Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

Chapter 70 Taiyin Transformation Blood Demon Art

Chapter 70: Transformation of the Taiyin Blood Demon Technique

"Now it's the second item."

Yu Xian patted the dusty storage bag around his waist, and a shiny golden sword fell into his hand.

The sword was about four feet long, with a pale golden body and fine scale patterns on it. When the light shone on it, it appeared shimmering and sparkling. It was indeed Lin Jia'er's Golden Scale Sword.

The Golden Scale Sword was quite spiritual. Once it saw the light of day, it trembled continuously in his hand, as if it knew that Yu Xian was not its owner.

But it was already a masterless sword, and even facing a Foundation Building cultivator, even if it was a weak one, it still had no power to resist.

Yu Xian only suppressed its spiritual power, and the Golden Scale Sword quickly returned to calmness.

"The characteristics of this thing are too obvious. If I refine it in the future, once I use it, I must ensure that no one else sees it.

Otherwise, if it is discovered by a Lin family cultivator, I will be considered a murderer, even if I am not."

After pondering for a moment, Yu Xian couldn't resist the temptation of the spiritual weapon.

The amplification of combat power for a Foundation Building cultivator by a spiritual weapon was obvious. After refining this medium-grade spiritual weapon, he would at least be able to match the strength of an ordinary Foundation Building cultivator.

"Lin Jia'er's storage bag."

Yu Xian quickly obtained Lin Zhen's storage bag and threw his corpse into the second pit to burn it.

Lin Zhen's storage bag was even larger than the storage bag of the elder from the Jiang family, close to twenty cubic units, like a small warehouse.

Inside were various things, including many gold, silver, jade, and even a golden mountain, estimated to be worth millions of taels.

Obviously, Lin Zhen, who also served as the chairman of the Azure Dragon Society, had been hiding in the mortal world all this time, and this time he had definitely made a lot of gains by infiltrating Kyoto.

But Yu Xian had long been unperturbed.

If it were a spiritual stone mountain, he would scream, but if it were a mountain of gold, he could only say it was ordinary.

Several million taels of gold would have to be processed into refined gold, which would require tens of thousands of catties of refined sand, which would be...

Thousands of spiritual stones!

Yu Xian secretly calculated and suddenly felt his heart beating rapidly.

"Thousands... thousands of spiritual stones!"

"Take a deep breath! Take a deep breath!"

Yu Xian almost couldn't catch his breath, and it took a long time for him to calm down.

"How could there be so many?"

He quickly realized.

The rebels swept from the south to the north, engulfing the entire Yue Kingdom. It could be said that this golden mountain was Lin Zhen's plundering of the wealth of the people of half of the Yue Kingdom.

These gold pieces were divided among each county and each city, and it was not much when calculated.

But when concentrated on one person, it became terrifying.

"Birds die for food, and people die for wealth. If it were me, faced with such profits, it would be difficult to guarantee that I wouldn't be tempted."

"But these are just ordinary gold, and to sell them, they need to be processed. The processing cost is there.

And once such a large quantity of goods is sold, it will definitely impact the local market and attract attention.

Even a large-scale commodity transaction of one thousand spiritual stones would be enough to attract the investigation of Foundation Building cultivators.

So for safety reasons, it's best for me to sell them bit by bit.

In this way, these thousands of spiritual stones are actually just numbers on paper, and it will take a long time to realize them."

Yu Xian's mind gradually calmed down, knowing that this large golden mountain couldn't be realized in a short time, and the profits were not as great as he had imagined.

For a solitary cultivator, this kind of large-scale commodity transaction was originally a thankless task.

Yu Xian's gaze turned to the other items in the storage bag.

"A stack of spiritual talismans, probably twenty or thirty of them, all low-grade talismans, mainly lightness talismans, concealment talismans, and healing talismans."

"This is the Spirit Nourishing Pill, there are only three of them, should be prepared by Lin Zhen for himself.

No wonder I didn't see many Lin family cultivators this time. They probably ran out of Spirit Nourishing Pills, and it's difficult to replenish their spiritual power. They all turned to work behind the scenes.

In this kind of battle involving millions of people, if a cultivator's spiritual power is insufficient, their role is not as good as that of a martial arts master."

"There are only about two hundred pieces of spiritual stones, not even one medium-grade spiritual stone."

"That's right, the Foundation Building cultivator from the Jiang family is well-fed, while Lin Zhen still has to pay salaries to other Lin family cultivators."

Judging from the remaining reserves of these materials, it probably wouldn't be long before someone from the Lin family would come to deliver supplies.

Otherwise, the Lin family would not have been able to persist for so many years."

"This is a Cloud Pattern Robe of the First Order, infused with the three spiritual arts of 'Dust Removal,' 'Calmness,' and 'Cloud Shield.' I can change its appearance...

