Dao Fruit

Text Chapter 1236 Don’t ask what’s in your heart, everything is subject to the king’s law

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In this sentence, there is actually a meaning of compromise. It is to protect the foundation of the family, not an individual. £∝

The underlying meaning of the words also included giving up the few people held by Qiu Yan in exchange for the peace of the entire family.

A few days ago, this guardian of the family would never have made such a decision, but now he was shocked by the battle in the starry sky, knowing that for a person of Tianjun's level, a tribe A class of people is not a force at all.

If you are an outsider, you may still have some scruples. After all, if you want to seize Donghua's luck and don't plan to start a new business, you will have to find suitable characters from the original class first as a foothold.

But that Heavenly Lord vaguely revealed his close connection with Qiu Yan. This was already a foothold, and the Aristocratic Family was on the opposite side of Qiu Yan. If it were other stars, they might choose to incorporate the Aristocratic Family as a way to To make arrangements, but the newly promoted Tianjun has no need to do this. Instead, he wants to defeat the entire family class to demonstrate Qiu Yan's authority and clear the way for him.

Because of these considerations, as soon as the guardian of the family came out of seclusion and learned about the current situation, he used Chen Zu as the intermediary to negotiate with Qiu Yan. Now that he heard Qiu Yan's question, even though he was still unhappy, he took advantage of it. With a reason, he stated the bottom line.

In his opinion, his decision was undoubtedly a major concession. Anyone else would consider the forces behind him and compromise with each other.

Unexpectedly, Qiu Yan shook his head directly and said: "This class of aristocratic families is difficult to be exterminated easily. Qiu himself knows that, but now, he controls the government and people's customs, accomplishes many things, but is not implicated, and even blocks the advancement of others. To cut off other people's destiny and graft it onto one's own family is to hinder the development of humanity and is no longer advisable. "

"What? Do you really want to kill everyone, Marquis Dingguo?" The guardian of the family heard this. His expression darkened, "Although the power of the aristocratic family cannot be compared to that of a god with extraordinary supernatural powers, if it really wants to be exterminated, it will still cause turmoil in the world. Not to mention Da Rui, even the entire Donghua will be affected. , How can you act lightly in this situation? I believe you know what Donghua is facing now. Isn't the reason why you took the initiative and even wanted to attack the family a self-defeating thing? That’s good.”

Qiu Yan looked at the other party. Then he said: "Listening to this, your Excellency also knows the current situation. In this case, it is even more inappropriate to talk to Qiu. In this case, the slightest mistake will cause a chain reaction. How can Qiu Because of your few words, if something goes wrong, it won’t be the whole family that suffers, but the fate of the entire Donghua will fall into the hands of others!”

The guardian of the aristocratic family took a deep breath, and the anger in his eyes almost burst out, but he still suppressed it, and then said categorically: "I am willing to use my family and life as a guarantee for this matter! The aristocratic family will never suffer disaster in Donghua in the future. When the time comes, hold back!”

Hearing these words and feeling the desperation in them, Qiu Yan nodded solemnly and said: "I believe in your heart, with your state of mind, you have long been able to reach a higher realm, but you have to suppress it all your life just to protect the family. This It's admirable. If it were Qiu, he would never be able to do it. "

"I can't do it." Chen Zu had been listening on the side. Hearing this, he chuckled and interjected, "But, old guy, do you know that there are already betrayers in that family?" After arriving in Donghua, he was attracted by a little profit and was willing to be the pawn of the people from other tribes. He also had a lot of fun. The reason why the incident of betraying Qiu made such a fuss was not all because of Marquis Dingguo fishing, but also because he was willing to do so. If you take the bait, you have the heart to make a decision, but the people below may not share your heart.”

The face of the guardian of the aristocratic family changed slightly, and then he said: "I also know about this matter," the guardian of the aristocratic family frowned, "Sun Yun and the others have been transformed by people from outside the world, and their life span has been increased a lot, but As the bloodline gradually changes, it will become more and more separated from the ethnic group. The heart of the aristocratic family lies in the word 'family'. These people who have separated from the ethnic group are no longer members of the aristocratic family. When I go back this time, I will capture them directly and hand them over to Marquis Dingguo for disposal!"

"If there is one, there are two..." Chen Zu seemed to be overstepping his role and shook his head, "I can be considered a big family. I don't know how many branch families, main branches, and direct and distant relatives there are. How much has it developed? Years? Not even a hundred years, that’s why you are looked down upon by your family. But in my opinion, they are all the same, and they are all inevitable from the many greeds in their hearts, so they are full of inner demons and will never be separated by family background. Whether it is a beggar on the roadside or a nobleman in the palace, as long as there is a gap in the heart, the inner demons can take advantage of it. It is impossible to guard against such complicated things. If you only look at the main line, it may be a loving father, a filial son, a brother, a friend, and a brother. But what about the others?"

Such questioning made the guardian of the family look even more ugly. This was also because it was a projection in a dream, without the bonds of a physical body, and many emotions could be clearly expressed under the influence of the power of inner demons.

Then, he still said patiently: "How can we control everything in the world, but if we grasp the main body and have a clear context, we can control the general trend. The power of the family lies in the main body of the inheritance. As long as there is no deviation, some minor details It’s not enough.”

