Dao Fruit

Text Chapter 691 Staff in the Stone, Colorful Light!

Leaving behind this sentence, the figure of the old man completely disappeared, and no breath or scene came over.

Seeing this scene, Qiu Yan was moved, a little grateful and respectful, but not surprised.

The figure revealed by the old man was originally the condensation of spirit. After appearing, he said some words and revealed a lot of truths. It was only a matter of time before he disappeared with constant consumption.

Now, he was shocked by the strength and qualifications revealed by Qiu Yan, and found a little clue. He did not hesitate to spend more thoughts to reveal the two orders that matched his own, and put them into Qiu Yan's heart. He worked hard to show the changes in Qiu Yan's heart, mobilize Qiu Yan's own knowledge, and let him integrate it.

This process consumes a lot of mental and spiritual energy. If there were no incense and people's wishes around, it could also be transformed into a scene of order to supplement it to a certain extent. I am afraid that it would not be able to support Qiu Yan to understand the deep meaning, and he would disappear first.

Even so, after doing all this, he still found it difficult to continue to support it, and only reluctantly left a warning.

In sharp contrast, there was the heroic man trapped in the water prison. He left the light in his heart as a guide to help Qiu Yan to combine the offensive order. He did not mobilize the heaven and earth, but borrowed a part of the power of order locked in Zuo Xian Wang's body. The power of order was just pulled by the great power when the "control" book was condensed, and contacted with Qiu Yan's consciousness, and then followed the light to pull, and then combined with Qiu Yan's consciousness.

However, it was not easy to achieve this step. The man was in the water prison, and he was determined not to think about guiding Qiu Yan to understand the deep meaning of the order. Therefore, although Qiu Yan could mobilize the offensive order, he was still lacking in detail, and he had to rely on his daily comprehension to slowly supplement and perfect it.

"However, entrusting these two orders to me at least shows that the old gentleman is not simply a re-consciousness, and the relationship with the original body is not as simple as two independent individuals, otherwise this order will not be easily mobilized..."

The feeling in his heart gradually subsided, but Qiu Yan's thoughts did not interrupt. On the one hand, he was immersed in the changes of the two orders, but part of his thoughts were detached and he was thinking calmly.

"Entrusting these two orders to me must have a deep meaning. From the previous situation, the old gentleman did not have this plan. It was me who showed the changes of several classics and finally triggered the projection of the humanistic fire that made him change his mind!"

The classics were written by Qiu Yan. Although the originals remained in the world, there was still spiritual brilliance in the heart of the soul. In terms of aura and ability, it was equivalent to the original. In addition, there was another characteristic. It can gather people's thoughts--

This human thought is not the general public's popularity, but a more complex mixture, which is composed of the desire, ambition, and longing of the people in the world for the original.

The section of "Wu Jing Zong Yao". From the time the book was completed to now, it has only been a few days, and many people have gathered their thoughts, turning the original light in their hearts into an illusory book. However, the main source of their thoughts is not the yearning of those who study - most of these people are mortals. They don't know the news of the classics, and the people who really gathered are mixed with the breath of cultivation.

This is the thought of the cultivator.

The cultivator practiced, perfected himself, and gradually separated from the outside world, isolated from the inside and the outside. In the end, not to mention the breath and thoughts, even the cause and effect, and luck are separated from the outside world.

However, those who can do this are cultivators with deep cultivation. After all, there are a few. There are still a large number of cultivators who not only can't do it, but also have no awareness of this aspect. They are often confused by one or two exercises, one or two magic weapons, one or two pills and other external objects, and entrust their minds and minds to form cause and effect.

This gathered thought is just like this. Although it is not deep enough, it can be gathered in just a few days, which shows the future prospects. This is also the result of the Taoist's magical power to transmit information, which is a result of accidental combination.

That day, Xiao Lan's two priests were ordered to go north. When they found Qiu Yan forging the classics, they also went there. However, before they arrived, Qiu Yan had already left. Instead, the priests of the Governor's Office, led by Shi Gong, fought with the grassland monks.

The grassland lost the three saints of Rou Luo, but there were still others in the cultivation world. They were in a close battle with the priests of the Governor's Office. How could Xiao Lan's two priests be willing to wade into the muddy water? Naturally, they stopped, but passed the news back to the sect. The sect had leaked something, and it didn't take long for it to spread to several sects, which led to the scene of Li Kun sighing that the sect had come out of retreat a few days ago.

It can be seen that the classics are precious, no wonder the old man changed his mind.

However, in addition to this, there is also the projection of the humanistic fire, which is also extraordinary.

The humanistic fire was once divided into two parts. One part resided in the flesh and blood body, nourishing humanity. Not long ago, it was taken back to the divine body to deal with the surrounding situation. However, the flesh and blood body and the divine body are two sides of the same coin, with the same consciousness. They are separated by the starry sky and live in two continents, and they have not changed. After nourishing the humanistic fire, there has been a little change in the flesh and blood body, which can be used as a basis to project the fire.

