Dao Fruit

Text Chapter 1,237 Ascends to the throne!

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"This depends on their own performance and decision."

After Qiu Yan left these words, he stopped speaking and disappeared in a flash.

"The Marquis of Dingguo is so arrogant when he gains power?" Seeing this, the guardian of the family shook his head, seemingly complaining, but his tone was calm, and he seemed to be relieved.

Chen Zu glanced at him and noticed a trace of aura lingering on the other person's body. He felt something in his heart and said with a smile: "You old guy, even I was almost deceived by you. I thought your temper was as stubborn as a stone." It’s the same. It’s impossible to be moved. I didn’t expect that today I would retreat in order to advance.”

"Are you serious that I am retreating?" The guardian of the family shook his head, "It's just the general trend. Behind the Marquis Dingguo, there is a heavenly king. Even if Donghua has an extraordinary status, he is just a slightly useful chess piece. His arms are twisted. But my thighs have to be bowed after all. The Marquis of Dingguo knows all my thoughts and is just giving me a way to step down. "

As he spoke, his voice became louder and louder, without any hint of frustration.

Chen Zu clicked his tongue in surprise.

The guardian said: "Just like what I said to Marquis Dingguo, I protect the family, not an individual. In fact, even my family has disappeared. The Wang family today is the original family. A branch that migrates south, establishes itself after a few twists and turns, and develops again, as long as it does not involve the final foundation, will not be defeated. "

"I see," Chen Zu's eyes flickered as he spoke, and he finally asked, "The Marquis of Dingguo separated a ray of thought and turned it into a breeze and fell into your consciousness. What did it mention? I want to come here, you old guy. The original intention to compromise may have something to do with it.”

"I knew you couldn't help it." The guardian of the family shook his head slightly when he heard this, "However, I can't understand the specific meaning at the moment. I have to watch what the Marquis of Dingguo does in the future. Only then can I understand it one by one, but also It’s not a secret, so it’s okay to share it with you.” After saying this, he also raised his hand and pointed. A ray of breeze also flew out and merged into Chen Zu's thoughts.

The latter was stunned for a moment, then showed a strange look on his face, and finally said: "Old guy, you must have not paid attention to the affairs of that sect of scholars for a long time. That's why you feel weird. In fact, there is a precedent for this matter, but I don't know. I didn’t expect that Marquis Dingguo actually planned to do it again to the noble family. "


Time passed, and in a blink of an eye, the day came when the emperor ascended the throne.

This time he ascended the throne, it was similar to what Qiu Yan saw before when he thought about the future, and the altar was closed to the sky. Lost in the six sects, looking at the gods, solemn and solemn.

Li Yan climbed up the steps. Sacrifices were made to the heaven, earth and the land, and the gods congratulated each other!

But compared with that time in the future, although Li Yan's face was a little solemn this time, it was because he had to keep in mind the complicated profit steps, not like the time that didn't happen. It was because of the downfall of Qiu Yan, whom he relied on as his future pillar.

Speaking of downfalls, actually compare to an ascension that didn't happen. The biggest difference is probably the few people standing in front of the courtiers——

It's there this time. There were still several prime ministers, but Xu Yingyi and Cai Que were not there, replaced by Qiu Yan.

In fact, the decree to promote Qiu Yan to Prime Minister and enter the political hall had been sent yesterday, so Qiu Yan could stand here today and bask in his luck.

After the emperor ascends the throne, he will issue a formal decree to grant amnesty to the whole country, thus making it final.

In addition, among the ministers, many people were panic-stricken. Against the backdrop of the solemn and solemn atmosphere, they felt even more weak and insignificant.

Most of these courtiers are from aristocratic families, or have deep relationships with aristocratic families. Now that Qiu Yan has established his authority, the aristocratic families suddenly released signals of reconciliation yesterday and the day before yesterday, and even intended to use the captured families as reconciliation In exchange for letting Qiu Yan put down his hostile thoughts.

This series of changes can be said to be dizzying for people to watch. Not to mention the bystanders, even those who are involved in it can't come to their senses and can't figure out the situation.

However, the great drama of the emperor's ascension to the throne has just begun, and there will inevitably be many follow-ups and aftermath, and then it will subside for a period of time.

Everyone present knew this well. Knowing that the emperor had just come to power, they still wanted stability. Although the new emperor was young and would not be in power for the time being, the situation would not change with Qiu Yan in charge.

But on the other hand, the conflict between Qiu Yan and the Aristocratic Family has now been completely made public, and the Aristocratic Family is still at a disadvantage. As long as Qiu Yan is not satisfied, pursuing victory is almost certain.

