Chapter 95: Turmoil

The auction is still ongoing.

The first Foundation Building Pill was acquired by a lone wandering cultivator sitting in a regular seat, for a price of 10,500 spirit stones.

He was completely shrouded in a black robe, exuding an aura of indifference that kept others at a distance.

As soon as he won the bid for the Foundation Building Pill, there were immediately divine senses scanning the area, indicating that Foundation Building cultivators wanted to see the true face of this wandering cultivator.

Yu Xian was taken aback.

"Alright, if you all want to see, then I want to see too!"

He released his divine sense, but it was blocked by the black robe worn by the wandering cultivator. The black robe turned out to be a garment that could shield divine senses.

It was clear that the black-robed cultivator had come prepared.

After winning the bid for the Foundation Building Pill, he didn't wait for the subsequent items but went straight to the backstage, seemingly wanting to leave after obtaining the Foundation Building Pill.

However, after he stood up, several people in the audience also stood up.

Yu Xian also sensed that several VIP rooms nearby had people coming out, probably also eyeing the black-robed cultivator.

Why buy if you can snatch it?

Everyone loves a good deal.

"This is the difficulty faced by wandering cultivators. Even if they have some opportunities and can gather so many spirit stones, obtaining the Foundation Building Pill is still not the final hurdle."

The old clan leader sitting in the corner saw the commotion in the venue and began sharing his experience with the younger generation.

"If I were him, I would have rented a cave from the Land Department at a high price in advance to use for breakthrough after taking the pill."

"Unfortunately, some wandering cultivators don't trust anyone and only think about sneaking out of the city to find a place to break through. They don't realize that leaving the city is actually the most dangerous action."

"In fact, if Daoist Yan was willing to auction off the Foundation Building Pill, it wouldn't have tarnished his reputation just because of one faulty pill."

"On the other hand, some irregular markets often use the Foundation Building Pill to lure customers, and after each auction, they secretly ambush and kill them."

"So when you often hear news of the Foundation Building Pill being auctioned in certain places, it's actually possible that it's the same pill being auctioned multiple times."

"Some markets even use inferior Foundation Building Pills to muddy the waters, not as regulated as the Sun City."

So every time an auction is held, cultivators from thousands of miles around flock to Sun City."

"Thank you for your guidance, Clan Leader."

A male cultivator named Zhao Jia appeared humble.

But the female cultivator Zhao Bei had a disdainful expression on her face. "I am a cultivator from the Zhao family, who would dare to deceive me?"

"Don't forget the fate of your brother, Zhongliu."

The old clan leader's voice lowered as he glanced discreetly at Yu Xian, seeing that he showed no signs of suspicion, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhao Bei's expression froze for a moment, muttered a sentence, and fell silent.


The auction continued without interruption.

Spirit pills, magical treasures, spirit talismans, garments, rare materials, occasionally a spiritual weapon or Foundation Building spiritual object would appear, causing a small climax in the venue.

Yu Xian touched the thousand-plus spirit stones in his pocket, indicating that he would participate next time.

But he didn't leave immediately because there was something else that interested him in the auction.


"The next item up for auction is the Eternal Youth Pill, which can keep one's appearance unchanged for a hundred years."

"There are a total of two Eternal Youth Pills."

"Starting price is 200 spirit stones, with each subsequent bid not less than ten spirit stones."

As soon as the words fell, the entire venue fell silent.

Cultivation itself has the effect of slowing down the aging process, so ordinary wandering cultivators wouldn't bother buying it. They would rather spend the money on several bottles of Qi Refining Pills, which are more useful than a pretty face.

But for the wealthy, it's a different story.

Soon, a voice rang out from one of the VIP boxes upstairs.



Another VIP box joined in the bidding.






In no time, there were only two voices competing back and forth, driving the price to an outrageous level.

Yu Xian shouted in the middle, but his voice was drowned out by the continuous bids.

"Damn it, these two are colluding!"

"Yu Keqing, these two haven't changed their voices, it should be Jiang Family's Fifth Young Master, Jiang Tai, and Lin Family's Third Young Master, Lin Wu. The Jiang and Lin families have never gotten along."

The old clan leader listened carefully and explained to Yu Xian.

In other words, they are not colluding.

After all, Zhao Laozu is the host on stage, and as the clan leader of the Zhao family, he has an obligation to uphold the reputation of the old ancestor.

Yu Xian remained unfazed and said, "I don't care, as long as they bid higher than me, they're colluding."

The old clan leader: "..."

The bidding in the venue continued.

One of the voices finally couldn't take it anymore.

"Lin Wu, do you really want to compete with me to the end?"

"Haha, Jiang Fifth Young Master, in this auction, the highest bidder wins. Why are you getting angry? I heard that your mother is about to celebrate her sixtieth birthday, and this Eternal Youth Pill is for her, right?"

"I'll raise the price for you, so that your filial piety can be shown."

Cultivators generally experience a decline in vitality and appearance after the age of sixty, so it is best to take pills like Ding Yan Dan before the age of sixty.

"Four hundred and two!" Jiang Tai's voice rang out. "If you have the ability, then add more!"

"Four hundred and three..."

Lin Wu's voice sounded leisurely, with an attitude of "if you have the ability, then hit me".

