Dao Fruit

Main text Chapter 1133: Activating Qiu's body

"In this way, according to your thoughts, the imperial court should not provide disaster relief through work, let alone repair rivers, build water conservancy projects, or improve technology..."

After hearing what the black cow said, Qiu Yan still shook his head, with a look of disappointment on his face. He looked at everyone present and saw that they all had expressions of taking it for granted. He finally realized that these people in front of him did not deserve anything at all. expect.

"Forget it, judging from your appearance, you really don't have any value worth mentioning. Everything you say is just a tool for your own benefit, which is to recruit people. It also doesn't necessarily have any real intentions. In this case, I am going on this trip today. Although there seems to be no gain in coming here, it is enough to be able to prove it.”

When Qiu Yan said these words, the Hei Niu standing in front of him was stunned, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes. Behind the Hei Niu, the leader was horrified, realizing that things had changed, which was unexpected. My expectations are about to change towards an unpredictable situation.

But at the same time, the conversation between a few people also aroused the thoughts of everyone in the village. Through the increase and connection of the array diagrams all over the mountain, these thoughts of people in the martial arts world are also related to the world and them. People's luck is connected together, slowly brewing a huge vortex of luck, gathering from all over the world!

However, this luck did not converge on him according to the master's idea. Instead, it swayed and changed, just like the candlelight in the wind, not knowing where it was going to go -

It was Qiu Yan's series of words that shook the hearts and minds of the people in the village and shattered the fanatical emotions. The people's expectations after gathering were no longer clear, which led to such a situation.

"Is it because Li Qu is so poor in words that he has to say this?" At this time, the official Li suddenly spoke.

He had remained silent throughout the previous conversation. The stage was given to the headmaster and others, but now the situation is unfavorable and the situation has taken a turn for the worse. Not to mention other things, through the connection with the big formation, they can also detect the signals coming from the people in the village. Thoughts and luck have weakened.

"If our luck weakens, then our escape route will be completely cut off. The only way out is to submit to the imperial court. No matter what, we cannot let the Marquis of Ding give up recruiting troops!"

It was precisely because he knew this in his heart that Li Daguan came forward. However, his tone sounded a bit provocative, but in fact he used provocation in order to return the topic to the matter of recruiting peace.

However, all Li Daguan's thoughts were destined to be useless. Just as he finished speaking, the red ghost had already agreed: "That's right. If you can't defeat me, then you have to retreat. What's the point? Needless to say, Your previous accusations have already shown that you don’t care about the lives of the people! To refute my brother is to refute the idea of ​​controlling the plague!”

As soon as he said this, Li Daguan secretly cried out!

However, the logic in his words is certainly paranoid. But it also had a certain effect. It actually made many people in the village feel that it made sense, causing the idea to become more inclined again. The gathered luck immediately became much stronger. Following the connection between the formations, the head master immediately felt it. He felt happy and said to Li Daguan: "Brother Li family, what you said is right. If this person has a clear conscience, , how could we suddenly stop arguing?”

As soon as he said this, Li Daguan secretly complained, knowing that the purpose of the master was to gather luck after all. For this goal, he did not even care about the future of the copycat brothers.

However, then the luck changed, and a large part of the body of the master was absorbed into the body of the black cow!

Immediately afterwards, the entire Juyi Mountain shook faintly, and the ground veins seemed to have changed!

"Huh?" Qiu Yan's heart moved, and as soon as his thoughts changed, starlight fell from the sky, enveloped the mountain, and penetrated into the earth. However, because it was daytime, the starlight did not activate much magical power, so ordinary people could not see it at all. Can't feel it even more.

However, through Xingguang's exploration and feedback, Qiu Yan got some clues.

"So that's it. This formation is definitely not something that Tiangang Disha Thief can arrange. It's no wonder that they are so strong in organizing a hero conference. It also explains some other problems, such as the persistence of the big boss and the abnormal behavior of Black Bull. , From this point of view, if I can dispel their thoughts, it will indeed be a multi-purpose thing, but I must sort out the matter before the star falls. "

After this thought, Qiu Yan restrained his intention to leave and said to the black cow: "The leader of Guizhai may have the intention to help the people, but after he took action, it gave people a very strange feeling. It was not the people who were saved. Instead, it emphasizes that the leader of your village is responsible for his actions. No matter how many things he does, what others will remember will never be the people who were helped, but you Tiangang Disha thieves!"

