Dao Fruit

Main text Chapter 114 Congratulations on being on the list, besieged cities must be missing

"Top one in the Taoist test? Has the results been released?"

After hearing this, all the neighbors looked at each other in shock.

A neighbor asked hesitantly: "Does the first place in the Taoist test mean that he passed the test?"

The person who announced the good news immediately replied: "Of course, the one who ranks first in the Taoist test will be the head of the Yuanning Mansion! If you still can't pass the test, no one can!"

After hearing this, all the neighbors gasped: "The head of the case in Yuanning Mansion! Doesn't that mean that this Qiu student has been admitted as a scholar?"

"More than just a scholar? I have never heard of anyone who failed to pass the Juren Examination in the past. Mr. Qiu is now the Chief of Juren. In a few months, he will be the Master of Juren!"

"Master Juren!"

After hearing this, all the neighbors were completely shocked.

"Old Liu Tou's family is about to become prosperous. With the help of a master, it will be great!"

At this moment, their contempt, peeps, and ridicule towards the Liu family all disappeared, replaced by fear and fear. Thinking of their own faces when the old Liu family moved out, and the sarcastic comments they made in the past two days, they couldn't help but feel... Feeling that disaster is imminent, everyone hurriedly returns home to hide and escape.

The person who brought the good news naturally didn't pay attention to the reactions of these neighbors, and still made a fuss outside the Liu family's house.

It was impossible for Qiu Yan not to hear such a loud noise. He stood up calmly, straightened up his appearance, and opened the door to the courtyard. He was counting his days, and he was not surprised when he learned that the results would be released today.

"Mr. Qiu! Congratulations! Congratulations to the high school!"

"Qiu is a very talented person!"

"Master Qiu, Wenqu comes down to earth!"

When the courtyard door opened, everyone congratulated them one after another. Qiu Yan took out some copper coins and distributed them to them. They were all very happy.

"I didn't expect that Kong Tixue was so generous. He gave me the order directly. This is good. It will make him more famous and gain popularity..." Qiu Yan was still thinking, but was interrupted by a few pulls. .

"Mr. Qiu, I wonder if there is a shortage of manpower in the house? I am ambitious and willing to rely on you..." The people who pulled him made a gesture of kneeling down, wanting to be registered under Qiu Yan's name and become a slave.

Now that Qiu Yan has passed the Taoist examination, he is a scholar. According to the Darui law, a scholar can receive money and food every month, and can get tax exemptions and exemptions, and he will also benefit from the servants in his name. Idle people like this most, and take the opportunity to find more jobs. It is convenient for new talents to come and visit.

Qiu Yan knew these things, and of course he would not recruit such people to smear his reputation, so he refused them all.

After the people who announced the good news dispersed, it didn't take long before Zhang Zhen came to visit, brought some gifts, mostly books and ink, and said congratulations to Qiu Yan.

"Brother Xian, this is a blockbuster. He directly took the case! In this way, in the autumn of this year, you and I can take the exam together." Zhang Zhen was sincerely happy. He had already become a scholar and was planning to take the provincial examination this year. Give it a try.

The two chatted for a while, and Zhang Zhen said again: "I just asked someone to look at the list, and I realized that Zhou Guan, who you and I were talking to that day, was also ranked first and fourth. We might as well get close to him in the future."

"Zhou Guan..." Listening to this name, Qiu Yan remembered that young boy Tong Sheng.

After talking for a while, Zhang Zhen suddenly said: "Brother Xian, your face is not very good. Could it be that you are working too hard and not paying attention to your body? You have so many inconveniences living alone and are unwilling to go to my house. Why? Brother, I might as well give you two beautiful concubines, that would be considered..."

Zhang Zhen said, showing a tacit smile.

Just as Qiu Yan was about to reply, suddenly a strong people's wish fell from the sky, poured into the body, penetrated the skin and bones, and merged into the living soul!

These thoughts of people's wishes are different from the thoughts of incense that have gathered these days. They are messy and disordered, and are filled with emotional thoughts such as envy, longing, and respect, as well as negative thoughts such as jealousy, jealousy, and unwillingness.

After a moment of realization, Qiu Yan understood.

"After the list was released, the name of the person responsible for the case spread, and the people's will gathered together. Although it was not as strong as when we gave out porridge, it was still quite impressive."

