Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

Chapter 64 Reiatsu (Read More!)

Chapter 64: Spiritual Pressure (Seeking to Continue Reading!)


The chaotic battle in the palace continued.

Since using his sword, Lin Zhen had completely disappeared.

Most of the rebel soldiers were mesmerized by the opulence and luxury of the palace, forgetting their beliefs for a moment and not noticing this leader.

As the ruling royal family of Yue Kingdom for over four hundred years, one can imagine the accumulation within the palace.

The rebel soldiers had never seen such a scene before. Even a piece of gold brick on the ground would be enough to ensure a lifetime of food and clothing.

At first, they fought each other due to different factions, but in the end, they fought solely for the treasures, not sparing even their own comrades.

"Mine, it's all mine!"

A rebel soldier, with his arms full of jewels, fell into a pool of blood and muttered before dying.

His companion kicked the corpse aside and snatched the jewels from his arms, spitting on him.

"You think you deserve it?"

"I saw it first! Let go!"

A bloodthirsty general chopped off the arm of his subordinate because the latter had just touched a golden glass pagoda with his hand.


The general held the pagoda and laughed maniacally.


The palace, tightly sealed, collapsed as the rebel soldiers pried away the pillars. Dozens of people were crushed under the rubble, their fate unknown.

Such scenes were happening throughout the palace.

Desire is a wild beast that, once unleashed, cannot be controlled.

Blood became the dominant color in the palace.


Yu Xian followed the crowd and entered deep into the palace, but he didn't do anything. He lay motionless in a corner, pretending to be a corpse.

After a while, two unlucky bodies were pressed down on top of him.

He opened his eyes and saw the unlucky person who died right in front of him.

"Brother, it wasn't me who killed you. Staring at me won't change anything. Let me borrow some blood."

Yu Xian smeared some blood on his face. The perfected Qi-concealing technique sealed all his breath, making him appear like a pile of corpses.

In his line of sight, about three hundred meters away, stood a low-key palace.

According to the palace layout map given by Ding Le, that was the emperor's sleeping quarters and also the place where the Prince of Fortune soaked in a pool of blood.

Yu Xian estimated that this would be the final battlefield, so he took an advantageous position with a broad view in advance.

After witnessing the sword technique of the Lin family cultivator, he no longer held any hope of gaining any benefits, but he still wanted to witness this great battle.

At this moment, he somewhat understood why in martial arts novels, when top experts fought, there would always be a large group of martial artists who were willing to witness the battle even if it meant risking their lives and being killed by the aftermath.

To hear the Dao in the morning and die in the evening is enough.

He was reluctant to die, but his desire to hear the Dao was not weak.

The rebel soldiers came and went, in a chaotic mess like tourists.

However, the main gate in front of the sleeping quarters remained tightly closed. Every time a group of fearless rebel soldiers stepped onto the steps, they would turn into a pool of blood.

After several attempts, no one dared to approach anymore.

Anyway, there were so many treasures in the palace, and this one place wouldn't make a difference.

Yu Xian waited patiently.

Suddenly, outside the palace walls, a uniform and rhythmic sound of footsteps could be heard. A group of rebel soldiers, carrying treasures, were forced to retreat.

"Please spare us, sir!"

"We are willing to hand over the stolen treasures!"


Through the gaps between the corpses, Yu Xian could see a group of soldiers wearing silver armor and yellow headbands, expressionless as they drew their swords and killed the rebel soldiers blocking their way, as if they were killing dogs.

"These are the personal guards of that leader, the Lin family cultivator?"

In the next moment, a scholar-looking cultivator walked out from the midst of the guards.

"It's him!"

Although it had been several years, Yu Xian immediately recognized the scholar-looking cultivator as one of the three Lin family cultivators he had met at the gathering on the boat.

The scholar cultivator walked towards the sleeping quarters, but as soon as he took a step forward, white smoke emerged from his body, causing him to retreat as if he had been electrocuted.

Faced with this situation, the scholar cultivator took out a talisman with a somewhat pained expression. He then pointed his finger, and the talisman flew out, but it was blocked by an invisible force in mid-air.

With a bang!

The talisman spontaneously combusted, while at the same time, a grid-like blood-colored light net lit up in mid-air, crackling with sparks.

