Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

Chapter 60 Watching Chess Without Saying A Word, A Real Gentleman, But I Am A Villain

Chapter 60: A True Gentleman Remains Silent While Watching Chess, But I Am a Petty Person

I woke up to a bright morning.

As usual, Yu Xian had breakfast, taught Yulan and the princess martial arts in the morning, and spent the afternoon pursuing his own interests, such as calligraphy, reading, and brewing wine.

By evening, he withdrew one thousand taels of silver from the account room, ready to go out and spend it.

Everyone was already used to this.

Even Li Gonggong had started turning a blind eye and no longer advised the princess, saying that he wanted to take back control of the finances.

But it was all in vain.

When Yu Xian spent one thousand taels on himself and another one hundred taels on the princess, the princess felt like she had made a profit, and she no longer listened to Li Gonggong's unpleasant advice.

However, today, after Yu Xian went out, he didn't immediately go to meet the young miss. Instead, he disguised himself and entered a martial arts hall.

Ding Le Martial Arts Hall.

Ding is Ding Le's Ding, and Le is Chang Le's Le.

Of course, since he found out that all the members of his sword sect had joined the uprising, Ding Le had thought about changing the name of his martial arts hall.

Now he could only be grateful that he didn't name it Chang Le Martial Arts Hall.

Behind the martial arts hall was a residence.

Ding Le dismissed his concubines and maidservants, saying that he wanted to cultivate his unique martial arts and that no one should approach him. But as soon as he entered, a flattering smile appeared on his face.

"Ding Le pays respects to the senior!"

He saw a figure in a black robe with its back turned to him, shrouded in shadows, making it impossible to see clearly, as if covered in mist.

But this didn't hinder Ding Le's respect and feigned ignorance.

Since Manager Yu didn't want to reveal his identity, he wouldn't show off his knowledge either.

The Yu Xian under the black robe was neither warm nor cold towards Ding Le, and his voice was indifferent and calm.

"The big secret you mentioned in your mouth had better be worth your life."

Yu Xian originally wanted to ignore Ding Le and even planned to kill him directly. Damn it, he dared to play the trick of causing trouble and diverting attention.

However, Ding Le mentioned the name of Prince Fu.

A person who had been dead for almost two years suddenly reappeared. In terms of both emotions and reason, Yu Xian felt it necessary to find out the truth.

After all, if Prince Fu were to return one day, how would he and the princess handle this matter?

Could it be that I'm not here to disrupt you, but to join you?

In addition, he was indeed a little curious about the situation in the palace.

Curiosity is a common trait in everyone.

Ding Le didn't dare to be careless. He organized his thoughts and slowly said, "It all started half a month ago when my senior brother suddenly found me and told me..."

"...That old monster is truly terrifying. My senior brother is already a mid-stage innate master, and he possesses the inherited divine sword of our Chang Le Sword Sect, but he couldn't even get close to him within three zhang."

Apart from me, who managed to keep my distance from the Azure Dragon Society, the other seven grandmasters were severely injured with just one encounter.

If it weren't for the fact that the old monster seemed to have some concerns and couldn't stay too far from the palace, and if I didn't have my senior brother's talisman and a bit of luck, I wouldn't have been able to escape."

"I'm not interested in hearing about some old monster. What about Prince Fu? Get to the point."

"Oh, right, Prince Fu. When we entered the palace, we saw a blood pool, and Prince Fu was immersed in it, with only his head exposed. We don't know if he's alive or dead."

"Is it confirmed that he is the Prince Fu?"

"I have personally protected Prince Fu for a period of time, there is absolutely no mistake."

Ding Le was very certain.

Yu Xian fell into deep thought.

Gradually, he sorted out several storylines in his mind.

Firstly, assuming that what Ding Le said is true, then the person soaking in the blood pool is indeed Prince Fu.

This would prove that the missing Prince Fu from years ago faked his death, and he secretly came to the capital for what purpose?

There are only two possibilities: seeking refuge or seeking assistance.

