Dao Fruit

Text Chapter 278 The Yin-Yang Tower is suspicious, and the Kitchen God Mountain is burning water

Underworld, Daochenghuang's domain, fourth floor of Yin-Yang Tower.

"Feng Zhen", the god of sending children, sat cross-legged here for a long time.

Around them, there are seven separate gates, each exuding a completely different aura, with uncertain reality and reality. It seems that there is a lot of secrets hidden, which are kept secret.

That day, Feng Zhen and Huo went out to capture the devil's mother, but in the end they returned empty-handed, and even the golden armor weapon talisman was lost. It can be said that they suffered heavy losses, and even Lian Ping Shen was shocked when he heard about it.

But Feng Zhen, who was responsible, didn't react much. He just sat cross-legged on the fourth floor from that day on, silent. Even when Tong Jushen personally came to inquire, he ignored it, which was extremely abnormal.

However, Shinto is elusive, and the gods are affected by the incense of the believers, and are even more affected by the thoughts and ideas. If the believers or the gods themselves are stimulated and their thoughts and ideas change, it will also lead to drastic changes in temperament. There are many such examples.

Losing the military talisman is not a trivial matter in the first place, and coupled with the fact that he has been thinking about it for decades, he finally fell short. It is not surprising that Feng Zhen felt heavy pressure and his temperament changed drastically.

Therefore, Tongjuan Shen did not show many doubts about this. Even if he did, he would hide it to prevent outsiders from discovering it.

You must know that although the two gods are in harmony on the surface, their divine power is on the side. If the two gods share, there will always be conflicts. Naturally, they cannot be seen externally, but they cannot really be at heart with each other, and they are still on guard against each other.


"Feng Zhen" opened his closed eyes, and in the depths of his eyes, a ray of blue light flashed away, and his whole person was full of momentum.

"Unexpectedly, the Taoist priest who competed with me for the furnace that day actually came to my door and brought the Hunshi Bronze Furnace over! However, there was a strong Taoist aura surrounding this person. Compared with the seven gates of the Yin-Yang Tower, I don’t want to give in too much. Someone gives me a pillow when I feel sleepy. I sit here quietly for a long time. I have a little understanding of the mysteries of the Netherland Realm and have mastered the method of Bao Gao, but I still don’t know the key to the Seven Gates of Taoism. I’m fine now. There is something to learn from!”

After thinking about it, he stood up, turned around and walked back.

other side.

"God Feng Zhen is now desperate. He is staying on the fourth floor without any concealment. He must be trying to understand the secrets of the Yin-Yang Tower. He has made up his mind to get rid of Daochenghuang before he comes back. The constraints of the Fu Zhuan projection are just that things will not be that simple. If you are not careful, you will be cut off from the divine way. I will wait and see what happens. If he really gains something, I can also intervene."

On the second floor of the tower, there is a hall. The Tongjuan Shen, who has just finished handling trivial matters, is sitting on a chair. Looking at the ball of light in front of him, his mind was spinning and he was making calculations.

The light and shadow in that ball of light changed, presenting a lifelike scene. It is the fourth floor of the tower, and Qimen and Feng Zhen are reflected inside.


Suddenly, Tong Juan Shen raised his eyebrows. The body leaned forward slightly, his eyes fixed on the light, with a look of astonishment on his face.

The scene in the glow changed, but "Feng Zhen" who was sitting still had already stood up, then turned around and walked to the Bagua plate without looking back, then transformed into light and disappeared.

"Did Feng Zhen actually move? Could it be that he already got what he wanted? No! No, his breath has not changed at all!"

The Tongjuan Shen was stunned for a moment, and then several "Puff-Puff-Puff" sounds were heard in the mid-air around him, and clusters of brilliance bloomed. In each cluster, every scene of the Yin-Yang Tower and the Netherland Realm was reflected. Of course, This does not include parts above three floors.

Immediately afterwards, he let go of his senses, connected with the rays of light, and explored the changes in the Yin-Yang Tower and the Law Domain. The look of doubt on his face became more intense: "This Feng Zhen left the Yin-Yang Tower and actually left the Hades Realm directly. , and instead of going back to his own legal domain, he went deep into the underworld..."

After finding out the other party's whereabouts, Tong Jushen's expression gradually became serious.

After Feng Zhen came back, his temperament changed. It can be said that he was depressed because of the failure of the arrest. It should be noted that for decades, he had laid many secret tricks in order to obtain the devil's mother's divine talisman seal, and he even did not hesitate to secretly assassinate Chen Cang. , affecting the arrest of the Yinsi. Now, Lu Liang finally went to heaven and left an order for them to do things conveniently. The devil's mother and son were exposed again. It was really a God-given opportunity.

Feng Zhen made many plans, and even used Huo Zheng as a shield. Everything was ready before he took action, but the result was in vain. Under disappointment and despair, his temperament changed drastically. It is not surprising.

After all, everything before was done within the scope of Shinto rules and was just a small gesture. But now if you leave without saying goodbye, you are suspected of disobeying the Tao City God's order, and you are not returning to your own legal domain. Instead, you will go deep into the underworld and become more harmonious. Divine instinct is contrary to nature.

It should be noted that Cong Shen's Netherland Law Domain is close to Zhengshen, and Feng Zhen's Netherland Law Domain is right next to Daochenghuang's Law Domain.

After thinking about it, Tongpan Shen sent out a divine thought. Soon after, a seventh-level god came in, bowed and saluted, and called "Sir."

