Chapter 94: Auction

One month before the start of the auction.

Shangyang City became lively, as scattered cultivators, family cultivators, and sect cultivators from all over gathered here as if they had made an appointment.

Under the good reputation of the auction in Shangyang City, other cultivators were willing to put their idle treasures up for auction in exchange for the resources they needed.

However, at that time, Yu Xian was still holed up in the Zhao family's library, indifferent to the outside commotion.

By the time he freed himself, the auction was about to begin.

Shangyang Market.

Shangyang Auction House, a building that only opens once every ten years, even the staff are borrowed from Yingxian Pavilion.

From this, it can be seen that Dan Yangzi is not a qualified businessman.

The auction is divided into regular seats and VIP seats.

The regular seats are in the downstairs hall, exposed to everyone's sight, and cost ten spirit stones.

The VIP seats are rooms upstairs, not only covered by pearl curtains, but also protected by special formations to shield divine senses and protect the privacy of guests.

Of course, the price is higher, costing one hundred spirit stones.

Yu Xian sat in the VIP seat with Yulan and Zhao Shiwen.

But he didn't pay.

Because it was paid by the Zhao family.

In addition to him, the new patriarch of the Zhao family sat in a corner with two cultivators at the Qi Refining stage.

Actually, if they squeezed a bit, Yu Xian felt that they could pool their money to buy a VIP seat and save some.

But ordinary people wouldn't do that, and they wouldn't dare to do it either.

But Yu Xian didn't care.

Why pay when you can freeload?

Inside the room.

Yu Xian had a beautiful woman on each side, crossing his legs and watching the final preparations on the auction stage.

"Guest Yu, these two are the foundation building seeds of our clan, and they have long admired you," said Zhao Liangwei, the new patriarch of the Zhao family. He was an old man with white hair and a well-built figure. He smiled like the Buddha Maitreya and was very polite to everyone.

He knew that he had picked up the position of patriarch to serve as a transitional figure. When the ancestors picked the right candidate, he would have to step down and make way.

So he changed his domineering and selfish style as the patriarch and treated everyone kindly. In less than two months as the patriarch, he had earned the nickname "clay patriarch".

"Patriarch is joking. I don't have any reputation. I just got lucky and took a step ahead of them," Yu Xian laughed and glanced at the two so-called foundation building seeds of the Zhao family, a man and a woman.

The man looked in his twenties, with a handsome appearance. When he saw Yu Xian, he showed a slightly flattering smile and bowed, saying, "Junior Zhao Jia, I have seen Master Yu."

"I am Zhao Bei," the woman said.

Wearing a red dress, she outlined a beautiful figure, with a cold and glamorous face, and a hint of arrogance in her eyes. She seemed to look down on Yu Xian's behavior of embracing two women.

Yu Xian nodded, "Hmm, not bad. But I'm also a newcomer to foundation building, so I won't give you any guidance."

"I wish you all the best in your foundation building," he said, then turned his head and lost interest in the conversation.

After looking at these two people, he probably understood why the Zhao family hadn't cultivated a second foundation building cultivator in so many years.

Without exception, both of them had strong blood and powerful mana, making them elites among Qi Refining cultivators.

But their aura was unstable and not condensed enough, even inferior to his neighbor, Black-faced Brother. It was obvious that most of their cultivation was built on pill consumption.

It was like flowers in a greenhouse, seemingly beautiful and brilliant, but a storm could easily make them wither, even uproot them.

They were born in the Zhao family and received good cultivation, but they lacked the necessary tempering.

Even if they were given foundation building pills, the chances of successfully building the foundation would not be too high.

No wonder the old patriarch Zhao was so disappointed.

With this thought, Yu Xian couldn't help but lower his head and look at Yulan, who was happily lying in his arms.

Not to mention the second brother, Yulan seemed to be even worse than them.

At least these two still had some mana that they cultivated themselves and seemed to have experienced some battles.

