Dao Fruit

$ Text Chapter 279: Dragon outside the earth, fire becomes samadhi

At the same time as this blue figure appeared, the entire Zao Mountain trembled slightly, and thoughts flooded in!

The entire mountain seems to have become a person, constantly radiating thoughts and thoughts!

These thoughts spread like a tide, and dropped like raindrops, landing at the foot of the mountain, merging into a famous monster, and even falling on the earthly warrior who kept attacking!

Then, thoughts invaded and the light of divine thoughts flashed!

The panic-stricken group of monsters, after being infected by the thoughts, immediately showed a peaceful and calm artistic conception, and a shining statue of the god was revealed deep in their hearts!

Afterwards, the strength of many monsters increased greatly, and their whole bodies surged with energy! A burst of divine power!


During the melee, a little demon with two souls punched out and hit the earth-walking warrior on the opposite side. It knocked the opponent back seven or eight steps, and cracks appeared in the body made of earth and gravel!

Only then did they realize the role of the idol in their hearts.

However, there are also some strong-willed demons who have refined the three souls and resisted the invasion of thoughts, so they have no spirit in their hearts, but they have good supernatural powers and are not afraid at all.

On the other side, the earth warrior who was also infiltrated by thoughts was acting strangely. His body was shaking, his hands and feet were stiff, and he felt like he was not functioning properly!

When the demons saw this, they immediately knew that the opportunity had come, and how could they let it pass!

"It's time to counterattack!" On the hill, General Hao kicked off the situation and flew into the air. His figure expanded and deformed, turning into a huge porcupine. He curled up and smashed it to the ground, turning into a huge meat wheel. , scrolling rapidly.


The ground shook, leaving deep grooves wherever the flesh wheel passed. Earth warriors along the way were even knocked away and shattered!

Suddenly, the situation reversed!

Looking down from the sky, one can see the earth warriors retreating steadily.

"Incredible. Incredible. As expected of a god, he just showed up and used his spiritual thoughts to immediately reverse the situation!"

Feibao first took a look at the situation at the foot of the mountain, then turned his eyes and landed on the blue figure, his face showing joy.

At the same time, the voice in the furnace said: "The last time this god fought with you, he was only at the fifth level. Now look at the divine light on his body. He has clearly been promoted to the fourth level! If he were not canonized by the gods, he would be a natural god. I am afraid he would have variable!"

"What are you thinking about so much? Now that you're here, you have to fight it first!" Feibao laughed, his eyes focused, and he opened his mouth and blew out a mouthful of yang energy. Then he released his spiritual consciousness, threw the whip in his hand, and controlled it with his spiritual consciousness. . And the Yang fire is also poured into the whip.


Then he saw the flames rise, and the entire whip turned into a fire whip. The flames were golden and hot, rushing downwards. It was a raging fire snake, roaring away!

Seeing the spirit that rushed out of the black water, he raised his hand and pointed, and light burst out from his fingertips. A ball of stove fire rose up, twisted into one, and flew out of the air.

The next moment. The fire snake collided with the stove fire.


The fire in the stove was so strong that it swallowed up the snake in a flash!

Refining! incineration!

"Hey! You fell into the trap!" When Feibao saw this scene, he smiled and raised his hand to seal! At the same time, he threw the copper furnace in his hand, and the mouth of the furnace surged, spewing out purple sand and red powder!

Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

The next moment, one hundred and eight sparks shot out from the faintly boiling black water, each containing a strong breath of life! There is still a hint of darkness in the depths of Mars, heavy! dense! cold! It surprisingly incorporates a bit of the properties of the Black Abyss Heavy Water!

"Purple sand and red powder are fluttering in random directions, and green dragon paste is fluttering in random directions!"

Amid the words, the airflow in the air suddenly became chaotic!

See red pink, purple sand, and one hundred and eight points of Mars gathered together!

In the blink of an eye, the stove fire and the fire snake inside were wrapped up, and then it suddenly swelled!


The momentum surged!

"Huh?" Qiu Yan's heart moved, and he felt that the stove fire that had been sent out had lost contact with himself. Then he stared with his eyes and saw a figure in the air, which turned out to be a huge divine dragon!

This dragon is green in color, with a faint smell of black water. The surface seems to be coated with a layer of ointment, flowing faintly, and it is full of vitality inside!

"It's so full of vitality, just like real life." God's eyes moved, and his sight penetrated the surface and captured one hundred and eight breaths inside. Each one was surging with vitality, revealing an artistic conception that was the same as that of Mars just now.

"No wonder the Taoist priest said that the yellow bud is indeed full of the breath of virginity! I don't know how it was refined!"

Yellow bud is a Taoist term, which refers to the scene when the innate Qi is first born, from the smallest to the smallest, such as the buds that sprout after a seed is put into the soil. Although it is tiny, it contains infinite vitality. Yellow is loess, and buds are. sprout.

Now, Taoist Master Feibao used yellow buds as a guide, combined with red ying and purple veins, and took advantage of the power of the black water, combined with purple sand and red powder, to make elixirs on the spot!

"Good means!" Even Qiu Yan couldn't help but admire the other party's courage and means, but admiration was admiration, and he had no intention of letting it go. The other party was already knocking on his door, so how could he retreat?

I saw the god's body swelled up and released ripples. The world around Zao Mountain changed immediately. Pieces of soil flew up from the ground, merged with the stove fire, and turned into ceramic balls. They flew rapidly through the air. One part flew towards Taoist Feibao, and the other part flew towards Taoist Master Feibao. Then gather towards Qinglong!

On the other hand, there are chains of cause and effect and destiny revealed in the sky. In Qiu Yan's thoughts, there is a tendency to reverse changes!

