Dao Fruit

Text Chapter 169: The road ahead is long, and the dangers of living in Donghua are unknown

"Taoist Wugou, put away your behavior. Don't try to confuse us with your words. Your bad reputation is known to everyone from Elam to Zdan. Anyone who interacts with you will eventually fall into a decline in luck. , Even if you don’t die, you will still have to pay a heavy price, we still know this.”

The six gods obviously did not agree with this man's statement, and pointed out the other person's reputation.

"Oh? Do you think that I am bluffing when I come here? Or am I borrowing strength from you? Wrong, wrong!" Taoist Wugou smiled, "Old Taoist took time out of his busy schedule to come here to remind you, isn't it because of a few The focus of the big forces is gathered in Donghua Continent, but it is because the master behind them values ​​their friendship with Tianjun that they are in this situation. "

"Friendship?" The six gods frowned when they heard this, and the leader said, "Thank you for your concern, but we also have orders and have to go."

"It's a pity, it's really a pity." Hearing this, Taoist Wu Gu shook his head and sighed, "How many people in this world can attain the Tao through incarnations like a few of you? Although you are all incarnations of the Heavenly Lord, you have experienced After a long history of inheritance, they now have their own will, and their combat power is no less than that of Xingjun. Such a good fortune, even in ancient times, was very rare. Now, it is a pity to go to that place of right and wrong and be contaminated with killing and calamity. ”

The meaning of these words did not need to be explained at all. The six gods understood the meaning. It was a hint that their trip to Donghua would end badly.

However, the six gods did not say much or respond. They just held their hands and then turned into six rays of light, pierced through the sky and disappeared into the depths of the starry sky in a blink of an eye.

"Hey, I really don't understand good people. I originally wanted to sell my friendship to Tianjun. It won't take long. After a few decades, they will understand my good intentions. But now it seems that I don't want to be resented by them. Yes, it’s really thankless for my efforts. I should be able to push for such a job in the future..."

Seeing the six rays of light disappearing, Taoist Wu Gu shook his head helplessly, then took out a wine bottle from his arms and took two sips. Then he rolled his eyes and thought about it.

"I remember that the new star king of Donghua was originally a god under the command of that little girl. He should be friends with me. Since this side doesn't accept my favor, then I might as well sell it to the other side. , maybe there will be an unexpected gain, even if the master's calculation is wrong in the end, the new star king will hate this battle, and no one will find out. This is a business to ensure profits without losing money."

After thinking about this, Taoist Wu Gu laughed, raised his hand and grabbed a hair in the air, and pulled out a hair. Then he opened the lid of the wine bottle, put the hair inside, closed the lid again, and shook it vigorously. Twice, mutter something in your mouth.

Suddenly, the wine pot bloomed with brilliance and began to vibrate!

This vibration was so strong that it even affected the surrounding starry sky, making the surrounding space make a rustling sound!

However, after a while, the shock dissipated and the brilliance of the wine bottle disappeared.

Taoist Wu Gu opened the lid of the wine bottle again, peered inside with wide eyes, and then praised: "What a treasure! It is really a treasure! It's a pity that it will be returned in a while."

After thinking about it, Taoist Wu Gu put the wine bottle back into his arms, looked into the depths of the empty starry sky, and shook his head.

"The things over Mai are not over yet, but I can't stay away for a long time, otherwise he will see the clues and start planning. The master's plan will be bad. It's just a pity that I can't see the incarnations of the six heavenly kings with my own eyes. What will happen to the Xingjun who became them? I don’t know how much better they are compared to the Yuling Xingjun, Wenqu Xingjun, and Luo Tianshi.”

With these names in his mind, Taoist Wu Gu then realized the connection between cause and effect. His thoughts were touched by the three wills in the void. Then the three wills were like a drowning man grasping a life-saving straw, and they rushed to swim over. , to catch it, and then follow the clues to come over.

However, Taoist Wu Gu then shook his head slightly and sighed: "Three people like these who can also rule the roost in the starry sky have been calculated by life and death and fell into the gap in time and space. They are drifting without any support. They can only rely on someone in the starry sky to mention them from time to time. Their names are related to cause and effect, and it is too sad to barely locate them, and even so, it will take an unknown amount of time to return to the world. "

As he spoke, his figure gradually blurred, and finally disappeared, leaving only a vague sentence...

"In these long years of return, not to mention the longevity of Master Luo Tian, ​​even if the two Star Lords are forgotten by the believers, the final outcome will not be optimistic..."


On the other side, after bidding farewell to Taoist Wu Gu, the six gods who were flying rapidly moved their thoughts slightly, and then on a whim, they all noticed the vibration in the space.

But the shock came and went quickly, disappearing in a moment.

