Dao Fruit

Main text Chapter 1134: Thieves enter the book and the soul leaves the body

"You said we only speak with our mouths, don't you just rely on words?"

The black cow didn't pay any attention to the meaning of Qiu's words, and didn't care about the logic and common sense in it. It was an extremely arrogant sentence, but such words, after a previous debate, made people feel even more , the person has a tendency to be arrogant and eloquent, so he can only cover it up by being arrogant and unreasonable. f,w■ww.2≌3wx.c◎om

Decline inevitably appears in the words of Tiangang Dishazhong.

This was something that even the great master could clearly feel. In addition, he was also clearly aware that the luck that had been converging on him was shifting bit by bit towards Qiu Qiu. The words gathered together.

And this is almost unimaginable.

"There is no reason for this! Even if the people in the Jianghu in the village were moved by the few words of Marquis Ding and began to lean toward him, they still don't know the outline of the formation, so how can they gather energy in turn? transport?"

Just as the head was wavering, Qiu Yan also responded to the words of the black cow. He reached into his arms, took out a book and a pen, and said to the black cow: "Yes, empty words." There is no proof. Whether this can control the plague situation and rescue more victims, it will be useless just for me to wait here to debate, and it will have no effect if you blindly raise the flag of righteousness, so I am here. Come here to recruit people. If you really want to save the common people, you might as well endure the humiliation and serve as an official in the court. I can make your responsibilities reside in the nursing home and Huimin Pharmacy, and let you experience the front line of benefiting the people. I wonder if you are willing to be supervised by people from the Jianghu?"

After saying that, Qiu Yan's thoughts changed, and ink stains appeared on the tip of the brush. Then he flipped his wrist and wrote a few words on the book in his hand.

In contrast, the big boss and others who were originally confronting him were speechless. Realizing that he had completely fallen into Qiu Yan's verbal trap, since the other party had made such a suggestion, according to what he and Hei Niu had said before, if he refused directly, then in the hearts of the people in the village, he would immediately Even if you lose trust, your reputation will not be ruined, but today's goal will definitely not be achieved.

It can be said that it is what they have done before that can build momentum and pave the way. Qiu Yan's proposal at this time added a lot of rationality and was irresistible.

But how can the great master give in easily? If he is really merged into the imperial court, all the popularity and luck he has accumulated over the past few years will be in vain. From now on, he will have no value at all and will definitely be abandoned. .

As soon as he thought about this, the leader said decisively: "You said it well, Lord Marquis. But once you submit to the invitation, all the troops and horses in hand will be handed over to the court, and then you will be slaughtered. How can you think about it? Safe?"

"You should have thought about these things before recruiting people, so why are you starting to worry now?" Qiu Yan squinted his eyes and looked at the other party. "Da Rui is vast and has a vast territory. Even if it is led by the general who pacified one side, we must pay attention to the rules and cannot have private troops. We can only follow the instructions. Even you are no exception. If I am still the one who is in the opposition I can deceive you with my words, but I have to explain it to you now, because the court also pays attention to credibility. "

As soon as this sentence was said, it was actually telling the headmaster and others on the other hand that there was no need to worry about the court destroying donkeys or crossing rivers and demolishing bridges. At the same time, it was also a statement of attitude to the people in the village.

At this point, the attitude of these people in the world has gradually become clear. After Qiu Yan's guidance and the influence of the formation, their emotions are still beating rapidly, but they are no longer blindly swarming. Instead of trusting the people in this cottage, he started to think about more things.

Similarly, with the intervention and participation of Starlight, this formation has been beyond the control of the great master and others. The luck flowing in it has not only gathered on the great master and others, but has also begun to bless Qiu Yanzhi. body.

"Huh? So that's it. This mountain stronghold is indeed extraordinary. No wonder they would retreat here when they were frustrated on their way north and the barracks were defeated."

This connection of luck can help Qiu Yan feel the operation process and details of the entire array in more detail. He finally discovered the real value of this cottage and understood why the master planned such a plan. situation.

"However, before exploring, we must first subdue and intimidate these Tiangang leaders!"

As soon as he thought of this, Qiu Yan stopped the brush in his hand, and then, under the puzzled gazes of everyone, he slightly raised the book and said at the same time: "Considering that you are usually based in the village, you often use tricks to force people to do it." If others go up the mountain and push others by themselves, they will naturally not trust the imperial court. But the imperial court is based on the world, and every move is watched by the world. If you are as unscrupulous as you, the world will be in chaos in a moment. How can there be peace? Why not let you feel it? Official life, and at the same time accumulate some real human laws to change your strongman style..."

