Dao Fruit

Main text Chapter 1480: Theory of Harmony with the Dao, before and after the Dao Fruit


There seemed to be thunderstorms in the cracks, which came out violently and shook the world!

In an instant, billowing chaos vibrated out of the cracks like waves, and the aftermath spread in all directions, impacting and oscillating space and time, creating waves of ripples.

The ripples radiated up and down, front and back, and in all directions. Not only did Donghua continent tremble, but many nebulae carrying the emperor's will also swayed slightly.

The stars in the nebula were shaking even more, and earth-shaking changes were taking place on them. Countless catastrophes were coming, and Qiu Yan felt them.

Then, the Red Emperor and the Yellow Emperor were seen one behind the other, condensing the brilliance of the stars, their wills attached to them, splitting through the starry sky in a blink of an eye, each pointing directly at a crack, and submerging themselves into it!

There was originally chaos roaring and scattering in the crack, like raindrops falling to the ground and splashing water, but under the impact of these two emperors' radiance, the wave of chaos actually rolled back and submerged into the crack!

The next moment, the cracks vibrated, intertwining with each other, sometimes disappearing, sometimes reappearing, vaguely connected with the mainland of Donghua Continent, and resonating with the destiny projection!

However, after the Red Emperor and the Yellow Emperor, the other emperors did not make any move, as if they were still waiting and watching, but their wills were also locked on a crack, and it seemed that they might enter at any time.

"These gaps lead to chaos? What does chaos look like?"

Seeing many reactions to the emperor's will, Qiu Yan's heart moved and he started to guess.

The name of Chaos came from the bottom of his heart after he occupied the source of the calamity, and he instinctively yearned for it. However, Qiu Yan had been through the human way, experienced the divine way for many years, and had inner demons at his side, so he could clearly tell the difference. Yearning is not my real thought. Rather, it is a remnant from the origin of the Tribulation Evil.

However, that Jie Sha's personality was extraordinary, and his residual desire was naturally no small matter.

At this time, there happened to be a voice coming from the side

"The starry sky and the universe are just our cognition, a concrete projection of the external world in our consciousness, and the chaos is the true origin. According to legend, it is the beginning and origin of everything. There is no color, no outline, There is no time, no space, and even no will to break through the cognition and see the truth!”

This voice came from the nebula of life, death, and glory. It seemed to be a peaceful word, but the tone, pitch, and accent all contained a faint rhythm. There was another kind of ripple in the ups and downs, which was clearly a supernatural power.

Qiu Yan's perception was swept away, and he actually captured many changes in the ripples. Perception and gratitude arose in my heart, and I knew that the person speaking was Qingdi.

This Qing Emperor is one of the Five Emperors of Heaven, but Qiu Yan had already expected it. I knew that this person might not really be a god, but now that I saw him, it really came true.

"This Qing Emperor should be the Great Emperor of the Taoist Sect! He is a monk. He is like a god, but with such a status, he is also in the Heavenly Court. From this point of view, the Heavenly Court is not what I thought, it is just the pinnacle of the Shinto. "

Thinking like this, Qiu Yan asked for advice again: "Thank you, His Majesty the Qing Emperor, for clarifying my doubts. I just don't know if the theory of chaos is true? If we can really break through the cognition, then we can break through thousands of changes, return to the original from all things, and break through The influence of human thoughts reveals the true universe.”

"Master Jie is friendly and insightful," the Qing Emperor praised in his mind. "I originally thought that my fellow Taoist had just become a new disciple and returned to the path of the emperor, but he couldn't really see through this. But now that I think about it, it was me who underestimated Tao. friend."

His words seemed very candid and his heart was clearly visible.

"At this level and level, there is no need to hide one's nature and plot against others. This is meaningless, so what is shown is the true temperament." Listening to Qingdi's words, Qiu Yan thought about the few people just now. After hearing the words of the emperor, he remembered the White Emperor, the Lord of Destruction, and even their brief fight with Lin Zhengyang. A little enlightenment came to his mind, and he instantly had a deeper understanding of the meaning and realm of the emperor.

The many messages that were passed on changed continuously at this moment. Most of them were absorbed and digested by him, and they had a deeper connection with the doomsday in the starry sky and universe, as if the body, perception, spiritual sense, and hair were extend.

"One word brings about a thousand changes. This is the scene of epiphany. It is also the time when I have just acquired the body of Jie Sha. I have huge development potential and broad room for improvement. Therefore, it is the time when I make the fastest progress. Therefore, I have such a performance, but this is also the case. The expansion of self-awareness, the origin of the calamity, was originally based on instinct and was completely natural. Every move seemed ignorant and disorderly, but in fact it followed the laws of heaven and earth. If you look at it for a long time, you can even get the mystery. But now I have this Will is like giving birth to a self and beginning to understand the world on its own. It seems to be making rapid progress, but in fact it is gradually moving away from Taoism and nature..."

This kind of understanding is also a clear understanding in Qiu Yan's heart, which comes from the status of an emperor.

"But there is no way around it. As long as things develop, they will gradually lose their original form. Even with this calamity evil body, the other bodies will follow the trend and realize that their innate vision and state of mind will be higher than that of Heavenly Lord and Star Lord. , It will not be difficult to become an emperor in the future, but to achieve the status of an emperor, it is not enough to rely solely on one's own perception, and some opportunities are needed. "

Precisely because he has stepped into this realm, he has a deeper and deeper understanding of the emperor's level, and knows that the extraordinary nature of this person is not only reflected in his power and realm, but also in his connection with the heaven, earth, and stars.

