Chapter 82: Formation Master

"A first-tier Cloud Mist Formation Plate has a market price of ten spirit stones, but the cost is only a blank formation plate made from the trunk of a Mist Willow tree, a plate of Mist Willow tree sap, and the wear and tear of the engraving knife, which adds up to less than one spirit stone."

"The profit in this is enormous. However, considering the failure rate and the energy expended by the formation master, entry-level formation masters may not even be able to recover their costs."

"It can only be said that it truly deserves to be at the top of the despised professions. To get started, you have to burn so much money. But I don't have this worry. However, formation plates are not consumables like talismans. Once the market becomes saturated, they won't sell for a good price."

"At that time, I can only sell them cheaply to those big shops, further compressing the profits. Fortunately, there is still money to be made. Well, I should consider myself successfully transitioning careers now. I can make money sitting at home in the future."

Just like how one can call themselves a talisman master after successfully drawing their first spiritual talisman, Yu Xian can now be considered a first-tier formation master, although he can only engrave one formation on a formation plate.

For example, the Blaze Formation from before, he can set it up himself, but he can't currently engrave it onto a formation plate for others to use.

In addition, formation plates are different from consumables like talismans. As long as a formation plate is not damaged, it can be used continuously and doesn't require the owner's control. It can run automatically until the spiritual energy is depleted.

For example, this Cloud Mist Formation is enough to guard a cave for Qi Refining cultivators. As long as it is supplemented with spirit stones, it can run for a hundred years without any problems.

Of course, this is only a low-level formation. Because the formation lines are simple and the setup is simple, cultivators can inspect and maintain it themselves, so the wear and tear is not significant.

However, when it comes to high-level formations, there are countless interconnected formations, tightly intertwined and highly complex, requiring more inspection and maintenance.

Therefore, high-level formation masters can rely on a set of high-level formations to make a living.

Yu Xian doesn't have such lofty goals for now. Who knows if his talent will be enough for him to continue at what stage.

"With my energy, it's no problem to finish five sets of Cloud Mist Formation Plates in a day. Wouldn't that be a daily income of fifty and a monthly income of one thousand five hundred?"

"But I always feel like a single product won't last long."

Yu Xian also knows that this is his own beautiful fantasy. Considering the market potential in Yangcheng, it's possible that after selling a hundred sets, they won't sell anymore.

Not everyone is willing to spend several spirit stones to set up formations in their own homes.

Not to mention the hundreds of houses in this small area, ninety-nine percent of the people, including himself, still use the free alarm formations.

The cultivators who can afford to buy houses here all have some wealth, but they still hesitate to spend an extra spirit stone to set up other formations.

It can be imagined how small the market is for independent formations.

The ones who truly have a demand for formations are those family cultivators and sect cultivators. But these people can't possibly use such popular and simple formations.

If they want to set up formations, they need at least a second-tier formation master.

"Whatever, I'll just make them and sell as many as I can. If the market becomes saturated, I'll switch to another one. After all, there are more than a dozen first-tier formation diagrams recorded in the jade slip, and even a second-tier formation diagram. It will take some time to use them all up."

Yu Xian put aside his distractions.

Just at this moment, the courtyard door was pushed open.

Behind the screen, Yulan and Wang Jie walked out, chatting and laughing.

"Husband, I bought a pair of earrings today. Do you think they're pretty?"

Yulan took a few steps forward and brought her face closer.

They were a pair of white pearl earrings, round and flawless, transparent all over. Hanging from Yulan's crystal-clear earlobes, the two complemented each other, adding a touch of color.

"Not bad."

Yu Xian carefully examined them, but couldn't help but reproach, "But they're too cheap. Don't I give you enough spirit stones? You should at least buy a pair of magical tool-level earrings."

These pearls are just ordinary pearls. They may be worth a fortune in the mortal world, but in the cultivation world, they can be sold for half a spirit stone at most, which means the customers are being foolishly generous.

Yulan stuck out her tongue and said, "But magical tool accessories are too expensive. Even a random one costs over a hundred spirit stones. I still like this one."

She pointed at the earrings with her finger, her face filled with innocent joy.

Because of Yu Xian's good relationship with Yulan, her mental age has been growing slowly, and she still maintains the feeling of a young girl.

This is also what Yu Xian likes.

If she really becomes an old woman with a wrinkled face and a bossy appearance, he will find a new partner in no time.

"You can go if you like. I'll accompany you next time."

Yu Xian touched Yulan's hair and turned his gaze to Wang Jie, who had been standing at the door.

"Wang Jie, I'm bothering you again. Yulan doesn't dare to go out alone without you."

There was a hint of envy in Wang Jie's eyes as she smiled and shook her head.

"It's been a long time since I went out for a stroll. I have to thank Yulan. Without her as an excuse, I wouldn't be able to convince myself to go out."

"Alright, I've brought Yulan back. I'm going home now."

"Wait, Wang Jie."

Yu Xian called out to Wang Jie.

Wang Jie looked puzzled. "Is there something else?"

Yu Xian smiled somewhat embarrassedly. "To be honest, I am also a formation master. I recently refined a batch of formation discs. Wang Jie, as an elderly person in the city, you might not know where to sell formation discs in the city. I've been spending quite a bit lately, so I need to replenish them."

Wang Jie was taken aback and exclaimed, "Friend Yu is a formation master?"

Then she seemed to realize something.

"No wonder..."

You see, Yu Xian only revealed his cultivation level of Qi Refining Late Stage and bought a house in the Xiaomi District, but he always seemed to have plenty of money, which made people somewhat suspicious.

Now the truth is revealed.

So Yu Xian is actually a formation master, which explains everything.

Formation masters are almost equivalent to wealthy people.

After all, the cost and effort required to research a formation are not insignificant.

For example, the tall and thin cultivator, if it weren't for the second-order formation in his hands, he wouldn't have exhausted his wealth and ended up becoming a bandit cultivator, associating with the Jindao Gang.

"Wang Jie, do you have any questions?"

Yu Xian maintained a smile.

By revealing his identity as a formation master, he was also providing himself with a cover.

"No questions."

Wang Jie quickly shook her head and smiled somewhat embarrassedly.

"I really didn't know about this, but I heard from Brother Li that there is a shop in the city called Qianqifang that specializes in selling and buying magical artifacts. There is also Yingxian Pavilion, where they sell everything. You can try going there. They are both large shops that have been here for hundreds of years and have a good reputation. That's all I know. I don't know if it can help you, Friend Yu?"

She usually doesn't even want to spend an extra spiritual stone, so how would she know about the high-end places for consumption in the city?

As for Brother Li, he is her stern-faced husband, whose real name is Li Qianzhong, but he is called Heiwa because he has been dark-skinned since childhood.

"With your guidance, Wang Jie, I won't be completely clueless when I go to the market."

Yu Xian politely smiled.

He didn't really want to inquire about anything through Wang Jie. He just wanted to spread the word about his identity as a formation master through her.

Now that his goal has been achieved, he naturally doesn't mind.

"Haha, I'm glad I could help you."

Wang Jie happily bid farewell and left, probably going back to take care of her silkworm babies.

According to Yulan, Wang Jie's silkworms have already started spinning cocoons and will be ready for harvest soon.

(End of this chapter)

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