Dao Fruit

Text Chapter 115 How can you think highly of yourself when you are someone's lackey?

Qiu Yan had no intention of inviting Song Nu to the hospital. When he heard this, he shook his head and said, "When did I make an agreement with your princess?"

Song Nu was not surprised and sneered: "Oh? You know you are afraid and you know you can't afford to offend me, but unfortunately you can't hide either! When the retest is over, I will send someone to pick you up. Please don't refuse, sir. "

At this point, he seemed to suddenly remember something, and the smile on his face grew wider: "By the way, I almost forgot to mention that the team sent by Yuanning Prefecture to Qingchang County to announce the good news to the Liu family was intercepted by me. Please tell me. , The head of this government is so glorious, how can he let such a mess of people come to announce the good news? So, it is better for me, the Song Dynasty, to take action and invite Liu Huai's family to take care of it. "

"You actually threatened me!" After hearing this, Qiu Yan's eyes suddenly changed, sharp as a knife, piercing Song Nu's face.

Song Nu did not dodge, but still smiled: "Mr. Qiu, Mr. Qiu, don't get me wrong, I don't have any thoughts about your family. Now that you are about to take the imperial examination, your destiny is already connected with Longting. If you are against you, If you hurt your family, aren't you asking for trouble? It's just that things in the world are unpredictable. If something unexpected happens and the Liu family's livelihood is ruined and they become impoverished, there is nothing we can do."

"After all, it's still a threat!" Qiu Yan took a step forward, "It's just a trick!"

Now that the words have been explained, Song Nu stopped hiding it, put away his smile, narrowed his eyes, and whispered: "Qiu Yan, if you don't want to toast or eat, what is your status? Even if you are a scholar, so what? If the king hadn't told you to come over, do you think I would have come here politely? Don't forget, I am now the leading rich man in Qingchang City!"

After Qiu Yan heard this, a cold light flashed in his eyes: "Is it your king who wants me to go there? So, you are here just to complete the order?"

Song Nu said: "That's right! If it weren't for the order from above, would I care about you as a scholar? You would have broken your leg long ago and just shipped it over!"

"It seems that King Tongshan is really powerful. Even an old demon like you wouldn't dare to disobey the order," Qiu Yan said, taking a step forward, "In this case, there is nothing to worry about. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Qiu Yan raised his hand, swelled suddenly, and slapped Song Nu on the head!

With this slap, the blood in the palm surged, the palm wind made a sound, and the surrounding temperature increased slightly!

"How brave! How dare you attack me!" Song Nu was angry and instinctively wanted to fight back! His hands turned into claws, glowing red, and his Qi pulses flowing!

Qiu Yan did not move, his palm fell straight down, and he shouted: "You dare to take action? If you hurt me, are you afraid that you will not be able to fulfill your order? If King Tongshan is angry and blames you, don't say that you are a famous master in Qingchang, even if I’m afraid it won’t end well if you win the title of Yuan Ning! Chen Qichang is an example!”

"Huh?" Qiu Yan's shout brought Song Nu back to his senses. The latter's face was gloomy, and he retracted his claws, stepped forward, and retreated four to five feet like lightning, avoiding the palm strike.

However, as soon as he took a few steps back and before he could stop, he groaned and covered his stomach. Blood flowed out from between his fingers and dripped to the ground.

Drip, drop, drop.

A magical talisman flew out from the side, and the talisman exuded a corrosive aura.

"You..." Song Nu was furious, but the talisman seemed to have left a lot of trauma on him, and his complexion suddenly changed and turned pale.

"This is a retaliation," Qiu Yan held the talisman in his hand, "Since you have the word "slave" in your name and you are doing the job of being a lackey for others, don't be too self-righteous. If you really treat yourself as a person, you should be honest. Be a house slave!"

"Okay! Okay! Okay! I've written this down today, and let's see what happens to you in the future! What kind of person is the king? His mind is constantly changing, and he will soon lose attention to you. By then, let's see if you can still be arrogant. Get up!" Song Nu's eyes were filled with hatred and murderous intent, and he stared at Qiu Yan with a look of scruple on his face.

Snap! Snap!

The blood in Song Nu's abdomen was still flowing, and his expression became worse and worse. Finally, he sneered, turned around and left.

Little did he know that Qiu Yan looked at his back with murderous intent in his eyes.

"It's a pity that today's body bones are too weak, and the earth soul is temporarily absent. Otherwise, it would not be a simple strike of the talisman. When dealing with such evil people, we must not compromise. If we are threatened, we will swallow our anger and have no response at all. That is Indulging in malicious intentions, only by showing determination will they take action, instead of daring to do anything to the Liu family...ahem..."

He suddenly coughed twice.

"The current state is too bad, but we must be prepared. The lair of King Tongshan may be in the Wuxin Army. It is an army that can fight a hundred battles. Wuxin City is also a battlefield. The soldiers are in the camp, and the masculine blood must be particularly strong. , has natural restraint on living souls, and must take the lead in other aspects. "

After thinking about it, he reached into his arms, took out two porcelain bottles, and weighed them in his hands, thoughtfully.

"When we go over this time, we should be able to see the Great King Tongshan. I just don't know if I can catch up with him. But now, I have an arrow on the string and I have to take action. Even if Song Nu doesn't come to me. , I will also go to find him in a while."

Thinking of this thought, Qiu Yan's body suddenly sank slightly, as if something invisible was binding and restraining him. Even his soul was being restrained, as if it was being oppressed, shrunk, or squeezed by something.

He immediately knew that this was the cause and effect of grudges at work, and he had the momentum to try.

"It's coming soon, it's coming soon, don't worry."

Feeling the causal line closing, Qiu Yan whispered and finally turned back to the courtyard.


The courtyard door closed.

However, neither Qiu Yan nor Song Nu noticed that on a rooftop a hundred feet away, a famous Taoist priest was sitting cross-legged, staring at the gate of the Liu family's old house with a sharp gaze, watching the scene of Song Nu and Qiu Yan fighting.

After Song Nu left and Qiu Yan closed the door, the Taoist priest also stood up, raised his hand and tore off a talisman from his chest, stepped on it, and walked away immediately.

Three days later, Kong Tixue, the examiner of this Taoist exam, held a re-examination at the prefectural school. If the test was correct, he would accept the candidates into the prefectural school or assign them to the county schools.

Kong Tixue obviously valued Qiu Yan very much. During this period, he asked him many times whether he was willing to stay in the prefectural school, but Qiu Yan had to face the test of Tongshan King later, so of course he did not agree.

Just like that, with Kong Tixue sighing with regret, Qiu Yan said goodbye and left, but he was stopped before he reached the door of the old house. The neighbors along the way actually lined up to welcome him, saying congratulations and flattering him many times.

"People are attracted to each other, and this is all."

Shaking his head, Qiu Yan got rid of the crowd's entanglement and returned to the old house. He then found that there was a shabby carriage parked at the door.

When the driver saw Qiu Yan, he immediately came up to salute: "Mr. Qiu, you are polite. I have been waiting for you here for a long time on behalf of Mr. Song."

PS: Thank you "oriental" for the reward!

Thank you "鐹无码" for the suggestion, thank you for his valuable advice and enthusiastic support!

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