Dao Fruit

Main text Chapter 427 How can one be fooled by a pill?


In the Wenxuan Building, Qiu Yan felt something in his heart. As soon as his thoughts changed, the Li Gua in the spirit body shook slightly, echoing the core talisman of the third grade. Divine power and incense thoughts floated over. All kinds of causes and effects were immediately clear, and a majestic figure was clearly constructed.

Immediately, Qiu Yan understood and knew the identity of this person.

"Master Yuxu..."

After recognizing his identity, Qiu Yan was not in a hurry. He drove his body and mind to shuttle through the Li hexagram a few times, pulling the causal lines. Fragments immediately emerged in his mind, all of which were things that might happen in the future, like a tree. In the same way, the main body of the matter is deduced and then bifurcated, deriving various relatively independent situations.

"The ability of the third grade is really no small matter. The connection between the divine body and the cause and effect of heaven and earth is getting closer and closer. This inference is more accurate and detailed."

Thinking of this, Qiu Yan has already made a decision. At this time, the few lines of words he wrote are almost completed. These words exude vitality and vitality, and write a paragraph of sentiment. Each word falls on a checkerboard grid, neatly , chic.

The whole hall was very quiet and you could hear a pin drop.

Qiu Yan flipped his wrist, signed his name at the end of the article, and then stood up. This action caused the chair behind him to make a "clatter" sound, which was particularly clear in the quiet hall, and woke up a Confucian scholar.

"Huh? What happened just now?"

"I seemed to be hallucinating and experiencing a life."

"I remember being an official..."

Voices of discussion rang out from everywhere. When Qiu spoke and wrote, the literary thoughts and energy he exuded infected these Confucian scholars, causing them to fall into the shadow of their hearts and experience changes in people's hearts.

However, they did not have the opportunity to come into contact with the power of order. They just fell into Qiu Yan's literary thoughts.

Even so, Qiu Yan has now advanced to the third level, comprehended a little bit of the true meaning of humanities, and developed the sentiments of the people. He poured it into his pen and wrote on the chessboard. The literary thoughts and Qi and blood he exuded are combined, and the projection in his mind is no small matter, and it is not limited to one person. This article also contains many people's sentiments, expresses Qiu Yan's inner thoughts, constructs the dream in his heart, and allows these Confucian scholars to taste life from it.

Thinking back on it now, the Confucian scholars all seemed to be thinking about the reason, and then they all turned their heads to look at Qiu Yan, feeling awe in their hearts, knowing that it was related to him.

In this world, there are things about ghosts and ghosts. Scholars are far away from ghosts and gods, but there are also sayings such as awe-inspiring aura. In fact, it is to use thoughts to influence the hearts of others. This method that does not interfere with specific objects and only affects people's hearts seems to be Qiu Yan's past life hypnosis. The technique was presented in a concrete way, so the Confucian scholars did not feel it was out of the ordinary.

Qiu Yanyou looked around and caught some connections between the figures. As he stopped writing and stood up, the mental projection naturally dispersed, but the previous spread had planted a seed in the hearts of these people. It was foreseeable In the future, after time has passed, some of these seeds may wither, but some will bloom and bear fruit.

"The way of humanity has no fixed roots, let alone limits. It is broader than the way of gods. It should be my way."

After thinking about it, Qiu Yan changed his mind and gathered back the literary thoughts that were scattered outside.

Suddenly, the thoughts scattered everywhere quickly returned, and even the slightest bit of consciousness that felt the power of order gathered around, and the imagined ancient scene began to collapse.

"Huh?" Han Yi and others noticed immediately and felt a sense of urgency.

At the same time, Han Weier also came back to her senses. She was also affected by Qiu Yan's mental projection. Because of the different things she had learned, she felt more deeply about the lives of millions of people, so she immersed herself in it. At this time, she glanced at Qiu Yan and realized that The person's face looked slightly pale, and he noticed the demeanor of the people around him. He knew what was going on and took two steps forward.

Arriving in front of Qiu Yan, Han Weier smiled, took out a palm-sized box from her sleeve, and handed it over: "Brother Qiu, it's my fault that you got into trouble this time because of the little woman's words. Canglong Dan will make an apology."

"Canglong Pill?" Qiu Yan's nose moved. Even though he was separated from the box, he still smelled a strong smell of Qi and blood. He was refreshed and knew that it was related to fate cultivation.

"Yes." Han Weier said calmly: "This pill is made from the flesh and blood of the East China Sea dragon, supplemented by many precious medicinal materials. Swallowing one pill when you break through the realm of life cultivation can increase your chance of winning by 30%!"

Aolong is called dragon, but it is not a species of dragon, but a kind of big fish that lives in the deep sea. It has fins, looks like a turtle, and has armor on its body. It is said that it is the descendant of an ancient alien species. It is very ferocious. Qiu Yan has read the description in a book. , it is said that this fish can swallow tigers and leopards, and has a long lifespan. It is born with the method of practicing Qi, and can breathe and swallow it. The flesh and blood it eats will be beaten into Qi and blood.

The adult Ao Long has a strong body of Qi and blood, which is beyond human imagination. Even a fourth-level fate monk may not be able to defeat him based on the total amount of Qi and blood alone.

This information flashed through his mind, but Qiu Yan had no intention of taking it. Instead, he asked: "This elixir is made from the flesh and blood of the Aolong. I wonder if he hunted the Aolong or just got the flesh and blood?"