The Hei Niu sneered: "We have done good deeds and done justice for heaven. We should let more people know about it so that we can shock Xiao Xiao. What's so strange about this? Besides, if it weren't for us, who would know, Hebei There is a plague in Tao? Who can suppress it? In fact, if it weren't for the sneak attack by the imperial officers and soldiers, we would definitely be able to solve these plagues and bring peace to the people and benefit countless people in the world! Everyone will benefit from this, I don’t know how much better than your court!”

Qiu Yan couldn't help but laugh after hearing this: "You just say it with your mouth, but you don't have to actually implement it. Of course, you dare to promise anything, but countless people have stepped forward, and the technicians and doctors have worked hard and practiced it with their own actions." , dare not equate themselves with this worldly road that nourishes the world, but in your words, your eldest brother is already a representative of the law of humanity. To oppose him is to oppose humanity and to be perverse. Let me ask, who gave you the qualification?"

While they were talking, the patients who were standing aside suddenly started to panic. Two of them suddenly fell down. It seemed that their condition had worsened!

When Qiu Yan saw this, without saying a word, he stepped over and slapped his palms towards the two people who fell to the ground, and a gurgling vitality poured into them.

Qiu Yan's own cultivation level has been stripped away. Although he is full of vitality at this time, it is not connected with the physical body after all. It will not have any impact on the body after passing through it like this.

Within a moment, the expressions of the two people who fell to the ground improved a lot. The people beside them wanted to thank them, but after looking at the expressions of the master, they could not say anything.

When Li Daguan and others saw what Qiu Yan did, they became suspicious.

"It is said that the Marquis of Dingguo has ruined his own cultivation, but now it seems that he still has some cultivation!"

Amidst the surprise of these people, Qiu Yan stood up, looked at the patients in front of him and said, "Although you have joined forces with these people to commit evil, but since the disease developed in front of me, with just a little effort, I I still won’t refuse, I just hope you can take care of yourself in the future and don’t let the small things cost you the big things.”

However, before these people could respond, the black bull howled: "Okay! Don't be pretentious! Since you are here to seek peace and defend the court, don't involve these irrelevant people, let alone intervene. It’s disgusting to use this as a personal matter!”

After hearing this, Qiu Yan glanced at the person and said lightly: "It's strange. Didn't Guizhai lead the people out of the village first? Why do you represent the people of the world when you make excuses for others? Using these people to make some comments is just an excuse? Could it be that the rules of the world have to turn around when it comes to you? If you really don’t want these people to become the talking points of others, you should not let them go from the beginning. They show up!"

As soon as these words were said, many fortunes originating from people in the world suddenly started to stir again, obviously they resonated with what Qiu Yan said.

Such a change made the master feel bad again, but he wanted to refute, but he didn't know where to start. And Hei Niu, who had just been talking eloquently, was choked by Qiu Yan, making it difficult to speak. .

Qiu Yan ignored it and continued: "Referring to what you said before, you attributed this natural disaster to the many fortifications led by the imperial court. I will not talk about the reasons for this, let alone the details of the imperial court's efforts to fight the plague. , the various measures taken in the past two years, after all, these things already exist. If you want to know, you only need to inquire and you will know. Otherwise, even if I break my throat, you will not open your eyes to see, and only rely on what you need in your heart. It’s useless to think about it!”

"What are you talking about now?" The black cow finally regained his composure. "These natural disasters are real. Can you deny the changes in the luck of the earth? And then defend the court?" This man is just biting him to death now. , no matter what Qiu Yan said, he would attribute it to defending the court!

But as Qiu Yan's words continued, even those people in the world who had deep prejudices against the imperial court had to let go of their obsessions and began to think about the deeper meaning of Qiu Yan's words.

This was not an aura emerging from their minds, but a series of information instilled in them, as well as the amplification of thoughts and emotions caused by the array diagram. In addition, in order to enhance the effect and achieve the goal, the master and others exaggerated it at the beginning. Now it has the opposite effect.

Even the luck that had gathered along the formation diagram began to deflect towards Qiu Yan, linking his thoughts with the external starlight. Gradually, he saw a faint light and shadow on the top of Juyi Mountain...

However, in that hall, Qiu Yan shook his head and said to Hei Niu: "You don't want to give birth, you can just plunder and eat, you can be rich, you can even hope for power, but ordinary people have experienced a lot of disasters, it is the family The fields are much desolate, and even the food and clothing for the winter are not complete. The court provides work-for-relief, taking care of food, housing, and distribution of wages. Although it is a temporary measure, it is also the basis for survival. Don't talk about them. Even you, if your life These are all problems, do you still have the heart to do justice for the sky? (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!

ps: Thanks to "Yan Xueru" for the reward!


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