Before the words could be spoken, true light flew out of the scroll and spread, filling the entire hall and covering everyone, making it impossible for them to see other scenes for a while.

The headmaster and others were startled, thinking that Qiu Yan was planning a sneak attack, and were about to fight back, but the thoughts in his heart were pulled by the light and integrated into a huge network——

Humanities Network!

This literary network expanded and changed. In the blink of an eye, it spread from the void and expanded to every corner of the village. The threads of thought entangled everyone in the lobby, conveying their thoughts and ideas. I was forced into the literary website and plunged into the world composed of literary thoughts and ideas.

This place was originally blank, but then Qiu Yan's consciousness extended over, arousing the thoughts of the surrounding people, adding some order and sage spirit, and also invested the thoughts of many believers in it, and followed the trend to bring his own success along the way. The memory of humanity condenses and forms a framework.

The next moment, an illusory world was formed, in which the light and shadow changed, just like reality, swallowing up the thoughts of the head master and others, building bodies for them, adding false memories, and fabricating many identities out of thin air.

In the blink of an eye, these strong men who raised rebellion became officials, living in this illusory world and participating in every incident.

Subsequently, the power of time and space originating from the inner demon body spread over and accelerated the world in the most mysterious way. In just a moment, many years passed. After the initial rejection and confusion, the Great Master and others... I quickly integrated into it and began to experience many events.

Among these events, there were the war in Northern Xinjiang, the changes in Wunuma, the rebellion in the Western Region, the rise of White Lotus in the South, and even many rebellions in Qilu and Hebei Provinces. But the difference is that this time, the Great Master and the others are no longer occupying The rebels in one place became the officials and generals responsible for dealing with these incidents.

After years of training, they were unfamiliar and at a loss at the beginning, and then gradually became more proficient and more comfortable.

Correspondingly, their bodies in the Juyi Hall froze in place and stopped moving. Even the extremely abnormal black bull had a normal appearance.

At the same time, the light filled the hall, and the influence it conveyed was also vague. Even the many people in the village could not see clearly what was happening under the cover of the light.

The only one who can find anything in the light is Qiu Yan.

At this time, he put back the book and the brush, raised his hand to grab it, and the Human Dao Bead and the energy stored in his body burst out to form an invisible hand. He rushed forward and struck the frozen black cow with a wave. Turn around, and with a scream, a soul body was grabbed out!

"I wonder why this idiot suddenly became eloquent. Sure enough, someone is still secretly taking action. Tell me, where are you from?"

After listening to Qiu Yan's words, the soul's screams stopped and turned into scolding: "You, a mortal prince, are so bold that you dare to interfere in matters of this level. I am not afraid to tell you that my The origin is far beyond your imagination. I advise you to stop as soon as possible..."

"Don't say such useless words, but from these words, I can also know your temperament. You will not speak easily, so I don't have to waste my efforts." After the words fell, Qiu Yan actually raised his hand to grab it. , the soul body was crushed to pieces, and then a lot of information floated out of the collapsed soul body, which was absorbed by Qiu Yan and condensed into the required information.

"Huh? This soul is just an ordinary person. He is an eloquent person in the underworld. He was found by someone, and then instigated him to become a spokesman. He lurked in the stronghold here and monitored many movements in the stronghold. Today is Seeing that the situation was not good, he took the initiative to possess him. This black cow is ignorant and simple-minded, making it easy for him to possess him. Judging from this detail, there are definitely other people responsible for surveillance..."

While understanding these things, Qiu Yan also condensed his thoughts, grafted by the starlight, and went against the formation diagram.

"The reason why such a village is specially arranged to be monitored by manpower is because there is huge luck in this village!"

After the thought fell, Qiu Yan's thoughts also reached the core of the formation diagram, and then rose up, following the structure of the formation diagram, straight to the highest point of the village——

That is the main peak of Juyi Mountain, the highest place!

Suddenly, the surging luck roared in, and it was extremely strong.

On the top of this mountain, there is a lot of luck gathered! The intensity and magnitude of the luck even exceeded Qiu Yan's expectations!

"I have long guessed that judging from the way the master behaves, all he wants and needs are scattered luck, but now it seems that the scattered luck gathered together has such a scale, as mighty as a river and as thick as a river. Wuyue, I really don’t know how long this person has been collecting!” (To be continued, please search Piao Tian Literature for better and faster updates!

ps: The list will be compiled tomorrow. I was really uncomfortable today. I vomited several times after I got home and couldn’t eat. I was covered in cold sweat when the light from the screen illuminated me. So I wrote this chapter very slowly. I hope you will understand.

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