"This is not something a little girl can know. I only have elixirs, but I don't have the ability to subdue a dragon." Han Weier chuckled, "Brother Qiu, why don't you accept it?"

Looking at Han Weier's fair face, Qiu Yan shook his head: "The strange treasure touches people's hearts. You come up with it to apologize. It can be seen that the original words were not accidental, but intentional. First, Qiu was pushed into trouble, and then he took out the apology." The treasure comes to make up for it, and it comes and goes, playing with people's hearts, and there must be a plan, but..."

Speaking of this, a bright light flashed in his eyes: "Qiu will not accept this favor. You have chosen the wrong person to play tricks on! Since you are a woman, I also have friendship with Mr. Han Xiangguo, so I will let you go." This time, we are clean between you and me. If we do it again in the future, don’t blame Qiu for being ruthless! As for the three magic weapons, I will return them someday!”

Qiu Yan's voice was low-pitched and slow, but every word was like a sharp thorn, piercing into Han Weier's ears and heart, making her smile fade. She could not find any accommodation and kindness in Qiu Yan's words. It means to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade.

After saying this, Qiu Yan ignored Han Weier, turned around and walked to Gao Song.

Gao Song was recalling the mental projection just now, and felt that it was closely related to what he had learned, and seemed to be able to explore the original meaning of "ritual". However, when he saw Qiu Yan approaching, he immediately restrained his thoughts, greeted him, and called "Master" with his attitude. Respectfully.

"Brother Gao, you don't have to be so polite. If you think Qiu is distasteful, you and I can make friends and call Qiu 'Shen Zhi'."

"I don't dare, I don't dare." Gao Song took advantage of the situation and said a few words of humility, but in the end he went with the flow.

Qiu Yan said casually: "Qiu has something to do and has to leave first. However, there are elders present at today's grand gathering. It would be rude to say goodbye without saying goodbye. Please ask Brother Gao to speak to Han Yi, Mr. Xiao Chen and others for me later." , please forgive me.”

"Shen Zhi has to leave before the evaluation has started. It would be a pity to miss this opportunity." Gao Song gave advice.

"The matter is really urgent and I have to go."

Seeing Qiu Yan's insistence, Gao Song had no choice but to say: "In that case, I will pass on a message for Brother Qiu."

Thinking about it in Gao Song, although Qiu Yan was talented and even impressed him, and he had some reputation in Dongdu, he was not the protagonist today after all. Even if he left, it would not have much impact. However, he did not know that Qiu Yan was sent this time. An article is currently placed in the critique room.

After the two of them finished talking, Qiu Yan went straight out of Wenxuan Building without stopping.

Seeing Qiu Yan's leaving figure, everyone in the room had different thoughts, and most of them breathed a sigh of relief.

This sight made Han Weier find it interesting.

"Just now I called out Qiu Yan's identity. In their hearts, these people all wanted to use Qiu Yan as a stepping stone. They wanted to step on him to become famous and play chess with him one after another. It has only been a while now, and they have already developed fear. My heart, this Qiu Yanguo is not simple. It's just that I acted recklessly this time and offended him. I don't know how to make up for it. It would be bad if I missed my father's great cause, huh?"

Thinking about the chess game in her mind, Han Weier settled her thoughts, her eyes subconsciously fell on the chessboard, and suddenly she saw the words on the chessboard grid. Scanning the article, she immediately felt the artistic conception like the wind, blowing on her face, and her heart One jump!


The next moment, Han Weier took three steps and two steps at a time, came to the edge of the chessboard, looked at it intently, and her expression suddenly changed.

"I was only focused on feeling the artistic conception of the article and the projection of my mind, but I didn't notice that Qiu Yan wrote a cursive script and left such an article on the chessboard! This article..."

A drop of sweat dripped from her forehead. Looking at the article on the chessboard, Han Weier's flesh and blood all over her body was agitated. The strength was flowing under her skin, her big muscles were bouncing, and the article was flowing in her heart. Her energy and spirit were instantly condensed, her perception was improved, her thoughts were clear, and she was thinking in her heart. Several problems were solved!

"Good guy! Although I knew that Qiu Yan was extraordinary in literary talent and had followed the path of life, I never expected that he was about to integrate the path of life into his pen and ink! In this article, the words are "life cultivation body". The rhyme is the sound of shock. The whole text has a lofty intention and a unique path. Three paths are gathered together on a chessboard. Just a glance at it has many effects. It can be a secret book for life, it can induce souls to leave the body, and more Being able to work together to understand one's intentions and refine one's literary skills..."

As she thought about it, Han Weier's expression changed several times.

"Yes, this review is an opportunity. All the great Confucian scholars gathered together, and Wenxuan Building is a place of literary excellence, and the literary thoughts of the scholars inside and outside the building are wandering. It can be said that the right time and place, the right person, and the coincidence of Qiu Yan's heart. I feel that an article like this was created only once and for all, and I’m afraid that if he were to write it again, he might not be able to write the same article!”

As soon as she thought about it, she realized that this article was precious. She finally couldn't calm down and reached out to grab it. But with this movement, three more hands suddenly appeared on the chessboard, each grabbing a corner.

"Huh?" Han Weier was startled. She looked up and found that while she was thinking, two other people noticed the abnormality of the chessboard and reached out to take it, including Gao Song from Chongli Academy!

"You two..." Han Weier pursed her lips and smiled, but a cold look flashed in her eyes, "Qiu Yan and I even became good friends. He left in a hurry and forgot to pack the calligraphy treasure. I should put it away and hand it over later." (Unfinished) To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!)

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