Dao Fruit

Main text Chapter 574: Luck is as strong as a tree

The palace roared, and the sound shook the sky.

Each of the ministers had a little official aura rising from their bodies, rising far away, as ethereal as fog, and combining with the dragon aura.

The dragon aura entrenched in the imperial city was vast and long, as if it had never changed, but at this moment it seemed to have woken up from a big dream, and was faintly moving. A powerful idea was revealed from it, hidden but not released, and was sensed by Qiu Yan from a distance.

In addition, Qiu Yan was vaguely aware that around the dragon aura, there were tens of millions of people's wishes floating up and down, like clouds in the sky, slowly accumulating.

"This situation is somewhat similar to the scene when the wind and rain are about to come."

Qiu Yan's thoughts were quickly interrupted, but the surroundings suddenly became quiet.

The sound that was filled with various sounds and shook the four directions a moment ago suddenly disappeared, and the sound of rituals and music also stopped.

Emperor Li Kun looked down from a high place, swept his eyes, and fell on more than 300 Jinshi, and nodded slightly.

The process of this grand ceremony of announcing the imperial edicts did not need to be specifically instructed. It was a rule passed down from the ancestors. After the rituals and music stopped, a steward came with a list and waited in front of the emperor.

Another minister of rites came out and read the imperial edict.

Qiu Yan's eyes moved slightly, noticing that after the minister came out, his luck suddenly fluctuated and became stronger. When he started to write the imperial edict, his luck had reached its peak!

The manifestation of that luck was the official spirit, which condensed into a seal and carried a wisp of dragon spirit!

"So that's how it is. The officials of the dynasty ascended the throne by the emperor's order, which was equivalent to the emperor giving them an authority. Only by joining the dragon spirit system and occupying the orthodoxy can they hold their official positions and then control the fate of others. Speaking of which, this minister of rites was equivalent to the minister of education and foreign affairs in the previous life. The head of state was in charge, and such a person was the first to start. This shows the importance the dynasty attached to the imperial examinations."

Just as Qiu Yan was thinking, the minister of rites had already started to read the contents of the imperial edict, and the officials present were very familiar with them. It clearly stated the division of the three classes, and also stated the three grades, including Jinshi Jidi, Jinshi Chuan and Tong Jinshi Chuan.

So far, the position of Jinshi has been completely determined.

After the reading, Qiu Yan could clearly feel that the dragon energy was roaring, but this time it was not aimed at him alone. Instead, it was like a tide and waves, rising and falling on more than 300 people who passed the gold list, and slowly penetrated into them.

The next moment, the fate of the 300 people changed a little.

Through the order connection, Qiu Yan has discovered that what came with the dragon energy was a mellow and broad luck, like a thin needle pulling a silk thread, inserted into himself and other Jinshi bodies, shuttled through the flesh and blood, and finally connected with the soul and the golden elixir.

Immediately afterwards, there was a little more breath in his soul and elixir.

The soul turned, the golden elixir spun, and the breath gradually became clear, seemingly connected and not connected, like a prototype, with a kind of subtle power, adjusting the luck of the flesh and blood body.

Fortune, wealth, and longevity all changed accordingly.

"The dynasty's luck favors me? In this way, it makes my flesh and blood luck more surging, and even my fate has changed, and my future is bright..."

This time, the ceremony of announcing the names of the candidates was destined to make Qiu Yan experience a lot. While he was still thinking about the changes, the official who announced the names of the candidates had already started to call out the names!

The name was called out in order of rank, so at the beginning, Qiu Yan was called out as the first place in the first class. He was awarded the title of Jinshi Jidi, which is commonly known as the top scholar!

As soon as the name was announced, the embryonic form of luck in Qiu Yan's body changed rapidly as if stimulated, and then grew rapidly, like a seed, breaking out of the ground, integrating Qiu Yan's luck, and building a sapling, awakening his memory, and making him recall the scene of his previous life studying hard.

Qiu Yan watched coldly and did not intervene.

Then, the tree of luck broke out of his body!


The clouds of people's wishes accumulated at the edge of the dragon's energy shook, and the people's wishes dripped like raindrops, falling on Qiu Yan, making the tree of luck more lively and growing vigorously, faintly glowing with green leaves, stretching out, carrying rain and dew.

In an instant, a thought of being respected by the world rose from Qiu Yan's heart, and a series of pictures appeared in front of his eyes, which were the country and the people of the world.

This feeling was fleeting, giving people a sense of illusion, but with Qiu Yan's mental concentration, how could he be confused?

"Heavenly grace? This is what is called grace, right? Humanity has dragons, and the emperor is the head of the dragon. Leading the order of the world is the framework of humanity of the great Confucian scholars. There are advantages and disadvantages, but no matter what, it is impossible to break it down and rebuild it all at once. That must be a chaotic situation. Therefore, people in all generations will explore order and want to proceed step by step."

Feeling the growth and changes of the tree of luck, Qiu Yan was thoughtful.

"Now, my thoughts are attached to the origin of a military order, and I can understand the direction of exploring humanity, which makes me have new choices in the future. What I have to do next is to get familiar with the situation of humanity, start from small things, and continue to expand the influence..."

He pondered for a while and bowed.

Li Kun looked at Qiu Yan and nodded slightly. He finally chose Qiu Yan as the top scholar. This was out of his heart. Although he knew that the dynasty's luck would be shared with Qiu Yan, it was very likely that Qiu Yan would use it to improve his cultivation, but after seeing the scene of the dragon's energy that day, the Supreme Human Emperor had a new idea.