"It's just that Qiu Yan will definitely not take action immediately. He has just taken the throne and will still play it safe. This is the official custom. Even if a new official takes office, he will be fired with a target. It will not be done all at once. You have to burn your own roots."

Among the crowd, Di Ai, who had a stone mask on his face, looked at the emperor on the stage and was thinking secretly.

"During this period of time, we can win over some more people, and even extend our hands into Qiu Yan's camp. Li Kuo below him is a good target. This person is greedy and has taken advantage of others. A little bit of leverage can help Take it easy.”

The thoughts are spinning in my heart, as if they are talking to myself, but in fact they are conveyed to another will in my heart.

"I know a lot about Donghua's official rules now. Since you are willing, you might as well give it a try, but don't be too confident. This Qiu Yan's behavior is very unconventional. We cannot rule out the possibility that he does not follow the ordinary path. !”

Compared with a possibility in the future, today's Di Ai is far from reaching the height and popularity of that day. Even in the aristocratic family, there are still many people secretly complaining about him, because it was one of his thoughts that made him The entire aristocratic family camp made a desperate move, but the arrow in the bow was not even shot out, and their position was disrupted.

Fortunately, everything went well during the enthronement ceremony. When the courtiers shouted long live, the new emperor took advantage of the situation and issued a general amnesty. The Xu family, Cai family, and the seven major families in Qilu and Hebei Province were all pardoned. However, these aristocratic families in the court were pardoned. Those who were officials were exterminated, all their power was lost, and many properties were confiscated by the court.

In this way, anyone with a discerning eye can see what is waiting for the future of these big families. It can be said that the division and decline is already the best ending——

Losing the power of the court, losing the source of income, and no such large property exists. Among so many tribesmen, how many people can really produce and farm, that is, some of them are responsible for the family industry, and can be proficient in business matters. Perhaps It can still be maintained, but not for long.

"Putting the fire under the cauldron, this time, the Xu family and the Cai family are completely finished."

"You can't say that. At least the clan was not exterminated and everyone is still alive and well."

"Hey, what are you saying to those young gentlemen? How can they endure the life of rich clothes and fine food, and let them live in a meager life from now on? Just watch, in a few days, there will be disaster. Maybe Marquis Dingguo will also have a headache."

As soon as the incident came out, there was inevitably a lot of discussion in the streets and alleys, and some knowledgeable people saw the clues from it.

"I'm afraid that it won't be long before the DPRK and China will have further policies. I think the game between this family and Marquis Dingguo will not end easily."

"Isn't that true? I heard that several families in the south, although they are still engaged in internal fighting, are still vaguely pointing the finger at Qiu Yan, fearing that there will be some movement in the near future."

"It's strange to say, why do you think these families are so good, but you start fighting first? But did the Marquis of Dingguo meddle in them?"

"Without certain manpower and material resources, I'm afraid it will be difficult to achieve this point. Does Marquis Dingguo have internal agents in those families? When do we start preparing for this? But when this Marquis rises, he is not considered a long-term leader. ”

"Let's wait and see the good show."

This good show was indeed staged a few days later, but it was not the back-and-forth that many people expected, but the old man from that family, headed by Sun Yun, who took the initiative to go to Beijing to plead guilty!

This caused an uproar both inside and outside the capital, and even in the official circles.

But before they could digest the news, news came one after another. The most shocking one was Shimoda's order!


"What is this Qiu Yan's plan? He actually asked all the school-age children from these aristocratic families to put aside their studies and go to work in the fields. I don't know what to say."

In the yamen of the Ministry of Rites, Di Ai, who looked gloomy, was still wondering about the order to go to the fields. This was not an order, but something close to a suggestion. However, driven by inexplicable power, many aristocratic families actually accepted this suggestion. There will be a reaction soon.

"Behind this matter, there must be luck involved. I heard that not long ago, this Qiu Yan once let the supervisors of your Imperial College experience it once. Afterwards, there were several top-notch supervisors in that class. One of them was Fang Ziyan, who had made extraordinary achievements and brought strong luck. Qiu Yan wanted to destroy the aristocratic family and squeeze out some of its value at the same time. But why the aristocratic family cooperated was hard to say. Now it seems that Qiu Yan's real purpose is probably the military strategist, because just yesterday, when everyone was paying attention to the family's actions, two southern frontier generals dismounted. "

Another will spoke in Di Ai's heart and made a plan for the next step: "The next thing to do is to tell Tian Zhizhou exactly what happened here..."


As soon as the words of this thought fell, there was a sudden noise outside the door, and then it was as if history was repeating itself, and the situation that had appeared on many occasions appeared in front of Di Ai again.

"Shilang Di, please come with us." (To be continued)

ps: Thanks to "Qu Jinyuan" and "Rong Xi" for the reward!


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