The fourth-level gods can reverse the luck in the legal domain and interfere with cause and effect!

This revelation made the god himself see the red pillar of air on Taoist Feibao's head, soaring straight into the sky!

This is a manifestation of great luck! It means that this person's luck is far greater than others. As long as he moves in accordance with the luck, he can achieve his wish!

With this kind of luck, even if the gods intervene, it will only make the air column slightly bent. If you want to twist or reverse it, you will not only consume divine power, but also be involved in cause and effect, and support the twist for a while.

Even so, the Taoist priest Feibao still felt it at the first time.

"Wow! You actually want to touch my luck!" Feeling this, he was in a critical situation, rushed forward, and got into the Hunshi Copper Furnace!

As soon as a person entered the furnace, the pillar of great luck was covered.

My eyes followed the figure of Feibao and fell on the copper furnace, and then I was shocked.

I saw that the furnace was densely covered with cause and effect chains, some thick, some thin, layered, covering the entire furnace body. Tightening little by little, and then embedding into the furnace.

Previously, the domain of the deity had not been unfolded, so it was not felt. Now, even the deity felt chilled. If it was entangled by so many causes and effects, it would be pulled down from the throne sooner or later.

"This Taoist priest is really not afraid of death. He dares to carry such things with him all the time, huh?" Suddenly. Qiu Yan's heart moved, and his divine eyes saw a little bit of human light in the layers of cause and effect chains, resisting the erosion of cause and effect.

"This human light... So that's it! This copper furnace needs the power of humanity to block the entanglement of cause and effect! Therefore, the demand for furnace fire is very great! This time the Taoist priest attacked, it is very likely because of this reason!"

When Qiu Yan changed his mind. A soul suddenly flew out of the furnace mouth!

The soul was floating, and it was exactly the appearance of Taoist Priest Feibao. He smiled and sent thoughts in his soul. Singing out loud--

"Young beauty, old white tiger, refined dragon ointment and tiger brain. The wish-fulfilling treasure on the Changsheng Palace is nothing compared to ten thousand taels of gold. If you can light the mercury, you will never grow old! Although I am not a tiger brain, not as good as my senior brother, I can be a leopard head and leopard brain. It is more than enough!"

After the words fell, the soul moved, roared, turned into a leopard, rippled, and blasted more than a dozen ceramic balls away.

After these ceramic balls flew out, they exploded in the air, setting off a violent wind and heat wave!

At the same time, flames broke out all over the body of Qinglong, but the ceramic balls exploded one by one, blasting the body of the dragon to pieces. Although there was vitality replenishment, it was too late and it was about to disappear.

At this time, the soul leopard turned in the air and rushed to Qinglong. The collapsing Qinglong immediately stretched out his dragon claws, the fire rippled, and the fluctuation of divine thoughts was emitted, with a hint of refining!

The exploding flames were affected by this state of mind and immediately weakened!

The original god watched from above, his face showing astonishment: "So that's how it is. You wrapped my divine fire inside, and you actually made up your mind to refine it. This method is really novel!"

The Azure Dragon on the opposite side spoke: "Yes! It is to give him back in his own way. I wonder if my Earth Yuan Pill is still pleasing to you?"

"Earth Yuan Pill? This whole Azure Dragon is actually the Earth Yuan Pill? The Taoist method is really amazing." The original god said, and the information about the Earth Yuan Pill flowed through his mind--

This is what he saw in a Confucian classic. After all, it is a Confucian classic, so it is only mentioned slightly, saying that there is a three-yuan method, divided into human yuan, earth yuan, and heaven yuan. Human yuan is oneself, earth yuan is an external pill, and heaven yuan is a natural thing. Each has its own usefulness and infinite uses.

However, Qiu Yan did not expect to see the Earthly Primordial Pill today, and this pill was different from what he thought. It was not a round object, but a green dragon!

As he spoke, the green dragon exhaled and whistled over.

The body of the deity flashed and he easily dodged it, but the dragon head on the opposite side swung, and the whole dragon flew over quickly, with unparalleled momentum, and the continuous dragon body drove the surrounding airflow and turned into a strong wind.

At the foot of the mountain, many monsters saw the scene above and were instinctively afraid!

The ointment flowed everywhere on the dragon's body, revealing 108 acupoints, breathing in and out, swallowing spiritual energy, rippling the space, and the mighty power that burst out, even the talismans and Li Gua of the deity were sensed, and trembled faintly!

"Hmm? This Earthly Primordial Pill, in terms of combat power alone, must have exceeded the level of the third realm of cultivators, otherwise the talisman would not have been responsive and the Li Gua would not have vibrated!"

Faced with the roar of the Azure Dragon, Qiu Yan was not panicked. The original body of the God remained calm, and the body of God moved, turning into blue light, rushing forward!

The Azure Dragon also opened his mouth and exhaled, and the heart fire, yang fire, and the forcibly restrained divine fire combined into one!

The Samadhi True Fire came out!

"I want to see if your divine body can withstand the burning and forging of the Samadhi True Fire!" The thought of the flying leopard came from the Azure Dragon.

But the blue light transformed by the original body of the God suddenly swayed, and dissipated at the moment of contact with the Samadhi True Fire, turning into strands of divine thoughts!

At the same time, the Hunshi Copper Furnace moved downwards and fell rapidly towards the top of Zaoshan Mountain! (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature. Novels are better and updated faster!

ps: Thanks to "Character Without Love", "Crazy Little Mouse", "Fallen Paradise", "Wing Wind Sword Dance", "Sui Ye Feng Leng" for their monthly votes!

Thanks to "909040591" for the reward!

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