Suddenly being joined by Min Yuan, Qiu Yan had something in mind and lost the intention of chatting. He said a few words to Zhang Zhen and saw the guests off.

When he returned to the room, he thought for a moment, and instead of sending these messy wishes into the central black hole, he guided them around the soul.

"These people's wishes are too messy. If you send them over, they can only increase your divine power for a short time. It is better to keep them in the clone and use them to support your wishes first, and then pass them on when the deity needs them."

Thinking like this, the people's wishes were nourished by the living soul, and layers of changes surrounded them.

Then, deep in the soul, one or two sentences of articles circulated, both of which were related to the titles on the gold list and complemented the people's wishes.

After two years of meditation, Qiu Yan has roughly understood the characteristics of Confucian soul cultivation. He knows that although a great Confucian like Ma Yang can scare ghosts and gods at a glance, he relies more on the hearts of the world and the people than on his calligraphy articles.

The article itself has no power, but it has been circulated in the world for thousands of years and has become a code of conduct and the right way of heaven and earth. It naturally gathers the people's hearts and wishes, and the great Confucian ministers themselves can also gather the people's wishes, use Confucianism to control the text, and mobilize the principles and principles of heaven and earth. Only when the universe and the people are willing can the ghosts and gods be frightened.

In fact, it is not the great Confucianism that scares ghosts and gods, but the people's wishes represented by it.

The set of soul-cultivation techniques summarized by Qiu Yan is similar to this, but it mainly mobilizes the thoughts of one's own soul power to cultivate one's character.

"If the article is consistent with the people's wishes, the prestige of the clone will gradually increase. If it persists, it might not be able to reach the level of Prime Minister Ma Lao, huh?"

Qiu Yan was still thinking, but there was a sudden sharp pain in his head, and then he felt a black shadow appear out of thin air in his soul, turned into fangs and a big mouth, and rushed towards Minyuan!

hunger! confusion! Devour!

All kinds of thoughts were clearly transmitted, and then the jealousy, hatred, unwillingness and other emotions in the people's wishes were stripped out bit by bit and swallowed directly by this big mouth!

"Finally revealed! I was still thinking about what method to use to induce you to show up, but I didn't expect that you showed up before I even thought about it. It's just right!"

Feeling the changes in the soul, Qiu Yan did not panic. With a thought, the four bookshelves next to the soul man flew up and pressed down towards the black shadow. The Sutra Department transmitted thoughts, the Sub-Department emitted light, and the Collection Department pulled!

Only the History Department bookshelf did not move at all because it did not visit any books.

Just for a moment, the black shadow was entangled and suppressed, but it was empty immediately, and it actually passed through and flowed between the gaps in the bookshelves!

"How bizarre!"

Just when Qiu Yan had the idea, the shadow suddenly shook, changed direction, and rushed towards the dim bookshelf of the history department. In an instant, it penetrated deep into it, and then opened its mouth and bit, trying to swallow the entire bookshelf!

"A siege must have a gap, this is the art of war! It is precisely this gap that is left to let you fall into the trap!"

Unexpectedly, Qiu Yan was prepared. Under the control of consciousness, the bookshelf of the history department just shook, shrank rapidly, sank downwards, went straight into the center of the living soul, passed through the central black hole, and disappeared.

Then, the other three bookshelves followed closely, shrank, shuttled, and disappeared through the black hole.

Then, Qiu Yan suddenly became listless, tired and sleepy. He took out a bottle from his arms and pulled out the cork.

There was a "buzzing" sound in the bottle, and several flying insects flew out.

"Come and swallow my tired and sleepy thoughts."

Qiu Yan's thoughts became waves and passed out. Then the soul appeared faintly from the top, but it was not completely out, so it was not affected by the sunlight.

A few flying insects flew over, circled around the soul for a few times, pulled out a few strands of thoughts, swallowed them, and then flew back into the bottle.

After doing this, Qiu Yan's sleepiness disappeared, but his face became paler and paler. The whole person showed a feeling of overdrawn. When he stood up, his body swayed.

At this time, there was a sudden knock on the door. Qiu Yan frowned and forced himself to open the door. When the door opened, what came into view was Song Nu with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Qiu, congratulations," Song Nu clasped his fists and bowed, "Now that you have achieved fame, you should fulfill your promise with my princess."

PS: Thanks to "I am not a gentleman" and "I am the fireworks of different colors" for the reward!

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