Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

Chapter 71 Practice Magic Art

Chapter 71: Cultivating Demonic Techniques

In a remote mountain village more than fifty miles outside of Kyoto.

The refuge of the Wang family and their entourage.

The largest courtyard in the village.

Master bedroom.

The bed is covered with brand new silk bedding, emitting a faint fragrance.

The mosquito net sways, and the mosquitoes that accidentally enter due to the smell of sweat end up getting slapped three times.

This is a one-sided battle.

Yu Xian, who ultimately emerged victorious, places his hands on his waist and lets out the typical laughter of a villain.

For the upgraded version of himself, the queen is no longer a match.

Only Yulan, who recently broke through the innate realm, can put up a fight against him.

However, after three rounds, Yulan had to admit defeat and rest on the bed. After a short while, she fell into a deep sleep.

All because of Yu Xian's roughness tonight.

Yu Xian covers the two women with a blanket and puts on his coat before leaving the room.

He sits on the rooftop, looking at the pitch-black night sky, feeling that it is so mysterious and boundless, as if it can contain everything.

Compared to that, what is he worth as an individual?

All his nervousness, unease, and excitement seem to have dissipated with the recent activity.

He has always been a vulgar person.

So, women are his best medicine.

Yu Xian reaches into his pocket and takes out a blood-red jade slip that contains the demonic technique of Taiyin Blood Transformation. He continuously rubs it in his hand and murmurs softly:

"Even though I know it might be a trap, I can't help but want to dive in."

Yu Xian has always been inclined to speculate about others with the worst intentions.

After all, he himself is not a good person.

Moreover, the information about the Blood Transformation Technique in the jade slip is extremely direct, as if it is bait waiting for someone to take it willingly.

Which cultivation sect would openly display their techniques without any reservation, even going so far as to teach the subsequent techniques and where to obtain them?

There is most likely some hidden danger in all of this.

Is it a high-level expert of the demonic path selflessly spreading advanced demonic techniques to increase the power of the demonic path?

Or is it planting a demonic seed, waiting for it to bloom and bear fruit, and then be harvested by someone?


Countless thoughts race through Yu Xian's mind.

Thinking about how he worked so hard to cultivate, only to become someone else's cultivation resource without even realizing it, he has no one to complain to.

But high-level techniques are extremely rare in the entire Shangyang City. He even suspects that the severe injuries of the patriarch of the Jiang family are related to this technique.

"Fear this and fear that, what's the point of cultivating as an immortal!"

Yu Xian recalls the battle scene between Lin Zhen and the elder of the Jiang family and finally makes a decision—to cultivate demonic techniques!

High-level demonic techniques are just too tempting.

This time, it was purely a matter of timing, location, and people. Both sides were injured, allowing him to take advantage.

Who knows when he will encounter high-level techniques again?

Even a salted fish has dreams.

He doesn't want to be a mediocre cultivator forever.

When cultivators of the same level fight, he almost didn't even have the qualification to watch the show. It's too embarrassing.

He may not engage in battles with others, but he can't be truly incapable of defeating others.

Of course, Yu Xian's decision is not just a momentary impulse.

"Since the Blood Transformation Technique can be cultivated to the peak of the Gold Core realm, it means that any hidden dangers in the demonic technique will probably erupt after reaching the Gold Core realm."

"So as long as I reach the Gold Core realm through cultivation, it won't be difficult for me to find a high-level technique without any hidden dangers as a Gold Core cultivator."

"After all, the worst-case scenario is just losing my cultivation and starting over."

"Other cultivators who switch techniques would worry about a drastic drop in their cultivation level and a significant loss of combat power, but I'm different. With the golden finger, it's just a matter of losing some time."

"And if all these concerns are just my groundless worries, then I'll have hit the jackpot."

With a firm determination in his mind, Yu Xian clears his mind of any distractions and no longer hesitates.

The blood-colored jade slip is pressed against his forehead, and a drop of demonic blood appears in his sea of consciousness.

High-level techniques are different from low and mid-level techniques. They are not solely recorded in words but also require the cultivation of high-level visualizations.

Even the core essence of demonic techniques lies within these visualizations.

In other words, even if Yu Xian obtains the Blood Transformation Technique, he won't be able to copy it for others.

"The path of blood, taking what is lacking to supplement what is excessive, devouring all spirits, condensing blood essence, cultivating a demonic body, transforming all methods..."

The essence of the Blood Transformation Technique flows through Yu Xian's mind, and a new drop of demonic blood gradually condenses in his sea of consciousness.


