Dao Fruit

Main text Chapter 690 Heart fire controls chaos and divides order and perseverance

As soon as the fire appeared, it pulled several books and shadows over and turned them into a little light.

The next moment, the snow-white grass seemed to be affected by this handful of flames, gradually changing, and the entire scene seemed to be reflected on the water, with ripples.

The fall of the four classics into the fire did not cause much change in the projection of the humanistic fire, but in the depths of the flames, a military scene was cultivated. This scene was not unchanged, but was divided into two parts, one part was orderly and the other was crazy. Wild and wanton.

Slowly, the order side became clearer and clearer, converging into a land of mountains and rivers, while the wild side became increasingly chaotic, revealing a vast grassland.

In it, the spirit and concepts of Donghua Mainland slowly appeared in the mountains and rivers, turning into hard-working and intelligent figures, each fulfilling his own position;

On the other side, the spirit and concept of Zhou Rao Yizhou also gradually appeared in the grassland, transforming into a brave and capable herder, herding and hunting.

Two continents, two landscapes, two concepts, are slowly coming together. Even though they are in opposition, there is an internal logic and external framework that can unify them!

"I didn't expect that during this trip to the grassland, I would have this opportunity. I would use this act of herding wolves to completely localize Zhou Rao's concept. After cultivating it for a while, I could transfer it back to the spirit body as the final sprint. Determine the trend! ”

Thinking of this, Qiu Yan's Yin spirit grabbed the air, and a hole opened in the void. Misty, changing light and shadow were revealed, and two tall towers stood impressively inside.

"This opportunity is rare. With this help, you might as well try your best again!"

Opposite, the old man's figure became increasingly dim. When he saw the humanistic fire projection, he showed a surprised look, but he quickly saw clearly and nodded lightly. At this time, I saw the Twin Towers of the Cleft again, and my heart moved.

"I made a mistake this time. I thought that the person who came here was the same as before, and he was also a scholar. I didn't expect that he was not only a scholar, but also a military strategist. This is to lead the army with Confucianism, good, good! Fire reflects the world, fierce fire cooks oil, this person has mountains, rivers and the country in his heart!"

There was surprise in his eyes.

"He discovered the profound meaning in the prairie wolf. He is about to build the foundation and prototype of his own order. Such an achievement, no matter what age, can be called a human hero, a rare encounter in a hundred years! But there is an invisible hand behind the prairie. There is such a person in the Central Plains, how can he be exposed in advance and help him?" At this moment, the old man's senses towards Qiu Yan. It has completely changed.

After the thought fell, he turned around and his whole body turned into a ray of light and flew straight into the air. It spread out and turned into a curtain of light, covering all directions.

Below, the two towers in the gap fell. The projection that penetrated directly into the human heart fell on the mountains, rivers and grasslands.

As soon as it hit the ground, it took root immediately. Then there were changes, and strange laws spread at the bottom of the tower, gradually opening up a plain between the grassland and the mountains and rivers——

The appearance of this plain is similar to that of the vanished military world.

After doing this, even Qiu Yan's Yin spirit felt a little erratic and fuzzy, which was a sign of mental exhaustion.

However, with the projection of humanistic fire, the Yin spirit was regained, this vague feeling was swept away, the energy was restored, and the radiance released became stronger and brighter!

At the same time, he also discovered the light curtain covering it. His heart moved and he guessed the reason, so he asked aloud: "Please tell Mr. Su, what is the identity of the black hand hidden behind the grassland?"

The old man's voice came from the sky——

"No nomination is allowed, and no nomination is necessary. The black hand behind the grassland is not just one, but a place for all parties to compete. The purpose is to point the sword at the Central Plains. It cannot be underestimated..."

As the voice fell, the light curtain shrank and transformed into his body again, but most of his body was already transparent. At first glance, it seemed as if his upper body was floating in mid-air.

Seeing this scene, Qiu Yan was not surprised. In fact, at the beginning of the meeting, he noticed that although there was a strong incense and people were willing to condense the grasslands and wild wolves, the old man in front of him was not far away at all. Contamination, on the contrary, relies on a little bit of pure spirit that has settled to condense the body.

As time goes by, this spirit becomes thinner and thinner, and its body gradually becomes transparent. This is why the old man said "time is running out."

However, this thinness is not static. If it settles for a while, the most pure and pure spirit can be slowly extracted from the people's wishes and replenished, but the time spent is also amazing. After this incident, the next time the old man appears, it will be many years later.

On the other side, after hearing the answer, Qiu Yan recalled the strange will behind King Zuo Xian when he beheaded him, and he was thoughtful.

