Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

Chapter 65 Ants Kill Elephants

Chapter 65: Ants Bite the Elephant

"Lin Jia Erlang?"

The old man sitting on the steps raised an eyebrow, a look of realization on his face.

"I have long heard of Lin Jia Erlang possessing the Triple Yang Spirit Body, rumored to have the appearance of a Gold Core. However, he has always been kept hidden by the Lin family and rarely shown to the public. Today, seeing him in person, he is indeed extraordinary."

"Even the Lin family is willing to send you out, quite generous."

Lin Zhen politely smiled, "Since the senior knows of the Lin family's determination, I ask the senior to make way for me. Your Jiang family has occupied the Yue Kingdom for far too long."

The old man's expression remained unchanged as he asked, "Is the Lin family not afraid of retaliation from my Jiang family?"

Lin Zhen calmly replied, "If we were to be cautious in every step, my Lin family would not have come this far. While Jiang Laozu's Pagoda Mingwang body is indeed indestructible, my family's Dragon-Slaying Sword is also formidable."

"Speaking of which, there is something I am curious about. Senior, you are willing to disregard the Yue Kingdom and guard this place. What secrets are there?"

The old man smiled, "You can come and see for yourself."

However, Lin Zhen took a step back, "Senior, your cultivation is profound. I will not embarrass myself."

He waved his hand forward, his voice like rolling thunder mixed with the sound of jade, striking directly at the heart.

"The White Lotus Mother is watching over you. Those who die for the religion will be reborn in the Pure Land!"



The remaining silver-armored soldiers picked up their weapons, their eyes filled with fanatical light as they charged towards the old man.

Even though the old man had just used his extreme spiritual pressure to explode the heads of nearly a thousand silver-armored soldiers, this bit of death could not scare them in the face of their long-standing fanatical faith.

"Overestimating your abilities!"

The old man coldly snorted.

Suddenly, a transparent ripple appeared in the air, spreading outwards in all directions from the old man at the center.

Any silver-armored soldier affected by the ripple had no resistance at all, all of them falling to the ground with bleeding seven orifices, not even able to approach within ten zhang of the old man.

In just a dozen breaths, there was not a single silver-armored soldier left standing.

"So this is your trick, using a group of mortals to sacrifice themselves?"

The old man looked coldly at Lin Zhen.

He had already seen through Lin Zhen's sinister intentions, using these mortals to continuously consume his spiritual power. Yet, at this moment, he was unwilling to leave this palace for even a moment.

"To be able to consume a bit of your power, even if they all die, it is worth it."

A hint of mockery appeared at the corner of Lin Zhen's mouth.

"But now I am even more curious about what is in this palace. What is it that the senior is guarding? The Yue Kingdom's emperor is nothing more than an ordinary man, not worth the senior's desperate efforts."

After speaking, Lin Zhen ascended into the sky, his silver armor shining brightly, his voice echoing throughout the entire palace.

"Spread the order from the Mahayana Sect Leader: whoever breaks into the Demon Lord's palace will be granted the title of King and rewarded with a county and one hundred thousand taels of gold!"


The old man was filled with astonishment.

Lin Zhen lowered his gaze, devoid of any emotion.

"To die under the senior's hands is their honor."

Sure enough, as this order spread, combined with the gaze of the Heavenly Sect Leader and Divine Child in the sky, the rebels who were already intoxicated by wealth and glory became even more frenzied. Using Lin Zhen in the sky as their target, they rushed towards the palace.

The courtyard gate was too small, the crowd too large, and there were no lack of martial arts experts. As a result, even the palace walls were broken.

Looking down from above, the palace was surrounded by people from all sides, like ants densely packed together, causing goosebumps to rise.

Yu Xian heard a rumbling sound behind him, and then everything went black. The brick wall collapsed, burying him and several other bodies in the rubble.

It was fortunate that his physical body had long been tempered to the point where it was difficult for blades and swords to harm him. Otherwise, just the impact alone would have cost him half his life.

Yu Xian was secretly shocked.

This Lin Jia Erlang truly had a ruthless heart.

He silently buried himself deeper, then cautiously refrained from extending his divine consciousness through the cracks between the bricks, only observing the outside world with his naked eyes.

He saw the old man on the steps suddenly rise up, let out a long roar towards the sky, and all the deathly aura on his body disappeared.

Then his body swelled up like it was being filled with water, and in the blink of an eye, he turned into a small giant over two meters tall with bulging muscles.

"I have always heard of the Jiang family's Bodhisattva Mingwang Gong, which can cultivate the Bodhisattva Mingwang physique, with a body like a pagoda suppressing evil spirits and a mind like a Mingwang guarding the spiritual platform. I wonder how powerful the senior's Bodhisattva Mingwang physique is compared to Jiang Laozu's?"

Lin Zhen's voice was clear and calm, with a hint of strategic calmness.

While the old man's roar sounded like a trapped beast struggling.

"The calamity of the Lin family's extermination begins today!"

"You ants dare to advance even half a step!"

A strong pressure emanated from the old man's body, causing even the stones on the ground to start shaking.


The old man didn't use any spiritual techniques or magical tools, he just let out a huge lion's roar with his powerful physical body.


A gust of wind swept through the square.

The broken stones on the ground weathered at a visible speed, and the soldiers charging ahead had their flesh and blood melted away, some even revealing white bone fragments from their bodies.

Everyone couldn't open their eyes.

Another mass killing.

Thousands of mortal soldiers had no resistance and were wiped out effortlessly.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

The roar echoed in the air, but the palace behind the old man remained unharmed.

This time, even the craziest person was stunned.

This old man who looked like a small giant was simply a monster. Even if the rewards were generous, one would need to have the luck to survive.

For a moment, the forward momentum came to a halt.

However, there were tens of thousands of rebels who had invaded the palace. The front was immobilized by fear, and all they could hear from the rear was the sound of a huge roar, pushing them forward continuously.

Lin Zhen's voice came at the right time.

"Spread the order from the Mahayana Sect Leader, anyone who reaches the Demon Lord's palace within a hundred steps will be rewarded with ten thousand taels of gold!"

The rebels in the rear immediately boiled with excitement.


"Brother, what are you waiting for? Move! If you're late, there won't be any gold left."


"I want to be crowned king! Get out of my way!"

"We can't move forward, that's a monster!"

"To hell with the monster, I only believe in the knife in my hand!"

"Don't step on me, don't step on me!"


The crowd in the rear surged like a tide, even if the soldiers in front were scared and unwilling, they could only be forced to move forward.

As for wanting to retreat...

Apart from being trampled to death by their own people, there was no second possibility.

They had no second choice, they could only swing their swords forward.

"Kill this old monster!"

"Kill together!"

Countless blades moved forward.


The old man took a step forward, and a blood-red flame burst out from his body, slowly condensing into a golden phantom behind him.

"The wrath of the Mingwang!"

The temperature in the air suddenly rose, and the old man stood like a reef in the tide, allowing the waves of people in front to crash against him without moving.

Then flames made purely of blood and qi burst out, erupting in the crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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