Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

Chapter 80 Am I Actually A Genius?

Chapter 80: Am I Actually a Genius?

The tall and thin cultivator had his eyes closed, his expression focused. He had inscribed several runes on the flag in front of him, including invisibility, concealment, and spirit hiding, making it convenient and easy to use.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes wide.

He saw a furry pocket around his waist continuously flashing red light.

"Oh no!"

This pocket was a spirit beast bag, specifically used by cultivators to raise spirit beasts.

Inside his spirit beast bag was a Golden-Furred Rat, which shared a telepathic connection with him and had the talent to predict danger. Once there was any movement, it would wake up.

As a formation master, he was not good at direct combat, so he deliberately raised a Golden-Furred Rat to serve as an early warning system.

Once something was amiss, he could escape far away.

He immediately took out a palm-sized formation plate with a pattern resembling a gust of wind engraved on it.

"Very vigilant."

The voice was still old, and the green light was still as fast as lightning.

The cultivator felt a pain in his chest and didn't have time to say a word. The formation plate fell to the ground, and the red light in the spirit beast bag suddenly stopped.

Cultivators usually form a blood contract with their spirit beasts. Once the cultivator dies, the spirit beast will also suffer backlash.

Some weaker spirit beasts may even die on the spot.

A gust of wind passed by, and the tall and thin cultivator disappeared, as if nothing had happened.


In fact, the mustached cultivator hadn't gone far. He had been by the side of the tall and thin cultivator all along, and most of his attention was focused on the tall and thin cultivator.

In the world of cultivation, formations, pills, tools, and talismans were highly respected.

And formation masters were at the top of the hierarchy, always mysterious, and ordinary cultivators rarely had the opportunity to come into contact with them.

He wanted to take this opportunity to learn more.

As a result, he happened to see the formation flag falling off the tree and the tall and thin cultivator dying instantly.

Although this scene disappeared quickly, the mustached cultivator confirmed that his eyes hadn't deceived him.

His soul trembled behind him.

The mustached cultivator decisively bit his tongue and sprayed out a mouthful of blood, turning it into a mist that enveloped him.


The air hummed as the mustached cultivator flew up, his pair of metallic wings spreading rapidly. A trail of blood shadow followed behind him. This was his life-saving trump card - the flying tool combined with the blood-ignited escape light.

As the name suggested, the blood-ignited escape light was a flying technique. When combined with a specialized flying tool, his speed could rival that of an ordinary Foundation Building cultivator for a short period of time.

However, how could he escape from Yu Xian, who was already prepared?

A green light flashed, stopping in front of the mustached cultivator.

The posture was as if the mustached cultivator had actively crashed into it.

Seeing this scene, the mustached cultivator's face showed a fierce expression. He stopped the escape technique at the cost of backlash from his cultivation method. In mid-air, blood flowed from his seven orifices, but he managed to save his life in the end.

He fell to the ground and immediately knelt down, begging for mercy with a fast and urgent voice.

"Senior, spare my life! If I unintentionally offended you, please give me a chance. I have a thousand spirit stones stored elsewhere, and I'm willing to offer them all to you!"


A burst of blood blossomed.

The mustached cultivator's face was full of disbelief as his head fell from the sky. He couldn't believe that he had died just like that.

"I'm not greedy. What's on you is enough."

Yu Xian collected his third corpse.


"No grass, no fat horse at night; no windfall, no wealth for people."

"Killing and arson bring a golden belt; repairing bridges and roads leaves no corpses."

On Maple Forest Mountain, someone had built a stone pavilion. Yu Xian sat in the pavilion, reciting the sayings of his predecessors, while organizing the three storage bags in his hand.

"A set of second-grade formation plates."

"Six magical tools, two of which are medium-grade, three are high-grade, and there's also a rare flying tool. These guys who do business really have some skills. They have quite a fortune."

Formation flags, spirit talismans, pills, materials, and several jade slips.

There were a few fewer spirit stones, only about five hundred. Most of them were contributed by the formation master, probably because formations required spirit stones.

No, people like us shouldn't trust anyone but ourselves. We should always carry our wealth with us, right?"

After a brief sorting, Yu Xian felt somewhat dissatisfied.

As a lone cultivator, he always carried his wealth with him. If someone were to kill him, they would really hit the jackpot.

However, Yu Xian misunderstood them.

Lone cultivators like them were always in a hurry to spend their spirit stones, converting them into strength and cultivation as soon as possible.