"There is not just one person behind the prairie. Speaking of it, the will behind King Zuo Xian also mentioned chess games and games. Isn't it just a game? If this is true, then the situation behind the Rouluo people may not be simple. King Zuo Xian is just It represents one force. Could it be that other forces are also hiding in Rouluo, or controlling other tribes? I wonder if there is a force behind the rise and growth of the Sanshui Tribe? "

As he thought about it, the moment when the book was written flashed through his heart again, and his consciousness was pulled to take off. He saw the chaotic thunder and lightning, the water prison, and the people trapped in the water prison.

Of course, the most unforgettable thing was the light in those eyes. It was that light that allowed him to gain the second power of order!

However, Qiu Yan's memory was broken the next moment, but the old man raised his hand and a broad and heavy aura enveloped him!

When Qiu Yan saw this, his heart suddenly shook. The whole Yin spirit was beating and cheering, and an instinctive sense of anticipation burst out from the bottom of his heart!

This instinct is extremely strong, vaguely related to the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and even his mind is affected. With Qiu Yan's will and cultivation, he almost can't control it.

But when he calmed down and settled his thoughts again, a ray of light fell straight from the sky and hit the soul and Yinling. He couldn't even block it!

Of course, there was no need for him to block it. Although the aura in this light was slightly different, Qiu Yan found many familiar places in it. These places were similar to the defensive order and offensive order——

This is clearly a humane order!

As soon as the order enters the soul, it evolves. Each word changes and evolves, and a little bit of spirit and artistic conception emerges, some of which are good and bad, some rise and fall...

Wealth cannot be lascivious, poverty cannot be moved, power cannot be surrendered...

When Heaven is about to entrust this person with a great responsibility, he must first strain his mind, strain his muscles and bones, starve his body and skin, and achieve what he cannot achieve...

Human beings have no permanence and cannot be witch doctors...

If you don’t persevere in your virtue, you may be ashamed of it...

Sentence by sentence, they are all words from classics. Each sentence is a small statement of great meaning. It represents a principle of human nature and shows a little bit of the quality of life. Readers need to concentrate on pondering and studying every day to know the true meaning. Rather than just superficial meaning on paper.

However, at this moment, these sentences that emerged from the brilliance did not require Qiu Yan to deliberately figure out and understand them. The sentences themselves were conveying information and spirit, constantly penetrating into his heart. Explain your own meaning completely and completely.

Not only that, the sentences that penetrated into the bottom of my heart were constantly changing, and they slowly evolved into scenes, which appropriately and concretely showed the performance and value of the sentences in reality——

Any truth, once separated from others, is just a castle in the air. It can only be used by nobles and cannot spread to common people. Then such truth can only be spread among the upper class. In the end, it is likely to sink into history with the collapse of a country and its main body. After hundreds or thousands of years, it may still be dug out and exposed to the light of day, but its nature will inevitably change by then.

Gradually, gradually, the light, shadow, and sentences became more concise and pure, and finally condensed into two words - "constant" and "firm".

Persistence is perseverance, perseverance is steadfastness.

Then it turned into two beating powers of order.

Two orders!

The scene just now clearly showed in Qiu Yan's heart the various principles and sentences contained in these two orders, as well as the summary, description, and elaboration of the order itself by the sages, great Confucians, and masters of the past. Come out and demonstrate it from easy to deep!

It is as if from ancient times to the present, more than a dozen sages and great Confucians have taught Qiu Yan step by step, broadened his horizons, and enlightened his wisdom. They did not instill forceful indoctrination, but combined things around him, practiced them personally, and Qiu Yan himself The accumulated knowledge and knowledge made him feel as if he had met a master in an instant. He was able to fully understand the sentences and the principles within them, and it also allowed him to go from beginner to proficient in the meanings represented by these two orders!

Immediately afterwards, the two orders quickly merged into the soul and merged with the mind.

The next moment, Qiu Yan sensed from a distance that between heaven and earth, the power of the two orders of good and evil spread across the world. They were either positive or negative, changing endlessly, but every change was in his heart. Reflect a thought.

Think in order!

In this short period of time, Qiu Yan actually received the blessing of two more powers of order. The difference from before was that this time he received two orders with Confucianism as the core!

In this way, combined with the two military orders, the order controlled and mobilized by Qiu Yan increased to four.

Moreover, unlike the military order, these two orders allowed Qiu Yan to undergo a spiritual baptism at the same time, activating the knowledge he had accumulated and truly gaining the true meaning of order!

After all, Qiu Yan's flesh and blood body has been immersed in Confucian classics for many years. When integrating the military order, there will inevitably be omissions and omissions. It will take time to understand later, but these two Confucian spirits have penetrated deep into his heart at once, and he has achieved perfection. !

"There are actually two orders..." After the change in his soul was over, Qiu Yan's shaking mind calmed down again. He looked forward and saw a smiling face that was slowly disappearing.

"Before order is established, the foundation of life must not leave Donghua!" (To be continued...)

ps: Thanks to "Jam Eater" for the tip!

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