"Clear the heart of heaven, get rid of cause and effect, create the world, evolve the universe, be independent of cause and effect, and even have a heart. Each of these emperors is enough to derive a completely different form of civilization, which can be roughly understood as Shinto, Immortal, Buddhist, Demonic, and Ghost Tao, etc., this is also similar to the existence of Tao and Fruit, but it is not Tao and Fruit itself, because it requires skills and monks to pass it on. Compared with the teachings of human Tao sages, it seems slightly inferior, but the two are quite similar, but When Mo Sheng talked to me about it, he implicitly equated the doctrine with the Tao Fruit. What's going on?"

"Legend has it that there is another realm above the emperor." At this time, a sonorous and powerful voice came from behind, followed by a dazzling cold light. This cold light was vast and boundless, and it looked like The stars are falling straight down, and the aura of gold and iron is everywhere inside, as if all the soldiers in the starry sky have gathered here!

"Bai Emperor!" Qiu Yan knew Han Mang's identity as soon as he saw him, and was not surprised.

Bai Di's words did not stop, "Beyond the emperor, it can be called the supreme. That realm is unpredictable. If the emperor only sees the heart of the sky clearly, cannot be restrained by the stars, and cannot be restrained by history, then the supreme is omnipresent and omnipresent. No, what it shows is exactly the power of Tao and Fruit!"

"The power of Dao Fruit?" Qiu Yan's mind was spinning, recalling the information related to Dao Fruit in his mind. In addition to processing his own memory, there were also some Dao Fruit imprints from the tribulations in various places in the starry sky, and he gradually became enlightened.

From the other side, a voice came out: "The theory of Tao and Fruit is mysterious, but it has not been decided whether mastering Tao and Fruit can advance to the supreme level, or whether after advancing to the supreme level, one can plant Tao in the starry sky and spread the fruit to the universe. , even if we, the emperors, can achieve what others cannot achieve, and we have different concepts and seem to be omnipotent, we are still not considered to be Tao and Fruit. As for the human sages, their teachings are similar to Tao and Fruit, and they are manifested in people's hearts, but It is not an emperor itself, but is similar to an emperor, so it cannot be counted. "

As the voice fell, three figures were seen walking step by step from the depths of the starry sky. The figures were extremely huge. Every step they took caused the starry sky to vibrate and the stars to sway. It seemed that the entire starry sky was collapsing with each step. Reorganizing and reaching some kind of balance.

Even the already somewhat expanded Donghua Continent, its land, oceans, and the expanding chaotic cyclones from the outside world combined are no bigger than the little fingernails of these three giants!

"These three people..." Heisha, who carried Qiu Yan's will, also changed a few times at this time, radiating his thoughts to explore the three figures.

This kind of thought exploration is different from releasing perception and spiritual awareness, but directly contacting the evil spirits

Wherever those three figures passed, it was a disaster for the surroundings, which was exactly what Qiu Yan said, and he could clearly detect it.

The next moment, a clear picture appears in my mind

The three giants are almost naked, but strange lines can be seen on the surface of the skin, like ancient writings, revealing a profound atmosphere and appearing unfathomable. Behind their heads, there are wheels, like all the worlds. , all rotate in it.

At the same time, the person on the left was covered in black energy, and the starry sky was shattered and destroyed wherever he passed. The person on the right was shining brightly, recreating the place of destruction, but it was completely different from the original atmosphere and artistic conception.

The two forces of Destruction and Life were supposed to be in opposition, but due to the gentle aura of the person in the middle, they were offset by each other, harmonized and merged, and turned into a yin and yang.

"These are the three bodies divided by the Supreme Heaven, the three great emperors! The Lord of Creation, the Lord of Balance, and the Lord of Destruction! Among them, I still have an impression of the aura of the Lord of Destruction! The words that were said before were attributed to these three people. Yes, but according to rumors, the Supreme Heaven also attacks a higher realm, is it the so-called Supreme? "

The Lord of Creation, whose whole body was shining with light, walked over and said, "I, myself, hit the highest level, but in the end I found something strange. I should have combined my body with the Tao, and from then on took charge of destruction, regeneration and balance. This is the manifestation of the Tao fruit." Transformation, permeating everything, but at the end it stopped, stopped on the threshold, and fell into a deep sleep. But before falling asleep, good thoughts, evil thoughts and obsessions condensed into three incarnations, which are us. "

"Hedao?" Qiu Yan tasted the word thoughtfully.

The Lord of Balance, whose body shows the yin and yang phase, nodded and said: "Yes, when the body is combined with the Tao, the Tao is the body, and the fruits of the Tao can be seen everywhere, so it can be called the real fruit of the Tao. As for the theory, the practice Regardless of the path, there are still constraints after all, and it cannot be regarded as the true path."

But the Lord of Destruction, whose body exploded with black light and kept destroying stars, sneered: "If the Lord of Tribulation is unclear, there is no need to ask, because the result will appear soon!"

"The result of Hedao will appear soon?" Qiu Yan's thoughts jumped when he heard this!

The next moment, countless causal threads shot out from the depths of the void! (To be continued...)

ps: Thanks to "A Lazy Man in the Book" and "Qian Yizi" for the reward!

Thanks to "arthu 色s", "Maple Leaf Under the Moon", "Xianyin Magic Song", "Depressed", "My Sister is Xuanxuan", "Great Desert 1", and "Rising Sun" for your monthly votes!

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