They didn't need too many spirit stones, just enough for their daily cultivation and expenses.

"But if I sell the miscellaneous items inside, I should get quite a bit. A high-grade magical tool is worth several hundred spirit stones, but it's not easy to sell."

"Jade Scroll..."


Yu Xian suddenly took a cold breath, unexpectedly finding a jade scroll of an array master's inheritance from the tall and thin cultivator's storage bag.

The jade scroll contained the array master's insights, including the notes he had taken while studying under Master Wen. It was obviously something he often took out to review and refresh his memory.

Although the content of the jade scroll only covered the first stage to the early second stage, it was like a timely help for him.

In the cultivation world, every skill could bring abundant income to cultivators.

At first, Yu Xian wanted to return to his old profession.

Farming, self-sufficiency, nothing to be ashamed of.

But after inquiring, he discovered that the spiritual fields in Shangyang City were incredibly expensive.

They were probably located on second-stage spiritual veins, and the cultivated fields in the city were fertile lands. It was said that some of the spiritual fields could even grow high-level spiritual plants.

However, most of the spiritual fields were divided among the cultivation families in the city.

After all, compared to houses, land was the true sustainable family legacy.

For example, the Jiang family, which still held the title of the number one family in Shangyang City, was said to own hundreds of acres of spiritual fields on Shangyang Mountain.

The red-blooded spiritual rice produced by the Jiang family's spiritual fields was beneficial even for second-stage body cultivators, and it was a divine medicine for Qi Refining cultivators' blood and qi cultivation.

Because spiritual rice was not considered a pill, it could be consumed daily without worrying about the side effects of pill poisoning.

But most of the red-blooded spiritual rice was consumed internally by the Jiang family, and the small amount that flowed out was sold at sky-high prices.

After hearing about this, Yu Xian almost died of envy.

If he had a choice, why would he want to be a law enforcement officer?

It was just that he hadn't found a way to make money yet, so he could only earn quick money like this.

But he only planned to come occasionally, and if he turned fishing into an industry, it would inevitably lead to problems.

Cultivation should always be approached with awe.

Now, the inheritance of the array master came at the right time.

As long as he became an array master, even if it was just a first-stage array master, he could start earning money, even if the income was a bit less, it would be stable and sustainable.

Yu Xian suddenly felt that this trip was not in vain.

He took out the jade scroll and started comprehending it on the spot.

After a while.

"Huh? Why does it feel so simple?"


Three days later.

A subconscious reminder made Yu Xian withdraw from his comprehension of the array master's teachings. There was still a trace of confusion on his face.

He paused for a moment, then formed hand seals with both hands and inserted spiritual stones into the ground.

The spiritual stones outlined mysterious patterns between them, forming a simple array.

Then the patterns disappeared, and a ball of flame burst out from the center of the array, spreading out and turning the surrounding five meters into a sea of fire.

Yu Xian took out another spiritual stone, and the sea of fire disappeared like an illusion.

"A low-grade first-stage Blaze Array, although it belongs to the simplest introductory array, did I really learn it just like that?"

Yu Xian couldn't believe it.

"I'm actually a genius?!"

But he didn't have time to ponder over it because a figure in the distance was flying towards him rapidly. Seeing Yu Xian in the pavilion, the figure quickly descended and politely smiled.

"Brother Zhou, I'm late," said the person, who turned out to be Vice Leader Li.

"Not late, we were just waiting for you," Yu Xian revealed a meaningful smile, flicked his finger, and a green light flew out.


Li Wei hadn't understood what Yu Xian said when he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his forehead. A sense of danger rose in his heart, but before he could react, the green light rapidly enlarged in his pupils.

"Foundation Building cultivator!"

The green light didn't conceal its own power.

Even though it was just a high-grade spiritual weapon, under the control of a Foundation Building cultivator's divine sense, it was like a Foundation Building cultivator in front of a Qi Refining cultivator, naturally exerting pressure.

Li Wei's pupils contracted, and a golden light rose in front of him, but the green light had already taken his head off.


A headless body fell heavily to the ground.

A mid-stage Foundation Building cultivator, using all his strength to ambush a late-stage Qi Refining cultivator, had no chance of survival no matter what cards he had.

"I originally wanted to show off in front of you, but now I have more important things to do, so I won't give you the chance to say anything," Yu Xian grabbed Li Wei's belongings and body, took a step forward, and flew into the sky. In the next moment, he disappeared into the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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