Dao Fruit

Main text Chapter 575 Mu Yuan's three transformations of karma


The golden list has been posted for a long time, which affects the hearts and minds of the people in the city. The announcement of the grand ceremony is gathering momentum, making the people's hearts strong.

When the Jinshi paraded through the streets in red, it finally ignited the flames in the hearts of the whole city.

At this moment, hundreds of thousands of people were willing to gather together. It was surging and direct, like a strong wind passing through. Qiu Yan was at the head of the team and bore the brunt. The people were willing to be blown over his body, but it did not bring a chill, but it felt like it penetrated through the skin and bones. Draw out some insights!

This feeling, like an electric shock, spread all over his body in an instant, and he felt it deeply. In Qiu Yan's consciousness, hundreds of thousands of faces condensed.

Looking at the faces and understanding the hearts, Qiu Yan saw different expressions and captured different thoughts from these faces, but there was no extraordinary aura about them.

These people do not practice Taoism and do not hold power. Their fate is attached to the dynasty and they follow the tide.

The feeling came and went quickly, but the surging popularity did not disappear. It passed by Qiu Yan and passed by more than 300 Jinshi.

Among these Jinshi, there are also those who have achieved cultivation, but most of them prefer the life path, and they are not in the soul refining realm. They are just building foundations. They are ordinary warriors and cannot see mysteries with their eyes.

Therefore, these people cannot clearly detect the people's wishes passing by like the wind, but it also arouses the instinct in their hearts. This is the instinct that has been engraved in the blood of the pioneers of the past generations through their principles and actions since the development of humanity.

At this moment, all three hundred Jinshi were trembling a little. Looking at the faces of the people along the way, they felt that they were being noticed and respected by others, and a sense of mission and responsibility arose spontaneously.

However, people's hearts are fickle, and this kind of feeling can only last for a moment and is covered up by everyone's thoughts and private thoughts. However, the feeling also turns into seeds and is buried in the heart.

After the people's wishes had passed, the parade also walked a long way. The number of people along the way increased instead of decreasing, and there were many children being led and held by their parents, pointing at the parade. Teach earnestly.

These people sitting on the horse today are their goals and the way to change their destiny.

With thousands of miles of rivers and mountains and billions of people, only three to four hundred people can get on the gold list every three years. What is the concept?

How can you not be envied by others? admire? Admire?

This is even more glorious than any superstar in Qiu Yan's previous life. Being famous in the world is only a matter of time!

In fact, when the list was posted, there were people who specially looked at the list and wrote down their place of origin, passed it back, and notified the ten officials in the world. It wouldn't take long. Qiu Yan's hometown will be decorated with lanterns and colorful decorations to celebrate the number one scholar falling into the Qiu family, and to announce the good news to Qiu Yan's relatives one by one!

This is the beginning of Guangzong Yaozu!

"In ancient society, the imperial examination was the first step towards advancement and the hope of the common people. Although in previous lives, many people pointed out the shortcomings of the imperial examination. They also listed the advantages of the Western countries. Unfortunately, most of these people only focused on ' "Knowing" but not knowing "doing", I didn't really understand it, I just took it for granted and applied it to the countries in the West, without asking whether it was true or false. "

Humanitarian development. After all, we have to discard backward things, but this discarding requires a prerequisite foundation, otherwise it will be a mechanical application. For Darui, the imperial examination is an ideal choice at this stage, and it cannot be because of the knowledge of outsiders. Just make it distorted, that would go against the trend.

In Qiu Yan's previous life, many people respected Taixi, which was almost a dogma. It has reached the point of distorting reality, ignoring history and reality, blindly flattering, and not even having the slightest respect for the history of its own country. It thinks that it is standing at the pinnacle of history, is well-informed, and has a thorough understanding of China and the West.

As everyone knows, after the collapse of the Carolingian dynasty in the West, it became common for all countries to build forts and block the way up and down. Until later, they could only change the soup without changing the medicine, using the method of killing three soldiers with two peaches to control the upper and lower.

When the ancient countries in the East used the imperial examination as a way to rise and change the fate of the common people, the farmers in the Western country still had to go through the days of nine people fighting and eight people building.

The noble ones will always be noble, while the humble ones will have descendants. There may be a few people who make a desperate move in exchange for a little merit, but if they die nine times out of ten and lose their lives, how can it be compared to failure?

In fact, due to the solidification of class, even bloodlines and family crests can be studied independently, and the inextricable connections between various families can be discovered. Instead of being ashamed, they are proud of it, and they want to imbue the world and make the world think they are noble.


Halfway through the parade, the violent wind of the people's wishes had passed, but there were still threads of connection entangled around Qiu Yan. He changed his mind, the origin of order resonated with his thoughts, and the people's wishes scattered everywhere quickly gathered together. , pour into his body!

"Nowadays in Da Rui, the aristocratic families still have a lingering influence and have many monopolies. Moreover, there is still extraordinary power in this world. The common people's lifelong wishes often seem insignificant in the face of extraordinary power."

At this moment, Qiu An recalled the panic that filled the city when Tang Lai came driving up the mountain in Wuxin City.

"In this world, there are only a few people who can get extraordinary opportunities and achieve success in cultivation. Most people have to live an ordinary life, but this kind of stability has to be threatened by many, so they will pray to God. , the existence of the dynasty seems to be to maintain the lives of ordinary mortals. After all, humans are not beasts. It is impossible to develop for thousands of years, and like beasts, weed out the weak and keep the strong, struggling all their lives just to survive. If so, over the thousands of years, Aren’t the pioneer’s explorations all a joke?”