If it was seeking refuge, he would naturally not abandon the widowed mother and orphaned child, disregarding his immense wealth and prosperity. Therefore, the higher probability is that he was seeking assistance.

Back then, Prince Fu must have sensed something and had to fake his death and come to the capital to seek assistance.

However, an accident occurred, and instead of receiving reinforcements, Prince Fu found himself in another danger.

In this way, it also successfully explained the chaotic management and vulnerability of Prince Fu's mansion back then.

Prince Fu probably anticipated that he would not have an easy time in the capital.

So before leaving, he deliberately severed ties with several institutions in the mansion, causing them to be entangled with each other, so that when he returned as the rightful ruler, he could smoothly regain control.

For example, the princess never had control over the intelligence system of Prince Fu's mansion.

This thing definitely existed.

Otherwise, where did Chen Yi and her sister suddenly appear from? They must have been cultivated by Prince Fu's secret organization as various beautiful female spies.

Another example is the financial power of Prince Fu's mansion, which not only includes the Bai Bao Tower but also other industries, fields, mines, forests, and so on...

But from beginning to end, the princess only received a few million taels of silver from the mansion, the escort team, and a loyal Li Gonggong.

As for the private army raised by the mansion and the bureaucratic institutions serving the mansion...

These organizations, which rely on the mansion but are independent of each other, are important components of the mansion's power, but the princess didn't touch any of them.

Whether it was a lack of trust in the princess or a lack of trust in the princess's abilities.

Obviously, when Prince Fu left, he did not entrust the fate of the mansion to the princess.

Faking his death, seeking assistance, returning as the ruler with reinforcements, driving away the Lin family cultivators, and suppressing the rebel army, achieving great success...

This was the plan Prince Fu had set for himself.

However, the actual situation was: faking his death, seeking assistance, being betrayed and captured, soaking in a blood pool, his life and death uncertain...

Yu Xian quickly deduced one of Prince Fu's storylines.

Hmm, judging from this deduction, Prince Fu most likely won't survive.

After all, soaking people in a blood pool like this is obviously a demonic secret technique. It would be strange if Prince Fu, who was used as a resource, had a good outcome.

Yu Xian inexplicably breathed a sigh of relief, now he didn't have to make a choice.

"Your Highness, rest assured, I am taking good care of the princess. We are happy every day. Your son is also strong and healthy, he will definitely give you several chubby grandsons in the future."

In any case, he would not save the person.

The situation was already very clear.

The Emperor of Yue Country secretly practiced blood-related cultivation, most likely some kind of demonic cultivation technique.

And for some reason, the cultivators of the Jiang family defaulted or even supported this behavior, and because they were indebted to the Emperor's cultivation, they couldn't extricate themselves.

So when the Lin family cultivators incited rebellion, the Yue Country court was unable to organize an effective counterattack from beginning to end.

The front line is stretched too thin, which leads to a lack of internal defense, so they simply don't attack.

On the other hand, the Lin family, thinking they are being cautious and providing support to the rebels behind the scenes, actually played right into the hands of the Jiang family, giving them enough time.

However, they probably discovered something, which is why the Qinglong Society organized the night infiltration of the palace by martial arts masters.

Both sides are calculating, it just depends on which side time is on.

Interesting, truly interesting!

Yu Xian seemed to dispel the fog and saw the turbulent situation in the Kingdom of Yue from a high vantage point.

The Lin family is plotting against the Kingdom of Yue, pressing forward step by step, while the Jiang family retreats to advance, actually hiding their strength and waiting for the right moment.

But there is one thing that Yu Xian is confused about.

Why does the Lin family dare to fight against the Jiang family?

Even if the Lin family wins temporarily in the Kingdom of Yue, the strength of the Jiang family in Shangyang City is not something the Lin family can withstand. Sooner or later, the Kingdom of Yue will be taken back by the Jiang family.

At that time, the Lin family will have greatly offended the Jiang family and face the calamity of annihilation.


The Lin family has confirmed that the strengths of the two sides are in a relatively equal state.

Either the Lin family's ancestor has made another breakthrough and their strength has greatly increased, or something has happened to the Jiang family's ancestor and their power has weakened.