This humanistic fire has been extraordinary since its birth. It is a mixture of a little remnant of the ancient gods and the perception of the sages on fire. After that, Qiu Yan traveled around the world to understand humanity, from the people to Confucianism, from learning to officialdom, and finally to the order of military strategists, into the grassland, to the ice field, with rich experience, and supplemented by the thoughts of the believers in the divine body. From the swamp people in southern Xinjiang, to the people of Jiannan, and the tribesmen in the land of remnants, the perceptions gathered together to support the prototype and framework of the humanistic divine way.

The core of this framework is the human fire, like the core talisman of the gods, which records complex and changing information. The old man knew it was powerful when he saw it, and even vaguely speculated on the future possibilities. He knew that it was a direction and breakthrough for humanity, and he only temporarily If you are determined, you will not hesitate to interrupt what you are doing, but you must also exhaust your energy, mobilize order, entrust Qiu Yan, and place high hopes on him!

The old man turned around and left before. He had other things to do. Although he had accumulated a little energy in the stone statue, it also had limitations. Only someone like Qiu Yan, who could touch and enter the illusory scene, appeared. Regain a little autonomy.

Now that his energy has been exhausted, there is naturally no trace of him anymore. It will take several more years of accumulation before he can regain his physical shape. As for other things, don't think about being able to do them. This is why he disappeared and never heard anything again. for the sake of.

Regarding these, Qiu Yan thought about it for a while and understood the general idea. It was inevitable that he would sigh with emotion and express his kindness a few times.

However, on the other hand, he was also very concerned about the words the old man left behind before he disappeared——

"Before order is established, the foundation of life must not leave Donghua!"

When this sentence is read together, it conveys the meaning of warning and warning. But when viewed separately, there is indeed a lot of hidden information. On the surface, it can be divided into three parts -

Among them, "the foundation of life" is the easiest to understand. Nature is the soul and life is the body. Confucianism does not talk about cultivation, but it also talks about cultivating one's moral character. This foundation of life refers to intelligence and destiny.

Intellectual nature and destiny, one outside and the other inside, constitute a human being, which refers to Qiu Yan himself, which means that he cannot leave Buzhou easily.

In addition, "Before the Order" is the first part.

"Order should refer to the power of order of the humane order. However, the word 'birth' has a profound meaning. I don't know what it refers to. Could it be that this order can also breed and give birth to people like humans? And this sentence is also the premise, combined with Judging from the "Leaving Donghua" in the third part, it obviously means that after order is established, I can leave, but..."

"The strange thing is here. The essence of life is human. Based on what the old gentleman meant, he should be referring to people who study for learning. Such people do not have the magical power to cross the star sea. Even if they can mobilize the power of order, How is it possible to leave Buzhou? What reason is there to leave?”

"There must be some secret hidden in this. It may be related to the game behind the grassland. It may even be related to the general trend of the world, or it may be more than that..."

Thinking about it, Qiu Yan looked up at the sky. The surrounding scenery of the snowy grassland was dissipating. The wild wolves were also whimpering and howling, slowly disappearing. The various messages conveyed in them had already disappeared long before the old man disappeared. The time has been interrupted.

After all the scenes dissipated, Qiu Yan's ghost sank downwards and returned to his flesh and blood body. The people around him were still doing the previous actions——

Although many things happened, Qiu Yan moved as a ghost, and the frequency of his movements was as fast as his thoughts. After entering the scene of the snow-white grassland, what he experienced seemed to be a long time, but in fact it was only a moment in reality.

But this one is completely different. Mastering the two Confucian orders will cause an uproar after he returns to the court.

However, let’s not go into further details. Even now, there are changes happening——


There was a crisp sound, and Meng Qingbin, Sanshui Laohan and others who were in the front looked at the sound, and then their eyes widened, staring at the scepter in the hand of Su Gong's stone statue.

This scepter is actually made of rock, and its surface is covered with a layer of ice crystals. Now, cracks are showing on the surface, and they are spreading rapidly!

Not only did cracks appear in the ice crystal layer, but even the scepter stone sculpture inside showed signs of being broken!

"What's going on?"

The people who reacted most violently were not Meng Qingbin and other envoys from the Central Plains, but the old Khan of Sanshui and a certain kind of noble!

Everyone in the clan was frightened by Qiu's words and lost all courage. A few years later, the idiom "Qiu Ru Sanshui" was even born because of this, which means to subdue an organization or subject with one person's power. Shock.

Seeing Qiu Yan showing respect for the stone statue, the Sanshui nobles did not dare to be disrespectful at all. They were trembling with fear, fearing that they would offend Qiu Yan by mistake. Their hearts tightened. They did not expect that something unexpected would happen, and they naturally reacted violently. .

Amidst several exclamations, the stone statue of Su Gong was intact, but the staff part in his hand was shattered. A wooden staff flew out from it and pointed directly at Qiu Yan. The color changes.

But Qiu Yan only raised his hand to grab it, and held the staff in his hand. Then, the top of the staff bloomed with seven-color light, shining all around.

At this moment, everyone’s expression changed among the envoys from the Central Plains! (To be continued...)

ps: Thanks to "Origin Monkey King" and "Playing Dropdown" for the reward!

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