Dao Fruit

Text Chapter 1481 Cause and Effect

"Causal line?"

Those threads of cause and effect are completely different from before. One by one, one by one, it seems that wisdom and consciousness are born. They are no longer simply things used to build connections between each other!

As soon as Qiu Yan saw it, he gathered up the black evil, but because the causal thread came too fast, and the space occupied by the black evil was too vast, the edge was finally entangled by several causal threads, and the edge suddenly exploded , the group of black demons was actually pulled towards it!

Later, the concept of calamity contained in the black evil spirit was directly entangled with the threads of cause and effect. At first, there were only a few threads of cause and effect, but as many connections were found from the calamity, they grew rapidly, increased, and increased. In the blink of an eye, From a few roots, hundreds, thousands, or tens of thousands of roots extend!

The silk threads were entangled layer by layer. From the initial doom, they penetrated deep into all directions in the starry sky, linking countless people, ten in a row, ten in a hundred, hundreds and thousands. In a few breaths, the infinite silk threads spread all over the starry sky, and then trembled. 》し

A gigantic thing that seemed both virtual and real bounced and slid on the silk thread, light and fast, but with its huge body, it did not give in to the three masters of creation, destruction, and balance, forming a strong contrast.

As soon as he saw this figure, Qiu Yan knew the reason.

"Causal Spider!"

It can be said that this is the first time he has seen the Karma Spider, the first time he has faced the Karma Spider directly. He has always only heard the name of this thing and has never seen the real thing. Now when he saw it, he was shocked!

In that huge body, the indifferent and endless aura and artistic conception are constantly exuding. Even the surrounding starry sky was affected, and there were already several clusters of nebulae in the starry sky. There are infinite creatures inside. Even though they were affected by the previous changes, there are still a large number of them. At this time, they are affected by this indifferent mood, between creatures and creatures, between creatures and things, and between events. All kinds of friendships, contacts, connections. All dissipated, transformed into a cold, direct and straightforward causal connection.

If there is a cause, there will be an effect; if there is no cause, there will be no effect!

Countless stars, infinite creatures, and countless incidents appeared at this moment along with the lines of cause and effect. It is so clear and simple that even a three-year-old child can follow it line by line and figure out the connections between them.

At this moment, it seemed as if the complexity in the world had turned into the simplest threads.

But above these countless threads, there is an indifferent will, like iron and ice, and it cannot even be simply called a will. The meaning of "Tai Shang" was so clear that Qiu Yan couldn't help but think of one word.

"The Supreme Being forgets his love!"

Then, the lines of cause and effect entangled themselves, merged with the huge thing, and turned into a cocoon in an instant, as if something was being conceived, waiting for an opportunity to come out.

"You can't leave now! You have to wait!"

Instinctively, Qiu Yan had this thought in his heart, and then he gathered up the evil spirits and released his senses. Among the entangled black evil spirits, the cause and effect became clearer. He did not destroy or unravel the evil spirits, but simply explained the ins and outs of the evil spirits. Sorting it out clearly, but just such a simple thing, made the entire disaster clear, and many of the horrors inside disappeared.

Fear, many times, comes from the unknown.

"However, more often than not, the irresistible fate will arouse great terror in the heart. The disaster is clear, but it cannot be avoided. You can only wait for death. This kind of terror cannot be dissipated even if the cause and effect is clear! However, this cause and effect What kind of existence is the spider? Is it the legendary Hedao? But now it seems that although this causal spider has a high status and state of mind, it is not unattainable. Yes, you can fight it.”

"It seems that it is within reach, but it is so close to the end of the world, and the slightest difference is thousands of miles away!" At this time, the words of the Qing Emperor came from the side, followed by the nebula of reincarnation filled with infinite vitality and decay, and the billowing breath came from the stars like waves. Spewing out from the depths!

As soon as it came out, the nebula quickly moved away, whether in space or time, and the breath that came out quickly derived the artistic conception of reincarnation from the simple breath, and finally turned into a concept, manifesting a human figure. .

This man had a calm demeanor and exuded a natural aura. As soon as Qiu Yan's perception fell on this man, a word came to his mind:

Tao follows nature.

Looking again, I saw that it was a young man wearing a simple Taoist robe, holding a whisk in his hand, and with his hair disheveled. His face was not handsome, but his facial features were just right, neither adding anything nor losing anything, making people feel comfortable. .

"This is the humble Taoist body of the poor Taoist. It was condensed in order to interfere with the matter of the starry sky. Otherwise, if you only rely on this starry sky law or the derived incarnation, you don't have to worry about dealing with the emperor and below, but you can deal with the causal spider that has combined with the Tao. , But there is nothing I can do." The young man spoke, his voice was mellow, like a clear spring in the mountains, with a clear tinkling tone between the ups and downs, making people unable to take their ears away once they heard it.

Qiu Yan knew clearly that this Qing Emperor was introducing him specially for him.

"This man is actually magnanimous and gentle, just like a white jade gentleman. If he hadn't explored a little bit about his past and feet, and knew that he was extremely immortal and cut off the human way, I might have thought he was a fellow practitioner of Confucianism and Taoism. But from Qingdi's words, it seems that It is certain that the Karma Spider is the one who is in harmony with the Tao. Doesn’t that mean it has achieved the fruit of the Tao?”