The air quieted for a moment before Jiang Tai's resentful voice continued,

"Final price, five hundred!"

"As long as you add one more bid, I'll give you this Ding Yan Dan."

Five hundred spirit stones is not a small amount for a young master of the Jiang family who still needs to be nurtured by the family.

But now, what is being asked for is not just the pill, but also the face of the Jiang family.

Of course, it can't be too high either, otherwise it would far exceed the market price, and others would only say that he is a fool.

"Tsk tsk, Fifth Young Master is so filial. This Ding Yan Dan belongs to Fifth Young Master."

Lin Wu said casually,

"I heard that Patriarch Jiang passed away not long ago in the Yue Kingdom. Now that the Jiang family is without a leader, it is truly regrettable.

But today, seeing Fifth Young Master take out five hundred spirit stones to buy two Ding Yan Dan to honor his mother, it seems that rumors are not entirely reliable."

As soon as the words fell, the auction hall immediately boiled, like a vegetable market.

Jiang Patriarch, as the first cultivator below the Gold Core stage in Shangyang City, even though he hadn't appeared for more than ten years, his reputation still lingered in the hearts of many older cultivators.

Now that they suddenly learned of his passing, how could people not be surprised?

Seeing the commotion in the hall, Yu Xian couldn't help but touch the storage bag at his waist. The protagonist they were discussing was lying inside, now reduced to just a skeleton.

"That's right, it's been almost five or six years. The Lin family also lost a genius Foundation Building cultivator in the Yue Kingdom. It's impossible for them not to send someone to investigate.

There were many survivors from that Foundation Building battle that day. If they have the intention to investigate, it wouldn't be difficult to find out some information."

"Is this Lin young master deliberately leaking the news, wanting to make a move against the Jiang family?"

"Tsk tsk, there are so many things happening now, Shangyang City will probably turn into a mess in the future."

"But it's not necessarily the case. As long as True Person Danyang intervenes, he can suppress the actions of both families."

"But it has nothing to do with me, I'm leaving right away."

Various little dramas were playing out in Yu Xian's mind, but on the surface, he had a look of great interest, perfectly portraying the image of a bystander.

Not to mention him, the others also perked up their ears, listening to the juicy gossip behind them.

"What did you say?!"

Jiang Tai's voice abruptly stopped, and another old voice sounded sinisterly, like a slippery poisonous snake, adding a bit of oppressive pressure to the air.

"Lin young friend, where did you get this information from?"

The bead curtain in the VIP seat where Lin Wu was located rustled, obviously due to the old man's spiritual sense.


There was a loud explosion in the air.

Two divine senses collided.

Another voice sounded at the right moment.

"Yin Lao, if you want to keep something a secret, you must not do it yourself. Jiang Laozu has never shown himself for so many years, do you think you can hide it from us?"

"In these years, the Jiang family has been domineering and ruthless, driving away countless cultivators from other sects and families. Now they are declining, it's just retribution."

"You're asking for death!"

The old voice instantly became furious.

A domineering and scorching aura erupted from the VIP room.

"How dare you!"

Zhao Laozu on the stage, after hearing the gossip, immediately displayed his divine might and pressed his palm down.

Formation runes appeared underground in the auction house, and a tremendous pressure descended, instantly suppressing the Jiang and Lin families.

Zhao Laozu turned out to be a formation master as well!

"This is an auction that even the immortals are paying attention to, and you dare to act recklessly?!"

Zhao Laozu didn't really make a move. Although he had Dan Yang Zhenren as his backer, he still had to give face to the powerful Jiang and Lin families.

"Hmph, for the sake of Zhenren's face, Lin Bao, I'll spare you for now."

"Yin Lao, take care of yourself."

Both sides ceased their hostilities.

But beneath the calm air, hidden currents were already surging.

Only Yu Xian had a gloomy expression.

"You stole my Ding Yan Dan, I'll remember this."

It's not that he couldn't raise the bid anymore, but at this time, raising the bid would directly put himself in the spotlight, and he wasn't stupid.

Although Ding Yan Dan was not a precious item, its grade was quite high, and there were not many alchemists who could refine it. Coupled with the small market demand, the profit was not significant.

That's why it rarely appeared on the market.

Yu Xian originally planned to buy it for Yu Lan to consume. After all, as his bound Dao companion, he didn't want to see Yu Lan's appearance decline.

But now it seemed that he would have to pay attention next time.

Under Zhao Laozu's leadership, the auction continued, but more and more cultivators left the venue.

Along the way, Yu Xian bid and won a bottle of Huanglong Pill that could break through the bottleneck of Qi Refining later stage, as well as two Purple Thunder Talismans, and then he didn't make any more moves.

He wanted to get everything, but unfortunately, his purse was too light.

On another note, he also saw a wandering cultivator who looked a lot like Li Ge, who bought a Foundation Building spiritual object called White Tiger Death Qi for 4,200 spirit stones.

When the auction ended.

Yu Xian returned home.

Inside and outside the city, news of the deaths of the Jiang and Lin family patriarchs had already spread like wildfire. The Jiang and Lin families were on the verge of war, ready to fight at any moment.

(End of this chapter)

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