Half a month later.

In the midst of the mountains and forests, a wild boar with an arrow stuck in its back was fleeing in panic, only to be stopped by a silver wolf the size of a water buffalo.


The wild boar had nowhere to escape and was filled with a surge of wildness, charging towards the silver wolf with a savage collision.

But a hint of disdain flashed in the silver wolf's eyes, unmoving.

Then, it raised its paw and slapped down.


The collision seemed evenly matched, but the result was unexpected.

The wild boar's body suddenly stiffened, and then there was a cracking sound. Its head drooped, and it fell heavily to the ground.

After a while, an excited female voice came.

"Over there, over there, Xiaobai caught it."

The silver wolf looked up, a clear sense of frustration on its face. It saw a woman dressed in armor, carrying a bow and arrow, appearing in its field of vision.

Then, a young man in a green shirt and a petite, gentle-looking woman followed.

It was Princess, Yu Xian, and Yulan.

They were bored in the village and, combined with the recent improvement in the princess's martial arts, they decided to go hunting, which was similar to going on an outing.

But the one doing the real work was the silver wolf, who was smart enough to recognize the situation and find its way here after Yu Xian signaled with the blood contract jade pendant. It had no qualms about accepting a new master.

After all, they were all just dogs, so it didn't matter who they served.

The silver wolf was quite familiar with this.

"I caught a wild boar! Xiaobai and I are amazing."

The princess stepped on the wild boar, forcefully pulling out the arrow. She had a happy smile on her face, like a child.

This was a joy she had never experienced while staying in her chamber.

Yu Xian shook her head with a smile.

Then, a bloodline appeared on her finger, piercing the wild boar's body.

The wild boar seemed to shrink rapidly, leaving only a layer of skin and a skeleton. As for its flesh and blood essence, it turned into a blood ball spinning in mid-air.

The blood ball was about the size of an egg, emitting a faint bloody scent that didn't make people feel nauseous, but rather aroused their appetite.

This was the first spell Yu Xian comprehended after practicing the Taiyin Blood Demon Technique - Blood Essence Extraction. It could extract the essence of the prey's flesh and blood in a short period of time, which could be called a great blood pill.

Previously, the Patriarch of the Jiang family forcibly extracted the flesh and blood of mortals using this technique to quickly restore his own vitality.


The silver wolf looked longingly at the blood ball, making a pleasing sound towards Yu Xian.

"Here you go."

Yu Xian flicked her finger, and the blood ball fell into the silver wolf's mouth.

Although this blood pill extracted from ordinary wild beasts seemed full of blood, it actually contained very little spiritual essence.

If an ordinary cultivator consumed it, it would at most enhance their strength, but if they consumed too much, it would easily contaminate their own pure qi and blood.

However, it was very suitable for a carnivorous beast like the silver wolf.

Of course, for a cultivator like Yu Xian who practiced the Blood Demon Technique and used her body as a furnace, there was no harm in directly consuming this blood pill.

The silver wolf swallowed it in one gulp, making a comfortable low hum, its body shrinking, and its tail sweeping on the ground.

Although this blood pill couldn't enhance its cultivation, it could fill its stomach, which was much better than eating meat directly.

The mortal world was not only unsuitable for cultivators, but also for the growth of demonic beasts.

However, now that its life was in the hands of others, it didn't have so many requirements.

Seeing this, the princess couldn't help but squat down and pat the silver wolf's head.

"Haha, Xiaobai is so cute."

The silver wolf silently rolled its eyes.

Yu Xian looked up at the sky and said, "It's about time, let's go back for now."

"Okay, but when can we go back? The scenery in the mountains is nice, but I'm getting tired of it."

The princess stood up, stretched lazily, perfectly displaying her beautiful curves.

Yu Xian naturally looked at the princess's figure and smiled, "The scenery with you is beautiful, and I won't get tired of it."

"If we go back now, we won't be able to return temporarily. The capital is in chaos now, so we can go to other places.

We can travel and enjoy the mountains and rivers along the way. When the world is pacified, I will send you and Henger back."

The princess's face blushed slightly, and she scolded, "You're good at sweet-talking me. I don't know how you'll bully me when we go back."

"When the husband bullies the sister, the sister doesn't say that," Yulan couldn't help but laugh.

The princess glared at Yulan, "You little traitor, I'm going back first. Xiaobai, let's go."

Reluctantly, the silver wolf followed along.

(End of this chapter)

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