Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

Chapter 61 The Eve Of The Final Battle

Chapter 61: The Eve of the Decisive Battle

Another year of midsummer.

The Duke Fu's Mansion.

Training ground.


Under a sweet shout.

A small hand as fair as jade struck a piece of bluestone, causing it to shatter as if it had been struck by a sledgehammer.

The princess couldn't believe her own palms, fair and delicate, capable of splitting bluestone with force.

"This... am I a postnatal warrior?"

Postnatal warriors cultivate true qi, also known as internal strength. It is a magical power that arises from the blood and qi. Once achieved, it is not difficult to split stones and crack boulders.

But the princess knew that she had only been practicing martial arts for a few months.

She even felt that practicing martial arts was a bit of an overestimation of herself.

Just a simple display of a few moves, stretching her muscles and bones, and occasionally being teased by someone. Sometimes she couldn't stand it and they would end up in a ridiculous situation.

With this kind of sporadic training, she even suspected that someone taught her martial arts mainly to stretch her muscles and make her waist more flexible, in order to facilitate the realization of some difficult postures.

This kind of thing, that someone is capable of doing.

But now, with the achievement of true qi, the princess felt ashamed of her suspicions.

Yu Xian patted the princess's buttocks.

Not bad, very flexible.

Women who practice martial arts are indeed different.

Under the influence of martial arts, the princess has successfully achieved reverse aging. Not only has her appearance become younger and more vibrant, but her figure has also become more toned.

"Do you think I was deceiving you? If it weren't for your poor foundation and lack of seriousness in training, you would have achieved true qi long ago. Look at Yulan, she is only one step away from the innate realm."

Yulan, who was gentle and graceful, smiled shyly on the side.

Although her cultivation speed in the immortal path was as slow as a turtle, under Yu Xian's Foundation Building method, her martial arts realm progressed by leaps and bounds.

Now, her seemingly petite body contains blood and qi comparable to that of a fierce bull.

Although Yulan has little combat experience, her strength is ten times that of an ordinary person. With just a set of boxing techniques, she can suppress most of the famous experts in the martial world.

The princess usually only benefits from Yulan's leftovers, but for ordinary people, it is also a great fortune.

But the princess didn't know about Yu Xian's differential treatment. She could only see the facts in front of her and had to admit that it was her own lack of effort.

She covered her buttocks and said with some grievance, "It's not that I didn't train seriously, it's clearly you who have been bullying me."

Her figure has always been good.

When practicing, she wore tight-fitting clothes that highlighted her figure, coupled with various labels on her body, making it difficult for people not to be moved.

Yu Xian, on the other hand, has never had much self-control.

"Cough cough..."

Yu Xian coughed lightly, abruptly changing the subject.

"Recently, there has been unrest in the capital. I have already instructed Li Gonggong to close the doors and not receive any guests. During this time, you should stay at home and train."

The princess usually stays in the rear courtyard and only goes out with Yulan for shopping. She has never paid much attention to the situation outside.

"What happened? Didn't they say that the court had already stopped the rebels?"

Two months ago, a group of elite guards called the Black Wolf Guards secretly supported the frontlines.

They deliberately lured the vanguard of the rebels into the city and fought with them for several days, causing heavy casualties to the rebels. It was said that several martial arts masters were also killed, resulting in a complete defeat for the rebels.

The court gathered a hundred thousand troops and pursued them for eighty miles, forcing the rebels to retreat and abandoning several cities.

This was the first major victory for the court since the rebellion began, which greatly boosted morale and won back the support of many wavering hearts.

With the continuous reinforcement of the court, the current situation is that the court's army is facing off against the rebels in the city of Cangbei. Everything seems to have returned to the beginning, but now it is a reversal of offense and defense.

Yu Xian shook his head and said, "They did stop them, but recently, many unfamiliar warriors have flooded into the capital, and there have been frequent violent crimes. Many officials' families have also been harmed.

"You are all so beautiful. If anything unexpected were to happen, I would deeply regret it."

Those martial artists should be individuals from the Qinglong Society.

During this period, chaos reigns in Kyoto every day, with various government agencies working tirelessly.

This is the consequence of the loss of dignity by the court.

Most of these martial artists who dare to cause trouble do not have high hopes for the court's future. Perhaps they have received promises from the Qinglong Society and naturally do not care about the court's retaliation afterwards.

Without any worries, they can engage in destruction without any scruples.

Even if the court's army suppresses them, it is useless.

There may be people within the court who are on their side. Throughout history, during times of national crisis, there have always been some high-ranking officials who claim to have a clear understanding of the situation and secretly collude with the enemy.

Ordinary people cannot resist the government or martial arts experts, so they can only pray that misfortune does not come knocking on their door.

Although Kyoto is still bustling with people, the commercial market is declining visibly.

Even the entertainment venues that Yu Xian often frequents have closed their doors.

Perhaps it won't be long before the gates of Kyoto are sealed off, preventing outsiders from entering or leaving.

"...But don't worry, the mansion has already prepared enough food and rice, as well as two underground wells, enough for the mansion to sustain itself for several years.

Even if the court is truly defeated, it won't matter. I will protect you and help you leave."

When it comes to escaping, he is a professional.

The princess was stunned for a moment, then said, "I will have Manager Li bring Heng'er back from the Guozi Jian. He won't go to school for now."

"That's fine."

Yu Xian nodded.


Night fell.

Several figures dressed in night clothes climbed over the wall. Before they could make a move, they heard several whistling sounds in the air.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Bloody flowers bloomed on the chests of the figures, and they fell from the sky without leaving a word, completely lifeless.

After a while, several torches were raised.

They were the guards of the Wang Mansion.

"Supervisor, you are truly awe-inspiring! These bandits actually dared to offend the Wang Mansion, they really don't know their own limits."

The leader of the guards stepped forward with a face full of admiration, but there was an underlying fear in his voice that even he himself didn't notice.

He clearly saw just now that the supervisor only flicked his finger, and streams of true energy were unleashed, like flying swords, directly killing the bandits who attempted to enter the Wang Mansion.

A martial arts grandmaster can indeed release true energy, but it is limited to a range of three feet.

But the supervisor and the thieves were more than a hundred steps apart!

When martial arts reach this level, it is almost like being a deity on land.

"Take off their masks and hang their bodies outside the wall. The Wang Mansion is not a place that any cat or dog can enter."

Yu Xian's voice was calm as water.

A Foundation Building cultivator bullying a few thieves who aren't even at the Qi Condensation stage would be a laughingstock if word got out.

In these past few days, he had already killed several batches of thieves who attempted to infiltrate the Wang Mansion.

The Wang Mansion brought its wealth to the capital and kept a low profile, never revealing its true strength. In the eyes of some people, it was undoubtedly a big piece of fat.

During peacetime, no one dared to provoke them, but now that Kyoto is in turmoil, there are more people trying to take advantage of the situation.

His divine sense swept over the faces under the thieves' masks, and among them were old members of the underground gangs in Kyoto. Perhaps they had already set their sights on the Wang Mansion.


The leader of the guards smiled grimly at the bodies on the ground.

"I will definitely deal with them properly!"

Yu Xian didn't pay much attention to these trivial matters. His gaze drifted into the depths of the night.

The Wang Mansion is located right at the foot of the imperial city. The people living on this street are all high-ranking officials, and even they have fallen victim to the thieves.

This means that Kyoto's defense forces are on the verge of collapse.

"It seems that the day of the decisive battle is not far away. The effect of that letter is obviously good, and the Lin family cultivators have acted much faster."

(End of this chapter)

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