"In ancient times, wise rulers were always able to control capable ministers. I should take this as a lesson and not escape. After hundreds of years of imperial examinations, Qiu Yan is only the fifth person to pass the imperial examinations. Such a person..."

Noticing the emperor's gaze, some of the ministers looked different. I won't say much about the ministers in the front row. They all controlled their hearts and didn't show their emotions. Even if they wanted to, they wouldn't show it in front of the ministers.

Let's talk about the position behind the team. Pan Xiang and Tian Youqing stood in the middle. They looked at Qiu Yan with different expressions.

These two people were affected by the fraud case. One was reprimanded and the other was ordered to reflect on his mistakes behind closed doors. However, they would not miss such a grand event as the Announcing Ceremony, so they came to participate.

The position of the ministers was of course particular. In terms of seniority and official position, the people of the New Party had not been in the court for a long time, their seniority was still shallow, and their official positions were not high. However, they had real power. In this way, it was undoubtedly a situation that aroused jealousy, and it was not surprising that they were called lucky ones.

Due to their positions, Tian Youqing and Pan Xiang could clearly see Qiu Yan's expression. They watched him from beginning to end. There was no joy on his face and no excitement in his eyes. It seemed that the title of the top scholar could not shake his heart, let alone be taken seriously by him.

"This man is really dangerous!"

At this point, both of them were alert, and the reasons were different.

Because of what he had done before, Tian Youqing had completely made enemies with Qiu Yan. He thought that revealing that he had supernatural powers would ruin his future, but he did not expect Qiu Yan to be selected as the top scholar. He was inevitably terrified and felt that he could no longer accurately grasp the emperor's mind.

Now seeing Qiu Yan calm, knowing that he would be a great enemy in the future, he naturally had to cheer up.

As for Pan Xiang, he had another idea.

This time, he took advantage of the situation to cheat. His original intention was to calculate Tian Youqing. In the end, he had some gains, but he was also noticed by the emperor and reprimanded a few words. He pretended to be trembling with fear, but he was secretly happy in his heart. However, he thought that Qiu Yan did not know about these, so he did not list Qiu Yan as an enemy.

Speaking of which, this was not the first time he had met Qiu Yan. When they first met, Qiu Yan was not worthy of his position. Even if he had popularity among the people, he was limited to a small corner and could not be compared with a senior official like him.

Unexpectedly, not long after, the two met again in front of the Golden Palace. Pan Xiang returned with merit and his official position was stable, but he did not take the right path of the imperial examination. Without the qualifications of a Jinshi, many things would be hidden dangers.

In comparison, Qiu Yan was not only one of the three hundred Jinshi, but also the leader, winning the top position in one fell swoop! In terms of qualifications alone, he was no longer inferior to Pan Xiang. After a few years in the officialdom, he might have surpassed him!

This made Pan Xiang a little jealous.

The heart was reflected in the eyes. The thoughts in the hearts of the two changed their eyes. When they looked at Qiu Yan, Qiu Yan should have felt it, but the palace was an important place, the magical power retreated, and the senses of life cultivation were weakened to the extreme.

However, the hostility between the two people involved in the fight, secretly in line with the order of military strategists, and traced back to the source, it was passed to Qiu Yan's heart and was known by him.

"Be prepared for any eventuality. People who are close to me are hostile to me. The order is pulled, and I can know everything. It is really amazing. These two people may be the ones who have plotted against me recently. I just don't know if they are also the people in the Hanlin Academy."

Qiu Yan did not turn his head to look, but recognized Pan Xiang. As for Tian Youqing, it would take time to calculate and investigate.

On the other hand, after reporting Qiu Yan's name, the official kept saying one name after another, and the second place fell to Ye Yun. This Lingnan talent has extraordinary luck. He won the Jinshi and his luck is rising!

This is also the emperor's balance method. He chose Qiu Yan, and considering that Qiu Yan prefers the new law, he chose the conservative Ye Yun as the second place. Of course, there are many disputes involved.

However, for those who know Ye Yun's luck, this result is not surprising.

However, many people are unfamiliar with Li Le, who won the third place.

Li Le's essay was the one that Li Kun praised when grading the papers, saying that he used the method of strange soldiers and knew the danger inside.

As soon as the name came out, the dragon energy also descended, entwining the two people's bodies and nourishing their luck.

As the names were announced one by one, the luck rolled like waves, which made Qiu Yan quite curious and vaguely realized that there was a deep meaning hidden in it.

However, now he can only passively bear it and cannot explore it in depth. He has to wait until he ranks in the upper reaches one day before he can start.

After all the reports were completed, there was another round of thanks. The newly-minted Jinshi left the front of the hall under the guidance of umbrellas and music, and rode on horseback.

This is to go to the parade.

As soon as you leave the palace gate and cross the river bridge, you can see a crowd of people, and the people, merchants, and all kinds of people in the city lined the streets to watch.

Qiu Yan, the leader, rode a tall horse, dressed in a red robe, and looked very happy. When the horses' hooves went down the bridge, the people's wishes whistled, like a strong wind blowing in the face!

PS: Thanks to "Cambos", "Playing Down", and "Naihe Bridge Side" for the rewards!

Thanks to "Tianxiajian" for the monthly vote!

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