The parade has reached the second half, running through the largest street in Xingjing and surrounding most of the city. Wherever it passes, the people's wishes are boiling, and even the city's will is affected and becomes more and more agitated.

It's no wonder that the will of this city is actually the combination of the thoughts of all beings, which will naturally be reflected as the people's hearts change.

However, this fluctuation also gave Qiu Yan, who was closely connected with the city's thoughts, an opportunity. The people's wishes that were infused into him were originally just passing through his soul, but the next moment his heart fire jumped up and spread out, like a city, encircling the land, and all the surging people's wishes were thrown into it.


With a light sound, the big horse under Qiu Yan neighed. If the horseman had not been quick-eyed and quick-handed to grab the reins, the front hooves would have been lifted off the ground!

Even so, he was still frightened and sweated. You must know that the person sitting on this horse is the new champion. In folk legends, it is the reincarnation of Wenquxing!

Isn't it a sin to startle the gods?

On the horse, after Qiu Yan accepted the people's wishes, his body became much heavier. Then he stretched out his hand and stroked the mane. The horse settled down and did not affect the parade.

Then. He frowned slightly, feeling the many wishes that were absorbed: "These wishes are different from those that were gathered because of reputation. They seem to have weight, but after absorbing them, they made my thoughts much clearer, and the connection with the military order has deepened a lot. I have a feeling that I will understand it. This should be the cultivation of reputation. It is no longer just to improve reputation, but to improve status and fate while becoming famous. This kind of wish can be officially called human reputation." Thinking of this, Qiu Yan's mind turned again, and four bookshelves appeared in his soul, which were classics, history, and collections. This is the root of supernatural power. The spirits of many saints inside are ready to move. They want to be in line with the human expectations that have gathered. "I experienced humanity and gained popularity because I wanted to explore the possibility of the way of God, not just for the sake of ideas. Those great scholars who explored the origin of order should also have goals and be able to gather popularity. They can understand people's thoughts and accomplish things, but they don't cultivate supernatural powers and have a limited lifespan. I don't know how much this wish can be achieved in a short life..." With popularity gathering around him, Qiu Yan's thoughts became clearer. He associated what he had seen along the way, sorted out a thread, and strung the clues together. He saw something in his eyes, but when he wanted to grasp it, the surrounding scenes appeared in his vision again. Without any regrets, Qiu Yan restrained his thoughts: "If you are poor, you should take care of yourself. If you are rich, you should help the world. With the help of others, you should give back. Every bite and every drink is a cause and effect. I have gained the help of others and experienced humanity. If I don't think about giving back, it means that I only care about myself. If I walk on the path of a cultivator, there will be deviations. This world has its own order. It may not be a good thing to only care about yourself."

In an instant, Qiu Yan's mind flashed the difference between the way of gods, the way of immortals, and the way of humanity. With the help of many people's wishes, he gradually realized it.

"Some people regard their own transcendence as the highest and seek the way with piety, but everyone has their own ambitions. Some people seek to benefit the world. It is difficult to say right or wrong, and they are incompatible with each other. The ever-changing human nature cannot be understood without really going through it, just looking down from a high place."

After the thought fell, Qiu Yan let out a long breath, his body turned light, and a smile appeared on his face, as if he had unloaded a burden.

The next moment, the cause and effect of the ambition entangled in his body collapsed!

The cause and effect fragments merged into the soul and the golden elixir, triggering a sage spirit, which was the "right time, right place, and right people". The spirit rushed and merged into the heart fire, and then a divine consciousness roared out!

Immediately afterwards, in the soul, the three shadows of the crow, the goat, and the silver wolf turned over. The crow led the fortune, the goat offered a remote sacrifice, and the silver wolf turned into a bright moon to illuminate its soul.

After three consecutive returns, the yang energy in the soul became more and more intense!

"I will fulfill the wish of my previous life, both for you and for me." With a low voice, the people's wishes in Qiu Yan's soul collapsed. He grabbed it with his hand and held a thin thread in the scattered people's wishes!

His hand was like a clamp, and the root of his finger did not move.


In the crisp sound, a little incense wish was pulled out, which was full of yearning and longing for Wenquxing!

"A great god, in charge of the splendid literary thoughts, but secretly stealing the wishes of the people, how lamentable! How pathetic!"

After the words fell, the incense burst into pieces!


In the sky, the starry sky is boundless, and there is a Wenyuan Pavilion floating on the star. The pavilion is full of books, and there is a stream flowing between the bookshelves. On the rocks in the stream, there is a man kneeling, wearing a high crown and moth belt, a wide sleeve robe, a beard hanging down to his chest and abdomen, a handsome face, holding a bamboo slip, and reading loudly.

Suddenly, the sound of reading stopped abruptly, and it returned to normal after a long time.

However, there was a little more light in the starry sky, flying like a meteor, heading straight to the east.


In Xingjing City, it was daytime, but suddenly the sky flashed with stars, and a beam of light fell from the sky, covering Qiu Yan who was riding a horse across the street!

Seeing this scene, many Jinshi behind were stunned for a moment.

"Another vision? Since when have visions become so worthless?" Ye Yun, who was standing by, widened his eyes and couldn't help muttering.

PS: Thanks to "oriental character", "adventurer*tianyun", "the opponent's dead man", and "龙★帝" for their monthly votes!

Thanks to "Chop him with a knife" for the reward!

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