiant, like a golden carpet spread over the earth, with a fragrant floral scent in the air.

But not everyone appreciated the beauty.

The young prince stood in the flower field, holding a wooden stick he had picked up, with his hands on his hips, like a mighty general. Then, with a few swings, he cut down a third of the flower field.

He was then caught by the furious princess, pressed on her lap, and spanked a few times.

This only resulted in the son mocking his mother, proudly saying that her hands were weak and his bottom didn't hurt at all.

The princess angrily found a stick and started hitting the young prince, who cried out in pain. The two of them chased each other in the flower field.

Seeing this scene, Yu Lan leaned against Yu Xian's embrace, laughing so hard she couldn't straighten her back.

The group played and frolicked, and time quickly passed.

In the end, Yu Xian gave twenty taels of silver to the monk in charge here, buying the chrysanthemums that the young prince had destroyed.

Dinner was still vegetarian, without any oiliness.

The young prince, who usually loved meat, took a few bites and then insisted on going home. However, Yu Xian blocked his mouth with some braised meat that appeared out of nowhere, and he chewed it with relish, his cheeks sore from eating.

There were lanterns to be seen at night in the Liuli Temple, but everyone was tired from playing during the day, so they planned to see them the next day.

Guest rooms.

Yu Lan and Yu Xian shared the middle room.

The two adjacent rooms were occupied by the princess and the maid with the young prince, making it convenient for Yu Xian to take care of them.

As for the four guards from the Wang Mansion who had come along, they were just there to make up the numbers and were instructed by someone to stay in more remote rooms.

The night grew deeper.

However, the princess lay in bed, tossing and turning, unable to sleep.

She felt as if there were ants crawling all over her body.

The princess thought she could endure it. After all, when the prince was still around, he wouldn't come to see her for two or three months at a time.

But now, it had only been a few days and she already felt like she was going crazy.

She didn't know how much time had passed.

Finally, the noise next door stopped.

The princess let out a sigh of relief and thought that she could finally sleep.

But she squinted for a while and still couldn't fall asleep.


She suddenly sat up from the bed, put on her clothes, quietly opened the door, and stuck her head out, looking around to see that there was no one.

Then she tiptoed to the next room.

She gently pushed the door and found that it wasn't locked!


Yulan heard the sound and shyly pulled the blanket to cover her chest. In the faint moonlight, she could see who it was.


Yulan put her finger to her lips and whispered,

"Sister, don't make a sound. The prince is practicing."

Yulan wrapped herself in the blanket and walked barefoot on the floor, not feeling the cold.

Since three months ago, she had not yet broken through to the second level of Qi Refining, so she started practicing martial arts.

With the nourishment of various medicines, especially after taking a pill called Tiger Leopard Pill, she had now reached the mid-stage of the acquired realm in martial arts.

You should know that for ordinary people, it would be considered talented to break through to the acquired realm after practicing martial arts for more than ten years.

This is the superiority of cultivators in martial arts.

Cultivators can refine their Qi and start with innate true Qi, making it easier to practice martial arts.

Especially with Yulan being guided by a master like Yuxian, who had already reached the perfect stage of Qi Refining.

Even if everything went smoothly, Yulan would be able to break through to the innate realm in martial arts within a year, possessing the strength to tear apart tigers and leopards.

Upon hearing this, the princess felt like she had been doused with cold water. All her impulses subsided, and the heat on her body suddenly faded, replaced by a chill.

It was already autumn, and the nights were chilly.

"Why is he practicing now? He just finished that thing, and he's not even embarrassed."

The princess and Yulan retreated to a corner of the room, looking at Yuxian, who was sitting there with his bare upper body, practicing with closed eyes. The princess couldn't help but mutter in a low voice.

Yulan considerately shared half of the blanket with the princess.

The two of them huddled together for warmth, and the princess immediately felt like she was holding a warm stove.

"Yulan, you're so warm. It feels so comfortable to hold you."

Yulan smiled, straightened her chest, and said somewhat proudly,

"The prince is extraordinary. There must be a reason for his practice now.

As for why I'm so warm, it's because the prince is teaching me martial arts. I'm already a martial artist in the acquired realm, and my blood and Qi are surging, so naturally I'm not cold."

The princess looked at Yuxian, her eyes filled with envy.

"He's so good to you."


Yuxian knew that the princess had come, but he didn't make any movements.

Although he was somewhat surprised by the princess's boldness, compared to the slight pleasure, his own cultivation was more important.

The reason he chose to visit Luli Temple was not without purpose, but because after half a year of cultivation, he was about to break through.

After all, he didn't have the experience of breaking through to Foundation Building.

He was worried that if he broke through in the capital, it might cause some anomalies.

After all, there was an old monster hidden in the palace, and who knew if it would cause unnecessary trouble.

But he didn't choose some remote mountain forest, he chose Luli Temple.

Luli Temple had few people and a vast area. This room was in a secluded corner, and even if there were some movements, it wouldn't attract attention.

Most importantly, he had already come to investigate before, and there were no traces of cultivators appearing here.

Even if there were any unexpected situations, he brought enough guards from the royal mansion and the princess to block prying eyes.

With the recent practice sessions with Yulan, he finally filled up his experience bar.

Without any surprises, he had already seen the shadow of Foundation Building.

Tonight was the day of Foundation Building!

(End of this chapter)

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