Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

Chapter 63 The Miscellaneous Fish Is Actually Me? (Please Follow Up!)

Chapter 63: The Unexpected Fish is Me? (Seeking to Continue Reading!)

Outside the city of Kyoto.

On a secluded mountain peak several tens of miles away, the mountain is several hundred meters high, and one can faintly glimpse the layout of half of Kyoto city.

Yu Xian stands alone on the cliff, looking into the distance, his face filled with astonishment.

As the saying goes, when a person reaches ten thousand, it becomes boundless; when a person reaches one hundred thousand, it connects heaven and earth.

And the so-called million-strong army, even if Yu Xian lived two lifetimes, he had only seen it in history books.

This is purely a visual shock caused by the sheer number.

Camps stretching for hundreds of miles, fires covering the mountains and plains, just sending a command from one end to the other would take half an hour on a fast horse.

"To witness such a magnificent scene, it's worth staying behind for."

Yu Xian now possesses great power and is no longer the Qi Refining cultivator who had to be cautious about everything. He is confident that even if he encounters Foundation Building cultivators from the Jiang and Lin families, even if he can't defeat them, he can always escape.

So after the others in the Wang family settled down and left Kyoto, he returned alone, waiting for the final battle.

Of course, he didn't lack some selfish thoughts of taking advantage of both sides being injured.

But until he had full confidence, Yu Xian still remembered his position and remained a spectator.

After all, he wouldn't gain anything from this battle, but being able to watch a Foundation Building battle up close is still a considerable gain for him.

This is the pitiful state of a wandering cultivator without a solid foundation.

Although he is already a Foundation Building cultivator himself, he is still unclear about the various means and strengths of Foundation Building cultivators.


As the sound of horns spread across the wilderness, the rebel army, leaving behind a field of corpses, began to retreat in an orderly manner.

A general in charge of defending the eastern city gate, covered in blood, abruptly stopped his furious roar of "kill the enemy".

He looked around and saw that there were few of his former comrades left, and couldn't help but cover his face and cry in pain.

With no more soldiers, the city cannot be defended!

For many years of peace in the Yue Kingdom, the four major camps responsible for guarding Kyoto's defenses had long ceased to exist. In the previous battle at Cangbei City, the remaining elite troops in Kyoto were also wiped out.

Now, the most elite Imperial Guards are holding the palace walls and not venturing out. They are relying on the high walls of Kyoto to hold on for the time being.

But even if one person is exchanged for ten, they can't afford it.

The rebel army has only been attacking the city for three days, and their side can't even gather enough defenders.

That night, the general secretly gathered his subordinates and ordered them to take off their armor and escape for their lives, while he faced the palace and knelt down to commit suicide.

Although the ruler is not benevolent, he cannot be disloyal.

The next morning.

Outside the outer city of Kyoto, it fell without being attacked.

A million-strong army poured into the outer city, heading straight for the palace.


Lin Zhen looked at the heavily guarded palace and the hidden siege crossbows, and even he felt a slight tingling sensation on his skin.

Obviously, relying solely on physical strength to resist, those siege crossbows could pose a threat to him, at least requiring him to expend some mana to resist.

This palace gate is sturdy, the city walls are over ten zhang high, and there is a moat. Even if countless lives are sacrificed, ordinary soldiers would never be able to climb the city walls.

"Is this the last line of defense?"

A cold smile appeared at the corner of Lin Zhen's mouth, and then he slowly ascended into the air, immediately causing a frenzy of cheers from the crowd.

The palace guards on the city walls also showed fear and hesitation in their eyes.

"Fire the arrows! Fire the arrows!"

The defending general shouted angrily.

Swoosh swoosh swoosh!

The sound of arrows piercing through the air repeatedly.

The sky was filled with a rain of arrows, and among them were more than a dozen giant arrows as thick as an adult's arm, capable of piercing through an elephant.

But in the face of this rain of arrows, Lin Zhen simply flew higher.

Although with his strength, it wouldn't matter even if he resisted head-on, it would undoubtedly consume a lot of his mana.

Now he just flew higher, so all the attacks missed.

Facing Foundation Building cultivators, there are very few methods for mortals to attack them, let alone break their defenses.

"Sword of the Gods!"

In the sky hundreds of meters high, Lin Zhen shouted angrily.

Then a golden light flew out from his body, and the golden light continued to grow, merging with him, transforming into a giant sword over ten meters long.

"Break the city!"

The person and the sword became one, and the golden light fell in an instant.

The magnificent and sturdy palace gate faced the flying sword controlled by the Foundation Building cultivators, as if it were made of tofu, easily sliced open by the golden light.


Immediately, a loud rumble sounded, and a huge hole appeared in the palace gate.

The imperial city was breached!


The war drums sounded, and warriors filled with true energy stood up from the rebel army, numbering in the hundreds.

They were the first death-defying camp selected from the million-strong army, all of them were acquired stage warriors, with several innate grandmasters among them.

Each of them was wrapped in iron chains, braving the rain of arrows pouring down from the city walls, fearlessly using their bodies as shields, jumping directly into the moat.

First, they swam across the moat at the fastest speed, and then they hammered iron stakes into the ground, using the iron chains to construct crude iron rope bridges.


With the bridges in place, the moat was no longer an obstacle.

"The leader has ordered, leave no one alive, kill without mercy!"

"Kill without mercy!"

"Kill without mercy!"

The chaotic soldiers rushed into the imperial palace, engaging in close-quarters combat with the palace guards.


Yu Xian blended in with the chaotic army, without even wearing armor, just tying a red cloth strip around his arm and wearing a yellow headband. He held a broken knife and followed the crowd, shouting half-heartedly with slogans, hanging at the back.

There were too many rebels, even if there were a few unfamiliar faces, no one paid attention.

Yu Xian didn't fly up into the sky to watch the show like the others, but hid in the crowd, still able to see what he wanted to see.

Like the sword Lin Zhen just used.

"This person is the leader of the rebels, probably a Foundation Building cultivator from the Lin family. That flying sword is his spiritual weapon, much more powerful than my Blood Jade Sword."

"And it seems like he hasn't used his full strength yet, he hasn't even released the aura of a Foundation Building cultivator."

"If I were to face that sword?"

Yu Xian secretly compared, secretly amazed, "Damn, I wouldn't stand a chance."

"A Foundation Building cultivator from a cultivation family is so powerful, those disciples from the major sects must be even stronger. I'm probably just a small fry in their eyes."

"So what's the difference between me and the cannon fodder in the novel that's specifically there to give the protagonist experience and achievements?"

"From the looks of it, even if I break through to the mid-stage of Foundation Building, it's still not secure. Just having the realm without battle strength, it's easy to be defeated by someone of a higher level."

"The Qi Refining technique of the Innate stage is just a common method, being able to break through to Foundation Building is already a miracle. If I want to survive in the world of Foundation Building cultivators, I'm just daydreaming if I rely on it."

"So, after I return to the cultivation world, the first thing I need to do is find a reliable inheritance."

Just based on this one sword, Yu Xian had a feeling that this trip was not in vain.

If he hadn't witnessed a real Foundation Building cultivator in action, he would still be in the delusion of "we're all Foundation Building cultivators, it's at most a fifty-fifty chance".

Weakness and ignorance have never been obstacles to survival, arrogance is.

Yu Xian silently reflected on himself, if he didn't change this mentality, he would inevitably encounter problems in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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