Where the light net touched the talisman, it seemed as if a short circuit had occurred. A palm-sized black hole appeared, which then expanded until it was large enough for a person to pass through.

"Charge in, the first level of the prohibition spell won't hold for long!"

The scholar cultivator did not rush in, but instead commanded the silver-armored soldiers behind him.

Faced with this obviously suicidal order, not a single person hesitated. Instead, a fanatical light gleamed in their eyes as they rushed forward, competing to be the first.

As the first silver-armored soldier entered, a silver wolf the size of a water buffalo pounced and tore it apart with a swipe of its claw.


The silver wolf growled lowly, and blood-red lights flickered in its fur, as if to intimidate.

But the silver-armored soldiers showed no fear. One after another, they charged in.

The silver wolf's eyes revealed a human-like annoyance, seemingly angry at these people's ignorance of their own mortality. But in the next moment, its eyes showed astonishment.

It even instinctively retreated.

But it was too late.


Flames erupted from the silver-armored soldier's body, followed by a loud explosion. The entire person had detonated.

The silver wolf couldn't avoid it and ended up covered in soot, its beautiful silver fur now appearing as patches of gray and black.

It shook its head, its eyes filled with anger.


It opened its mouth and spat out a wind blade, which spun in mid-air and exploded before several silver-armored soldiers could approach.

A mocking expression appeared in the silver wolf's eyes.

But the scholar cultivator stood outside the formation, revealing a sneer.

These three thousand silver-armored soldiers were the Mahayana Sect's guardian army, brainwashed by the former sect leader. Each and every one of them was a fanatic, completely unafraid of death.

On the contrary, they embraced death willingly because the sect leader told them that if they died for the sect, they would ascend to the Pure Land after death.

More silver-armored soldiers followed one after another, not even flinching when their comrades died in front of them.

The silver wolf finally became afraid.

Its demonic power was limited, especially in the mortal realm where its power couldn't replenish as quickly as desired.

Even if one wind blade killed ten or eight people, even a dozen wind blades would only kill a few hundred.

To stop the remaining people, it could only engage in close combat and get blown up once again.

One or two times, it was like being bitten by a mosquito.

But after being blown up a hundred times, two hundred times!

The silver wolf whimpered, covered in wounds. Even though it had noble bloodlines, it was ultimately only a first-level demonic beast and not immortal.

Yu Xian watched from behind, feeling astonished.

They even made human bombs.

But during the last New Year, they were still setting off fireworks. It seemed reasonable to improve gunpowder, but the power was a bit weak.

After being blown up so many times, they couldn't even kill a single wolf.

Not sure if it was a problem with the gunpowder formula or if the rules of this world suppressed technological advancements. There might be a chance to try it in the future.

Just as the silver-armored soldiers were about to continue advancing.


A faint pressure appeared in the air, followed by...

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The heads of the silver-armored soldiers exploded one by one, like cutting wheat.

The silver wolf had just struggled to kill three or four hundred people.

But now, within a radius of two hundred meters around the palace, all the people standing there had their heads explode in an instant and fell to the ground.

People two hundred meters away also felt their heads throbbing, and many fell to the ground in pain.

The scholar cultivator in front of the formation's expression changed drastically.

He had just taken out a green spirit talisman when his whole body froze, like an insect trapped in amber, only his eyeballs could still move.

But blood still flowed from his seven orifices.

Then he fell to the ground with a loud crash!

The gates of the palace suddenly opened, and an old man with white hair and a white robe walked out unsteadily. He sat unceremoniously on the steps, and the silver wolf shrank in size, lying at his feet, emitting a pitiful whimper.

"Useless thing."

The old man scolded the silver wolf with a smile, then loudly said to the air:

"I'm getting old, getting old. Just a single extreme spiritual pressure and I'm a bit out of breath. I wonder which friend from the Lin family has come here. I haven't welcomed them properly, it's really impolite."

"A junior disciple, Lin Zhen from the Lin family, greets Senior Jiang Xu."

The air rippled as if tearing through a transparent curtain, and Lin Zhen walked out from mid-air, landing on the ground and bowing to the old man.

Another Tuesday, grandpa readers, please continue reading!!

(End of this chapter)

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