Thinking about it, Qiu Yan looked at the chaotic cyclone around Donghua. It was violent and raging, but the cracks around it were increasing rapidly. As for the will of the Yellow Emperor and the Red Emperor, there was no trace of it.

"Not only are there no traces, but even the causal connection and the concept of existence are somewhat blurred. They seem to be moving away quickly in time and space. In this chaos, it is really weird. No wonder it can attract the infusion of so many emperors. It's just that When the two emperors entered, they were probably looking for a mystery, but why didn’t the Qing Emperor and the Blood Prison Emperor show any signs of movement? Furthermore, it seemed that the Qing Emperor was planning to take action?”

"It won't happen if you don't take action!"

The sonorous sound started again, and in the cold light that seemed to open up the starry sky and the universe, a white figure slowly walked out, dressed in white clothes, a long sword, and white hair. It looked very monotonous, but Qiu Yan never looked back. It tastes of an extremely pure edge, and has an artistic conception of endless fighting and chaotic fighting.

It seems that as long as there is a fight, there is the White Emperor, and as long as there is a desire to fight, it will be known to him. Even if he is an emperor, he cannot avoid it if he is not deliberately deceived and shielded.

Then, the man in monotonous white clothes walked forward step by step, with a cold light flashing on his body, conveying a lot of information. Qiu Yan took advantage of the situation and knew one thing clearly.

This is the White Emperor sword body!

"This is the emperor's body, which is based on a sharp edge and has been tempered for countless years. With this body, he can take three strikes. As long as he is hit, there will be no follow-up. The past and future will be cut off! It is the emperor, the same I will be silent for a thousand years! Now, there are still two chances to take action." After the white emperor came out, he confronted Qingdi Taoist body.

The Qing Emperor smiled slightly: "Pindao fell because of Brother Bai's sword. The charm in it is still unforgettable. But now is not the time to discuss this. Let's stop the Karma Spider first."

Feeling what the two of them said, Qiu Yan came up with some guesses, but did not go into details. He just tasted a little bit from the names of the Dao Body and the Sword Body.

"However, it seems that in order to deal with such a situation, the White Emperor and the Qing Emperor have specially condensed some kind of existence similar to the Dharma body or incarnation to interfere with matter. Could it be that he cannot directly condense the body? Or maybe it is the directly condensed body Does the shape have some kind of flaw?”

Thinking of this, Qiu Yan's black evil occupying the vast starry sky began to stir in an instant. A black hole seemed to be formed in the center, with no bottom visible, driving a violent whirlpool and sucking in all the surrounding black evil.

The black evil spirit rotated and condensed. Although it occupied the vast starry sky, the condensation was only a matter of breath. In a blink of an eye, it became the original black evil spirit. It then solidified, giving birth to a head, torso and limbs. The appearance was pitch black. The color was directly extracted, and with a hula, it became a robe that clung to the body.

In the blink of an eye, the Black Evil that occupied a large space in the starry sky disappeared, replaced by a young man wearing black clothes and a black cloak. He was exactly the appearance of the Black Evil, and his appearance was similar to that of Qiu Yan. The human body is different, but it follows the appearance of Qiu Yan's previous life.

"After all, he is an innate emperor who was born and raised by the earth. He doesn't have to work hard like us to interfere in the starry sky and the universe." Standing beside him, the Qing Emperor was amazed when he saw this.

"This is also normal, because such a natural emperor is equivalent to the Tao body and the corresponding body that we have specially condensed, because its true foundation is the concept that pervades the universe, such as the cause and effect of the causal spider, this calamity The Lord is calamity.”

Bai Di also nodded. His sword body was straight and straight, just like a long sword when he stood there. His face was also sharp, and his eyes shone with a cold light. When he looked out, all the monks under the sixth realm were shocked. If you can survive the injury, it will be an opportunity to understand the essence of the way of gold and iron.

As he spoke, he looked at Qingdi again: "You use the stars as the basis, and what you condense is the Tao body. I use the war light as the root, and what is derived is the sword body. But the Karma Spider and the Tribulation Lord are the Tao Fruit. Ben, I heard from my master that when the Cause and Effect Spider had not yet joined the Tao, he once said that a born emperor has effects first and causes later. It is as if the starry sky and the universe forcibly condensed the causes in order to make up for its own mistakes. , and our promotion is also related to this."

"Huh? Can you tell me in detail?" At this time, a hoarse voice came from the side, but a black shadow floated over from the dark hole.

Qiu Yan's mind swept away and he knew that it was the Lord of the Demon Realm who forcibly poured his demonic thoughts into a heavenly demon and then came over.

As soon as the thought of carrying this demon came, he asked again: "Is this demon also considered a born emperor?"

"Your Excellency cannot be regarded as a born emperor," the Qing Emperor smiled when he saw it, "but you are not an acquired emperor. If you count, you should be a false chaos..." (To be continued. (.))

ps: Thanks to "Shen Dansheng" for the reward!

Thanks to "Primary School Student 6666" and "Mahogany 1982" for their monthly votes!

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