Dao Fruit

Main text Chapter 428: Fight

"That's wrong!"

Gao Song glanced at Han Weier and said in a neither condescending nor condescending way: "Mr. Han, your coming this time is not in line with etiquette. The person you called Shen Zhi just now was full of malice. I think Shen Zhi's attitude towards you is not that of a good friend. You Why tell these lies? Let it go quickly to avoid stepping down."

As soon as Qiu Yan left, Gao Song's demeanor immediately returned and he once again became the flagship figure of Chongli Academy.

He naturally knew Han Weier's identity. The phrase "Mr. Han" was the name Han Weier used when she was disguising herself as a man. Now that she was called out by Gao Song, there was a hint of threat.

This is normal. A lot of things happened just now. Gao Song was instructed by Qiu Yan, and he felt respectful. It was like being taught by a teacher when he was studying. Of course, he had to be respectful. This was respect for Qiu Yan, and even more respect for Qiu Yan. Respect for speaking knowledge.

As soon as Qiu Yan left, the room was full of people. They were either disciples from other academies or scattered scholars. They were all potential competitors of Gao Song. They may not be as knowledgeable as him, so how could they lower their profile?

In the midst of emotion, he turned back to look at the chessboard. He wanted to recall the previous scene and straighten out his thoughts, but unexpectedly he noticed the article on the chessboard. With just one glance, his thoughts were calmed down, and his slightly turbulent state of mind returned to normal.

So how could he not see the value of this article on the board? He immediately wanted to snatch it, and he wanted to get the article in his hand before others found it. He would tell Qiu Yan afterwards and try to get it back to Chongli Academy.

In fact, he and Han Weier had similar guesses. They both believed that Qiu Yan's article was written by chance under the right time, place and people. Even if it wasn't, he didn't think that his friendship with Qiu Yan would allow him to write an article. , after all, not long ago, he and Qiu Yan had a conflict.

However, the more this happened, the more he couldn't let go of the article in front of him. Therefore, when he spoke, he used Qiu Yan's character "Shen Zhi" to address him, showing kindness and closeness. Invisibly, he wanted to distinguish his relationship with Qiu Yan. To get closer, at least to make others feel that he is close to Qiu Yan.

Facing Gao Song's threat, Han Weier's smile remained unchanged, but her eyes became colder. However, she did not fight back, but turned to look at the other person.

Now, three people reached out and each grabbed a corner of the chessboard. In addition to Han Weier and Gao Song, there was also a Confucian scholar.

Noticing Han Weier's movements, Gao Song also felt something and turned his head to look over.

The person in question has an ordinary face, an ordinary Confucian scholar. He is neither fat nor thin, neither tall nor short, and his face is neither handsome nor ugly. He is the kind of character who would not attract attention at all when placed in a crowd. .

However, it was such a person who reached out his hand at this time and competed for the same thing with the granddaughter of the Prime Minister and the leader of the younger generation of the academy. Even though he was stared at by the two people and shrouded in their aura, he still had no intention of backing down.

Things that others did not notice were noticed by this person, which shows his eyesight;

Faced with the silent threat of two extraordinary figures, he did not give in, which shows his courage.

"When did such a person appear in Dongdu? It's impossible for me not to have an impression." Gao Song stared at the man with an ordinary face. His thoughts were turning, but he did not look away. His cold gaze was intended to create pressure in the other person's heart.

He understood what Han Weier meant, which was to force this person back first, and then the two of them would fight over each other to avoid unnecessary complications. With their status and aura they had cultivated, he thought it would be unbearable for most people, but he did not expect that this sudden The man who appeared appeared to be unaware and grabbed a corner of the chessboard with no intention of letting go.

At this moment, Han Weier spoke——

"I didn't expect that a person like you would get involved in this criticism."

She smiled slightly and looked at the man: "You have a stiff expression on your face, the corners of your mouth are slightly crooked, and the tip of your nose is downturned. Are you wearing a human skin mask?"

"Oh?" After hearing this, Gao Song's heart moved. When he went to look again, he paid attention to several things mentioned in Han Weier's words, and sure enough he found something unnatural.

"This man really wears a human skin mask? But since he is here, why should he hide his identity?"

Wenxuan Criticism is an opportunity for the literary world. People who come here want to taste the atmosphere of scholarship on the one hand, and on the other hand they want to make a name for themselves. If you hide your head and show your tail, it is tantamount to running in the opposite direction.

"Wenxuan Criticism, although there is no limit to who can come, but at least they must have a certain degree of literary thought, otherwise they will be kicked out by the people in Wenxuan House if they can't even get in. But people who have achieved a little bit of literary thought are eager to be famous. How can you hide your identity in the world? The little girl is very curious. What is your origin?

Everyone has a literary mind, but if you want to enter Wenxuan, you need to have a little bit of literary talent.

Han Weier's words gave Gao Song some ideas, and his thoughts gradually opened up.

The actions of the three people could not escape the eyes of others and attracted a lot of attention. Then they discovered the wonder of the article on the chessboard.