"I don't know what trick Taoist Wu Gu has played again." Hearing a god's message like this, it was obvious that he had anticipated the source of the vibration.

Another god responded: "This Taoist priest is an anomaly even among Taoists. I have heard of his manipulation of luck even in heaven. Being entangled with him, even an immortal god will inevitably encounter unexpected events."

"However, this person will not shoot without purpose. Although the situation in Donghua Continent is not very clear, even the Five Heavenly Emperors are vague about it. From the information the main body has, it is undoubtedly a place where various forces intersect. At this time, what they are most afraid of is variables. If we get close, it may cause some degree of misunderstanding and bring unnecessary trouble. However, with the character of the Heavenly Emperor, I don't think the other party will really kill us."

"In this case, there is still a risk. The best choice is to stop Yin Xiao'e and her group in the starry sky far away from Donghua and capture them directly to avoid more trouble. This time, we can't let go, as long as we don't kill her."

At this point, the gods understood the deep meaning. They had a foundation for mutual understanding. With a few simple words and a few divine thoughts, they could reach a consensus.

Afterwards, the gods' divine thoughts changed and exchanged opinions. The focus fell on the golden-winged Dapeng who had just escaped.

The god called "Tianfu Star Lord" by Wuque Taoist said: "Yin Xiao'e has amazing determination. She decisively sacrificed the Wanmin Pill at the critical moment. In times of crisis, she saw the power of the people's wishes and gave up a mid-grade magic weapon to open up the situation. Such a person, even if her realm is much higher than hers, should not be taken lightly."

A god next to him said: "In this case, pay a little price to catch up to ensure that there is no risk."

"As far as the whole situation is concerned, paying a little price in exchange for a stable ending is the most ideal choice." Tianfu Star Lord said this, and exchanged glances with other gods, and then a trace of blood appeared in the eyes of the six gods.

The blood burst out from the eyes, like dye falling on white paper, rapidly expanding, and in a blink of an eye it infected the bodies of the six gods. The blood flowed and turned into six bloody figures, rotating and converging at one point!

From a distance, it looked like a blood-colored vortex lying across the starry sky. At first, it could be divided into six parts, but after a few breaths, the speed of rotation was so fast that it had already merged into a ball, and simply condensed into a ball of blood light, spiraling forward!

Suddenly, the six powers of the Star Lords merged perfectly together, and the six thoughts intertwined, rushing out with the spiral force, breaking the barrier of time and space and stepping into a mysterious passage!


Half a year later.

In a star field far away from Donghua Continent, many asteroids floated in it like fragments, floating in silence, as if unchanged forever.

But suddenly, several sword lights flashed, breaking the calm.

"Ding Yin, we will take action, and you, the traitor, will not surrender?"

After the sword light, a man and a woman held swords in the air, looking at the uneven surface of an asteroid. The man was full of heroic spirit and rebuked loudly, but his eyebrows were snow-white.

The woman showed a worried look and urged: "Brother Ding, why bother to learn the evil magic? It's better to admit your sins and return to my sect with me. I think the master will plead for you."

"Will he plead for me?" A desolate laugh came from deep in the ground. "He has his own judgment on my actions. If I go back, he will be the first to kill me!"

As he spoke, the ground collapsed and a figure rushed out, but it was a man covered in blood.

"Since you know all this, why do you commit so many sins?" The white-browed man questioned.

"Brother..." The bloodstained man did not answer, but asked, "Your righteousness is exactly the same as Master's. I just don't know, you become his disciple, are you going to learn skills and integrate them into yourself, or are you going to sacrifice yourself and be molded into another master?"

The white-browed man frowned immediately: "What do you mean by that?"

He was about to say something else, but before he finished speaking, the surrounding space suddenly shook, and the scattered asteroids and meteorites around also trembled, causing a huge commotion, which shocked the three people who were confronting each other.

"What's going on?"

Just as the three were puzzled, in the place where the meteorites were most dense, the space suddenly collapsed, followed by the eruption of people's wishes, bursts of golden light, and a huge black hole was drawn in the starry sky, and a roc bird that was larger than imagination rushed out of it!

Along with it, there was a voice——

"Everyone, the people's wishes have been consumed by more than half and are about to solidify. It is already difficult to control. I can only suppress it with difficulty, but if I delay, something will happen. Please absorb it as soon as possible to strengthen yourself!"

The voice sounded plain, but the anxiety between the lines was beyond words!

The three people who were shocked by the sudden change and had no way to react, looked in the direction of the sound, and saw the big peng bird suddenly spread its wings, and then the whole body was transparent, and finally disappeared!

However, although the bird was gone, the surging people's wishes did not disappear, and it was still lingering in the starry sky, and there were nearly a hundred human figures wrapped in it! r1152


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