Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

Chapter 81 Yulan's Request

Chapter 81: Yulan's Request

When Yu Xian returned home, Yulan was sitting in the courtyard chatting with her neighbor, Wang Jie.

"Friend Yu is back."

Upon seeing Yu Xian, Wang Jie greeted him with a smile.

Yu Xian responded with a gentle smile, "When I entered the door, I saw a magpie fly by and guessed that an honored guest had arrived. It turns out that the guest has indeed come."

To be fair, Wang Jie's appearance and figure were well-maintained, exuding the charm of a mature woman. However, there was a hint of heaviness and suppression in her eyes.

Hmm, it could also be interpreted as unsatisfied desires.

After all, Wang Jie's husband, who was always focused on cultivation, didn't seem like someone who would be considerate.

So when Wang Jie stood side by side with Yulan, who was always innocent and kind-hearted, and lacked worldly experience, there was an obvious sense of being an elder.

Of course, in terms of age, Wang Jie was fifty-seven, while Yulan was only twenty-five or twenty-six, clearly a generation apart.

But cultivators age slowly in terms of appearance until their vitality declines. After sixty, Wang Jie's appearance would probably change drastically every year.

Yu Xian's mind was filled with random thoughts.

"Haha, Friend Yu, you have such a sweet mouth. No wonder my sister has been talking about you since you left for a few days. Unlike my husband, who doesn't come home for ten or fifteen days."

Wang Jie stood up and prepared to take her leave.

"Now that you're back, I won't disturb your reunion."

Yu Xian nodded with a smile, "Thank you for taking care of my wife these past few days. This is a small gift I brought back from my trip. Please don't refuse it."

With a flip of his palm, he took out a bottle of low-grade Qi Refining pills, worth about five or six spirit stones in the market.

Since they were all spoils of war, he wouldn't feel heartache even if he gave them away for free.

It's all about maintaining good relationships with neighbors to avoid future troubles.

However, when he thought about how he used to agonize over one or two spirit stones, Yu Xian had a sudden realization.

Wang Jie's eyes brightened when she saw the gift, but she didn't accept it. Instead, she quickened her pace.

"What are you saying? I enjoy spending time with Yulan. I came here to chat, not to receive gifts from you. Besides, this gift is too valuable. If you really want to give me a gift, choose something cheaper next time, otherwise, I won't be able to return the favor."

Wang Jie's voice sounded somewhat reproachful, but her smile was obviously sincere.

Seeing this, Yu Xian thought to himself that he really wasn't interested in older women like Wang Jie, otherwise, he would have let her husband know the power of the neighbor, Lao Yu.

Cultivators are also human beings, and even in an old married couple's life, they need some romance and beauty.

But obviously, Wang Jie's husband didn't possess that kind of romance.

"I didn't consider it properly. I will definitely satisfy Wang Jie next time. Goodbye, Wang Jie."

As soon as the courtyard gate closed, Yu Xian turned around and Yulan bumped into him, hugging him tightly with her hands and burying her head deeply in his chest, almost murmuring, "Husband, I missed you."

Yu Xian rubbed Yulan's hair and chuckled.

"You missed me after just a few days?"

Yulan made a sound of agreement and said seriously, "But you've never been away from me for such a long time before. I haven't slept well for several days."

Hearing this, Yu Xian carefully recalled.

It seemed that since Yulan had been with him, they had never been apart for more than twelve hours.

Even when he went out to learn techniques from the young ladies, he wouldn't study continuously for two days.

After all, he had always been diligent in cultivation.

This time, he had been away for three days, which was already a record-breaking duration.

With this thought, Yu Xian's gaze became tender.

He hugged Yulan around her waist and walked straight to the master bedroom.

"I want to see how much you missed me."

Yulan immediately paled in fright, "Husband, spare me!"

Since Yu Xian broke through to the Foundation Building stage and evolved his physical body, she had never won a fight against him alone.

Every time this happened, she would start to miss the princess and Little Yi.

They were her comrades-in-arms who fought side by side with her.


Yulan felt like she wanted to speak, but found that her voice had become hoarse.

"Darling, when will you find me another sister?"

Yu Xian, who was playing with Xiao Bai, was taken aback and his face looked strange as he said, "This is the first time I've heard such a request. Have you developed some strange hobbies?"

Cough, cough, I don't mind that."

Yulan blushed and mumbled, "Yu Xian, but seriously..."

Yu Xian's face turned serious and he said, "Yulan, I have to criticize you about this. Even though I may have some talent in a certain area, how can you not handle half of my level with your abilities? The reason you are suffering such a defeat now is because you haven't been diligent in your cultivation. That's why you suffered such a big loss."

"Of course, I will consider your request carefully."

Now, what restricts his progress in cultivation is no longer himself, but Yulan's inability to bear his affection. So even after he breaks through Foundation Building, he doesn't increase the intensity of his daily practice. He can handle it, but Yulan can't.

A tiger full of energy and a pitiful little white rabbit are not in the same league at all. Yulan: "..."

Why does my husband make sense but it sounds strange? I feel like if we continue talking, I will die of embarrassment. So she somehow summoned up some strength, curled up into a ball with the blanket wrapped around her, and said, "I don't want to talk anymore."

Yu Xian chuckled, embraced the ball in his arms, and said, "Then rest well. I'm also a bit tired these days."

For the past three days, he has been comprehending the inheritance of the formation master.

Not long after, Yu Xian fell asleep peacefully.

Compared to meditating and replacing sleep, Yu Xian prefers sleeping. With his talent, the progress from cultivation is really not as good as a good night's sleep.

Yulan quietly opened her eyes, raised her head, and saw the corners of Yu Xian's mouth slightly pursed, with a few fine stubbles on his chin. She couldn't help but reach out and touch it, feeling a bit rough and prickly. Seeing that Yu Xian didn't react, she turned into a fox who had stolen a chicken, and her eyes secretly curved into a crescent moon.


Days passed, and the weather changed.

In the blink of an eye, half a month had passed.

On this day, Yu Xian sat leisurely in the courtyard, holding a small carving knife in his right hand and a palm-sized wooden plate in his left hand. In front of him was a plate of light blue ink.

The tip of the knife was dipped in ink, and then the carving knife, like a pen, engraved mysterious patterns on the formation plate. The ink in the plate was used less and less. It was unknown whether there were hundreds or thousands of intricate patterns.

When all the patterns were connected, they all emitted a faint blue light, forming a rune resembling a worm-bird seal.

After a while, the light disappeared, and all the engraved patterns disappeared, replaced by an ink pattern resembling a cloud.

"The Mist Formation Plate, when combined with three formation flags and nine spirit stones placed in the positions of the Three Talents and Nine Palaces, can create a mist that traps people invisibly. If combined with the Poisonous Miasma Formation, even a Qi Refining cultivator who accidentally gets trapped in it will turn into pus."

Yu Xian threw the Mist Formation Plate in his hand.

These materials were relics left by a tall and thin cultivator, and he used them without any hesitation.

It turned out that he did have some talent in formations, but in just half a month, he had successfully engraved the first formation plate. Of course, he also had the advantage of being a Foundation Building cultivator.

With the assistance of his divine sense, it was naturally easier for him to engrave formations compared to Qi Refining cultivators, even though he only had a partial understanding of many formation techniques.

But the formation diagram was right there, even if he imitated it, he could still complete it forcefully.

This is the advantage of high-level cultivators over low-level professions. They can draw inferences about other cases and apply knowledge from one area to another.

(End of this chapter)

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