At this time, Qiu Yan finally spoke again: "This is just your wishful thinking. The family respects you, maybe because of your qualifications, but in the final analysis, you have the same interests as them. Now you have to come up with something to compromise with me." , this offends the interests of the aristocratic family. Similarly, you were originally the backstage of the aristocratic family, but now the aristocratic families have new choices. Even if they confront you in the end, it is not impossible. Qiu’s layout, please It is a stability. Even if there are still variables, they must be within a controllable range. Otherwise, if a disaster strikes in the future and is held back by other things, wouldn't it be putting the cart before the horse?"

After hearing this, the guardian of the aristocratic family calmed down, looked at Qiu Yan, and asked directly: "What are the plans of Marquis Dingguo and how to deal with the aristocratic family? You might as well make the matter clear and explain it to me. There is no need to explain it anymore." These are all excuses. Even if my family is defeated, we will not back down."

After hearing this, Chen Zu sighed, then shook his head and said no more.

He took the initiative to interrupt just now, just to prevent the two sides from getting too rigid and difficult to change their words, but due to the temperament of the guardian of the family, it ended up at this point.

"Qiu said that he did not want to exterminate the family. This cannot be done easily. Even if this group is exterminated, it won't take long for a new group to appear. But in the process, the stagnant water will also be destroyed. It flows." As Qiu Yan spoke, he raised his hand and a wisp of breeze flew out and merged into the consciousness of the guardian of the family.

The latter was stunned at first. Then he looked surprised: "Marquis Dingguo, what do you mean?"

Qiu Yan said with a normal expression: "Soon, Qiu will hand over this communication method to a family that is willing to do this. But it is not without conditions. After the new emperor ascends the throne, I will promote the officials and gentry to pay for the food together. In the future, even the land belonging to an official's family cannot be exempted from the tax, and it cannot be used for other purposes. Otherwise, it will be a violation of royal law, which cannot be dealt with by family law. "

"Officials and gentry all receive food together?" The face of the guardian of the aristocratic family changed when he heard this, "This is absolutely not possible. The aristocratic family has made great contributions to the inheritance of humanity, and is respected by the world. It is only natural and right for the country and the dynasty to support them. If they are with ordinary people The same thing, isn’t it polite? Lord Dingguo, you are also a master of humanity, how can you not understand this truth? If the order is disrupted, the world will fall into chaos in an instant!"

Qiu Yan shook his head and said: "Order is about maintaining and rebuilding. Things have changed and we have to adapt to the times. How can it remain the same? To be honest, when Qiu becomes the prime minister in the future, he will be the first to undergo surgery. This family’s tax is the health center of Southern Xinjiang!”

"The guard station in southern Xinjiang?" When the remaining two people heard this, their expressions changed slightly, "Do you not plan to support the military strategists? Do you want to carry out a thorough reform of the military system?"

Their natural way is that this so-called garrison is actually a variant of the military camp, but it is more flexible. It is very effective in consolidating the southern border and is also in the interests of the military strategists. If the garrison is to be moved, it will undoubtedly be in the interests of the military strategists. .

But now looking at the trends in northern Xinjiang, the military strategists seem to have reached some kind of tacit agreement with Qiu Yan, which undoubtedly makes people more confused.

More importantly, this guard system was actually established by Qiu Yan. When he was running Jiannan, in order to defend the Marsh people, he built many guard posts and took the road of military settlements, thus dividing and dismantling his influence. The hostile Shu army conquered, and then defeated them one by one, and took real power.

Now, he actually said that he wanted to take action on his original political achievements. Judging from what he meant, it was not just about rectification, but about taking bigger actions.

Moreover, every time a new official takes office, he always burns out his prestige with three fires. He never uses his own political achievements as an excuse, giving people the impression that orders are being changed overnight.

"Don't be surprised, you two. When the guard station was established, Qiu once said that it is good for a moment, but it cannot be beneficial to the whole life. Things change at any time. Now that southern Xinjiang has returned to its center and the swamps have calmed down, the duties and powers of the guard station should also be changed. Only by deleting it can it be more suitable for the future situation, otherwise, in the end, you will still be harmed. "

When Qiu Yan spoke, he changed the topic: "The same is true for the Wei Institute, the same for the aristocratic families, and even the military strategists are just like that. If they are useful, they will stay, and if they are not, they will go. But it must be included in the king's law. You ask me if I support military strategists." , I can only say that everything must be in accordance with national laws.”

The firm will revealed in the words almost condensed into substance. Even the guardian of the family dared to be serious. Then he thought about it and asked: "Then Marquis Dingguo, please give me an accurate letter. Which aristocratic families can you keep, and which ones should you give up? "(A great pie-in-the-sky activity, cool mobile phones are waiting for you! Follow ~ click / official account (add friends on WeChat - add official account - enter dd), immediately Participate! Everyone will win a prize. Follow the dd WeChat official account now!) (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature for better and faster updates!

ps: Thanks to "hgMOxn" for your monthly vote!

Thanks to "Zihuang Zhenren" and "Devil Slaying Dragon" for the rewards!

There are a lot of things going on these two days, so I hope you can forgive me for the delay in updates. Also, Baidu Browser can't log into the background. What the hell is this?

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