Forget it, I won't wear it. I'll sell it and buy myself a new one."

"Cultivation techniques..."

Yu Xian eagerly looked through the remaining jade slips of cultivation techniques.

In the end, he could only say that they were barely satisfactory.

Most of the cultivation techniques here were low-level techniques, but they were all high-quality within the low-level category. It was obvious that Lin Zhen used them to reward other cultivators in the Lin family.

The only intermediate-level technique was called "Blackwater True Technique," but it could only be cultivated to the early stage of Foundation Building. It was obviously a castrated version, with the complete version in the hands of the Lin family.

"These bastards monopolize these things. Low-level techniques are everywhere, but it's hard to find intermediate and high-level techniques. We have to serve them like dogs!"

Yu Xian cursed angrily.

Obviously, the cultivation techniques that Lin Zhen himself practiced had long been recorded in his sea of consciousness and could not be carried around at any time. Once this fundamental method was exposed, it would be easy for others to find its weaknesses.

Therefore, unless most cultivators wanted to leave a legacy, the cultivation techniques they practiced would only stay in their minds and not in the jade slips.

"To sum it up, apart from a mountain of gold, there are several spiritual talismans, three spirit-nourishing pills, several spirit stones, a robe, several low-level cultivation techniques, and a castrated version of an intermediate-level technique."

"Gains and losses are all in my hands. Today's harvest is already big enough."

Yu Xian calmly dug out the third pit.

But when he looked at the skeletal remains of the patriarch of the Jiang family, he fell into contemplation.

Compared to the corpses whose blood had been drained from the elderly members of the Jiang family, the patriarch of the Jiang family had experienced the tribulation and had an almost third-level body that couldn't be destroyed even by the Golden Scale Sword.

"Cough, that Jiang patriarch, you were wise in your lifetime. I believe you wouldn't want to be buried in the wilderness without any recognition.

If I can make use of your remains, once I break through to the Gold Core stage, it would be equivalent to you breaking through to the Gold Core stage as well.

Hmm, since you're not saying anything, I'll take it as your agreement."

Seeing the silent consent of the Jiang patriarch, Yu Xian swiftly took out the already buried remains of the Jiang patriarch.

He planned to revive the Jiang patriarch for a second life when he obtained the technique of refining corpses or puppetry.

Faced with enough benefits, Yu Xian's weak bottom line was easily broken.

Then, Yu Xian opened his palm.

This time, it was a storage bag with golden patterns and a black border. It originally belonged to the Emperor of Yueguo and was taken by Yu Xian with keen eyes.

The internal space of the storage bag was large, with more than twenty cubic units.

Inside were some materials from demonic beasts, which were still alive. It was obvious that the storage bag of the Jiang patriarch had the miraculous effect of preserving freshness.

Then there were some medicinal herbs stored in jade boxes, each exuding abundant spiritual energy and having a beautiful appearance, looking very valuable.

However, Yu Xian didn't recognize any of them.

He would have to wait until he returned to the cultivation world and bought a book on medicinal herbs before he could figure it out.

As for why he didn't buy it before, it was naturally because he didn't have the money. Knowledge was expensive.

But there wasn't a single spirit stone.

This was mentioned in the diary of the Jiang patriarch. The injuries suffered by the Jiang patriarch were very severe, so he needed a large number of spirit stones to suppress the injuries.

Yu Xian had wanted to help with some spirit stones, but he was rejected by the Jiang patriarch.

There was also a bookshelf with a map and a blood-red jade slip placed on it.

"What kind of map is this? So many names of demonic beasts, is it the Ten Thousand Demon Mountain Range?"

Yu Xian glanced at the map. There were only a few place names like "Heavenly Wolf Mountain" and "Black Dragon Gorge," followed by a crooked line.

The endpoint was deep within the Ten Thousand Demon Mountain Range.

Yu Xian decisively put it away.

The Ten Thousand Demon Mountain Range was said to be a place where the Demon Emperor suppressed demons. Even Golden Core cultivators might not be able to handle it. He was risking his life by going there to search for treasures.

"This is my last hope."

Yu Xian took a deep breath and sent his divine sense into the blood-red jade slip. Then, a drop of blood-red blood with a strong demonic aura appeared in his sea of consciousness, making everything appear red.

Then a line of large characters appeared—Taiyin Blood Demon Technique!

The Taiyin Blood Demon Technique was a high-level demonic technique that involved devouring blood to refine essence, condensing ten thousand drops of blood, and could be cultivated to the peak of the Gold Core stage.

After mastering the demonic technique, one could then cultivate the top-level demonic technique, "Taiyin Blood Sea Demon Technique," and transform their body into a sea of blood, becoming immortal!

(End of this chapter)

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