"I would like to help you, fellow Taoist, to go to the Huozheng Dharma Domain and deliver a message for me. The Son-Sending God is temporarily away for some reason, so this order will be subject to me alone." The Tongpan God immediately gave the order and at the same time condensed a group of gods. Read it and leave it to the other person.

"Going to the Huozheng Dharma Realm to send a message?" The seventh-grade god looked troubled, "Why not send it directly through thoughts?"

"This matter is of great importance, and there is no room for error." God Tongpan said, and handed over another token. The underworld and the wind, the gods of less than five levels, will lose themselves if they go deep into it, so they must have objects to protect themselves.

The seventh-level god hesitated for a moment, then finally agreed, took the token, and turned around to leave.

According to the rules that Lü Liang left before he left, issuing orders requires the consent of both Tongpan God and Songzi God, so even if he noticed Feng Zhen's abnormality, Tongpan God would find it difficult to investigate. Now Feng Zhen's departure has given him the opportunity to monopolize power.

Looking at the back of the seventh-rank god as he left, Tongpan God fell into deep thought.

"What happened when arresting Guizimu? It actually made Feng Zhen change so much that he didn't even take the orders of Daochenghuang to heart and dared to leave without permission. However, he left this time, it is very likely that he had some enlightenment, I must prepare in advance"

Thinking about it, his eyes fell on the light ball reflecting the scene on the fourth floor, his eyes were burning.


But the Songzi God "Feng Zhen", after leaving the Yin-Yang Tower and the Daochenghuang domain, flew away all the way, thousands of miles in a flash, but while flying, his figure was slowly changing, changing color, deforming, and soon faded away from the appearance of "Feng Zhen", wearing a gray robe, with hair like fire.

Stove God!

This "Feng Zhen" is the deity disguised as the original deity, lurking in the domain of the Taoist city god.

In fact, during the fierce battle that day, the original deity captured Guizimu and the God of Childbirth and imprisoned them. He could grasp the movements at any time, and he could also draw out his divine thoughts to cover his own divine power fluctuations, which made it very convenient to disguise himself. Even his memory could be barely checked.

However, Qiu Yan did not have the mind to carefully figure it out to be foolproof, but completely let go of his distracting thoughts and took advantage of this opportunity to enter the Yin-Yang Tower again and comprehend the mystery with peace of mind. It was not until Taoist Feibao invaded Zaoshan that his domain was shaken, and he interrupted his perception, but he had already gained a lot.

"That Taoist came at the right time."

The domain of the original deity covered Zaoshan. As soon as Taoist Feibao invaded, Qiu Yan had a sense of it, and he used his divine thoughts to remotely sense and mobilize the black abyss heavy water in the mountain to launch a counterattack.

However, the Taoist Feibao's skills have improved a lot compared to before. If they rely on their spiritual thoughts to fight from a distance, there are still variables, so Qiu Yan asked the original body to go.

At this moment, his divine body was flying all the way. Halfway through, as the speed increased, the surrounding domain began to fluctuate, and finally disappeared out of thin air!

Without passing through any medium, he directly entered the Yin-Yang Road!


Wow! Wow! Wow!

The whole Zaoshan has been covered by black water. This water is different from ordinary water. It does not flow to the lower place, but spreads out irregularly, travels up and down, and wraps the whole Zaoshan.

Several more black water dragons broke out of the water and rushed into the air!

There, Feibao was hanging in the air. When he saw this situation, he was not panicked. He opened his mouth and spit out a little Yang fire. Then his soul turned in his body, releasing a series of spiritual consciousness and condensing a little heart fire!

The heart fire combined with the Yang fire and turned into true fire!

Taoist true fire is not ordinary fire. It needs two fires to be compatible to form. If you can add another fire, you can practice Samadhi true fire, which is very powerful and has various wonderful uses.

However, this flying leopard has two fires in his body. He can become true fire, but he can't practice Samadhi.

After the fire rushed out, it immediately scattered, and was absorbed by the red beads around it.

There are a total of 108 of these beads, each of which is crystal clear. After absorbing the true fire, it began to brew, and a little vitality was born in its deepest part!

At this time, the flying leopard opened his mouth and sang: "Every bead is red, the red flower and purple veins give birth to the golden man, the golden man water and soil are combined, and the yellow buds are refined into white snow!"

In the singing, black water dragons have already rushed over and blocked him from all directions!

This black dragon was condensed from the black abyss heavy water. This water originated from the soul of the Qionglong in the mountain and can be controlled by the heavy water bracelet. After being subdued by Qiu Yan, it was refined several times before it could be used.

This kind of water looks ordinary and black in color, but in fact it is extremely dense. Even a drop of it requires an adult to use all his strength to lift it up. Moreover, it is extremely cold. As long as you get a drop of it, you will feel like you are in the coldest days of winter.

Containing dragon power inside and heavy water outside, once it hits the ground, even if the flying leopard has magical powers comparable to those of a fourth-grade god, his flesh and blood body will be severely damaged.

But at this moment, the 108 beads around him suddenly exploded and turned into flames, which contained abundant vitality and directly hit the black water dragon shape!


The black water collapsed and the dragon shape disappeared.

Then, the 108 points of flames full of vitality fell down and fell into the black water all over the mountain.

The next moment, the black water churned, and hot breath and bubbles roared out!

"Look at me, Feibao. Today, I will use the Yellow Buds of Earth to burn the water in the mountains!"

Just as he finished speaking, a whirlpool suddenly erupted in the center of the black water, rising up and rushing into the sky. A figure with a blue glow all over his body emerged from it. (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature. The novels are better and updated faster!

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