But there wasn't a drop of mana in Yulan's body that wasn't in the shape of a pill.

Seeing that Yu Xian was not in the mood to talk, the old patriarch didn't bother him anymore, but quietly waited for the auction to begin with the two juniors.

Approximately fifteen minutes later.

With the sound of a hammer falling.

Zhao Laozu walked up to the auction platform, bowed to the four directions, and smiled, saying:

"I won't waste time with nonsense. If you see something you like, bid for it. If you don't, just enjoy the show.

But I must remind everyone that the real person doesn't like any trouble in the city. If you have any grievances, please resolve them outside the city."

"Now, the auction officially begins!"

"First, please bring out the first auction item, a finished Foundation Building Pill!"

"Starting price is 5,000, with each bid increment of no less than 500."

Zhao Laozu clapped his hands.

Then, a classical beauty wearing a high-slit cheongsam walked up to the stage, holding a tray with a white jade bottle on it, transparent in texture.

Inside the bottle, there was a golden light shimmering, and a round object rolled around as if it were alive.

Seeing the Foundation Building Pill on stage, the people in the ordinary seats were in an uproar.

"Why is the Foundation Building Pill the first item?"

"It seems that this auction has high-quality items. Even the Foundation Building Pill is not the highlight."

"I hope there will be more Foundation Building Pills in the auction, so us ordinary people have a chance."

"Unfortunately, I don't have enough spirit stones."


"I have a bad feeling about this."

Yu Xian looked at the Foundation Building Pill on the stage, suddenly sat up straight, and was about to speak when a booklet was handed to him.

"This is the catalog for this auction."

Zhao Shiwen handed it over with a smile, a hint of smugness in her eyes as if she had guessed his thoughts.

Yu Xian smiled and patted her hand, took the catalog, and started flipping through it.

This was a privilege for VIPs, allowing them to know the details of most of the auction items in advance.

Yu Xian quickly skimmed through it.

After a moment, he closed the booklet, and his gaze became somewhat heavy. He suddenly felt an invisible pressure descending.

This auction, regardless of the various rare treasures, spiritual pills, and so on, had a total of eight spiritual objects related to Foundation Building!

In addition, there were three Foundation Building Pills!

In theory, this auction could potentially produce eleven Foundation Building cultivators.

It's worth noting that in the entire Shangyang City, there were only about thirty visible Foundation Building cultivators.

Among them, the Foundation Building cultivators from the eight major families accounted for about seventy to eighty percent.

Yu Xian looked deeply at Zhao Laozu, who was smiling and watching the bidding below the stage. He suddenly understood why he was so eager to reform the Zhao family.

The situation of the Zhao family didn't happen overnight, but Zhao Laozu didn't make any changes until he appeared.

Yu Xian didn't think he had such a big influence.

Given the situation of the Zhao family, it wouldn't have been a problem for them to win over one or two Foundation Building cultivators before he arrived.

But the Zhao family didn't do that, obviously unwilling to let outsiders occupy too many resources of the Zhao family.

Why did they treat him differently and offer him such good conditions?

Most likely, there was a sudden change that made the Zhao family in need of a powerful outsider.

And he appeared at just the right time, so even if it meant paying a higher price, Zhao Laozu still chose him.

There's no such thing as a free lunch in this world.

Zhao Laozu's current preferential treatment towards him was all for the future, to make him work for him.

As for what the change was and whether it was predictable...

To release so many Foundation Building spiritual objects at once and to allow outsiders to enter the auction, it was highly likely to be a beast tide!

And it was very likely to be a beast tide of a scale far beyond the ordinary.

Only when the entire Shangyang City was threatened would Dan Yangzi take the initiative to enhance the strength of others.

Otherwise, maintaining the balance below was the instinct of a ruler.

After the auction ends, leave immediately!

Yu Xian made a decision on the spot.

Running away was his specialty.

(End of this chapter)

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