Dao Fruit

Text Chapter 170: Riding on the light, the guest came from afar

"What's going on?"

The three people who were still fighting were stunned when they saw such a scene. Their minds went blank as they looked at the constantly changing scene in the starry sky.

The fact that they can appear here is a reflection of their own strength, and it is also because of their precious skills and magic weapons that they can shuttle and compete in the starry sky. But even so, from the perspective of the three of them, when traveling among the masters, They have all seen many scenes, but none of them can compare with the situation in front of them!

In fact, even in this starry sky, such a scene is rare——

I saw that the billowing people's wishes were constantly changing, projecting many awakenings. Just like a person letting his reverie fly and imagining wantonly, all kinds of insights and understandings were mapped out and turned into something in reality.

Under the guidance of nearly a hundred figures, these projections of people's wishes gradually transformed towards pure power and thoughts. It seemed that many of the projected images were gradually dissipating, returning to ordinaryness, and turning into their true origins. form.

The man in green shirt, who was called the military advisor, was involved in this matter. He cupped his hands in one direction and said: "Since the young general has said this, we will not be hypocritical. However, this matter will inevitably happen again, and it must be resolved." Absorb them all before Tianjun catches up, and you can't get too close to the surrounding Starry Sky Continent, so as not to attract unnecessary covetousness."

On the side, a sturdy military general glanced not far away and said, "There are three more witnesses here. We need to hide during this trip. Do we want to silence them?" This military general was the one who was there at the time. Halfway up the mountain, one of the two generals talking to the woman in silver armor.

His voice was not quiet, and he did not cover it up. Ding Yin and the other three people below also heard it normally. They were shocked and subconsciously moved closer——

Just by looking at this posture, you can tell that the person coming is not an easy person. In the face of a powerful enemy, it is no longer easy to compare the grudges between the masters. In the face of the worry of life, of course, some grudges can be temporarily put aside.

However, they also knew in their hearts that such a formation would probably be difficult to fight with the three people's methods. At the critical moment, they could only fight with all their might.

Fortunately, after the general finished speaking, another general said: "What if we kill some monks? We have such a large formation, even if we are thousands of miles away, as long as we are determined, we can still find it. It is not like killing three people." What a monk can conceal, could it be that you, Sha Yun, can kill all the living creatures within a radius of ten thousand miles?"

After saying this, the general who spoke turned around and said to the three monks: "Retreat quickly, or you will lose your life!"

Hearing these words, the three of them still hesitated, but at that moment, the man in green shirt said: "Looking at you, you are also fighting for grudges, but appearing here can only be said to be destiny, and we are also waiting for you." I won’t kill you, but I’ll just imprison you for a while!”

After finishing speaking, the white-browed man was still waiting to tell, but this man had no intention of obeying. With a thought, he aroused many people's wishes around him, forming a strange halo, which followed the man in blue's heart.

Although this method was inspired by the man in green shirt, it was not derived from his magical power, but was derived from the people's wishes transformed by the Ten Thousand People Pill. After all, it was the power of the Ten Thousand People Pill that was used.

I saw that mountains, rivers, clouds and waves appeared in the halo, just like real scenes. The vegetation, flowing water, birds and animals were all lifelike and detailed.

Then, the halo suddenly expanded, falling downwards, trapping the three people inside, and then the light and shadow flowed, sucking several people in!

Then, traces of spiritual energy emerged from it. It was not false, but real, something made out of nothing!

As soon as this aura appears, it fills the scene inside the halo, making that thing more and more vibrant and real! Originally it was just like the real thing, but now it seems to have a little wisdom and spirituality, swaying with the wind, and even the color is much brighter!

When the three of them entered, they were initially panic-stricken, but when they looked around, everything they saw and heard seemed to be real. Not only did they have doubts in their hearts, but they also knew that they were being imprisoned and that it was nothing more than an illusion at the moment.

"However, this illusion is too real. Not to mention the five senses, even the perception and spiritual sense cannot tell the difference from the real scene. What kind of magical power is this?"

Na Ding Yin's body was covered with blood, and his physical body had suffered considerable damage, but it did not affect his perception. After being irresistibly absorbed into the halo illusion, he tried his best to sense, hoping to find clues to escape or escape. Protect yourself.

But the information fed back surprised him. The gurgling water, the breeze, and even the animals and birds in the forest were all the same as real ones.

However, after going through the process of forming this illusion, Ding Yin certainly would not think that the perception was real. He would only think that his realm was not enough and he could not see through the mystery.

Thinking like this, a gust of wind blew by, bringing with it a familiar breath and a spiritual energy fluctuation.

Such a change made Ding Yin stunned. He knew that the other two people who were also trapped in the illusion were approaching him, but at the same time he was also surprised by the fluctuations in spiritual energy.

