Chapter 66: Jiang Xuanwu

Boom boom boom!

Just like a bomber, flames swept through, causing the crowd to explode in large patches.

And it didn't stop there. Flesh and blood turned into the best fuel, and the flames burned along with the flesh and blood, igniting a raging fire in the blink of an eye.

The more people crowded in front, the higher the flames burned.

It was like a demonic fire.

The gap between ordinary people and Foundation Building cultivators was simply too large, and it couldn't be compensated for by numbers alone.

But if the other side also had Foundation Building cultivators, the situation would be different.

Just at this moment.

Lin Zhen, who was in the air, simply waved his hand.

"Wind comes, clouds gather, rain falls!"

A cloud the size of a mu condensed out of thin air, and rain poured down, quickly extinguishing the flames.

Even Qi Refining cultivators could summon rain with a simple technique like Cloud and Rain Technique, let alone a Foundation Building cultivator like Lin Zhen.

The old man glared angrily at Lin Zhen in the sky.

Finally, he couldn't hold back anymore, stomped his foot, and a set of black battle armor appeared on his body. A pair of blood and qi wings spread open behind him, and he flew into the air.

Even though he primarily cultivated the physical body and supplemented it with spiritual arts, as a second stage Body Refining cultivator, he had long possessed the ability to fly with his physical body.

"I'll take your life first!"

The old man's claw came flying, as fast as lightning.

But Lin Zhen remained calm and unhurried. A golden light appeared in front of him, and he had already retreated a hundred meters away.

"The Golden Scale Sword of the Lin Family!"

The old man saw a blood mark appear in his palm, which quickly healed, and couldn't help but grit his teeth.

Lin Zhen smiled faintly, "The Jiang Family's body refining technique is unique in the Upper Yang region. The physical body can withstand magical weapons. If this junior didn't have this Golden Scale Sword, how could I dare to compete with the senior?"

The Golden Scale Sword was a middle-grade spiritual weapon, and it was passed down from the same lineage as the Dragon Slaying Sword in the hands of the Lin Family's ancestor. Both were made from the shed skin of a golden dragon.

The Dragon Slaying Sword was made from the dragon bones of a jiao dragon, while the Golden Scale Sword was made from the jiao dragon's reverse scale.

The edge of the Golden Scale Sword was the sharpest and most effective against body refining cultivators like him.

"If it weren't for the fact that this old man left the Ming Wang Armor in the Jiang Family..."

The old man felt annoyed in his heart.

He was nearing the end of his life, and coming to the Kingdom of Yue to sit in seclusion was just fulfilling his last duty as a member of the Jiang Family. Naturally, the Ming Wang Armor that had accompanied him through battles and wars was left in the Jiang Family for others to use.

He only brought a set of high-grade magical armor with him.

After all, as the ruler of an ordinary kingdom, even if he didn't bring any magical weapons, he was still enough to suppress everything with his own strength.

Who would have thought that he would encounter such an unexpected situation?

The old man couldn't help but glance at the palace below him.

Lin Zhen keenly noticed the old man's gaze and smiled, "Senior seems to be interested in something in the palace, but now that senior has come up, it's not convenient to go down again."

A golden light flashed in the air.

The two of them had already clashed again.



With no one to stop him, there was only a silver wolf facing the surging crowd.

Seeing the crowd rushing towards it like evil spirits, it couldn't help but look terrified. It whimpered, raised its tail, and shrank its body again, crawling out of the dog hole from behind.

As for the formation in front of the palace, it had already been broken by the prohibition talisman, and it had also been corroded by so much flesh and blood, so it couldn't hold on any longer.

The chaotic army only made a slight impact, leaving behind a few corpses, and the blood-colored grid in the air went out like a short circuit.

"Seal the king! Seal the king!"

The first one to rush into the palace was a Martial Grandmaster. His face was ecstatic, his feet were swift, and he quickly opened the palace gate.

Then a strong bloody smell rushed towards him.

The strong bloody smell made the Martial Grandmaster feel as if he had drunk the finest wine and his blood and true qi suddenly increased rapidly, uncontrollably circulating in his body.

"Heavenly treasures!"

Such a thought suddenly appeared in the Martial Grandmaster's mind, and he was instinctively driven to rush into the palace.

Then he saw a blood pool bubbling, with more than a dozen people in it, all showing a head, their eyes closed, their faces looking somewhat painful.

A middle-aged man in imperial robes was suspended in the air above the blood pool. He closed his eyes, and blood lines connected him to the blood pool below.