For a while, many people started to think about it. You know, just taking a glance, reading a few sentences, and feeling the artistic conception of the article can suddenly open up your thoughts and solve your doubts. This effect is comparable to that of a famous teacher. For those who have not worshiped It has great appeal to the scholars who enter the academy.

However, those disciples of the academy are equally moved. The academy has been passed down for decades, hundreds, and thousands of years. Although its heritage is vast, there are so many people who worship it. How can there be guidance from famous teachers all the time?

Even though their hearts were moved, they did not step forward, but were prepared to wait and see - even if they were not afraid of Han Weier and Gao Song, they had to consider that after getting the chessboard article, they would become the target of public criticism.

"It's not good. It has attracted everyone's attention. However, I have the backing of the academy and I am not afraid of others getting entangled later. However, the matter must be settled as soon as possible, otherwise it will be difficult to handle it when you gentlemen come forward."

Gao Song was thinking about it, and at this moment...

"As expected of a descendant of Legalism, such a small thing cannot be hidden from your eyes." The ordinary-looking man suddenly said, "I really want to ask for advice and listen to the great Confucianism when I come here this time, but since After seeing this thing, even if it was exposed, I would not hesitate to expose it. Although Shilin is desirable, it is out of reach for me. In comparison, this chessboard is priceless. Both of them are people of status. , why fight with me? Just be generous and give it to me."

When he spoke, he felt as if his skin was moving, and his face seemed to be covered with a layer of wax. The words he spoke made Han Weier's heart skip a beat. She was about to respond, but she saw the man's sleeve move, and the other side of his empty sleeve moved. In one hand, there is an extra jade plaque with two seal characters written on it——


As soon as this token was placed, a mysterious aura immediately emitted. The eyes of Han Weier and Gao Song, who were very close at hand, jumped, catching a bit of familiar flavor from this strange aura.

"Sage spirit..."

Just when the two of them were surprised, they also realized that the situation was not good. They pulled hard and tried to snatch the chessboard away. But as soon as they moved their wrists, a sentence came out of the jade card in the hand of the man opposite -

"The flying ponchos are asking questions, but they are not the guest; the sparrows are gathering, and the Taoism is ignored."

There is no need to listen to unfounded remarks; pedestrians on the road disdain trivial matters such as the gathering of sparrows.

In an instant, the scene was distorted, and Han Weier and Gao Song felt strange in their hearts. They felt that they were like the rootless duckweeds and the chirping birds, insignificant, while the man with an ordinary face was like a pedestrian, just passing by. Doesn't stop.

Immediately afterwards, the man's figure became more blurry and transparent, and the chessboard he was pulling also moved with it, showing signs of disappearing.

Han Weier and Gao Song were anxious, and each mobilized a little bit of their incomplete spirit. The so-called incomplete spirit was the incomplete sage spirit.

However, these two incomplete spirits have one "skill" and one "sacrifice". Although they are mysterious, they are not the right medicine. Compared with the opponent's complete sage spirit, they immediately fall into a disadvantage.

Not long after, the power of order surged around and enveloped the man's figure. There was a "pop" sound, and the man and the chessboard disappeared.

Then the order disappeared and the surrounding distortions returned to normal, leaving only Han Weier with an angry face and Gao Song with an expressionless face.

"Who is this person! He actually pulled out his teeth!"

The people around were also frightened and began to speculate about the man's identity.

But soon, these people's eyes were attracted by a table, which was exactly the one where the chessboard was placed before.

"What's this!"

The tabletop is covered with ink stains horizontally and vertically, forming a chessboard shape. The grids on the chessboard are clear, and there are full-blooded words filling the grids.

Upon seeing this scene, Han Weier and Gao Song immediately came to their senses.

"The power of his pen penetrates three inches into the wood! Yes, Qiu Yan's power is clear and his pen has charm. It is natural for his words to fall through the cloth and onto the table!"

However, before the two of them could step forward, the table was already surrounded by people, and several Confucian scholars actually stepped forward to compete for it!


"Huh? There are fluctuations of the sage's spirit coming up from below!"

On the second floor of Wenxuan, during the review, Mr. Zhu felt a little disturbance downstairs, but no one paid attention to it. Everyone concentrated their minds and concentrated on experiencing the ancient scene.

As Qiu Yan gathered his thoughts, the scene was fragmented. If it were not maintained by their power of order, it would no longer exist. But even so, it has reached its limit now!

"This scene is too real. Where did Qiu Sheng see it from? Given his age, it is absolutely impossible for him to have such an insight. Even if he extrapolates from the book, there is no reason to re-invent the living environment and species changes. Build it out!”

The more the scholars realized, the more they gained, and the more doubtful they became. At this moment, a wave of spiritual waves full of the meaning of "walking" came over, pulling a force of order to vibrate. This shock is not a big deal. , broke the balance every time!

The ancient scene maintained by the power of order was suddenly shattered!

"Be bold!"

All the respected old men immediately became angry! (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)

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