Imprisonment in illusions is not uncommon. Even he, Ding Yin, has mastered several methods. He has encountered others using them and been trapped in them several times. However, such illusions are man-made and generated by magical powers. They should be It consumes true energy and spiritual consciousness, not to mention spiritual energy.

"In the starry sky, not to mention spiritual energy, even ordinary vitality is difficult to retain, so we must control consumption at all times, or use special methods to carry spiritual energy and replenish it midway. Even if it is structured with the method of illusion, it can continue to be absorbed in the middle. The surrounding spiritual energy cannot be absorbed in the starry sky, so where does the spiritual energy in this illusion come from? "

Such questions flowed through his mind, but how could he get the result? In the end, Ding Yin still absorbed the surrounding spiritual energy to supplement his own strength and repair his physical injuries at the same time.

But as soon as these spiritual energy entered his body, he immediately felt something bad. His thoughts gradually blurred, downplaying a very important thing he had experienced, and building a strange memory.

By the time Ding Yin realized that something was wrong, the situation was already uncontrollable, and even his escape skills at this time were stagnant, causing the person who was originally floating in the air to suddenly fall down, but at the last moment, he was still controlled by him, just thinking about it In the past, I actually forgot the fact that I was imprisoned. I just remembered that I was being chased by my fellow disciples and fell into this secret realm.

A few breaths later, the white-browed man and the woman also chased after them. They seemed to have forgotten their encounter, and they fought with Ding Yin again, their swords flashing without any hesitation.


"This wish of all people, which has been refined and entrusted by heaven and earth, is really powerful. Not only can it create something out of nothing, but it can also shape the spiritual energy, making this illusion come to life, and it can also make those who are trapped in it unable to extricate themselves!"

Outside the illusion, beside the halo, the man in blue shirt and two generals were watching the changes inside. The general named Sha Yun couldn't help but sigh.

Another general said: "Because of this, even Tianjun will covet the Ten Thousand People Pill!"

At this time, the man in green shirt shook his head and said: "The Ten Thousand People Pill is indeed precious, but it also has its terrifying aspects. With my level, I can still create such an illusion. If it were replaced by the Lord of Heaven or the Emperor, I don't know how it can be transformed. What a situation!”

As soon as these words came out, the remaining two people looked at each other and couldn't help but nod.

And the silver-armored woman's voice came at the right time: "After I understood the power of the Ten Thousand People Pill, I was also afraid that even this monk who had strengthened his life and soul would fall into such a situation once he was deceived by the Ten Thousand People. The illusion would be to them. In general, it is almost the real world. By extension, how can we know that we do not live in such a world? "

After these words were spoken, there was a sudden silence all around. Even the man in blue changed his expression. Although he had similar thoughts, he avoided them due to subconscious fear. However, at this time, the woman in silver armor was allowed to reveal such a layer of secrets. Revealed.

"It's useless to think too much, please continue..."

The silver-armored woman was currently in the center of the mist of people's wishes, with radiance all over her body. She used her own thoughts to maintain the balance of the mist of all peoples and prevent it from completely dispersing.

Nearly a hundred people, including two military generals and men in blue shirts, were constantly inhaling the mist, even when they were talking or setting up illusions. At this time, their momentum continued to rise.

As time goes by, about ten days later, half of the mist of these people has gone away, and the divine power of nearly a hundred of them has also continued to change, and they are all heading towards the third level!

The strength of nearly a hundred third-level gods is terrifying. If they come to Donghua, they will become the strongest force in one fell swoop!

However, the further back you go, the harder it is to absorb.

Then Sha Yun became worried: "When we were on our way, we consumed almost an average of all the people's mist. Now half of this half has been absorbed by us, but everyone is also becoming saturated. I'm afraid the remaining part will be It’s unbearable.”

The man in green shirt said: "Don't worry about this. The remaining part can be used to set up forbidden traps, and can also be used to continue on the road. In short, it cannot be left to the incarnation of Tianjun."

But before this person finished speaking, he was interrupted by a voice coming from the void——

"Oh? You don't want to leave it to us? You guys are wasting the mist of the people, using it to travel and enhance your own cultivation. You are too greedy for Tianzhen, and you are not willing to let us use it. Your intentions are to be punished!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone changed their colors!

Then, I saw a hole opening in the void, and a swirling bloody light rushed out. It would not stop, but would penetrate the mist of all people!

But at this moment, the space suddenly shook, and a voice came from the distance——

"Everyone who has come from afar, I will show my kindness as a landlord!" Before he finished speaking, there was a starlight projected from the depths of the starry sky, and that direction was exactly where Donghua Continent was located. r1152


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