He seemed to be extracting the blood of the people below.

And the bloody smell he smelled was coming from the blood pool.

The Martial Grandmaster swallowed his saliva. Such a strange scene made his greed involuntarily recede. Slowly, he cautiously retreated.

But at this moment, a large group of chaotic soldiers had already rushed in from behind.

The chaotic scene seemed to awaken the sleeping people.

Not good!

The grandmaster was greatly shocked.

With a swish!

In the void, it seemed as if a pair of eyes suddenly opened.

The grandmaster couldn't describe the feeling of these eyes, because when he saw them for the first time, he was already dead.

First, a corpse fell, and then it spread like a plague.

One by one, the chaotic soldiers behind fell.

Threads of blood-colored silk spread out in the air like spider webs, ten meters, fifty meters, one hundred meters, three hundred meters...

It seemed endless, without limits.

Until within a five hundred meter range.

A blood-colored net suddenly spread open.

The blood threads fell on the flesh and corpses on the ground, like straws sucking up blood, turning the flesh into white ash, gathering deep into the palace.


The blood pool churned, the blood became shallower and shallower, and the people immersed in the blood pool were instantly drained of their blood, turning into withered corpses.

At the bottom of the blood pool, a corpse covered in bloodstains gradually became full, finally transforming into a middle-aged man with a ruddy complexion.

The man looked at the vigorous blood and pure bloodline, but with a dull expression, in the middle-aged man's imperial robe, murmured to himself:

"I, with my demonic and evil methods, attempted to extend my life, seize the descendants, and continue on the great path. It seemed like I was about to succeed, to die and then be reborn, but encountered a great change.

Is this my tribulation?"


A figure heavily smashed into the palace, breaking a large hole, landing right in front of the man, astonishingly the old man who had been fighting fiercely with Lin Zhen.

At this moment, his Xuan Iron Armor was riddled with holes, his swollen figure had returned to its original size, even smaller and thinner.

He raised his blood-stained head, looked at the man, then at the middle-aged man in the imperial robe, his eyes filled with regret.

"Xuanwu, I couldn't stop them, I'm sorry."

The man was none other than the first cultivator of the Jiang family, a Foundation Building peak cultivator, known as Jiang Xuanwu.

Fourteen years ago, Jiang Xuanwu suddenly appeared in front of the old man with severe injuries, saying that he was on the verge of death, and the only plan now was to use a possession secret technique that the old man accidentally obtained, to cultivate a perfect vessel through the bloodline of the Jiang family's descendants.

Jiang Xuanwu was a pillar of the Jiang family, and if he were to fall, the Jiang family would surely fall into chaos.

So the old man kept this information a secret, not even informing the Jiang family's side, the fewer people who knew about this, the lower the risk of leakage.

That was also the reason why Jiang Xuanwu deliberately returned to the mortal world.

There were countless pairs of eyes watching the Jiang family's side, once the Jiang family showed signs of weakness, countless people would come forward to test them.

Moreover, within the Jiang family, they were not a united front.

Thus, the old man secretly controlled the royal family, selecting the most suitable vessel for Jiang Xuanwu, which happened to be the current emperor.

He had been secretly guarding here, never leaving, just waiting for the vessel to be successfully refined, even if the country fell into chaos, he had no time to spare.

"Uncle Xu, it's not your fault."

The man's voice was gentle as he reached out to help the old man up.

"Just help me one last time."


The old man grew suspicious, then his expression changed greatly as the blood energy within him continuously surged towards the man.

"Xuanwu, you even want to absorb me?!"

Jiang Xuanwu grabbed the old man's hand, his expression remained unchanged, but his eyes became a bit crazy.

"My Taiyin Blood Merging Demon Technique was originally able to integrate eighty percent of my cultivation into the flesh vessel without any loss, but now it has failed.

The only plan now is to reverse the demonic technique and let me temporarily return to the peak state.

Uncle Xu, just help me, let me fight one more time.

Once I break through to the Gold Core realm, then all the previous hardships will be nothing.

The Jiang family will shine again because of me!"

The old man looked at Jiang Xuanwu's madness, and after a while, he nodded sadly, completely letting go of his defenses.

"Xuanwu, I'm old now, this is all I have left, you must succeed!"

With no resistance from the old man, Jiang Xuanwu finally absorbed all of the old man's bloodline that was of the same origin as his.

Tears welled up in his eyes as he watched the old man turn into a pile of bones.

"I will definitely succeed!"

"Before that, let me deal with the little bugs outside."

Jiang Xuanwu's figure suddenly disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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