In the world of cultivation, individual power is greater than everything else.

Yu Xian's divine sense swept over Ding Le, who looked nervous and uneasy.

Unconsciously, he had become an important bargaining chip and pawn for both sides.

As long as Ding Le successfully spreads the news, the Lin family will definitely accelerate their plan. I wonder how the Jiang family will respond then?

Perhaps a small accident will become the key to determining victory or defeat.

At this moment...

Yu Xian finally had a feeling of observing the chess game from the outside, rather than being a chess piece drifting with the current on the chessboard.


Does he want the Jiang family to win or the Lin family to win?

After thinking for a moment, Yu Xian's answer is - it doesn't matter.

He doesn't care who wins or loses.

But he wants this war to end as soon as possible.

Just for the sake of... those common people kneeling by the riverbank, who just want to live a good life.

With a determined thought, Yu Xian has made a decision.

"Ding Le."

"Senior, I'm here."

"What do you plan to do next?"

"I, I want revenge."

There was no hatred in Ding Le's voice, only a sense of frustration.

"But I know I can never get revenge."

This middle-aged martial arts master, who has passed the age of uncertainty, has struggled for half his life, finally thinking of living peacefully for two years, only to witness his senior brother die protecting him.

He wants to escape from all of this.

But when he thought of his background in the Changle Sword Sect, his heart was filled with struggle.

"You can't seek revenge, but the Azure Dragon Society can," Yu Xian said lightly. "This time, you are the only one who survived in the Azure Dragon Society. You are the greatest contributor."

Ding Le shook his head and said, "The Azure Dragon Society is not a good place. My senior brother was deceived by them."

"I don't want to go back anymore. Now I just want to rebuild the Changle Sword Sect and continue the legacy of my sect."

"But I need you to pass on everything you saw in the palace last night to the Azure Dragon Society. Do you have any way to do that?" Yu Xian asked.

Ding Le said, "My senior brother gave me the contact information of the Azure Dragon Society, but once you get involved, it's hard to get out."

"Give me the contact information."


As soon as Ding Le wrote down the contact information, he felt a headache and fainted on the spot.

Yu Xian looked at the unconscious Ding Le, with the intention of killing him to silence him, but after hesitating for a moment, he ultimately didn't do it.

Since Ding Le had already decided to retire from the martial arts world, let's give him a chance.

He took out two silver needles and inserted them into Ding Le's head, then used his powerful mental strength to wake him up and intimidate him.

"Look into my eyes!"

This was a psychological therapy he had seen in Huang's medical book.

In fact, it was a form of hypnosis that could help people block out some bad memories and achieve the goal of treatment.

And with his divine consciousness, his mental strength overwhelmed ordinary people, making this hypnosis technique even more powerful.

He wanted to erase Ding Le's memories of the past two days and plant a suggestion in his mind to leave the capital and live a good life under a new identity.


Two days later.

Ding Le left the capital with his family and headed towards a distant place.

"Master, why are we suddenly leaving?" his most beloved concubine asked him from the carriage.

Ding Le lifted the curtain and looked back at the distant city gate of the capital, his expression filled with confusion.

"I don't know either. I just feel that it would be dangerous to stay in the capital. But with my skills, wherever we go, you won't be in any danger."

Ding Le turned around and pinched the chin of his concubine, then comfortably lay in her broad embrace, casually saying to the three concubines in the carriage:

"Listen carefully, whoever gives birth to a son for me first will be heavily rewarded!"

"No! Don't rush! Let's talk about it when we get there! Don't take off my pants!"

"Damn it! If a tiger doesn't show its might, you really think I'm a sick cat! Demon, watch my sword!"

The carriage creaked and swayed rapidly.

At the same time.

The secret contact point of the Azure Dragon Society in the capital received a secret letter.

Not long after.

Pigeons and messengers hurriedly left one by one.

Feeling great after completing all this, Yu Xian showed a big smile towards the sky.

A true gentleman remains silent while watching a chess game, but I am a petty person.

(End of this chapter)

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